Wikidata:Wikidata Lexeme Forms/German

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To add a new template:

deutsches Substantiv (Maskulinum)


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier.
A label.
deutsches Substantiv (Maskulinum)
The item ID of the language.
German (Q188)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
noun (Q1084)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional).
grammatical gender (P5185)masculine (Q499327)
Form 1:
A label.
Nominativ Singular
An example sentence.
Das ist ein [Hund].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), singular (Q110786)
Form 2:
A label.
Genitiv Singular
An example sentence.
Das Eigentum eines [Hunds/Hundes].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
genitive case (Q146233), singular (Q110786)
Z11729 (-s/-n), Z11729 (-s/-s), Z11991 (-(e)s-/¨er), Z11991 (-(e)s/-¨e)
Form 3:
A label.
Dativ Singular
An example sentence.
Das gehört einem [Hund/Hunde].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
dative case (Q145599), singular (Q110786)
Z11602 (-s/-n), Z11602 (-s/-s), Z11602 (-(e)s-/¨er), Z11602 (-(e)s/-¨e)
Form 4:
A label.
Akkusativ Singular
An example sentence.
Ich mag einen [Hund].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
accusative case (Q146078), singular (Q110786)
Z11602 (-s/-n), Z11602 (-s/-s), Z11602 (-(e)s-/¨er), Z11602 (-(e)s/-¨e)
Form 5:
A label.
Nominativ Plural
An example sentence.
Das sind mehrere [Hunde].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), plural (Q146786)
Z11602 (-s/-n), Z11729 (-s/-s), Z11996 (-(e)s-/¨er), Z11739 (-(e)s/-¨e)
Form 6:
A label.
Genitiv Plural
An example sentence.
Das Eigentum mehrerer [Hunde].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
genitive case (Q146233), plural (Q146786)
Z11602 (-s/-n), Z11729 (-s/-s), Z11996 (-(e)s-/¨er), Z11739 (-(e)s/-¨e)
Form 7:
A label.
Dativ Plural
An example sentence.
Das gehört mehreren [Hunden].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
dative case (Q145599), plural (Q146786)
Z11834 (-s/-n), Z11729 (-s/-s), Z12004 (-(e)s-/¨er), Z11753 (-(e)s/-¨e)
Form 8:
A label.
Akkusativ Plural
An example sentence.
Ich mag mehrere [Hunde].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
accusative case (Q146078), plural (Q146786)
Z11602 (-s/-n), Z11729 (-s/-s), Z11996 (-(e)s-/¨er), Z11739 (-(e)s/-¨e)

deutsches Substantiv (Femininum)


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier.
A label.
deutsches Substantiv (Femininum)
The item ID of the language.
German (Q188)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
noun (Q1084)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional).
grammatical gender (P5185)feminine (Q1775415)
Form 1:
A label.
Nominativ Singular
An example sentence.
Das ist eine [Katze].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), singular (Q110786)
Form 2:
A label.
Genitiv Singular
An example sentence.
Das Eigentum einer [Katze].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
genitive case (Q146233), singular (Q110786)
Z11602 (-(e)n), Z11602 (-¨e), Z11602 (-s)
Form 3:
A label.
Dativ Singular
An example sentence.
Das gehört einer [Katze].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
Z11602 (-(e)n), Z11602 (-¨e), Z11602 (-s)
dative case (Q145599), singular (Q110786)
Form 4:
A label.
Akkusativ Singular
An example sentence.
Ich mag eine [Katze].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
accusative case (Q146078), singular (Q110786)
Z11602 (-(e)n), Z11602 (-¨e), Z11602 (-s)
Form 5:
A label.
Nominativ Plural
An example sentence.
Das sind mehrere [Katzen].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), plural (Q146786)
Z11722 (-(e)n), Z11739 (-¨e), Z11729 (-s)
Form 6:
A label.
Genitiv Plural
An example sentence.
Das Eigentum mehrerer [Katzen].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
genitive case (Q146233), plural (Q146786)
Z11722 (-(e)n), Z11739 (-¨e), Z11729 (-s)
Form 7:
A label.
Dativ Plural
An example sentence.
Das gehört mehreren [Katzen].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
dative case (Q145599), plural (Q146786)
Z11722 (-(e)n), Z11753 (-¨e), Z11729 (-s)
Form 8:
A label.
Akkusativ Plural
An example sentence.
Ich mag mehrere [Katzen].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
accusative case (Q146078), plural (Q146786)
Z11722 (-(e)n), Z11739 (-¨e), Z11729 (-s)

