Wikidata:Wikisource/Get involved

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Once you know how to help with integrating Wikisource and Wikidata, you can make use of your new skills at various places on Wikidata and Wikisource. These places include:

Create new items and/or add new sitelinks- this page lists Wikisource author pages that have no item on Wikidata (make sure to filter by author namespace)
note: you can also use Category:Author pages not connected to Wikidata
Add sitelinkes - this page lists Wikisource author pages that have no item on Wikidata but do have an article on Wikipedia
Add sitelinks - this page lists Wikisource author pages for non-anglophone authors who may have a page on other language Wikipedias
Improve data - this page lists Wikisource authors with a VIAF that are not yet on Wikidata
Improve data and/or edit Wikisource - this page lists any Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) mismatches between pages on Wikisource and items on Wikidata.

Please add more ideas and available tasks here.


The Wikisource communities need to be informed about the deployment and what it means for them. Please help with spreading the information. If you're willing to act as an ambassador please add your name below and link to any local discussions. For questions please get in touch with Lydia.