Wikidata:WikiProject Visual arts/Physical Object Class Identification Problems

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This page shall help in identification problems within class items that describe physical objects. Those problems touch often several Wikipedia language versions and different disciplines which makes it difficult to solve them for one person. Hopefully this page will help so solve them together. (Marsupium (talk) 15:02, 21 April 2014 (UTC))[reply]



have to be cleaned up. de:Unguentarium says that the term ”lacrimarium“ was used in research assuming that the containers had been used for tears, but that this assumption is false and the term is obsolete (”In der älteren Literatur wurde häufig auch der volkstümliche Begriff Salbenbüchse, Tränenflasche oder Tränenfläschchen (lateinisch Lacrimarium; von lacrima; die Träne) verwendet. Dieser forschungsgeschichtlich überlieferte Ausdruck fand noch bis in das 19. Jahrhundert Verwendung und geht auf die irrige Annahme zurück, dass die um ihre Toten trauernden Römer darin ihre für den Verstorbenen vergossenen Tränen gesammelt und anschließend dem Toten mit ins Grab gegeben haben.“). en:Unguentarium#In_literature is similar.

So, at least en:Lacrymatory/en:Unguentarium and fr:Lacrymatoire/fr:Unguentarium should probably be merged which would open the possibility to remove the problem at Wikidata and add a <Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID (P1014)> 300264947 statement to one item. --Marsupium (talk) 15:02, 21 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]