Wikidata:Property proposal/relative

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These are a set of proposed properties meant to describe relative qualities of entities. They are meant to replace the use of has characteristic (P1552).

They all must be qualified with relative to (P2210) which states the highest class of the item the relationship applies to. For example, a train could be the longest vehicle, which would make it the longest train. We would just say it is the longest relative to (P2210) vehicle (Q42889), as that also implies that it is the longest train because the item is a train which is a vehicle, so it must be the longest train!

relative quality


{{Property proposal |status = not done |description = relative quality this item has to others |subject item = Q100195948 |infobox parameter = |datatype = item |domain = item |allowed values = |allowed units = |source = |example 1 = Sun (Q525)relative quality

relative position of quality


This property is for describing the relative position of a quality within its class of qualities.

   Not done
Descriptionthe relative location of an entity to another
Data typeItem
Example 1Central Africa (Q27433)relative locationcenter region (Q17278591)relative to (P2210)Africa (Q15)
Example 2North Africa (Q27381)relative locationnorthern location (Q110492665)relative to (P2210)Africa (Q15)
Example 3MISSING

relative age

   Not done
Descriptionthe age of an entity relative to its lifespan
Data typeItem
Example 1senior (Q1358789)relative ageoldrelative to (P2210)human
Example 2MISSING
Example 3MISSING

relative weight

   Not done

relative height

   Not done
Descriptionrelative physical height of this entity
Data typeItem
Example 1MISSING
Example 2MISSING
Example 3MISSING

relative length

   Not done
Descriptionrelative physical length of this entity
Data typeItem
Example 1Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge (Q595768)relative lengthlongestrelative to (P2210)bridgelocation (P276)world
Example 2MISSING
Example 3MISSING

relative width

   Not done
Descriptionrelative physical width of this entity
Data typeItem
Example 1Interstate 10 (Q79914)relative widthwidestrelative to (P2210)roadlocation (P276)United States
Example 2MISSING
Example 3MISSING

relative temperature

   Not done
Descriptionrelative temperature of an entity for the subject that senses it
Data typeItem
Example 1desert (Q8514)relative temperaturehot (Q28128222)relative to (P2210)human (Q5)
Example 2MISSING
Example 3MISSING

relative population

   Not done
Descriptionrelative population of this entity
Data typeItem
Example 1New York Cityrelative populationlargestrelative to (P2210)citylocation (P276)United States
Example 2MISSING
Example 3MISSING

Lectrician1 (talk) 04:28, 8 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

