User talk:Qllach

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Previous discussion was archived at User talk:Qllach/Archive 1 on 2019-12-29.

Automated report of empty item: Q114902657

Dexbot (talkcontribs)

Hello, an item that you have edited (and you are the only non-bot editor) is considered empty and will be deleted in 72 hours if it doesn't improve. Your automated cleaner.

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Automated report of empty item: Q114902704

Dexbot (talkcontribs)

Hello, an item that you have edited (and you are the only non-bot editor) is considered empty and will be deleted in 72 hours if it doesn't improve. Your automated cleaner.

Reply to "Automated report of empty item: Q114902704"

Automated report of empty item: Q114902692

Dexbot (talkcontribs)

Hello, an item that you have edited (and you are the only non-bot editor) is considered empty and will be deleted in 72 hours if it doesn't improve. Your automated cleaner.

Reply to "Automated report of empty item: Q114902692"

Automated report of empty item: Q114902680

Dexbot (talkcontribs)

Hello, an item that you have edited (and you are the only non-bot editor) is considered empty and will be deleted in 72 hours if it doesn't improve. Your automated cleaner.

Reply to "Automated report of empty item: Q114902680"
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