Wikidata:Events/IRC office hour 2021-01-21

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  1. Arthur Smith
  2. Auregann
  3. iamsabas
  4. Jan_ainali
  5. MaartenDammers
  6. mahir256
  7. markus_goellnitz
  8. masssly
  9. Nightrose
  10. Nikki
  11. Sam Alipio
  12. Sannita



2021-01-21T17:01:33 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Okay! Now, let's begin with what happened around the development of Wikidata and Wikibase over the past few months. Over to you Lydia & Sam :)
2021-01-21T17:02:20 <Lydia Pintscher> Ok I can start with some cool development things that happened around Wikidata over the past months.
2021-01-21T17:02:46 <Lydia Pintscher> The big thing we've been working on is the Query Builder that will make it easier to create queries without having to know sparql.
2021-01-21T17:03:05 <Lydia Pintscher> has the current state of things and you can go test it out already.
2021-01-21T17:03:44 <Luca Martinelli [Sannita]> \o/
2021-01-21T17:03:44 <Lydia Pintscher> Besides this we've been working on making it easier for developers to access the data in Wikidata. The first step was publishing a draft specification for a REST API.
2021-01-21T17:03:49 <Lydia Pintscher> You can find that here:
2021-01-21T17:04:04 <Lydia Pintscher> Based on the feedback we got we will adjust that and then start working on implementing it.
2021-01-21T17:04:49 <Lydia Pintscher> We've also talked to a lot of people to hear their thoughts about the topic of checking Wikidata's data against other databases. This could help us in the future to detect mismatches and make them easier to find. That's still in the exploration stage thought.
2021-01-21T17:05:09 <Maarten Dammers> Is this related to the OKAPI?
2021-01-21T17:05:21 <Lydia Pintscher> It is unrelated work.
2021-01-21T17:05:57 <Lydia Pintscher> We've also done some more thinking about the different dimensions of data quality that Wikidata has. We looked for example into constraints violations a bit as well as unclassified items.
2021-01-21T17:06:52 <Lydia Pintscher> Some findings: the top 1000 most Items have on average 0.08 constraint violations per statement whereas it is only 0.02 if you take random sample of Items. (this is not taking into account suggestion-level violations.)
2021-01-21T17:07:18 <Lydia Pintscher> We also found that about 3.2% of all Items do not have a classifying statement like instance of, subclass of or part of.
2021-01-21T17:07:37 <Lydia Pintscher> This seems to be mostly items that were created based on automated sitelink imports.
2021-01-21T17:08:26 <Lydia Pintscher> On the Query Service front we've helped the Search Platform team at the WMF do more analysis and understanding of the current pain points to help with the scaling plans for the Query Service.
2021-01-21T17:09:02 <Lydia Pintscher> And last but not least we have deployed a change to the Wikipedias and other Wikimedia projects that ensures that description changes are now also showing up in their recent changes and watchlists.
2021-01-21T17:09:11 <Lydia Pintscher> And with that I hand over to Sam for some Wikibase news.
2021-01-21T17:09:31 <Sam Alipio> Greetings from your friendly neighborhood Wikibase PM
2021-01-21T17:09:53 <Sam Alipio> Since our last office hour, the Wikibase development team has been focused on improving the release infrastructure/processes for Wikibase software suite.
2021-01-21T17:10:00 <Sam Alipio> This effort has two primary goals:
2021-01-21T17:10:19 <Sam Alipio> The first goal is to implement a predictable release cycle for Wikibase (similar to Mediawiki) so you can plan ahead for when to update and hopefully have increased community support during the update process!
2021-01-21T17:10:49 <Sam Alipio> The second goal is to put in place new & improved release infrastructure for Wikibase. This will ultimately result in new and improved step-by-step instructions for updating your Wikibase instance from one version to the next
2021-01-21T17:11:13 <Sam Alipio> If you are interested in following along with this effort, you can find us on Phabricator here:
2021-01-21T17:11:40 <Sam Alipio> As we get closer to the finish line in the upcoming months, we’ll be making a more official announcement around the expected date of the next Wikibase release (to include MW 1.36)
2021-01-21T17:11:55 <Sam Alipio> We'll also keep everyone updated on the status of the user instructions for updating your instance
2021-01-21T17:12:18 <Sam Alipio> In other news, the directory of Wikibase consultants and service providers that launched in October has continued to grow. ❤
2021-01-21T17:12:47 <Sam Alipio> If you are a consultant who wants to advertise your services (either on the WB technical side, or around data modelling in Wikidata/Wikibase) please feel free to add yourself to the listing here:
2021-01-21T17:13:24 <Sam Alipio> and one last bit of Wikibase news from the team:
2021-01-21T17:13:34 <Sam Alipio> Wikibase now has a dedicated Twitter account. Follow @WikibaseHQ for updates on everything Wikibase.
