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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: PREFIX target: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?item #?sl (COUNT(DISTINCT ?work) AS ?count) (SAMPLE(?a) AS ?author) (CONCAT( "[", ENCODE_FOR_URI(REPLACE(STR(?item), ".*Q", "Q")), " ๐„›]") AS ?publist) WHERE { { ?a ?property target:. } UNION { ?a ?property2 _:b9. _:b9 wdt:P361 target: . } ?work wdt:P50 ?a ; wdt:P921 ?item . # ?item wikibase:sitelinks ?sl. ?item rdfs:label ?item_label. FILTER((LANG(?item_label)) = "en") } GROUP BY ?item #?sl ?count ?author ?publist ORDER BY DESC(?count) #DESC(?sl) LIMIT 3000
# Work count Topic Type of topic Superclass of topic studied in Sample affiliated person having published on the topic List of recent publications on the topic with affiliated co-authors
1 47 Diptera taxon dipterology Berta B. Kessel ๐„›
2 45 teenager demographic profile
population group
phase of human life
human adolescent medicine Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
3 36 Platypezidae taxon Berta B. Kessel ๐„›
4 35 influenza vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
viral vaccines Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
5 30 medulloblastoma rare disease
class of disease
infratentorial cancer
embryonal tumor of neuroepithelial tissue
William A Weiss ๐„›
6 29 prevention of HIV/AIDS preventive medicine
prevention of sexually transmitted diseases Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
7 28 sex worker occupation service industry worker Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
8 25 HIV organisms known by a particular common name Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
9 25 hospitalization medical procedure
inpatient care
medical treatment
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
10 24 homelessness status social issue
Richard Keegan ๐„›
11 24 COVID-19 emerging communicable disease
atypical pneumonia
class of disease
atypical pneumonia
coronavirus disease
viral pneumonia
Virus diseases of plants
Johnathan Cromwell ๐„›
12 24 pregnant person state human
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
13 22 mental health mental state health psychology
Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
14 21 South Africa sovereign state
South African studies Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
15 21 sexually transmitted infection mode of transmission infectious disease Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
16 21 human pregnancy physiological condition pregnancy Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
17 21 phylogenetics branch of science systematics
evolutionary biology
Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
18 21 Vibrio fischeri taxon Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
19 20 medical ethics applied psychology
philosophy of medicine
research ethics
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
20 20 Euprymna scolopes taxon Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
21 19 United States of America sovereign state
constitutional republic
democratic republic
federal republic
American studies Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
22 19 Kenya sovereign state
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
23 17 Iran sovereign state
Islamic Republic
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
24 15 California U.S. state Judith Karshmer ๐„›
25 14 neuroblastoma class of disease
autonomic nervous system neoplasm
neuroblastic tumor
childhood cancer
William A Weiss ๐„›
26 13 urbanization trend Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
27 13 research ethics ethics in science Elisabeth Jay Friedman ๐„›
28 13 community health academic discipline health care
health services research
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
29 13 HIV transmission pathogen transmission Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
30 13 condom contraceptive male contraceptive Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
31 13 systematic review use literature review
scholarly article
review article
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
32 13 glioblastoma class of disease astrocytoma
William A Weiss ๐„›
33 12 HIV/AIDS endemic disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease
acquired immunodeficiency
sexually transmitted infection
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
34 12 public health academic discipline
health sciences health economics Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
35 12 maternal health health Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
36 12 climate change meteorological phenomenon
climatology Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
37 12 Australia sovereign state
OECD country
Australian studies Annette K. Regan ๐„›
38 12 vocal folds class of anatomical entity larynx
subdivision of larynx
particular anatomical entity
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
39 11 nurse education field of study medical education
professional education
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
40 11 sexual transmission pathogen transmission Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
41 11 child health concept academic discipline
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
42 11 biogeography branch of geography
academic major
branch of biology
physical geography
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
43 11 Cambodia sovereign state
constitutional monarchy
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
44 10 men who have sex with men group of humans man Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
45 10 obesity health risk
class of disease
symptom or sign
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
46 9 youth phase of human life
age group
sociology of youth Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
47 9 type 2 diabetes class of disease diabetes
Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
48 9 San Francisco consolidated city-county
city in the United States
sanctuary city
big city
charter city
Billy Riggs ๐„›
49 9 influenza infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
acute viral respiratory tract infection
Orthomyxoviridae infectious disease
respiratory disease
viral infectious disease
Virus diseases of plants
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
50 9 machine learning academic discipline
field of study
computer science
artificial intelligence
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
51 9 Cytomegalovirus taxon neurotropic virus
Herpesviridae infectious disease
Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
52 8 queer reappropriation
umbrella term
gender identity
sexual identity
LGBT+ identity
sexuality studies Joshua Gamson ๐„›
53 8 patient state sick person
Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
54 8 lessons learned process Steven Alter ๐„›
55 8 m-health e-health Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
56 8 Squamata taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
57 8 There There literary work Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
58 7 People's Republic of China sovereign state
socialist state
secular state
constitutional republic
people's republic
dictatorship of the proletariat
state with limited recognition
communist state
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
59 7 randomized controlled trial randomized experiment
clinical trial
controlled trial
study type
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
60 7 decision making mental process
decision theory Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
61 7 social media economic activity
field of study
type of mass media
virtual place
media studies
interaction science
digital media
media sociology
Annick Wibben ๐„›
62 7 species nova Latin phrase species Berta B. Kessel ๐„›
63 7 anti-retroviral agent antiviral agent Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
64 7 bioethics academic discipline
field of work
applied ethics
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
65 7 urban studies academic discipline geography Billy Riggs ๐„›
66 7 World Health Organization specialized agency of the United Nations
open-access publisher
international organization
academic publisher
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
67 7 brain tumor central nervous system neoplasm
intracranial tumor
Sean Judge ๐„›
68 7 metabolic syndrome syndrome
disease mongering
rare disease
class of disease
abdominal obesity-metabolic syndrome
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
