Wikidata:Events/IRC office hour 2022-01-19

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  1. Auregann
  2. David Fichtmüller
  3. Dennis
  4. ghuron
  5. Jan_ainali
  6. lucaswerkmeister
  7. mahir256
  8. masssly
  9. Nightrose
  10. Nikki
  11. sgrabarczuk
  12. Susannaanas



2022-01-19T17:02:37 <Mohammed Sadat> Okay!
2022-01-19T17:02:50 <Mohammed Sadat> Now, let's begin with what happened around the development of Wikidata and Wikibase over the past few months
2022-01-19T17:02:59 <Mohammed Sadat> Over to you Lydia :)
2022-01-19T17:03:04 <Lydia Pintscher> Hey folks :)
2022-01-19T17:03:26 <Lydia Pintscher> Lots of things happened around Wikidata of course so let's take a look at the dev side of things.
2022-01-19T17:04:10 <Lydia Pintscher> One really important thing is the improvements to the query service. The search team of the WMF has deployed the new Streaming Updater. With this the query service can keep up with significantly more edits happening on Wikidata.
2022-01-19T17:04:24 <Lydia Pintscher> If you want to read more about it you can check
2022-01-19T17:04:45 <Lydia Pintscher> The other big thing we worked on is the Mismatch Finder to get it ready for release very soon.
2022-01-19T17:05:18 <Lydia Pintscher> It'll be a set of tools that helps us get improvements from partners to review. That'll hopefully make it a lot easier to review potential mistakes etc.
2022-01-19T17:05:31 <Lydia Pintscher> And then we also gave some love to lexicographical data.
2022-01-19T17:05:49 <Lydia Pintscher> Lua access to the data in Lexemes is now enabled on the first few projects.
2022-01-19T17:06:13 <Lydia Pintscher> If your Wiktionary or other Wikimedia project also wants access to Lexemes get in touch and we can see if we can add you to the first testers.
2022-01-19T17:06:39 <Lydia Pintscher> And on Lexeme pages the gramatical features are now sorted consistently so it doesn't look different on every Lexeme.
2022-01-19T17:07:21 <Lydia Pintscher> Speaking about languages: There is a long-standing request to get the mul language code added for labels. We did a lot of thinking and research about it and work is now picking up to get it added.
2022-01-19T17:07:41 <Lydia Pintscher> That will help with removing quite a few redundant labels that are the same across a lot of languages like Names for people.
2022-01-19T17:08:35 <Lydia Pintscher> We also spent some more time talking to editors and reusers about the different types of ontology issues we see in Wikidata in order to prioritize them later. You can find the current state in this presentation: commons:File:WikidataCon 2021 - Overview of ontology issues.pdf
2022-01-19T17:09:02 <Lydia Pintscher> And last but not least: We finished work on small tool to show Items recently edited by several accounts to surface current events
2022-01-19T17:09:18 <Lydia Pintscher> How about Wikibase, @masssly ?
2022-01-19T17:09:29 <Mohammed Sadat> thank Lydia :)
2022-01-19T17:09:45 <Mohammed Sadat> from the wikibase side of things:
2022-01-19T17:10:01 <Mohammed Sadat> In preparation for the launch of our Wikibase as a Service platform,, we’ve built a staging environment based on wbstack code. We also continued preparing the production environment for launch later this year
2022-01-19T17:10:16 <Mohammed Sadat> The Wikibase team prepared and published a security release (1.35.5) to our Spring Wikibase Suite release on December 17th
2022-01-19T17:10:26 <Mohammed Sadat> Additionally, we published the Winter Wikibase Suite Release (1.36) on January 6th.
2022-01-19T17:10:36 <Mohammed Sadat> This new release is bundled with new extensions including the WikibaseEDFT extension that allows storage of date and time following the Extended Date/Time Format (EDFT) Specification and the SyntaxHighlight extension for rich formatting of source code
2022-01-19T17:10:41 <Mohammed Sadat> Heads up!
