Wikidata:Property proposal/model for

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model for


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic




There are many conceptual models and formulas that are a model for some thing. It would be nice to be able to express these relations with a simple property instead of having to use awkward statements such as abstract data type (Q827335)subclass of (P279)mathematical model (Q486902)of (P642)data type (Q190087).

There is also has role in modeling (P6530) but that does not express the same relation "has role in modeling X" does not mean that it's a model for X ... but rather that it is a part of a model for X.

Note that a similar property has been previously suggested but was abandoned due to lack of support and was also needlessly restrictive in regards to the domain and the allowed values (e.g. it could not be used for my third example).

--Push-f (talk) 05:58, 19 October 2022 (UTC)[reply]