69 7 grassland vegetational formation vegetational formation
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
70 6 Tanzania republic
sovereign state
Heather J. Hoag ๐„›
71 6 bias type of error cognitive perspective Aline Hitti ๐„›
72 6 invasive species introduced species invasion biology
invasion ecology
Sunny Jardine ๐„›
73 6 substance P type of chemical entity peptide Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
74 6 alcohol consumption drinking
ethanol exposure
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
75 6 intimate partner violence violence
domestic violence
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
76 6 Plethodontidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
77 6 Lepidoptera taxon lepidopterology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
78 6 Hymenoptera taxon insect hymenopterology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
79 6 infectious disease class of disease disease
infection associated with diseases
infectious diseases
human disease ecology
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
80 6 Ghana sovereign state
Ghana studies Jeffrey Paller ๐„›
81 6 herbivory feeding behavior
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
82 6 biomarker indicator
molecular entity
Sean Judge ๐„›
83 6 xeroderma pigmentosum designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
autosomal recessive disease
autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia due to a DNA repair defect
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
84 6 feces biogenic substance type
class of anatomical entity
portion of solid body substance
particular anatomical entity
scatology Sangman M Kim ๐„›
85 6 chlorpyrifos type of chemical entity chemical compound Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
86 6 immigrant migrant Joyce P Yang ๐„›
87 6 modeling and simulation academic discipline use Susan K Prion ๐„›
88 6 environmental DNA DNA Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
89 6 Zambia sovereign state
landlocked country
Taryn Vian ๐„›
90 5 Thailand constitutional monarchy
sovereign state
Thai studies Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
91 5 stereotype type of bias
mental image
cognitive bias sociolinguistics Aline Hitti ๐„›
92 5 dementia class of disease
symptom or sign
cognitive disorder
organic brain syndrome
clinical sign
disability affecting intellectual abilities
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
93 5 COVID-19 pandemic pandemic
public health emergency of international concern
disease outbreak
complex emergency
Johnathan Cromwell ๐„›
94 5 substance abuse human activity
class of disease
social issue
psychoactive drug use
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
95 5 governance type of regulation and control
academic discipline
regulation Brian Dowd-Uribe ๐„›
96 5 collaboration activity Judith Karshmer ๐„›
97 5 quality of life quality
social relation
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
98 5 health disparity Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
99 5 Vietnam sovereign state
communist state
Vietnamese studies Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
100 5 diagnosis characterization
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
101 5 behavioral intervention medical treatment Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
102 5 pandemic epidemic
systemic risk
external risk
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
103 5 vaccine remedy biopharmaceutical
vaccinology Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
104 5 biostratigraphy branch of science stratigraphy
Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
105 5 attenuated vaccine vaccine type vaccine Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
106 5 deep learning machine learning method Jeremy Howard ๐„›
107 5 immunization immune system process Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
108 5 chemotherapy treatment of cancer
Arthur Furst ๐„›
109 5 RNA virus infectious disease viral infectious disease Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
110 5 attention mental process
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
111 5 accelerometer measuring instrument Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
112 5 digital storytelling storytelling Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
113 5 stillbirth cause of death
health problem
symptom or sign
pregnancy with abortive outcome
reproductive system symptom
complications of pregnancy
stillbirth rate Annette K. Regan ๐„›
114 5 prisoner occupation
person linked to the law
legal status
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
115 5 land cover natural resource
David Saah ๐„›
116 5 storytelling artistic technique oral media
Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
117 5 psychiatric nursing field of work nursing
health professional
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
118 5 insecticide class of chemical substances by use phytopharmaceuticals
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
119 5 organophosphate structural class of chemical entities organophosphorus ester
phosphate ester
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
120 5 interleukins group or class of proteins cytokine Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
121 5 water quality quality
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
122 4 Belize sovereign state Mary Lou De Natale ๐„›
123 4 Uganda sovereign state
landlocked country
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
124 4 suicide manner of death killing Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
125 4 social norm rule
Aline Hitti ๐„›
126 4 high school educational stage secondary school Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
127 4 San Francisco Bay Area metropolitan area
geographic location
Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
128 4 mass media academic discipline
information system
media studies
communication studies
interaction science
media sociology
media history
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
129 4 general psychology branch of psychology psychology Linda S Henderson ๐„›
130 4 big data buzzword
programming paradigm
subject heading
data distributed computing Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
131 4 prioritization activity
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
132 4 Switzerland state
landlocked country
Federal Treaty
Helvetic Republic
sovereign state
OECD country
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
133 4 Bangladesh sovereign state
people's republic
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
134 4 insect taxon Arthropoda entomology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
135 4 herbivore eating behavior
group or class of organisms
feeding behavior
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
136 4 pharmacology medical specialty
branch of biology
pharmaceutical science
health sciences Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
137 4 speciation evolutionary process speciation and extinction Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
138 4 health policy academic discipline
field of study
type of policy
public policy Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
139 4 Conodonta fossil taxon Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
140 4 Lycaenidae taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
141 4 Clythiidae taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
142 4 phytochemistry branch of chemistry organic chemistry Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
143 4 ecological economics school of economic thought
branch of science
economics Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
144 4 genetic diversity biodiversity population genetics Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
145 4 meta-analysis statistical method
systematic review
secondary research
Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
146 4 placebo scientific control
medical treatment
medical procedure
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
147 4 social network social structure
group of humans
social network analysis Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
148 4 species richness Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
149 4 extracorporeal membrane oxygenation extracorporeal Richard Cheng ๐„›
150 4 asthma class of disease bronchospasm
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