deutsches Substantiv (Neutrum)


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier.
A label.
deutsches Substantiv (Neutrum)
The item ID of the language.
German (Q188)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
noun (Q1084)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional).
grammatical gender (P5185)neuter (Q1775461)
Form 1:
A label.
Nominativ Singular
An example sentence.
Das ist ein [Kind].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), singular (Q110786)
Form 2:
A label.
Genitiv Singular
An example sentence.
Das Eigentum eines [Kindes/Kinds].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
genitive case (Q146233), singular (Q110786)
Z11991 (-(e)s-/¨er), Z11991 (-s/-e), Z11729 (-s/-s), Z11729 (-s/-n), Z11729 (-um/-en)
Form 3:
A label.
Dativ Singular
An example sentence.
Das gehört einem [Kind/Kinde].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
dative case (Q145599), singular (Q110786)
Z11602 (-(e)s-/¨er), Z11602 (-s/-e), Z11602 (-s/-s), Z11602 (-s/-n), Z11602 (-um/-en)
Form 4:
A label.
Akkusativ Singular
An example sentence.
Ich mag ein [Kind].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
accusative case (Q146078), singular (Q110786)
Z11602 (-(e)s-/¨er), Z11602 (-s/-e), Z11602 (-s/-s), Z11602 (-s/-n), Z11602 (-um/-en)
Form 5:
A label.
Nominativ Plural
An example sentence.
Das sind mehrere [Kinder].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), plural (Q146786)
Z11996 (-(e)s-/¨er), Z11789 (-s/-e), Z11729 (-s/-s), Z11602 (-s/-n), Z11762 (-um/-en)
Form 6:
A label.
Genitiv Plural
An example sentence.
Das Eigentum mehrerer [Kinder].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
genitive case (Q146233), plural (Q146786)
Z11996 (-(e)s-/¨er), Z11789 (-s/-e), Z11729 (-s/-s), Z11602 (-s/-n), Z11762 (-um/-en)
Form 7:
A label.
Dativ Plural
An example sentence.
Das gehört mehreren [Kindern].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
dative case (Q145599), plural (Q146786)
Z12004 (-(e)s-/¨er), Z11834 (-s/-e), Z11729 (-s/-s), Z11834 (-s/-n), Z11762 (-um/-en)
Form 8:
A label.
Akkusativ Plural
An example sentence.
Ich mag mehrere [Kinder].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
accusative case (Q146078), plural (Q146786)
Z11996 (-(e)s-/¨er), Z11789 (-s/-e), Z11729 (-s/-s), Z11602 (-s/-n), Z11762 (-um/-en)

deutsches Substantiv (Neutrum, Toponym)


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier.
A label.
deutsches Substantiv (Neutrum, Toponym)
The item ID of the language.
German (Q188)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
proper noun (Q147276)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional).
grammatical gender (P5185)neuter (Q1775461), instance of (P31)singulare tantum (Q604984), instance of (P31)toponym (Q7884789)
Form 1:
A label.
Nominativ Singular
An example sentence.
Das heutige [Berlin].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), singular (Q110786) (optional)
Form 2:
A label.
Genitiv Singular
An example sentence.
Fotos des damaligen [Berlins/Berlin].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
genitive case (Q146233), singular (Q110786) (optional)
Form 3:
A label.
Dativ Singular
An example sentence.
Fotos vom damaligen [Berlin].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
dative case (Q145599), singular (Q110786) (optional)
Form 4:
A label.
Akkusativ Singular
An example sentence.
Pläne für das zukünftige [Berlin].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
accusative case (Q146078), singular (Q110786) (optional)

deutsches Substantiv (Pluraletantum, kein Genus)