2022-01-19T17:10:48 <Mohammed Sadat> As of this new MediaWiki 1.36-compatible release of Wikibase, ElasticSearch is required in order to have case-insensitive search of items and properties in your Wikibase
2022-01-19T17:10:57 <Mohammed Sadat> alright
2022-01-19T17:11:03 <Mohammed Sadat> Now, let's have a quick overview of what happened outside of all the development things
2022-01-19T17:11:17 <Mohammed Sadat> We had 3 new admin RfPs in the last 3 months. One was successful, Welcome onboard Ameisenigel \o/
2022-01-19T17:11:26 <Mohammed Sadat> One other RfP is scheduled to end after 20 January 2022. You can still vote d:Wikidata:Requests for permissions/Administrator/MSGJ
2022-01-19T17:11:47 <Mohammed Sadat> and in the world of events,
2022-01-19T17:11:49 <Mohammed Sadat> WikidataCon 2021 happened \o/
2022-01-19T17:11:58 <Mohammed Sadat> There were so many awesome presentations. The video recordings of the sessions are currently being uploaded and you can already access most of them d:Wikidata:WikidataCon 2021/Documentation/List of sessions
2022-01-19T17:12:10 <Mohammed Sadat> Around 500 people participated in the WikidataCon. Many thanks to all of you and also to those who filled out the post conference survey. The survey results can be found here commons:File:WikidataCon 2021 Survey report.pdf
2022-01-19T17:12:23 <Mohammed Sadat> If you want to read more about the key tools and lessons learned from the organizing team then check out d:WikiProject remote event participation/Documentation/WikidataCon 2021
2022-01-19T17:12:44 <Mohammed Sadat> We held the 2 Wikidata Bug Triage Hours in the past quarter. During these sessions, we look at Phabricator tickets together with the Wikidata product managers, and we improve their description and tags. One session was about the upcoming REST API and the most recent one we held last week was an open discussion of your favourite tickets
2022-01-19T17:12:46 <Mohammed Sadat> You can find a log of all the previous sessions here
2022-01-19T17:12:52 <Mohammed Sadat> Data Reuse Days:
2022-01-19T17:13:13 <Mohammed Sadat> On March 14-24, we will run a series of online events focused on Wikidata data reuse and reusers. This will be the opportunity to bring together the Wikidata editors and people and organizations who reuse the data, to talk about how they do it, identify the issues they may encounter, and discover plenty of cool projects that reuse Wikidata’s data, as well as tools and methods to reuse data! More information about the event and how to propose sessions will arrive soon on the Wikipage Wikidata:Events/Data Reuse Days 2022, and if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to ping @auregann
2022-01-19T17:13:30 <Mohammed Sadat> 2022 is the year of Wikidata’s 10th birthday \o/ As the previous years, we will encourage local groups to organize local meetups and events. We collect all the information on Wikidata:Tenth Birthday, and if you’re interested in organizing something, feel free to join the Wikidata Events Telegram group
2022-01-19T17:14:01 <Mohammed Sadat> As usual, if you’re organizing something related to Wikidata, let the community know! You can add it to the Wikidata newsletter Wikidata:Status updates/Next and share it on Telegram
2022-01-19T17:14:12 <Mohammed Sadat> Many thanks to people who are talking about Wikidata at conferences, creating videos or livestream sessions about Wikidata, you are awesome :)
2022-01-19T17:14:35 <Mohammed Sadat> So many new tools were created by the community over the past months
2022-01-19T17:14:37 <Mohammed Sadat> Here are a few of them:
2022-01-19T17:14:49 <Mohammed Sadat> @tomjwatson created a trivia card game based on Wikidata where you have to put events in order of when they happened -->
2022-01-19T17:14:58 <David Fichtmüller> reply to <wikilinksbot> "[[d:WikiProject remo…" the link is not correct, the correct one is:
2022-01-19T17:14:58 <Mohammed Sadat> Do you enjoy the game of wordle? There’s a Basque version of Wordle using Wikidata's lexicographic data -->
2022-01-19T17:15:08 <Mohammed Sadat> @addshore ‘s Wikidata map got a major revamp with fresh data from 2021 --> It’s now got multiple relationship overlays including P17, P36, P47, P138, P150, P190, P197, P403, as well as intensity toggles for pixel / individual item brightness.