151 4 biomedical investigative technique biomedical analytical technique Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
152 4 estuary FFH-Habitat marine ecosystem
river ecosystem
body of water
river mouth
Francis P. Filice ๐„›
153 4 brain organ type
class of anatomical entity
animal organ
particular anatomical entity
neuroscience William A Weiss ๐„›
154 4 infection failure mode physiological condition
adverse event
risk source
health problem
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
155 4 cell biology branch of biology
academic discipline
biology William A Weiss ๐„›
156 4 fatty acid structural class of chemical entities monocarboxylic acid
aliphatic compound
fatty acyl
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
157 4 autophagy biological process
cellular process
cellular catabolic process
process utilizing autophagic mechanism
William A Weiss ๐„›
158 4 socioeconomics academic discipline Alison Cohen ๐„›
159 4 cardiogenic shock symptom or sign
class of disease
shock Richard Cheng ๐„›
160 4 phytoplankton organisms known by a particular common name plankton
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
161 4 preventive health services health care Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
162 4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae taxon
model organism
food ingredient William A Weiss ๐„›
163 4 carcinogenesis health risk
biological process
disease of cellular proliferation oncology Arthur Furst ๐„›
164 4 DNA damage cell damage
genetic phenomena
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
165 4 Myanmar sovereign state
Burma studies David Saah ๐„›
166 4 microgravity environment
altered gravity
Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
167 4 global health academic major health Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
168 4 sexual intercourse human sexual behavior
reciprocating motion
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
169 4 lipopolysaccharide structural class of chemical entities liposaccharide
polysaccharide derivative
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
170 4 virtual community community
Web 2.0
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
171 4 autism disability
pervasive developmental disorder
class of disease
autism spectrum disorder
William Bosl ๐„›
172 4 manure fertilizer
organic matter
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
173 3 India country
sovereign state
constitutional republic
democratic republic
federal republic
Indology Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
174 3 Burkina Faso sovereign state
landlocked country
Burkina Faso studies Brian Dowd-Uribe ๐„›
175 3 law academic discipline rule jurisprudence
legal science
Annick Wibben ๐„›
176 3 episodic memory memory type memory
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
177 3 Cape Town port settlement
capital city
statistical territorial entity
big city
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
178 3 educational technology education industry
type of technology
technology Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
179 3 mental health care health care Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
180 3 health professional profession
occupation group according to ISCO-08
intellectual and scientific professionals
health care provider
Mary Lou De Natale ๐„›
181 3 housing social issue
economic concept
supply Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
182 3 Empididae taxon Berta B. Kessel ๐„›
183 3 street child child
people in poverty
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
184 3 pharmacy interdisciplinary science
academic major
branch of science
pharmaceutical science
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
185 3 suicide risk health risk
safety risk
assessment of suicide risk
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
186 3 study protocol protocol Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
187 3 postpartum period time interval Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
188 3 Oman sovereign state
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
189 3 peer support specialty consultation Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
190 3 philosophy academic discipline
academic major
branch of science
field of work
knowledge system
academic degree
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
191 3 Pakistan sovereign state
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
192 3 Google business
technology company
identity provider
public company
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
193 3 ecosystem type of system biological system
ecological unit
life sciences
ecological assessment
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
194 3 Amphibia taxon Tetrapoda batrachology
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
195 3 Gekkonidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
196 3 automotive engineering academic discipline
technical sciences
mechanical engineering
electrical engineering
Billy Riggs ๐„›
197 3 fresh water drinking water aquatic science Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
198 3 pneumonia infectious disease
class of disease
cause of death
lung disease
lower respiratory tract infection
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
199 3 avian influenza infectious disease
class of disease
viral infectious disease
lung disease
Orthomyxoviridae infectious disease
bird disease
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
200 3 immunotherapy medical treatment Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
201 3 Agamidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
202 3 cystic fibrosis designated intractable/rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
autosomal recessive disease
lung disease
genetic biliary tract disease
genetic pancreatic disease
rare genetic respiratory disease
rare male fertility disorder with obstructive azoospermia
rare genetic disorder with obstructive azoospermia
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
203 3 biological invasion biological process invasion biology Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
204 3 wheeze medical finding
symptom or sign
continuous adventitious sound
clinical sign
abnormal breathing
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
205 3 cooperation activity
type of interaction
association interaction science Gerardo Marรญn ๐„›
206 3 questionnaire document
data collection
determination method
Gerardo Marรญn ๐„›
207 3 Neotropical realm biogeographic realm
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
208 3 aquatic science academic discipline science Billy Riggs ๐„›
209 3 Nigeria sovereign state
federal republic
Nigerian studies Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
210 3 hearing loss health problem hearing disorder
sensory loss
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
211 3 Malawi republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
Malawian studies Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
212 3 invasion impact effect invasion biology Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
213 3 economics academic discipline
academic major
field of study
social science Libo Xu ๐„›
214 3 sibling kinship first-degree relative Saralyn Ruff ๐„›
215 3 myocarditis class of disease
symptom or sign
extrinsic cardiomyopathy
myocardial disorder
cardiovascular system symptom
Richard Cheng ๐„›
216 3 risk factor environmental factor
epidemiologic factor
determinants of health
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
217 3 environment matter
environment Jane Hirshfield ๐„›
218 3 community of practice community Liang Wang ๐„›
219 3 phenotype quality Eliza Congdon ๐„›
220 3 weight gain clinical sign
symptom or sign
clinical sign
body weight change
nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom
Alison Cohen ๐„›
221 3 NF-ฮบB family of protein complexes transcription factor William A Weiss ๐„›
222 3 civic engagement participation Alison Cohen ๐„›
223 3 infection in pregnancy intercurrent disease in pregnancy
infectious disease
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
224 3 phase II clinical trial phase of clinical research clinical trial Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
225 3 Canada sovereign state
Canadian studies J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
226 3 Zimbabwe republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
Zimbabwean studies Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
227 3 birth control family planning
medical prevention
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
