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Wikidata Introduction Talk, 16th June 2019 (In India)

Kaaro01 (talkcontribs)

Hello all,

Thanks to the amazing resources provided here + content from the Daily Digests, getting ready with content was super easy.

This talk is scheduled in a Drupal Conference, and I would be there as a external community speaker.

I would have ~30mins for the session, I aim to cover the following:

  • Need for Wikidata type secondary respository (2-5 mins)
  • Introduce them to Wikidata (5-7 mins) + Showcase the power/utitlity
  • rdf triples and structure of Wikidata
  • Items Properties Qualifiers References
  • Query Session (5-6 queries)
  • Things you can do with Wikidata
  • Get involved - How can you contribute
Fuzheado (talkcontribs)

That sounds ambitious but doable! Nice outline.

Depending on the audience, what I have done that really turns heads is showing a few Wikidata Queries that are visualized - mapping, timelines, force-directed graphs, genealogical relationships, etc. Wikipedia is awesome but is actually quite retrograde in terms of visuals and interactivity. Showing Wikidata's interactive and visual possibilities beyond just static Wikipedia knowledge is very powerful.

Do let us know how it goes and share any slides when you can.

Kaaro01 (talkcontribs)
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