2021-01-21T17:13:47 <Sam Alipio> Now back over to Mohammed :)
2021-01-21T17:13:56 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Thank you wonderful PMs :)
2021-01-21T17:14:10 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Now, let's have a quick overview of what happened outside of all the development things
2021-01-21T17:14:24 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> In the past quarter we’ve had 2 new admins: Hasley, Martin Urbanec and 1 checkuser: 997kB. Welcome onboard everyone \o/
2021-01-21T17:14:36 <Lydia Pintscher> ❤️
2021-01-21T17:14:37 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> As a reminder, voting for Stewards/Elections 2021 starts on 05 February 2021. Check out the main page for more information on voting or being a candidate -->
2021-01-21T17:14:55 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Events are still mostly online with only a few in-person ones happening. Let's see what 2021 brings :)
2021-01-21T17:15:11 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> The pandemic didn't stop us from having the 8th Wikidata Birthday event last year -- although that also was mostly online. We had a 24-hour meetup throughout the 29th of October with participants joining from all over the world. It was awesome! --> d:Wikidata:Eighth_Birthday/24-hours_meetup
2021-01-21T17:15:30 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Wiki Movimento Brasil was chosen to support WikidataCon 2021 as a partner organiser. WikidataCon 2021 will take place in October in a distributed hybrid format where most of the contents will (again) be spread online -->
2021-01-21T17:15:47 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> The Coolest Tool Award 2020 featured some Wikidata tools: Lingua Libre won in the category “Diversity”; Listeria, Lexeme Forms and Entity Explosion all got honorable mentions. Congratulations to all!
2021-01-21T17:16:02 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Léa and I collected feedback on the support process (how people can report bugs and features). Thanks all for participating! We came up with a list of things to improve in our processes, feedback welcome here: d:Wikidata talk:Contact the development team/Process review 2020
2021-01-21T17:16:14 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> As always, new tools were created or improved by the community over the past months. Here are just a few of them
2021-01-21T17:16:27 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Wikidata Spanish Tutorials Website was put together by Wikimedia chapters of Argentina, Chile, Spain, Mexico and BiblioColmex -->
2021-01-21T17:16:39 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> @lucaswerkmeister modified Wikidata Lexeme Forms tool to now support editing form representations in other language codes. It now also lists languages on the index page using their autonyms (i.e. language name in that language) -->
2021-01-21T17:16:53 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> OSM2KG is a Wikidata/OSM tool that facilitates matching Wikidata entries to OSM nodes -->
2021-01-21T17:17:08 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> You can now create and curate catalog groups on Mix’n’match, and find the most common unmatched entries between them
2021-01-21T17:17:20 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Listeria got an update to do more things, e.g. Multiple lists per page (a much requested feature), thereby eliminating the need for subpage transclusion -->
2021-01-21T17:17:30 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Thanks to @Magnus_Manske for the updates to Mix’n’match and Listeria <3
2021-01-21T17:17:41 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Template:Notebook_Given_name can be used on the talk page to show for each given name a list of useful SPARQL queries --> d:Template:Notebook_Given_name
2021-01-21T17:17:52 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Template:TP_administrative_area defines useful queries for all Items which are instance of administrative territorial entity --> d:Template:TP_administrative_area
2021-01-21T17:18:07 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> some interesting userscripts were written
2021-01-21T17:18:18 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> User:Zvpunry’s user script EntitySchemaHighlighter highlights the entities in the content of a Schema and shows information when hovering the link --> d:User:Zvpunry/EntitySchemaHighlighter.js
2021-01-21T17:18:27 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> d:User:Lagewi/navigation.js enables adding links to list subclasses and instances to Wikidata items