228 3 lidar optical instrument Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
229 3 visualization visual depiction
human-readable medium
Alark Joshi ๐„›
230 3 greenhouse gas radiatively active gases environmental science
David Saah ๐„›
231 3 molecular medicine academic discipline
academic major
medical specialty
medicine Annette K. Regan ๐„›
232 3 wildfire conflagration fire ecology David Saah ๐„›
233 3 vaccine engineering bioengineering Annette K. Regan ๐„›
234 3 incarceration disease Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
235 3 dyslipidemias lipid metabolism disorder Ploypun Narindrarangkura ๐„›
236 3 family planning medical specialty planning Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
237 3 larynx anatomical cluster type
class of anatomical entity
heterogeneous anatomical cluster
particular anatomical entity
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
238 3 radiation therapy medical specialty medical treatment
treatment of cancer
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
239 3 Senegal sovereign state
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
240 3 micromammal mammal Gary L. Stevens ๐„›
241 3 mountain forest type of biotope forest
montane ecosystems
Gary L. Stevens ๐„›
242 3 Sphecidae taxon Francis Xavier Williams ๐„›
243 3 neuroethics ethics
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
244 3 angiography roentgenology
medical imaging
Richard Cheng ๐„›
245 3 Salamandridae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
246 3 algal bloom water pollution
natural phenomenon
Sunny Jardine ๐„›
247 3 social movement type of world view group action
social process
Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
248 3 mutualism cross-species interaction Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
249 3 coronary artery disease class of disease artery disease
cardiovascular disease
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
250 3 genome-wide association study genetic technique Eliza Congdon ๐„›
251 3 sarin type of chemical entity organophosphorus ester Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
252 3 autism spectrum disorder neurodevelopmental disorder
class of disease
pervasive developmental disorder sociological and cultural aspects of autism
William Bosl ๐„›
253 3 seawater solution saline water aquatic science Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
254 3 Lesotho sovereign state
landlocked country
Taryn Vian ๐„›
255 3 thin film physical object
Ioannina Castano ๐„›
256 3 Crocodylus taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
257 3 Morelet's crocodile taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
258 3 crocodile organisms known by a particular common name wild animal Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
259 2 circulatory system anatomical system type
class of anatomical entity
organ system
particular anatomical entity
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
260 2 genomics branch of biology
academic discipline
medical specialty
computational biology
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
261 2 strategic management type of management
academic discipline
business activity
Nola Agha ๐„›
262 2 frontotemporal lobar degeneration designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
symptom or sign
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
263 2 semantic dementia class of disease behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia
progressive nonfluent aphasia
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
264 2 smartphone mobile phone
smart device
information appliance
mobile computer
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
265 2 thyroid cancer class of disease endocrine gland cancer
thyroid neoplasm
thyroid gland disease
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
266 2 intersectionality sociological theory
academic discipline
gender studies
political sociology
social movement
Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
267 2 best practice good practice Mary Lou De Natale ๐„›
268 2 theoretical computer science academic discipline
academic major
computer science
fundamental science
Steven Alter ๐„›
269 2 neuroimaging medical specialty roentgenology
medical imaging
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
270 2 temporal lobe epilepsy rare disease
class of disease
focal epilepsy Indre Viskontas ๐„›
271 2 mobile app software category application
mobile software
computer program
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
272 2 end-of-life care medical procedure type palliative care
medical procedure
Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
273 2 data mining discovery
text and data mining
Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
274 2 suicide prevention preventive medicine prevention
risk management
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
275 2 sociology academic discipline
academic major
social science history of sociology
sociology of sociology
philosophy of sociology
Charles A. Reich ๐„›
276 2 acute HIV infection human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
277 2 mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic mental health Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
278 2 invasion biology branch of biology
academic discipline
invasion science
Sunny Jardine ๐„›
279 2 carbon dioxide emissions emission
greenhouse gas emissions
Sunny Jardine ๐„›
280 2 sexual identity identity
sexual orientation
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
281 2 Ranidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
282 2 ethics branch of philosophy
academic discipline
philosophy Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
283 2 paleontology academic discipline field research Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
284 2 ultraviolet radiation electromagnetic radiation Deneb Karentz ๐„›
285 2 mitochondrion cellular component
intracellular membrane-bounded organelle
semiautonomous organelle
membranous cytoplasmic organelle
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
286 2 biodiversity biology
biodiversity science Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
287 2 systemic lupus erythematosus designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
rheumatic disease
lupus erythematosus
connective tissue disease
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
288 2 Devonian period
Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
289 2 Megophryidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
290 2 population genetics academic discipline
academic major
genetics Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
291 2 alcohol abuse class of disease substance abuse
alcohol consumption
alcohol-related disorders
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
292 2 gamification design
applied game
Billy Riggs ๐„›
293 2 habitat place type geographic region Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
294 2 ozone depletion physical process
global issue
environmental issue
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
295 2 Sphaerodactylidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
296 2 viral load Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
297 2 ethics policy policy Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
298 2 metadata data
secondary information
artificial object
Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
299 2 Trachemys scripta elegans taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
300 2 social psychology branch of psychology
academic major
psychology sociolinguistics Gerardo Marรญn ๐„›
301 2 cryptic species complex population Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
302 2 gene flow change genetic transfer Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
303 2 microsatellite repetitive DNA
satellite DNA
variable number tandem repeat Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
304 2 cardiac surgery medical specialty
academic discipline
thoracic surgery Richard Cheng ๐„›
305 2 Sauria taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
306 2 population dynamics life sciences Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
307 2 pleiotropy concept Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
308 2 stable isotope isotope
primordial nuclide
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
309 2 video game type of arts
software category
electronic game
entertainment software
audiovisual work
tangible good
video games, consoles and accessories