2022-01-19T17:15:15 <Mohammed Sadat> @vrandecic built It puts a dot on the map whenever an Item with a geocoordinate is edited. Leave it open for a while
2022-01-19T17:15:18 <Mohammed Sadat> If you can't wait that long you can cheat here: :)
2022-01-19T17:15:31 <Mohammed Sadat> Many Userscripts were written and some old ones were updated
2022-01-19T17:15:35 <Mohammed Sadat> Some of them are:
2022-01-19T17:15:44 <Mohammed Sadat> d:User:Lectrician1/embeds.js shows embeds on external identifier statements such as YouTube videos, Twitter tweets, Spotify playlists, Genius lyrics, and more!
2022-01-19T17:15:52 <Mohammed Sadat> User:Bargioni/UseAsRef adds references to statements on the basis of external IDs and some other properties
2022-01-19T17:16:05 <Mohammed Sadat> compact-items became a gadget. It makes the interface on item pages more compact. Turn it on from your preferences Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets
2022-01-19T17:16:10 <Mohammed Sadat> One of the newest WikiProjects started over the past months was d:Wikidata:WikiProject Cities and Towns
2022-01-19T17:16:20 <Mohammed Sadat> Also, Wikidata:WikiProject Duplicates/Wikipedia mergers was created in order to facilitate users when they find duplicate articles in a Wikipedia whose language is unfamiliar to them
2022-01-19T17:16:28 <Mohammed Sadat> WikiProjects are the place where you can team up with others with a particular focus to improve Wikidata. Do check them out and add new ones to the weekly summary!
2022-01-19T17:16:42 <Mohammed Sadat> And finally, here are a few interesting things to watch and read in different languages:
2022-01-19T17:16:51 <Mohammed Sadat> 10 useful things about Wikidata & SPARQL that I wish I knew earlier -->
2022-01-19T17:17:15 <Mohammed Sadat> Why you need to understand Wikidata, no matter what field you’re in -->
2022-01-19T17:17:23 <Mohammed Sadat> Indigenous knowledge on Wikipedia and Wikidata -->
2022-01-19T17:17:35 <Mohammed Sadat> Tutorial for Wikidata Mix'n'Match tool for database pairing (in Czech) -->
2022-01-19T17:17:43 <Mohammed Sadat> Wikidata Query Builder - How to use the Wikidata query service without having experience with the SPARQL language (in Spanish) -->
2022-01-19T17:17:51 <Mohammed Sadat> Creating items on Wikidata using OpenRefine (en subtitles only) -->
2022-01-19T17:17:58 <Mohammed Sadat> As a reminder…
2022-01-19T17:18:07 <Mohammed Sadat> The Celtic Knot Conference (dedicated to underserved languages on the Wikimedia project, with a strong focus on Wikidata and lexicographical data) will take place online in 2022. More info coming soon…
2022-01-19T17:18:18 <Mohammed Sadat> If you want to know more about the cool things that other community members are doing, or add more to the list: please consider subscribing & contributing to the Wikidata newsletter :) d:Wikidata:Status updates
2022-01-19T17:18:43 <Mohammed Sadat> What is coming next for Wikidata and Wikibase? Lydia over to you :)
2022-01-19T17:18:50 <Lydia Pintscher> \o/
2022-01-19T17:18:55 <Lydia Pintscher> So many cool things happening!
2022-01-19T17:19:07 <Lydia Pintscher> Soooo next coming up on the dev side is:
2022-01-19T17:19:22 <Lydia Pintscher> We'll finish the final touches on the Mismatch Finder and then release it.
