official website (P856)

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URL of the official page of an item (current or former). Usage: If a listed URL no longer points to the official website, do not remove it, but see the "Hijacked or dead websites" section of the Talk page
  • site
  • web address
  • home page
  • homepage
  • official page
  • official web site
  • website (official)
  • web site
  • official URL
  • home page (official)
  • official site
  • website
  • URL (official)
  • homepage (official)
  • official homepage
  • www site (official)
  • site official
  • website official
  • site (official)
  • URL
  • URL official
  • personal website
Language Label Description Also known as
official website
URL of the official page of an item (current or former). Usage: If a listed URL no longer points to the official website, do not remove it, but see the "Hijacked or dead websites" section of the Talk page
  • site
  • web address
  • home page
  • homepage
  • official page
  • official web site
  • website (official)
  • web site
  • official URL
  • home page (official)
  • official site
  • website
  • URL (official)
  • homepage (official)
  • official homepage
  • www site (official)
  • site official
  • website official
  • site (official)
  • URL
  • URL official
  • personal website

Data type



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If an official homepage changes, add an additional statement with preferred rank. Do not remove the former URL. (English)
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Pour les sites WMF actifs, veuillez utiliser P4174. Si une page d'accueil officielle change, ajoutez une déclaration supplémentaire avec le rang préféré. Ne supprimez pas l'ancienne URL. (French)
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对于活动的 WMF 站点,请使用 P4174。 如果官方主页发生变化,请添加具有首选排名的附加声明。 不要删除以前的 URL。 (Simplified Chinese)
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Для активних сайтів WMF використовуйте P4174. Якщо офіційна домашня сторінка змінюється, додайте додаткову заяву з бажаним рангом. Не видаляйте попередню URL -адресу. (Ukrainian)
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활성 WMF 사이트의 경우 P4174를 사용하십시오. 공식 홈페이지가 변경되면 선호 순위와 함께 추가 설명을 추가합니다. 이전 URL을 제거하지 마십시오. (Korean)
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Gebruik P4174 vir aktiewe WMF -webwerwe. As 'n amptelike tuisblad verander, voeg 'n bykomende verklaring by met die voorkeurranglys. Moenie die voormalige URL verwyder nie. (Afrikaans)
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Per i siti WMF attivi, utilizzare P4174. Se una homepage ufficiale cambia, aggiungi un'ulteriore dichiarazione con il grado preferito. Non rimuovere l'URL precedente. (Italian)
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Für aktive WMF-Sites verwenden Sie bitte P4174. Wenn sich eine offizielle Homepage ändert, fügen Sie eine zusätzliche Aussage mit bevorzugtem Rang hinzu. Entfernen Sie nicht die frühere URL. (German)
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アクティブなWMFサイトの場合は、P4174を使用してください。 公式ホームページが変更された場合は、優先ランクのステートメントを追加してください。 以前のURLは削除しないでください。 (Japanese)
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सक्रिय WMF साइटों के लिए, कृपया P4174 का उपयोग करें। यदि कोई आधिकारिक होमपेज बदलता है, तो पसंदीदा रैंक के साथ एक अतिरिक्त स्टेटमेंट जोड़ें। पुराने यूआरएल को न हटाएं। (Hindi)
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Para sitios WMF activos, utilice P4174. Si cambia una página de inicio oficial, agregue una declaración adicional con rango preferido. No elimine la URL anterior. (Spanish)
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Para sites WMF ativos, use P4174. Se uma página inicial oficial mudar, adicione uma declaração adicional com a classificação preferida. Não remova o URL anterior. (Portuguese)
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För aktiva WMF -webbplatser, använd P4174. Om en officiell hemsida ändras, lägg till ett ytterligare uttalande med önskad rang. Ta inte bort den tidigare webbadressen. (Swedish)
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Maka saịtị WMF nọ n'ọrụ, biko jiri P4174. Ọ bụrụ na ihu akwụkwọ gọọmentị gbanwere, tinye nkwupụta ọzọ yana ọkwa kacha amasị. Ewepụla URL mbụ. (Igbo)
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Kwa wavuti zinazotumika za WMF, tafadhali tumia P4174. Ikiwa ukurasa rasmi wa nyumbani unabadilika, ongeza taarifa ya ziada na kiwango unachopendelea. Usiondoe URL ya zamani. (Swahili)
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فعال WMF سائٹوں کے لیے ، براہ کرم P4174 استعمال کریں۔ اگر کوئی آفیشل ہوم پیج تبدیل ہوتا ہے تو ترجیحی درجہ کے ساتھ ایک اضافی بیان شامل کریں۔ سابقہ یو آر ایل کو نہ ہٹائیں۔ (Urdu)
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Aktif WMF siteleri için lütfen P4174'ü kullanın. Resmi bir ana sayfa değişirse, tercih edilen sıralamaya sahip ek bir ifade ekleyin. Eski URL'yi kaldırmayın. (Turkish)
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For aktive WMF -sider, vennligst bruk P4174. Hvis en offisiell hjemmeside endres, kan du legge til en ekstra uttalelse med foretrukket rangering. Ikke fjern den tidligere nettadressen. (Norwegian Bokmål)
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Đối với các trang web WMF đang hoạt động, vui lòng sử dụng P4174. Nếu trang chủ chính thức thay đổi, hãy thêm một tuyên bố bổ sung với xếp hạng ưu tiên. Không xóa URL cũ. (Vietnamese)
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For active WMF sites, please use P4174. (English)
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a string not including '' (English)
请不要包含“”,请改为正常添加原始链接,将存档链接添加为“存档URL”(P1065)并加限定符“结束日期”(P582)至前官方网站 (Simplified Chinese)
Add archive link with 'archive URL' (P1065) and qualify former official website with 'end date' (P582) instead. (English)
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a string not including '' (English)
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empty value not including a domain name (English)
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