game studies Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
310 2 molecular phylogenetics academic discipline
academic major
phylogenetics Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
311 2 pedagogy branch of science
academic major
academic discipline
educommunication Brandi Lawless ๐„›
312 2 El Salvador sovereign state
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
313 2 heterogeneity difference
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
314 2 tropical forest vegetational formation forest Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
315 2 Teratoscincus keyserlingii taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
316 2 cell death biological process cellular process
biological destruction
Richard Cheng ๐„›
317 2 demographics statistic demography Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
318 2 data management Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
319 2 data collection activity activity
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
320 2 invertebrate grade animal invertebrate zoology Francis P. Filice ๐„›
321 2 poverty status state
social issue
sociology of poverty Brandi Lawless ๐„›
322 2 nature conservation academic discipline
branch of biology
conservation Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
323 2 placebo-controlled trial controlled trial Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
324 2 stable isotope analysis isotope analysis Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
325 2 plant trait phenotypic trait Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
326 2 biofuel biocombustible
motor fuel
Libo Xu ๐„›
327 2 nanoparticle nanomaterial
Shohreh Nafisi ๐„›
328 2 ecological hierarchy ecological concept hierarchy Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
329 2 San Francisco Bay bay Francis P. Filice ๐„›
330 2 pregnant women female
pregnant person
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
331 2 Periplaneta americana taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
332 2 Drosophila melanogaster taxon
model organism
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
333 2 Silicon Valley technopole
Tristin Green ๐„›
334 2 nervous system anatomical system type
class of anatomical entity
organ system
particular anatomical entity
neurology Eliza Congdon ๐„›
335 2 general chemistry branch of chemistry Joseph Czekner ๐„›
336 2 exoplanet astronomical object type planet
extrasolar object
exoplanetology N. Jeremy Kasdin ๐„›
337 2 neoplastic stem cells cell type stem cell
cancer cell
Sean Judge ๐„›
338 2 drug delivery technique technology Shohreh Nafisi ๐„›
339 2 health equity social justice Alison Cohen ๐„›
340 2 DNA methylation biological process DNA methylation or demethylation
macromolecule methylation
DNA alkylation
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
341 2 language model statistical model Jeremy Howard ๐„›
342 2 social determinants of health determinants of health
sociological factors
public health
Alison Cohen ๐„›
343 2 intercultural communication academic discipline
type of interaction
interaction Brandi Lawless ๐„›
344 2 predictive analytics statistical method
business analytics
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
345 2 immunization programs preventive health services Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
346 2 motor skill skill
psychomotor performance
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
347 2 heteroscedasticity property Libo Xu ๐„›
348 2 digital transformation strategic management information technology
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
349 2 entrepreneurship academic major
economic concept
economic activity Liang Wang ๐„›
350 2 SARS-CoV-2 group or class of strains
Coronavirus Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
351 2 Schistosoma mansoni taxon Deneb Karentz ๐„›
352 2 neural stem cells cell type stem cell
multipotent stem cell
William A Weiss ๐„›
353 2 Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope space telescope
infrared telescope
proposed entity
N. Jeremy Kasdin ๐„›
354 2 screen time time Alison Cohen ๐„›
355 2 hurricane meteorological disaster Alison Cohen ๐„›
356 2 human erythrocyte human cell type
cell type
red blood cell Paul Chien ๐„›
357 2 Biomphalaria glabrata taxon Deneb Karentz ๐„›
358 2 drug discovery pharmacology
drug development
Arthur Furst ๐„›
359 2 oil market economic concept
energy market
energy market Libo Xu ๐„›
360 2 preproinsulin protein precursor
William A Weiss ๐„›
361 2 alternative mRNA splicing, via spliceosome biological process
mRNA splicing, via spliceosome William A Weiss ๐„›
362 2 infancy stage developmental stage William A Weiss ๐„›
363 2 agriculture economic sector
field of work
agriculture and forestry agronomy Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
364 2 ecological succession biological process
pattern in nature
ecology Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
365 2 veteran occupation military personnel
group of humans
Siyang Zeng ๐„›
366 2 peer review activity Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
367 2 Google Earth virtual globe David Saah ๐„›
368 2 stereoselectivity quality
Simon J Cooper ๐„›
369 2 antibiotic resistance antimicrobial resistance
bacterial drug resistance
response to antibiotic
James D Wilson ๐„›
370 2 remote sensing branch of science gathering of information David Saah ๐„›
371 2 urinary incontinence disease
symptom or sign
impairment of continence
urination disorder
urological symptom
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
372 2 computational mathematics area of mathematics computational science
James D Wilson ๐„›
373 2 food desert territory Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
374 2 inner city neighborhood Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
375 2 maternal death cause of death death Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
376 2 disease prevention prevention
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
377 2 reproductive age developmental stage Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
378 2 cartilage anatomical structure connective tissue Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
379 2 globalisation social theory interaction globalization studies
international studies
Caroline Linse ๐„›
380 2 sustainable development type of policy development Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
381 2 immunology medical specialty
branch of biology
academic discipline
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
382 2 geophysics branch of science
academic discipline
academic major
Kanani Lee ๐„›
383 2 laryngoscopy medical device type endoscopy Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
384 2 Staphylococcus aureus taxon Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
385 2 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma head and neck disease
rare disease
class of disease
squamous cell carcinoma
head and neck cancer
head and neck carcinoma
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
386 2 blockchain concept
academic discipline
field of study
distributed ledger
distributed data store
computer network protocol
data structure
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
387 2 native species species invasion biology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
388 2 phylogenomics phylogenetics Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
389 2 Sustainable Development Goals plan Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
390 2 LGBT community
group of humans
minority group
LGBT slang
sexual minority
gender minority
transgender studies
sexuality studies
Daniela G Domรญnguez ๐„›
391 2 artificial intelligence industry
type of technology
branch of computer science
computer science
emerging technology
Peter Chang ๐„›
392 2 mathematical model general term conceptual model
intellectual work
scientific model
David Thomas Uminsky ๐„›
393 2 venous thromboembolism disease thromboembolism
vein disorder
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
394 2 transfer learning paradigm machine learning Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
395 2 anthropocene epoch
environmental science
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
396 2 scholarly communication communication Charlotte Roh ๐„›
397 2 native grass native plant
invasion biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
398 2 Iceland island country
sovereign state
OECD country
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
399 2 transcriptomics branch of biology genetics
