Wikidata:WikiProject WLM/Mapping tables/at (de)

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Austrian monument tables (acc. the guide to mapping WLM data to Wikidata.)

Step 1. Implicit values

Implicit data
required field name value Wikidata property comment
Y heritage status Listed objects in Austria (Q1188447) heritage designation (P1435)
Y country Austria (Q40) country (P17)
Y wikiproject de.wikipedia used for getting wikidata items from wikilinks
Y is a(n) Can be either architectural ensemble (Q1497375) or a subclass of architectural structure (Q811979), Bodendenkmal (Q22969563)? More specific P31 mappings are attempted through /types.

Step 2. analyze and map specific data


Step 2.1 monuments_all - harmonized data for all countries

required heritage field example value Wikidata property Conversion comment
Y country AT
Y lang de
Y id 12591 Cultural heritage database in Austria ObjektID (P2951) numerical, will change to URIs in the near future, old ids will be mapped, new objects will only get new URI.
Y project wikipedia
adm0 at -
adm1 at-1 … at-9 federal state of Austria (Q261543) by iso-code; can have a multi-value; can be extracted from municiplality object
adm2 Bezirk Wels-Land / Wiener Neustadt It is either «Bezirk <name>» for district of Austria (Q871419) or just «<name>» for statutory city of Austria (Q262882); can have a multi-value
Y adm3 Breitenfurt bei Wien located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) map free text municipality name to an item can have a multi-value; The target items must have instance of (P31)municipality of Austria (Q667509)
Y adm4 Dörfl bei Ochsenburg - Kastastralgemeinde; can have a multi-value
Y name Kommunaler Wohnbau, Straßenbahner-Wohnheim New property needed to be proposed (tomorrow) ≠ monument_article may contain wiki syntax, as given by BDA data provider, immutable
adress Johann-Hoffmann-Platz 10-15 text only, skip all html / wiki syntax. immutable
Y municipality can have a multi-value; = adm3
Y lat coordinate location (P625) Combines the value of both lat and lon
lat & long might be missing, if unknown.
Y lon see lat see lat
image image (P18) parameter: Foto
commonscat Commons category (P373)
monument_article Ostfriedhof (Innsbruck) Ostfriedhof (Q24707863)
source internal for the mechanism; WP version used for data extraction
registrant_url internal for the mechanism; as long as the BDA data is as it is, always empty.
changed see comment internal for the mechanism; if statements are sourced then this might be useful to store

Step 2.2. country-specific data (i.e. monuments_all_<dataset>_(<lang>))


see de:Vorlage:Denkmalliste Österreich Tabellenzeile

heritage field example value Wikidata property Conversion comment
 ObjektID duplicate of id above. As in the near future the ID will change to URIs we'll keep this in the data for mapping purposes.
Gemeindekennzahl 30605 located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) extractable from de:Denkmalliste Österreich Tabellenkopf Target is one of Community Identification Number (Q23003). Bezirkskennzahl = trunc (Gemeindekennzahl / 100) and can be derived
Anzeige-Name - overwrite Name by data provider with spelling errors corrected or linked or etc. Name will not be visible if Anzeige-Name is defined. TODO
Anzeige-Adresse - overwrite Adresse by data provider with spelling errors corrected or linked or etc. Adresse will not be visible if Anzeige-Adresse is defined. TODO
Grundstücksnummer .518; .517; .516; .526; .515; .525; .514; .524; .513; .512; .511; 226/16; .520; .519; 225/9; .648; .647; .643; 225/12; .675; .676; .677; .678; .679; .680; 225/13; .523; .522; .521 -
Status §2a or Bescheid enum
Bearbeitungsdatum 2015-06-26 date, last date data was imported from external data
denkmalgeschützt von 2015-06-26 date or year the object first show up as protected
denkmalgeschützt bis 2015 date or year the object last showed up as protected, if not empty means it is not protected anymore
Straße located on street (P669) if address is linked to objects of type located on street (P669), add the target WD Object here; multi-valued
Typ extracted from name (like Kirche, Bahnhof, Schule) architectural structure (Q811979), work of art (Q838948), … no automatic extraction?, has to be completed


  • If there is the same article link more than once (for more than one monument), create parts for all of those matches, article-link all of them to the object behind the article link and do not mark the article as monument. If there is the article link only once, identify the monument with the WD object behind the article link.