Wikidata:WikiProject Wikidata Thesis Toolkit

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This toolkit is built on the initial work of Helen Williams (London School of Economics Library) of developing a process to upload theses metadata into Wikidata. Subsequent ongoing work by Ruth Elder at the University of York Library has helped to refine the process further with the aim of creating a process flow ready to roll out to staff undertaking the work as part of “business as usual.”

Based on this experience, a collaboration between LSE and York has led to the development of the Wikidata Thesis Toolkit, with the objective to reduce the development burden for other institutions looking to establish similar projects.

The toolkit is not produced as a step by step guide. However it does do its very best to signpost the most direct way to complete the upload of theses metadata to Wikidata.

Moving forward it is hoped that this document will be a foundation to a growing community of practice amongst UK Higher Education institutions who are interested in developing Wikidata work and sharing experience with one another.



The Wikidata Thesis Toolkit aims to support projects promoting institutional original research to the widest possible audience through signposting to electronic theses accessible via an existing database or repository. By creating entries on Wikidata with unique identifiers for individual doctoral theses, the resources and research of the University and the entities within their data become part of the linked open data ecosystem.

Links and relationships are established between entities, and connections are made with unique identifiers from a variety of external knowledge systems. This assists machines in interpreting library resources and creates bridges between previously siloed domains, in turn impacting search engine results by providing a fuller picture of globally available data.

Wikidata thesis toolkit


Wikidata thesis toolkit (live Wikidata links).pdf

How to cite the toolkit


Williams, Helen K. R. and Elder, Ruth. (2023) Wikidata Thesis Toolkit. Available from

Cross-over with other thesis projects


Further information