computational biology
RNA analysis
William A Weiss ๐„›
400 2 soil type metaclass
type of object
class Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
401 2 Internet IP network
computer network
telecommunications network communication studies
media studies
interaction science
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
402 2 chitin polymer
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
403 2 forest bathing human activity nature therapy Margaret Hansen ๐„›
404 2 morphogenesis biological process Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
405 2 denitrification biological process Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
406 2 microbiome biome Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
407 2 microbial ecology branch of ecology microbiology Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
408 2 bioluminescence biological process
color in nature
cell metabolism
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
409 2 hygiene academic discipline
academic degree
preventive medicine
health behaviour
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
410 2 groundwater recharge hydrology Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
411 2 proteolysis biological process protein metabolic process Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
412 2 ecotoxicology branch of science
academic discipline
field of study
environmental toxicology
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
413 2 harm reduction strategy
medical specialty
policy option
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
414 2 temozolomide type of chemical entity heterocyclic compound William A Weiss ๐„›
415 2 oligodendroglioma class of disease glioma
William A Weiss ๐„›
416 2 pluripotency biological phenomenon William A Weiss ๐„›
417 2 earthquake natural disaster
geologic activity
geographically localized event
William Bosl ๐„›
418 2 pesticide mode of toxic action
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
419 2 decision support system academic discipline
field of study
artificial intelligence
business software
information system
William Bosl ๐„›
420 2 seizure disease
symptom or sign
William Bosl ๐„›
421 2 neurochemistry branch of chemistry organic chemistry Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
422 2 immune function physiological function immunology Saera Khan ๐„›
423 2 Albania sovereign state
albanology Taryn Vian ๐„›
424 2 exposure assessment specialty risk assessment Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
425 2 Enterococcus faecalis taxon Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
426 2 Escherichia coli taxon
model organism
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
427 2 Rhacophoridae taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
428 2 saltwater fish organisms known by a particular common name fish
marine animal
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
429 2 traumatic brain injury class of disease brain injury
central nervous system trauma
Kayleen Gimlin ๐„›
430 2 X social networking service
user-generated content platform
online community
Richard D. Waters ๐„›
431 2 Haiti sovereign state
island country
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
432 2 coral reef reef
coral reef ecology
coral reef biology
Edward DeMartini ๐„›
433 2 tretinoin type of chemical entity carboxylic acid
retinoic acid
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
434 2 Sub-Saharan Africa geographic region Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
435 1 Children's Crusade religious war Thea Beckman ๐„›
436 1 Islam major religion
Abrahamic religion Islamic studies Aysha Hidayatullah ๐„›
437 1 baseball type of sport
sport with racquet/stick/club
bat-and-ball game
team sport
Olympic sport
Nola Agha ๐„›
438 1 marriage legal institution
nominal kinship
intimate relationship
end of betrothal
Eve-Anne Doohan ๐„›
439 1 linguistics academic discipline
academic major
field of study
social science
Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
440 1 Afghanistan sovereign state
landlocked country
Annick Wibben ๐„›
441 1 natural gas commodity fossil fuel
fuel gas
Ludwig B. Chincarini ๐„›
442 1 gender identity identity
Lin Fraser ๐„›
443 1 virtual reality simulation
extended reality
virtual place
Elisabeth Jay Friedman ๐„›
444 1 mangrove biome
vegetational formation
WWF biome
biome Sunny Jardine ๐„›
445 1 community garden garden Brian Dowd-Uribe ๐„›
446 1 cardiovascular disease academic discipline
class of disease
disease of anatomical entity
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
447 1 frontotemporal dementia rare disease
class of disease
TDP-43 Proteinopathies
frontotemporal degeneration with dementia
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
448 1 lower secondary school type of educational institution school
secondary school
Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
449 1 sexual violence matter violence
sex crime
Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
450 1 oral history academic discipline
field of work
history Eve-Anne Doohan ๐„›
451 1 book review genre
human activity
literary criticism
literary work
Aysha Hidayatullah ๐„›
452 1 drainage basin concept geographic region
watershed science Heather J. Hoag ๐„›
453 1 gender dysphoria class of disease mental disorder
gender studies Lin Fraser ๐„›
454 1 malnutrition academic discipline
failure mode
nutrition disorder
clinical sign
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
455 1 popular culture concept
Annick Wibben ๐„›
456 1 orbitofrontal cortex cortex
brain region
class of anatomical entity
Gyrus Indre Viskontas ๐„›
457 1 militarism political concept political ideology
Annick Wibben ๐„›
458 1 primary hyperparathyroidism class of disease hyperparathyroidism Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
459 1 Dating violence intimate partner violence Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
460 1 gender identity disorder gender identity
mental disorder
identity disorder
Lin Fraser ๐„›
461 1 mnemonic technique stimulus Indre Viskontas ๐„›
462 1 social networking service virtual community
social media
service on Internet
social network analysis
media sociology
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
463 1 complex analysis area of mathematics
mathematical theory
mathematical analysis Tristan Needham ๐„›
464 1 biomedicine academic major
branch of biology
Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
465 1 autobiographical memory memory type explicit memory Indre Viskontas ๐„›
466 1 health marketing marketing
health services accessibility
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
467 1 KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
468 1 Southern Africa allopatric speciation
cultural region
geographic region
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
469 1 progressive supranuclear palsy designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
movement disorders
frontotemporal degeneration with dementia
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
eye degenerative disease
corticobasal degeneration
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
470 1 neuroanatomy academic discipline Indre Viskontas ๐„›
471 1 optimization algorithm algorithm mathematical optimization Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
472 1 asterisk glyph
Unicode character
George Dohrmann ๐„›
473 1 feature selection dimensionality reduction Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
474 1 bail deterrence Lara Bazelon ๐„›
475 1 epidemic disease outbreak
pathogen spread
epidemiology Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
476 1 violence prevention academic discipline
field of study
prevention Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
477 1 social impact importance Nola Agha ๐„›
478 1 Margot Patterson Doss human Carl Nolte ๐„›
479 1 network property quality Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
480 1 Peru sovereign state
Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
481 1 public disclosing dissemination
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
482 1 media discourse discourse Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
483 1 racial equity social equity Uma Jayakumar ๐„›
484 1 species eradication extinction ecology
invasion biology
Sunny Jardine ๐„›
485 1 invasive species eradication species eradication invasion biology Sunny Jardine ๐„›
486 1 invasive species management environmental resource management invasion biology Sunny Jardine ๐„›
487 1 invasion management environmental management invasion biology Sunny Jardine ๐„›
