User talk:Lucas Werkmeister/lexeme-forms.js

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This user script has now been turned into a gadget, and using it as a user script is deprecated. Please do the following:

  1. In the gadget preferences, enable the following gadget:

<translate> Lexeme Forms</translate>
<translate> When on a lexeme page, this gadget checks whether {{<tvar name="1">ll|Wikidata:Wikidata Lexeme Forms</tvar>|Wikidata Lexeme Forms}} has a matching template. If it does, links to edit the lexeme using the tool are added to the sidebar.</translate>

<translate> Note: This gadget depends on website [<tvar name="1"></tvar>].</translate>

  1. In your common.js, remove the following line:
    mw.loader.load( '//' );