Wikidata:Property proposal/TV Maze character ID

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‎TV Maze character ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Creative work

Descriptionidentifier for a character on the TV Maze film database
RepresentsTV Maze (Q84863617)
Data typeExternal identifier
Domaintelevision character (Q15773317)
Allowed values^[1-9]\d*$
Example 1Cosmo Kramer (Q2916792)85604
Example 2Jimmy McNulty (Q6200826)49349
Example 3Tyrion Lannister (Q2076759)15604
Example 4Saul Goodman (Q7154377)45535present in work (P1441)Breaking Bad (Q1079)
Example 5Saul Goodman (Q7154377)86444present in work (P1441)Better Call Saul (Q14925221)
Expected completenessalways incomplete (Q21873886)
Formatter URL$1/-
See alsoTV Maze series ID (P8600), TV Maze episode ID (P11294), TV Maze season ID (P10669), TV Maze person ID (P11449)
Wikidata projectWikiProject Film (Q8485793)



TV Maze is a database of television series for which we already have a number of Wikidata properties for. This may come in handy because ever since IMDb deprecated their character pages there has been a lack of identifiers for television characters.

Unfortunately, there does seem to be some duplication with characters that appear in multiple series (see the Saul Goodman example) but I don't think this is a major problem and it can be dealt with using qualifiers. --Lewis Hulbert (talk) 01:09, 30 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