2022-01-19T17:20:20 <Lydia Pintscher> If you are building an app or service on top of Wikidata and you are getting error reports or if you are comparing Wikidata's data with another database and find mismatches between them please get in touch. We'd love to have your mismatches and other issues to load into the Mismatch Finder before launch.
2022-01-19T17:21:04 <Lydia Pintscher> And then we'll continue with some ❤️ for lexicographical data. We'll be improving Special:NewLexeme next. We'll do our best to make it more understandable for people.
2022-01-19T17:21:55 <Lydia Pintscher> And last but not least we'll run a bunch of sessions for Data Reuse Days for anyone who is already using data from Wikidata or who wants to do so in the future.
2022-01-19T17:22:07 <Lydia Pintscher> How about Wikibase, @masssly ?
2022-01-19T17:22:48 <Mohammed Sadat> so whats next for Wikibase? :)
2022-01-19T17:22:52 <Mohammed Sadat> As announced at WikidataCon, we anticipate launching on or around April 1st to our first cohort of users. We will be working diligently to develop and prepare this service for users over the next three months.
2022-01-19T17:23:32 <Mohammed Sadat> and that's it from us
2022-01-19T17:23:35 <Mohammed Sadat> Now its your turn. :)
2022-01-19T17:23:38 <Mohammed Sadat> Do you have any questions for us?
2022-01-19T17:23:44 <Jan Ainali> The current events dashboard is really cool. Is there an API for it as well?
2022-01-19T17:24:09 <Lydia Pintscher> I think not but I'll find out and get back to you
2022-01-19T17:25:05 <Jan Ainali> I know it's supposed to land in WMF, but do you know how things are going with Wikidata Bridge? Has it been completely handed over?
2022-01-19T17:26:00 <Lydia Pintscher> Not yet but we made progress in the discussions. I hope we have clarity on the future in the next weeks finally.
2022-01-19T17:26:45 <Lydia Pintscher> (It's tied to the collaboration agreement we are discussing atm to renew it again.)
2022-01-19T17:27:35 <Jan Ainali> Also a cross-teams question, have any discussions started about Abstract Wikipedia&Wikidata yet or is that still in the future?
2022-01-19T17:28:57 <Lydia Pintscher> Denny and I are talking regularly for example. Is there anythign specific you're interested in?
2022-01-19T17:29:27 <Jan Ainali> Not really, just curious in general :)
2022-01-19T17:29:36 <Lydia Pintscher> :D
2022-01-19T17:30:52 <Szymon Grabarczuk> there's a Community Wishlist Survey meeting in half an hour:
2022-01-19T17:30:56 <Nikki> reply to <Mohammed Sadat> "Do you have any ques…" I'd like to know if there's still no plan to subtitle any of the wikidatacon videos, and if not, why not
2022-01-19T17:31:44 <Susanna Ånäs> Hi! Could you remind where I can list myself to the queue for
2022-01-19T17:32:27 <Mohammed Sadat> we're preparing a signup form to share out in the coming week
2022-01-19T17:33:26 <Jan Ainali> Any news about T90435?
2022-01-19T17:33:26 <Mohammed Sadat> @ susanna i'll poke you when the form is avaialble :)
2022-01-19T17:33:37 <Андрей Заикин> Any specific plans for LUA/Scribunto API enhancements?
2022-01-19T17:34:06 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Jan Ainali> "Any news about T9043…" No that reminds me I still need to look into the issue you poked me about. -> todo list
2022-01-19T17:34:42 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Андрей Заикин> "Any specific plans f…" The latest things added is access to Lexeme data. Are you looking for specific improvements?