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier.
A label.
deutsches Substantiv (Pluraletantum, kein Genus)
The item ID of the language.
German (Q188)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
noun (Q1084)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional).
instance of (P31)plurale tantum (Q138246)
Form 1:
A label.
Nominativ Plural
An example sentence.
Das sind die [Großeltern].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), plural (Q146786) (optional)
Form 2:
A label.
Genitiv Plural
An example sentence.
Das Eigentum der [Großeltern].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
genitive case (Q146233), plural (Q146786) (optional)
Form 3:
A label.
Dativ Plural
An example sentence.
Das gehört den [Großeltern].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
dative case (Q145599), plural (Q146786) (optional)
Form 4:
A label.
Akkusativ Plural
An example sentence.
Ich mag die [Großeltern].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
accusative case (Q146078), plural (Q146786) (optional)

deutsches Verb


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier, which will be used in the URL for the template. Preferably English, all lowercase, hyphenated.
A label, which will be used on the index page and as the heading of the template page.
deutsches Verb
The item ID of the language.
German (Q188)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
verb (Q24905)
Form 1:
A label, which is used on the template page.
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
infinitive (Q179230)
Form 2:
A label, which is used on the template page.
Infinitiv mit zu
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Es ist gut, [zu tragen].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
zu infinitive (Q100952920)

Form 3:
A label, which is used on the template page.
1. Person Singular Präsens
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Ich [trage] heute.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
first person (Q21714344) singular (Q110786) indicative (Q682111) present tense (Q192613) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 4:
A label, which is used on the template page.
2. Person Singular Präsens
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Du [trägst] heute.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
second person (Q51929049) singular (Q110786) indicative (Q682111) present tense (Q192613) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 5:
A label, which is used on the template page.
3. Person Singular Präsens
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Er/sie/es [trägt] heute.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
third person (Q51929074) singular (Q110786) indicative (Q682111) present tense (Q192613) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 6:
A label, which is used on the template page.
1. Person Plural Präsens
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Wir [tragen] heute.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
first person (Q21714344) plural (Q146786) indicative (Q682111) present tense (Q192613) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 7:
A label, which is used on the template page.
2. Person Plural Präsens
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Ihr [tragt] heute.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
second person (Q51929049) plural (Q146786) indicative (Q682111) present tense (Q192613) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 8:
A label, which is used on the template page.
3. Person Plural Präsens
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Sie [tragen] heute.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
third person (Q51929074) plural (Q146786) indicative (Q682111) present tense (Q192613) active (Q1317831) (optional)

Form 9:
A label, which is used on the template page.
1. Person Singular Präteritum
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Ich [trug] gestern.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
first person (Q21714344) singular (Q110786) indicative (Q682111) preterite (Q442485) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 10:
A label, which is used on the template page.
2. Person Singular Präteritum
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Du [trugst] gestern.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
second person (Q51929049) singular (Q110786) indicative (Q682111) preterite (Q442485) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 11:
A label, which is used on the template page.
3. Person Singular Präteritum
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Er/sie/es [trug] gestern.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
third person (Q51929074) singular (Q110786) indicative (Q682111) preterite (Q442485) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 12:
A label, which is used on the template page.
1. Person Plural Präteritum
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Wir [trugen] gestern.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
first person (Q21714344) plural (Q146786) indicative (Q682111) preterite (Q442485) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 13:
A label, which is used on the template page.
2. Person Plural Präteritum
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Ihr [trugt] gestern.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
second person (Q51929049) plural (Q146786) indicative (Q682111) preterite (Q442485) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 14:
A label, which is used on the template page.
3. Person Plural Präteritum
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Sie [trugen] gestern.
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
third person (Q51929074) plural (Q146786) indicative (Q682111) preterite (Q442485) active (Q1317831) (optional)