2021-01-21T17:18:37 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> d:User:Bargioni/WikiBridge.js enables you to add a tabbed section to Wikidata items showing some paragraphs from Wikipedias chosen by the Babel languages of the logged-in user. Here is a short video demonstrating how it works -->
2021-01-21T17:18:49 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> on visualization tools
2021-01-21T17:18:58 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> University of Edinburgh Data and Visualization project made an update to the map that shows the geographical residence location for accused witches in Scotland -->
2021-01-21T17:19:08 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> The Election Tracker uses Wikidata to keep track of upcoming national elections around the world -->
2021-01-21T17:19:19 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Wikidata Walkabout browsing tool had some important recent improvements in language support, interface, etc. As an example, see a list of all comedy films directed by a vegetarian -->
2021-01-21T17:19:31 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Wikidata Live is a real-time visual dashboard for visualizing recent changes to Wikidata -->
2021-01-21T17:19:45 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> -- some noteworthy stuff still on dashboards:
2021-01-21T17:19:56 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Since the middle of December, we have a new dashboard for statistics about lexicographical data on Wikidata. This dashboard highlights the efforts of the editors to improve the content by adding new Lexemes, Senses and Forms (for example the recent import of Lexemes in Estonian), but also areas where improvements could be made (83% of Lexemes without Senses) -->
2021-01-21T17:20:15 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> The Wikidata Analytics dashboards are now available at a new URL -->
2021-01-21T17:20:36 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> A number of WikiProjects were started over the past months: Media Representation, Agriculture, Wikiproject European Film Awards & WikiProject Greek War of Independence. Do check them out! WikiProjects are the place where you can team up with others with a particular focus to improve Wikidata
2021-01-21T17:20:58 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> And finally, here are a few interesting things to watch and read:
2021-01-21T17:21:14 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> 24 hours of open data - The meetup for the eighth Wikidata birthday by @Auregann -->
2021-01-21T17:21:26 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Automatically maintained citations with Wikidata and Cite Q, by Mike Peel and @Pigsonthewing -->
2021-01-21T17:21:41 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Documenting Software Applications on Wikidata, by @jsamwrites -->
2021-01-21T17:21:56 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> 52 Wikidata weeks 2020, by @Jan_ainali →
2021-01-21T17:22:06 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Wikidata – what libraries need to know about wikidata -->
2021-01-21T17:22:18 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> How to import books to Wikidata using a spreadsheet and OpenRefine -->
2021-01-21T17:22:31 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> How to take data from OpenRefine to Wikidata through QuickStatements -->
2021-01-21T17:22:44 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Lexemes on Wikidata (in Czech) -->
2021-01-21T17:22:55 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> If you want to know more about the cool things that other community members are doing, or add more to the list: please consider subscribing & contributing to the Wikidata newsletter :) d:Wikidata:Status updates
2021-01-21T17:23:38 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Over to Lydia and Sam to tell us more about what's coming next to Wikidata and Wikibase
2021-01-21T17:23:52 <Lydia Pintscher> Yes!
2021-01-21T17:24:25 <Lydia Pintscher> On the Wikidata development side we'll continue working on the Query Builder to get it to the state where it can create more meaningful queries.
2021-01-21T17:24:58 <Lydia Pintscher> Then we'll look more into comparing Wikidata's data with other databases as well as start implementing the first version of the REST API.
2021-01-21T17:25:43 <Lydia Pintscher> And then - still a bit away but we're starting to collect issues and talk to people soon - we will look into improving the user interface of the Lexeme pages so that it's less painful to work on Lexemes.
2021-01-21T17:25:52 <Lydia Pintscher> Sam: What's up for Wikibase?
2021-01-21T17:26:02 <Sam Alipio> The future looks bright...
