L'Únic i la seva Propietat (Q1193108)

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book by philosopher Max Stirner anglès
  • L’Únic i la seva Propietat
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L'Únic i la seva Propietat
Encara no s'ha definit cap descripció
  • L’Únic i la seva Propietat
The Ego and Its Own
book by philosopher Max Stirner
  • Der Einzige und sein Eigentum
  • The Individual and his Property
  • The Unique and His Property


365 × 516; 58 Ko
Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum (alemany)
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From the moment when he catches sight of the light of the world a man seeks to find out himself and get hold of himself out of its confusion, in which he, with everything else, is tossed about in motley mixture. (anglès)


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