Form 15:
A label, which is used on the template page.
1. Person Singular Konjunktiv I
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Angenommen, ich [trage].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
first person (Q21714344) singular (Q110786) subjunctive I (Q55685962) present tense (Q192613) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 16:
A label, which is used on the template page.
2. Person Singular Konjunktiv I
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Angenommen, du [tragest].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
second person (Q51929049) singular (Q110786) subjunctive I (Q55685962) present tense (Q192613) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 17:
A label, which is used on the template page.
3. Person Singular Konjunktiv I
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Angenommen, er/sie/es [trage].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
third person (Q51929074) singular (Q110786) subjunctive I (Q55685962) present tense (Q192613) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 18:
A label, which is used on the template page.
1. Person Plural Konjunktiv I
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Angenommen, wir [tragen].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
first person (Q21714344) plural (Q146786) subjunctive I (Q55685962) present tense (Q192613) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 19:
A label, which is used on the template page.
2. Person Plural Konjunktiv I
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Angenommen, ihr [traget].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
second person (Q51929049) plural (Q146786) subjunctive I (Q55685962) present tense (Q192613) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 20:
A label, which is used on the template page.
3. Person Plural Konjunktiv I
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Angenommen, sie [tragen].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
third person (Q51929074) plural (Q146786) subjunctive I (Q55685962) present tense (Q192613) active (Q1317831) (optional)

Form 21:
A label, which is used on the template page.
1. Person Singular Konjunktiv II
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Ich dachte, ich [trüge].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
first person (Q21714344) singular (Q110786) subjunctive II (Q54671845) preterite (Q442485) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 22:
A label, which is used on the template page.
2. Person Singular Konjunktiv II
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Ich dachte, du [trügest/trügst].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
second person (Q51929049) singular (Q110786) subjunctive II (Q54671845) preterite (Q442485) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 23:
A label, which is used on the template page.
3. Person Singular Konjunktiv II
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Ich dachte, er/sie/es [trüge].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
third person (Q51929074) singular (Q110786) subjunctive II (Q54671845) preterite (Q442485) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 24:
A label, which is used on the template page.
1. Person Plural Konjunktiv II
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Ich dachte, wir [trügen].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
first person (Q21714344) plural (Q146786) subjunctive II (Q54671845) preterite (Q442485) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 25:
A label, which is used on the template page.
2. Person Plural Konjunktiv II
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Ich dachte, ihr [trüget/trügt].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
second person (Q51929049) plural (Q146786) subjunctive II (Q54671845) preterite (Q442485) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 26:
A label, which is used on the template page.
3. Person Plural Konjunktiv II
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Ich dachte, sie [trügen].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
third person (Q51929074) plural (Q146786) subjunctive II (Q54671845) preterite (Q442485) active (Q1317831) (optional)

Form 27:
A label, which is used on the template page.
2. Person Singular Imperativ
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
He du da, [trag/trage]!
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
second person (Q51929049) singular (Q110786) imperative (Q22716) present tense (Q192613) (optional) active (Q1317831) (optional)
Form 28:
A label, which is used on the template page.
2. Person Plural Imperativ
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
He ihr da, [tragt]!
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
second person (Q51929049) plural (Q146786) imperative (Q22716) present tense (Q192613) (optional) active (Q1317831) (optional)

Form 29:
A label, which is used on the template page.
Partizip I
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Es ging vorbei, etwas [tragend].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
present participle (Q10345583)
Form 30:
A label, which is used on the template page.
Partizip II
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets.
Ich werde [getragen].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
past participle (Q12717679)

deutsches Adverb


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier.
A label.
deutsches Adverb
The item ID of the language.
German (Q188)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
adverb (Q380057)
Form 1:
A label, which is used on the template page.
An example sentence.
Example: Wir machen das [immer].