488 1 systemic functional linguistics field of study linguistics Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
489 1 Earth terrestrial planet
inner planet of the Solar System
Earth science
planetary science
Billy Riggs ๐„›
490 1 Health Information Management academic journal
open-access journal
information management Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
491 1 love advanced emotion
Dossie Easton ๐„›
492 1 poetry literary form
academic discipline
literary work Dean Rader ๐„›
493 1 human sexual behavior human activity interpersonal activity
physical intimacy
animal sexual behaviour
Dossie Easton ๐„›
494 1 Mongolia sovereign state
landlocked country
Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
495 1 immigration activity human migration sociology of immigration
environmental social science
Bill Ong Hing ๐„›
496 1 Antenatal depression complications of pregnancy
major depressive disorder
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
497 1 bicycle mode of transport
individual means of transport
sports equipment
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
498 1 cognitive-behavioral intervention cognitive intervention
behavioral intervention
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
499 1 fetal alcohol spectrum disorders class of disease specific developmental disorder
congenital disorder
alcohol and health
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
500 1 zoogeography branch of geography
branch of zoology
Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
501 1 Reptilia taxon Tetrapoda herpetology
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
502 1 diapause dormancy Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
503 1 sexual ethics academic discipline ethics Dossie Easton ๐„›
504 1 plate tectonics theory geotectonics geology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
505 1 nursing ethics medical ethics Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
506 1 GitHub service on Internet
data library
identity provider
web application
repository hosting service
repository web interface
social networking service
crowdsourced project
issue tracking system
code reviewing software
collaborative wiki software
continuous integration software
online community
Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
507 1 virus taxon microorganism
virology Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
508 1 Bertamyia taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
509 1 oviposition biological process reproductive behavior Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
510 1 Platypezininae taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
511 1 partner relationship interpersonal relationship Dossie Easton ๐„›
512 1 New Orleans city in the United States
big city
consolidated city-county
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
513 1 mobile phone telephone
mobile device
cell phone and accessories
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
514 1 mitochondrial DNA extrachromosomal DNA
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
515 1 Lacertidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
516 1 Anura taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
517 1 Holothuroidea taxon Francis P. Filice ๐„›
518 1 tuberculosis notifiable disease
endemic disease
class of disease
primary bacterial infectious disease
mycobacterium infectious disease
endemic disease
infectious disease
phthisiology Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
519 1 database data set
artificial object
database theory Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
520 1 assisted suicide manner of death suicide
assisted dying
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
521 1 neonatology medical specialty
academic discipline
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
522 1 Streblidae taxon
Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
523 1 parking driving Billy Riggs ๐„›
524 1 research design activity
program design methodology Billy Riggs ๐„›
525 1 Dicroglossidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
526 1 Phyllodactylidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
527 1 Viperidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
528 1 entomology branch of zoology
academic discipline
arthropodology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
529 1 radiocarbon dating radiometric dating radiometric dating
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
530 1 electricity dictionary page in Wikipedia energy
energy source
physical phenomenon
Thomas F. Cargill ๐„›
531 1 Cervidae taxon Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
532 1 social planning planning techniques
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
533 1 ethical analysis analysis
ethics Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
534 1 consensual non-monogamy non-monogamy Dossie Easton ๐„›
535 1 host record occurrence record Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
536 1 Anguidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
537 1 Huntington's disease designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
Huntington disease and related disorders
eye degenerative disease
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
trinucleotide repeat disorder
Richard Cheng ๐„›
538 1 gestational age time interval Annette K. Regan ๐„›
539 1 Hilara wheeleri taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
540 1 health care quality quality Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
541 1 coronary artery bypass surgery surgical procedure vascular bypass
bypass surgery
Richard Cheng ๐„›
542 1 Elapidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
543 1 street design academic discipline
field of study
field of work
urban design Billy Riggs ๐„›
544 1 prevention of sexually transmitted diseases preventive medicine Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
545 1 interest rate price
physical quantity
Thomas F. Cargill ๐„›
546 1 LGBTQ scholarly article Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
547 1 one-way street street Billy Riggs ๐„›
548 1 oseltamivir type of chemical entity chemical compound Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
549 1 Eschscholzia californica taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
550 1 Phrynosomatidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
551 1 archaeological artifact specialty
field of study
cultural artifact
archaeological find
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
552 1 Hesperia comma taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
553 1 Gekkota taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
554 1 DNA barcoding scientific technique genetic analysis Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
555 1 fish taxon
paraphyletic group
organisms known by a particular common name
aquatic animal
marine life
ichthyology Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
556 1 Walterinnesia aegyptia taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
557 1 soil respiration ecosystem process Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
558 1 Pin-tailed Whydah taxon Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
559 1 Bolitoglossa taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
560 1 Asaccus gallagheri taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
561 1 Laudakia papenfussi taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
562 1 Sauropsida taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
563 1 phylogeography geography Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
564 1 wine fermented alcoholic beverage
alcoholic fruit beverage
Thomas A. Maier ๐„›
565 1 introduced species species invasion biology Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
566 1 nickel chemical element
flammable solid
ferromagnetic material
Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
567 1 Ornate slider taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
568 1 Anniella pulchra taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
569 1 Aculeata taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
570 1 archaeological science archaeological sub-discipline Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
571 1 Facebook social networking service
mobile app
social media
user-generated content platform
online community
Kevin D. Lo ๐„›
572 1 trophic level role Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
573 1 Ophidia clade Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
