Centralna serozna retinopatija (Q1431217)

Izvor: Wikidata
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eye disease that causes visual impairment, often temporary, usually in one eye; when the disorder is active, it is characterized by leakage of fluid under the retina that has a propensity to accumulate under the central macula engleski
  • CSCR
  • Centralna serozna horioretinopatija
  • CSR
Jezik Naziv Opis Sinonimi
Centralna serozna retinopatija
Opis nije unesen
  • CSCR
  • Centralna serozna horioretinopatija
  • CSR
central serous retinopathy
eye disease that causes visual impairment, often temporary, usually in one eye; when the disorder is active, it is characterized by leakage of fluid under the retina that has a propensity to accumulate under the central macula
  • central serous chorioretinopathy
  • CSCR
  • CSC
  • Central Serous Retinopathy
  • Central serous choroidopathy
  • Central serous chorioretinopathy after bone marrow transplantation
  • CSR


0 referencija
0 referencija
1 referencija
exact match engleski
1 referencija
Central serous retinopathy
0 referencija


exact match engleski
Central Serous Chorioretinopathy
1 referencija
0 referencija
1 referencija
28. listopad 2013
ICD-10-CM engleski
0 referencija
ICD-11 ID (MMS) engleski
Central serous chorioretinopathy
0 referencija
0 referencija
Mondo ID engleski
0 referencija
UMLS CUI engleski