Wikidata:Property proposal/BES-Net user ID

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BES-Net user ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Person

Descriptionidentifier for a user on BES-Net
RepresentsBES-Net (Q107266254)
Data typeExternal identifier
Domainitem; human (Q5)
Allowed values[1-9]\d*
Example 1Berry J. Brosi (Q54670257)184
Example 2Axel Paulsch (Q792308)1114
Example 3Forest Isbell (Q40666718)225
Example 4Geneviève Michon (Q106306819)791
Example 5Zina Skandrani (Q107267067)824
Planned useadding to items for our faculty and others
Number of IDs in sourceover 2600
Expected completenessalways incomplete (Q21873886)
Applicable "stated in"-valueBES-Net (Q107266254)



BES-Net (Q107266254) facilitates and promotes dialogue on themes echoing the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services global assessments, and in key areas of the United Nations Development Programme's work on biodiversity and ecosystems management. This property will provide a link to profiles of experts in biodiversity, ecosystem services, conservation biology, sustainable development and related fields. Profiles include information about associated country, languages spoken, affiliation, fields of expertise, and contact details. UWashPrincipalCataloger (talk) 02:01, 21 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]


@UWashPrincipalCataloger, Clements.UWLib, Zidmgmt, Maryacat: @Emwille, Jala360, Pteropotamus: ✓ Done BES-Net user ID (P9693) Pamputt (talk) 16:53, 29 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]