Help:Property constraints portal/Entity suggestions from constraint definitions

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When adding a main value for a property with the data type item (e.g. property constraint (P2302)), the constraint definition of that property is evaluated. If a one-of constraint is present, items defined in that constraint are suggested by the entity selector. When the user starts typing only items are shown that are matching the search term. Items present in the constraint definition will be shown at the top of the entity selector.

When adding a qualifier value for a property with the data type item (e.g. property constraint (P2302)), the constraint definition of the allowed qualifier constraint is evaluated and shown in the suggester analog to the above.


One-of constraint definition on the property constraint property page
Screenshot of the entity selector showing suggestions derived from constraint definitions (one of constraint).
Allowed qualifiers constraint definition on the property constraint property page
Screenshot of the entity selector showing suggestions derived from constraint definitions (allowed qualifier constraint).

Supported constraint types[edit]

At the moment there are two constraint types that are used for generating suggestions:

See also[edit]