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This page is a translated version of the page Help:P641 and the translation is 31% complete.

Help page for sport (P641) View with SQID. This help page will be included in Property talk:P641. Please be careful editing it not to break the included page.

sport (P641) è una proprietà molto importante di Wikidata per collegare un elemento qualunque ad un particolare sport (Q349) o ad una sua sottoclasse. Questa pagina di aiuto da informazioni utili su come usare la proprietà sport (P641).


Il fatto che non ci sono vincoli sul tipo di elemento che è possibile usare con questa proprietà è sia flessibile che potenzialmente dannoso. Anche se non si possono fare errori formali che compaiono nelle liste di manutenzione, spesso ci sono proprietà più adatte per molte, se non la maggior parte, delle possibili applicazioni di sport (P641). You are therefore advised to check the usage of other, more specific properties and prefer them over this one, if ever possible. There is a short list of common sub-optimal, yet formally correct usages given in the following, along with alternatives:

Person items
okay: Haile Gebrselassie (Q171500)sport (P641)athletics (Q542) — however, this statement does not tell us much about Haile Gebrselassie (Q171500)’s role in the sport of athletics (Q542).
better: Haile Gebrselassie (Q171500)occupation (P106)athletics competitor (Q11513337) — the occupation (P106) property is capable of giving precise information about his career in athletics (Q542).
Sports club items, but also sports event items, etc.
okay: AFC Ajax (Q81888)sport (P641)association football (Q2736) — however, this statement does not tell anything about AFC Ajax (Q81888)’s role in the sport of association football (Q2736).
better: AFC Ajax (Q81888)instance of (P31)association football club (Q476028) — use the instance of (P31) property with a structural item such as association football club (Q476028) in addition to P641.

This list could be extended by other common item types, but you can probably already see what the point is. If you consider sport (P641) as the very last resort if there is really no other possibility to relate an item to a type of sport, then you will probably use it correctly.

As of September 2016, many items of persons for instance use sport (P641) and occupation (P106) at the same time. Given the nature of sport (P641) statements, data users are advised to rely both on P641 and more specific statements such as occupation (P106) in case of sports persons, rather than querying for sport (P641) only.

It has to be noted, though, that sport (P641) is a very useful initial property to add to items without any statements, which can then be found and completed with more specific properties by specialized users.


On the value side anything is formally accepted which is a subclass of (P279) sport (Q349). It is perfectly fine to have a chain of subclass-relations to the sport item as well. However, only suitable type of sport (Q31629) items should of course subclass the sport item, and other usages are to be replaced. You can find usages of sport (P641) with non-sport-subclassing items at the P641 constraint violations page.

Subclasses of sport can be queried by using several Wikidata tool, which all come with specific advantages:

Although formally not necessary, you can also add an instance of (P31) type of sport (Q31629) statement to items about types of sport (additionally to the formally required subclassing of sport (Q349)).