Jubilee Medal "40 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" inglés (Q1915946)

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commemorative medal of the Soviet Union inglés
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    Jubilee Medal "40 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
    commemorative medal of the Soviet Union
    • 40 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR
    • Forty Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR
    • Medal 40 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR
    • Medal "40 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
    • Medal Forty Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR
    • Medal "Forty Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
    • Jubilee Medal 40 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR
    • Jubilee Medal Forty Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR
    • Jubilee Medal "Forty Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"