2021-01-21T17:26:19 <Sam Alipio> We’ll continue (and finish) the Release Strategy & Infrastructure project mentioned earlier, culminating in a Wikibase 1.36 release this spring
2021-01-21T17:27:05 <Sam Alipio> We’ll also be investigating how to improve the Wikibase setup/configuration process by determining which config settings could be (optionally) changed through a new user interface. Right now much of that configuration is done by editing localsettings.php in your Wikibase
2021-01-21T17:27:26 <Sam Alipio> Finally, we’re consolidating the pre-release feedback we received on our first version of Wikidata-Wikibase federation (“Federated Properties”
2021-01-21T17:27:43 <Sam Alipio> this is in preparation for upcoming development work on the expanded, version 2 of Wikidata-Wikibase federation (happening a bit later this year)
2021-01-21T17:27:53 <Sam Alipio> back to you, Mohammed
2021-01-21T17:28:50 <Léa ~ Auregann> Thanks a lot for this overview of the upcoming projects! \o/
2021-01-21T17:28:55 <Léa ~ Auregann> Now it's time for questions :)
2021-01-21T17:28:58 <Jan Ainali> You didn't mention Wikidata Bridge in what's coming next. Is there no development going on there anymore?
2021-01-21T17:29:55 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Jan Ainali> "You didn't mention W…" We are currently talking with the WMF to figure out who of us is doing the next steps with it. I hope to get that to a conclusion soon.
2021-01-21T17:31:51 <Jan Ainali> Is improved client watchlists also on hold then? (As in just seeing relevant changes on Wikipedia)
2021-01-21T17:33:08 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Jan Ainali> "Is improved client w…" No. We just recently rolled out showing the description changes. A lot of the remaining changes shown that are not relevant should be due to modules using general lua functions to access data instead of specific ones. We can look at some changes together if you want to figure out what's going on.
2021-01-21T17:34:17 <Léa ~ Auregann> Any other questions regarding the Wikidata or Wikibase developments?
2021-01-21T17:35:15 <Arthur Smith> Is there a list of the feedback on federated properties somewhere?
2021-01-21T17:36:13 <Sam Alipio> Hey Arthur, right now the feedback collected is coming from 1:1 user testing sessions (since the feature is pre-release, the testing has had to happen in a test instance). Once we roll the feature out more widely, we'll have a page for ongoing feedback on wiki
2021-01-21T17:36:37 <Sam Alipio> you (and all others) are welcome to reach out to participate in this initial feedback round (just contact me)
2021-01-21T17:37:08 <Arthur Smith> Ok, thanks - I'm curious about the plan for mixing federated and local properties which doesn't seem to be implemented yet?
2021-01-21T17:37:26 <Sam Alipio> Correct, it isn't possible in this first version but is a likely next step for federation!
2021-01-21T17:38:44 <Lydia Pintscher> random shout out to @Jan_ainali btw for all the Wikidata editing streaming :)
2021-01-21T17:38:57 <Léa ~ Auregann> Yesss it's awesome <3
2021-01-21T17:39:04 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "random shout out to …" ❤️
2021-01-21T17:39:20 <Jan Ainali> There's one coming up on Saturday too!
2021-01-21T17:39:20 <Stefano> did you see the community wishlist survey? what did you think about the requests?
2021-01-21T17:39:37 <Léa ~ Auregann> And also to Nico NCO for the weekly stream about Query Service & other tools in French!
2021-01-21T17:40:26 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Stefano> "did you see the comm…" I have only had a chance to look over it briefly and need to take time to look into them more closely. Is there something you specifically care about?
2021-01-21T17:40:34 <Lydia Pintscher> Also maybe some can be picked up by others here as well
2021-01-21T17:43:13 <Léa ~ Auregann> If there's no more questions, I have a question for you all :)
We would like to involve the Wikidata community more in our bug triage process on Phabricator. We were thinking of holding a “bug triage hour” from time to time, where we go through tickets together, and you can also use this opportunity to highlight tickets that you think are very important. What do you think? Would you like this format? (it would probably take place in some videochat tool to allow chatting and screensharing)
2021-01-21T17:43:39 <Jan Ainali> Ohh, yes I would join that!
2021-01-21T17:43:43 <Stefano> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "I have only had a ch…" no specific request, I was wondering only if you had a chance to look at it :)
2021-01-21T17:44:02 <Arthur Smith> Triage is very important 🙂 Sure, I'd like to help with that.