2022-01-19T17:34:49 <Léa ~ Auregann> reply to <Nikki> "I'd like to know if …" We selected a dozen of videos for which we will provide subtitles in English. These are not uploaded yet: the subtitle company is still working on them. For the other videos, unfortunately, we couldn't provide subtitles. These videos are now all uploaded on Youtube, and I believe that it's possible to add subtitles there (if not directly by contributors, at least I could upload a subtitles file if provided to me)
2022-01-19T17:35:42 <Андрей Заикин> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "The latest things ad…"
and fix for
2022-01-19T17:36:21 <মাহির মোরশেদ> reply to <Андрей Заикин> "https://phabricator.…" (incidentally the subject of m:Community_Wishlist_Survey_2022/Wikidata/Accessing_items_with_particular_statements_via_Lua)
2022-01-19T17:36:25 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Léa ~ Auregann> "We selected a dozen …" I think Youtube allows for contributor added subtitles, but it has to be enabled on the video
2022-01-19T17:36:57 <Lucas Werkmeister> reply to <Jan Ainali> "I think Youtube allo…" I thought they killed that a few years ago and now only uploaders can upload subtitles
2022-01-19T17:37:09 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Андрей Заикин> "https://phabricator.…" The backlink one is definitely a bigger one and unfortunately can't happen soon unless the community wishlist manages to pick it up. The other one I'll look into pushing.
2022-01-19T17:37:29 <মাহির মোরশেদ> reply to <Lucas Werkmeister> "I thought they kille…" yup:
2022-01-19T17:37:46 <Léa ~ Auregann> reply to <Jan Ainali> "I think Youtube allo…" I also thought Youtube removed this feature, but I'll check again
2022-01-19T17:38:23 <Jan Ainali> Nah, Lucas is right. I am just outdated :)
2022-01-19T17:38:38 <Léa ~ Auregann> And at some point hopefully the videos will be on Commons, but I can't really tell when it will happen.
2022-01-19T17:40:33 <Андрей Заикин> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "The backlink one is …" is not Lua enhancement per se, but it is important to get rid of unnecessary edits in wikipedia watchlists (that enables corresponding wd-edits).
I'm also very interested in any improvement that can be done in watchlists. I'm constantly hearing from wikipedia editors that watchlist with enabled wd changes are not very useful :(
2022-01-19T17:41:02 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Андрей Заикин> "https://phabricator.…" Makes sense, yeah.
2022-01-19T17:41:18 <Nikki> reply to <Léa ~ Auregann> "We selected a dozen …" I'm glad to hear some of them will get subtitles... as for the rest, will you be encouraging people to send you subtitles? or how will anyone know they can do that?
2022-01-19T17:41:44 <Léa ~ Auregann> reply to <Nikki> "I'm glad to hear som…" I'll make an announcement once all videos are online :)
2022-01-19T17:41:57 <Nikki> ok, thanks
2022-01-19T17:42:13 <Андрей Заикин> BTW new WD API plans are still valid? We can see that wonderful thing this month? :)
2022-01-19T17:42:59 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Андрей Заикин> "BTW new WD API plans…" Heh yes still going to do the REST API!
We unfortunately had to push it back a bit but I hope we can start coding next month or the month after.
2022-01-19T17:45:23 <Андрей Заикин> What is the current status regarding Blazegraph? Is replacement selected?
2022-01-19T17:46:23 <Lydia Pintscher> No. But the WMF just got someone to help with evaluating options the other day.
2022-01-19T17:46:41 <Lydia Pintscher> I recommend reading Mike's updates. I'll get you a link to the last one.
2022-01-19T17:47:16 <Lydia Pintscher>
2022-01-19T17:49:05 <Mohammed Sadat> We're approaching the end of the office hour. Is there's anything else on your mind you'd like to ask to the team about Development?
2022-01-19T17:49:50 <Андрей Заикин> Thanks for your work. It is highly appreciated here
2022-01-19T17:50:47 <Mohammed Sadat> is anyone participating in the #1Lib1Ref campaign ?
