mar Niobrarà (Q1083697)

De Wikidata
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large inland sea during the mid- to late Cretaceous and the very early Paleogene; split North America into Laramidia and Appalachia; stretched from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Ocean; at its largest, it was 760 m deep, 970 km wide, 3200 km long anglès
  • mar interior occidental
  • pas marí interior occidental
  • mar interior d'Amèrica del Nord
  • mar Niobraran
  • mar del Cretaci
Llengua Etiqueta Descripció També conegut com a
mar Niobrarà
Encara no s'ha definit cap descripció
  • mar interior occidental
  • pas marí interior occidental
  • mar interior d'Amèrica del Nord
  • mar Niobraran
  • mar del Cretaci
Western Interior Seaway
large inland sea during the mid- to late Cretaceous and the very early Paleogene; split North America into Laramidia and Appalachia; stretched from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Ocean; at its largest, it was 760 m deep, 970 km wide, 3200 km long


    0 referències
    Cretaceous Seaway
    0 referències