2021-01-21T17:44:34 <Léa ~ Auregann> Awesome, thanks for your enthusiasm :)
2021-01-21T17:44:39 <মাহির মোরশেদ> reply to <Léa ~ Auregann> "If there's no more q…" sounds neat; hope the goal of such a session would be "close at least one ticket during the hour"
2021-01-21T17:44:47 <Nikki> I like the idea, but I don't know how accessible it would be for me
2021-01-21T17:45:12 <Léa ~ Auregann> yes, closing tickets will definitely be happening :D
2021-01-21T17:45:43 <Léa ~ Auregann> reply to <Nikki> "I like the idea, but…" Do you mean the content, the format, the suggested tool?
2021-01-21T17:45:50 <Jan Ainali> I'd be happy with any "movement". Getting something unstuck can be more worth than closing a duplicate
2021-01-21T17:48:36 <Markus Göllnitz> reply to <Léa ~ Auregann> "yes, closing tickets…" solving or closing 😜
2021-01-21T17:48:37 <Léa ~ Auregann> We'll probably pick a "topic" for each bug triage hour to avoid going in all directions (for example: Lexemes, UI bugs, turn mother tasks into boards, etc.) Is there any topic in particular you'd like to see for the very first bug triage hour?
2021-01-21T17:49:22 <মাহির মোরশেদ> reply to <Léa ~ Auregann> "We'll probably pick …" Lexemes would be a great start
2021-01-21T17:49:49 <Arthur Smith> Sure, I'd vote lexemes. But part of traiging is figuring out what "topic" it's about, no? Or are they already clear by that point?
2021-01-21T17:50:38 <Arthur Smith> *triaging - do we have that in our lexemes collection yet?
2021-01-21T17:50:43 <Nikki> I mean that "in some videochat tool" makes it sound like it will have a voice chat that allows multiple people to speak at the same time (and almost certainly in a tool that doesn't let me control the volume of individual speakers)
2021-01-21T17:50:44 <Léa ~ Auregann> The main topic would be defined beforehand, I'm afraid that looking at the thousand of open Wikidata tickets would be quite overwhelming
2021-01-21T17:50:58 <মাহির মোরশেদ> reply to <Arthur Smith> "Sure, I'd vote lexem…" They may be clear to some (e.g. the frequenters of the lexicographical data Telegram), but not to others (e.g. the organizers of this proposed triaging call)
2021-01-21T17:51:15 <Arthur Smith> Ah, only the noun form - L253480
2021-01-21T17:51:30 <Nikki> and whenever that happens, I generally sit there being unable to follow anything and getting a headache from trying
2021-01-21T17:51:58 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Nikki> "I mean that "in some…" jitsi allows for individual volume control
2021-01-21T17:52:10 <Léa ~ Auregann> reply to <Nikki> "I mean that "in some…" Thanks for the details. I'll try to find a tool that takes the different needs of the participants in account.
2021-01-21T17:52:16 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <মাহির মোরশেদ> "They may be clear to…" For Lexemes we could start with what is on the lexicographical data board. The broad topic for them is clear.
2021-01-21T17:54:14 <Arthur Smith> Fixed - L406879
2021-01-21T17:54:23 <Lydia Pintscher> ❤️
2021-01-21T17:54:30 <Léa ~ Auregann> Thanks a lot for your feedback! I think Lexemes is a good place to start. I'll try to prepare and schedule something in the next few weeks, and announce it in the usual places :)
2021-01-21T17:54:48 <মাহির মোরশেদ> Here's the lexicographical data Telegram, if you're not already in it:
2021-01-21T17:57:00 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> We're approaching the end of the meeting. Anything anyone would like to share ?
2021-01-21T17:57:29 <Maarten Dammers> @Auregann did you find one or more suitable people to moderate the mailing list?
2021-01-21T17:57:37 <Arthur Smith> thanks for all the great work keeping Wikidata running and improving!
2021-01-21T17:58:01 <Léa ~ Auregann> reply to <Maarten Dammers> "@Auregann did you fi…" Yes, we got 2 more volunteers as moderators
2021-01-21T17:58:13 <Maarten Dammers> Good news!
2021-01-21T17:58:42 <Léa ~ Auregann> Thanks all for joining, see you around :)
2021-01-21T17:58:49 <Lydia Pintscher> \o/
2021-01-21T17:58:53 <Lydia Pintscher> Thanks everyone :)
2021-01-21T17:59:04 <Sam Alipio> Thanks everyone, bye for now ❤
2021-01-21T17:59:11 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> bye everyone \o/