2022-01-19T17:51:01 <Mohammed Sadat> You can contribute by creating Wikidata items for texts and authors on Wikisource
2022-01-19T17:51:12 <Dennis> <new_chat_participant,new_chat_member,new_chat_members>
2022-01-19T17:51:14 <Mohammed Sadat> it's currently running until February 5th
2022-01-19T17:51:52 <Mohammed Sadat>
2022-01-19T17:52:25 <Mohammed Sadat> shoutout to @envlh and Nicolas for importing 4000 Lexemes. Breton lexemes is now 19th in lexeme count \o/
2022-01-19T17:53:08 <Mohammed Sadat> anything you wanna brag about?
2022-01-19T17:53:11 <Lydia Pintscher> Let's use a few secs for some official bragging time. What is everyone working on? :D
2022-01-19T17:54:09 <Lucas Werkmeister> I’m working on the mul language code, as it happens ;)
2022-01-19T17:54:20 <মাহির মোরশেদ> reply to <Lucas Werkmeister> "I’m working on the m…" \o/
2022-01-19T17:54:24 <Lucas Werkmeister> (no promises on how fast it will arrive on-wiki though! 😅)
2022-01-19T17:54:41 <মাহির মোরশেদ> as long as it is guaranteed to happen
2022-01-19T17:55:00 <Nikki> reply to <Lucas Werkmeister> "I’m working on the m…" oooh nice
2022-01-19T17:56:38 <Андрей Заикин> I'm importing Unfortunately they don't have API :(
Hopefully at some day in February we will have wd items for each and every Righteous Among the Nations (that are probably notable in major wikipedias). Currently coverage is ~70%
2022-01-19T17:56:44 <Jan Ainali> A guy made 290 FOI requests for the historical municipality chairpersons and collected them all in a spreadsheet. We're about to start importing it! (Will take a while though)
2022-01-19T17:57:29 <Lucas Werkmeister> on the volunteer side, the Wikidata Lexeme Forms tool gained some more templates, including the all-new Odia language thanks to User:Psubhashish :)
2022-01-19T17:57:55 <Lucas Werkmeister> (some templates and languages are still under discussion, I think Yoruba will be added fairly soon)
2022-01-19T17:58:03 <David Fichtmüller> if anybody wants to run a wikibase instance on a server, where there are no public ports besides 80/443, I adjusted the wikibase-release-pipeline to include a reverse proxy as part of the image, with Let's Encrypt support: . So far this is mainly a "scratch your own itch"-kind of thing, but if anybody wants to use it, feel free.
2022-01-19T17:58:12 <Dennis> HI, sorry for jumping in ... today are the "Office Hours Wikibase". I knwo I'm late ... could someone point me on how to connect, at least nest time I know how to do?
2022-01-19T17:58:29 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Dennis> "HI, sorry for jumpin…" You're in it now
2022-01-19T17:58:44 <Dennis> no video?
2022-01-19T17:58:46 <David Fichtmüller> reply to <David Fichtmüller> "if anybody wants to …" Not sure, if this is something that would make sense to include in the regular image.
2022-01-19T17:58:55 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Dennis> "no video?" no video, only text
2022-01-19T17:59:07 <Dennis> ahhh
2022-01-19T17:59:17 <Mohammed Sadat> reply to <Dennis> "HI, sorry for jumpin…" we announce the events on the mailing list and here as well
2022-01-19T17:59:55 <Mohammed Sadat> log will also be posted at the end so you can follow what happened
2022-01-19T18:00:18 <Mohammed Sadat> many countries now covered in the d:Wikidata:WikiProject Govdirectory project. its awesome <3
2022-01-19T18:00:39 <Mohammed Sadat> Thanks so much everyone for attending and asking questions
2022-01-19T18:01:17 <Mohammed Sadat> we'll announce the date for the next office hours on our usual channels
2022-01-19T18:01:48 <Mohammed Sadat> thanks everyone for coming
2022-01-19T18:02:00 <Mohammed Sadat> and see you around
2022-01-19T18:02:07 <Lydia Pintscher> Thanks everyone :)