otizm (Q38404)

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Bilinçsel ve zihinsel rahatsızlık
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Dil Etiket Açıklama Diğer adıyla
Bilinçsel ve zihinsel rahatsızlık
  • Otizim
  • Otistik
neurodevelopmental condition
  • autistic disorder
  • autistic disorder of childhood onset
  • childhood autism
  • infantile autism
  • early infantile autism
  • early childhood autism
  • classic autism
  • adult autism


Autism sign.png
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Lemniskatsymbolet er nevrodiversitetsbevegelsens foretrukne autismesymbol. (Norveççe Bokmål)
1 kaynak
Den diskriminerende historien bak puslebrikken som symbol på autisme – Nevromangfold Norge (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Puslespillbrikken er det tradisjonelle autismesymbolet. Puslespillbrikken blir kritisert av en del autister. (Norveççe Bokmål)
0 kaynak
CHAT (İngilizce)
2 kaynak
Psychological Markers in the Detection of Autism in Infancy in a Large Population (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Simon Baron-Cohen
Antony Cox
Gillian Baird
John Swettenham
Natasha Nightingale
Kate Morgan
Auriol Drew
Tony Charman
Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT) (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Diana L. Robins
ESAT (İngilizce)
2 kaynak
Screening for Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Children Aged 14–15 Months. II: Population Screening with the Early Screening of Autistic Traits Questionnaire (ESAT). Design and General Findings (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Sophie Swinkels
Emma van Daalen
Herman van Engeland
Jan K. Buitelaar
A Screening Questionnaire for Asperger Syndrome and Other High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders in School Age Children (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Christopher Gillberg
Lorna Wing
M-CHAT (İngilizce)
1 kaynak
The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers: A Follow-up Study Investigating the Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Jamie M. Kleinman
Diana L. Robins
Pamela E. Ventola
Juhi Pandey
Hilary C. Boorstein
Emma L. Esser
Leandra B. Wilson
Michael A. Rosenthal
Saasha Sutera
Alyssa D. Verbalis
Marianne Barton
Sarah Hodgson
James Green
Thyde Dumont-Mathieu
Fred Volkmar
Katarzyna Chawarska
Ami Klin
Deborah Fein
ITC (İngilizce)
1 kaynak
Validation of the Infant—Toddler Checklist as a broadband screener for autism spectrum disorders from 9 to 24 months of age (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Susan Brosnan-Maddox
Vickie Peace
Laura Newton
AQ (İngilizce)
1 kaynak
1 Nisan 2006
The Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ)—Adolescent Version (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Simon Baron-Cohen
Rosa A. Hoekstra
Rebecca Knickmeyer
Sally Wheelwright
1 kaynak
1 Haziran 2000
The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule—Generic: A Standard Measure of Social and Communication Deficits Associated with the Spectrum of Autism (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Susan Risi
Linda Lambrecht
Edwin H. Cook
Bennett L. Leventhal
Pamela C. DiLavore
Andrew Pickles
Michael Rutter
CARS (İngilizce)
1 kaynak
1 Ekim 2007
Factor Structure Evaluation of the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Caroline I. Magyar
Vincent Pandolfi
1 kaynak
The Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders: background, inter‐rater reliability and clinical use (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Susan R. Leekam
Sarah J. Libby
Judith Gould
Michael Larcombe
1 kaynak
1 Ekim 1994
Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised: A revised version of a diagnostic interview for caregivers of individuals with possible pervasive developmental disorders (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Michael Rutter
Ann Le Couteur
1 kaynak
1 Ağustos 2011
The Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R): A Scale to Assist the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults: An International Validation Study (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Riva Ariella Ritvo
Edward R. Ritvo
Donald Guthrie
Max J. Ritvo
Demetra H. Hufnagel
William McMahon
Bruce Tonge
David Mataix-Cols
Amita Jassi
Tony Attwood
Johann Eloff
SRS (İngilizce)
1 kaynak
Rapid Quantitative Assessment of Autistic Social Impairment by Classroom Teachers (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
SCQ (İngilizce)
1 kaynak
Between a ROC and a hard place: decision making and making decisions about using the SCQ (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Christina Corsello
Vanessa Hus
Andrew Pickles
Susan Risi
Edwin H. Cook
Bennett L. Leventhal
Catherine Lord
1 kaynak
1 Eylül 2008
The Q-CHAT (Quantitative CHecklist for Autism in Toddlers): A Normally Distributed Quantitative Measure of Autistic Traits at 18–24 Months of Age: Preliminary Report (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Simon Baron-Cohen
Sally Wheelwright
Tony Charman
Jennifer Richler
Greg Pasco
Carol Brayne
1 kaynak
1 Aralık 2004
Psychometric Properties of the STAT for Early Autism Screening (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Elaine E. Coonrod
Lauren M. Turner
Stacie L. Pozdol
CAST (İngilizce)
1 kaynak
The CAST (Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test): Test accuracy (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Fiona Scott
Carol Stott
Carrie Allison
Patrick Bolton
Simon Baron-Cohen
Carol Brayne
ASSQ (İngilizce)
1 kaynak
1 Nisan 1999
A Screening Questionnaire for Asperger Syndrome and Other High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders in School Age Children (İngilizce)
22 Mart 2024
Christopher Gillberg
Lorna Wing
outline of autism İngilizce
0 kaynak
allism İngilizce
0 kaynak
0 kaynak


0 kaynak
0 kaynak
Baidu Tieba name İngilizce
17 Mart 2023
0 kaynak
6 Nisan 2023
0 kaynak
1 kaynak
AUTISM latest news & coverage (İngilizce)
30 Mart 2021
0 kaynak
Autism spectrum disorder
0 kaynak
Lemmy community ID İngilizce
1 kaynak
Autism - Lemmy.World (İngilizce)
14 Mart 2024
0 kaynak
PhilPapers topic İngilizce
0 kaynak
WikiKids ID İngilizce
0 kaynak
WikiProjectMed ID İngilizce
0 kaynak
0 kaynak