574 1 lifetime duration Billy Riggs ๐„›
575 1 Hesperiidae taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
576 1 Wolbachia taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
577 1 bismuth chemical element
post-transition metal Joseph Czekner ๐„›
578 1 A novel multilocus phylogenetic estimation reveals unrecognized diversity in Asian horned toads, genus Megophrys sensu lato (Anura: Megophryidae). scholarly article Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
579 1 conservation assessment evaluation Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
580 1 Philippines sovereign state
archipelagic state
Filipinology Michael A. Rice ๐„›
581 1 bevacizumab type of chemical entity chemical compound Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
582 1 Purkinje cell cell type
class of anatomical entity
pear-shaped cell
GABAergic neuron
particular anatomical entity
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
583 1 cerebral infarction class of disease brain infarction
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
584 1 last glacial maximum glacial period Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
585 1 biochemistry interdisciplinary science
branch of chemistry
branch of biology
academic discipline
organic chemistry
Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
586 1 latent tuberculosis tuberculosis
asymptomatic infection
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
587 1 education branch of science
knowledge sharing
social process
sociology of education
educational sciences
Herbert Kohl ๐„›
588 1 oxygen chemical element
group 16
oxidizing agent
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
589 1 Lycaeides melissa taxon
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
590 1 microbiology branch of biology
academic discipline
exact science
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
591 1 Acheta domestica taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
592 1 Astragalus lentiginosus taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
593 1 Glaucopsyche lygdamus taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
594 1 invasive plant group of living things invasive species
invasion biology
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
595 1 ethnic diversity diversity Gerardo Marรญn ๐„›
596 1 butterfly organisms known by a particular common name Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
597 1 marine biology branch of biology
academic discipline
academic major
field of study
aquatic biology
Francis P. Filice ๐„›
598 1 pandemic preparedness outbreak management
communicable disease control
emergency management
disaster preparedness
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
599 1 next pandemic pandemic future event outbreak management
public health
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
600 1 immunization safety safety Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
601 1 paleoenvironment natural environment paleoecology Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
602 1 fungal community ecological community Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
603 1 invasion success ecological change
ecological success
invasion biology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
604 1 elevational gradient gradient geography Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
605 1 trophic ecology branch of ecology ecology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
606 1 ecological resource availability availability ecology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
607 1 latitudinal gradient gradient Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
608 1 population structure structure Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
609 1 migratory species species Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
610 1 city expansion growth Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
611 1 global warming atmospheric phenomenon
environmental issue
human impact on the environment
external risk
global climate change
climatology Jane Hirshfield ๐„›
612 1 change management type of management
management Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
613 1 Calliphoridae taxon Carl G. Kadner ๐„›
614 1 Gryllidae taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
615 1 dune aeolian landform
vรกtรฉ pรญsky
Carlos E. Kaufeldt ๐„›
616 1 Kลฏlna Cave cave Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
617 1 metabolomics branch of science
academic discipline
computational biology
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
618 1 urban planning type of policy
public administration
academic discipline
spatial planning Alison Cohen ๐„›
619 1 electrocardiography medical test type medical test
diagnostic test in cardiology
Richard Cheng ๐„›
620 1 pet domesticated animal Cori Bussolari ๐„›
621 1 telescope invention optical instrument
astronomical instrument
N. Jeremy Kasdin ๐„›
622 1 Trypanosoma cruzi taxon Francis P. Filice ๐„›
623 1 Hurricane Katrina Category 5 hurricane Alison Cohen ๐„›
624 1 Western Hemisphere hemisphere of the Earth Michael A. Rice ๐„›
625 1 influenza A virus subtype H1N1 subtype influenza A virus Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
626 1 higher education educational stage tertiary education Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
627 1 digital economy economy Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
628 1 generalist herbivore herbivore
dietary generalist
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
629 1 Intraspecific variation genetic diversity genetics Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
630 1 butterfly diversity animal diversity Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
631 1 climate pattern pattern Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
632 1 ecological complexity complexity Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
633 1 native herbivore herbivore
native species
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
634 1 continental scale spatial scale Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
635 1 voltage scalar quantity
potential difference
William A Weiss ๐„›
636 1 hydrography academic discipline
academic major
Earth science
Francis P. Filice ๐„›
637 1 acute respiratory distress syndrome cause of death
class of disease
symptom or sign
respiratory failure
pulmonary injury
acute respiratory insufficiency
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
638 1 breast cancer class of disease
symptom or sign
thoracic cancer
breast disease
breast neoplasm
breast cancer research Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
639 1 Dictyostelium discoideum taxon
model organism
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
640 1 lidocaine type of chemical entity amide Shohreh Nafisi ๐„›
641 1 Orthoptera taxon orthopterology Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
642 1 Leuconostoc mesenteroides taxon Arthur Furst ๐„›
643 1 superresolution technique
digital imaging
Jeremy Howard ๐„›
644 1 public space social space
open space
Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
645 1 critical sociology branch of sociology sociological theory
Marxist philosophy
sociological methodology
critical social theory
normative sociology
Brandi Lawless ๐„›
646 1 teaching activity
academic discipline
information transfer
educational activity
Thomas A. Maier ๐„›
647 1 price of oil price Libo Xu ๐„›
648 1 menarche biological process
medical finding
menstrual cycle phase
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
649 1 serology academic discipline
academic major
medical diagnosis
Gerald J. Crowley ๐„›
650 1 Sequoioideae taxon Joseph J. Zucca ๐„›
651 1 San Pablo Bay bay Francis P. Filice ๐„›
652 1 small for gestational age abnormally low value
physiological condition
low birth weight infant Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
653 1 sarcoma class of disease cell type cancer
solid tumour oncology Sean Judge ๐„›
654 1 bradycardia medical finding
symptom or sign
heart arrhythmia
finding of heart rate
Richard Cheng ๐„›
655 1 corpus striatum brain region
class of anatomical entity
striatum of neuraxis
set of neuraxis structures
particular anatomical entity
Ermanda Siregar ๐„›
656 1 halotolerance robustness Michael A. Rice ๐„›
657 1 positive mental attitude Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
658 1 intravascular ultrasound medical ultrasonography Richard Cheng ๐„›
659 1 pseudotumor disease lesion Sean Judge ๐„›
660 1 emotional labor work Brandi Lawless ๐„›
661 1 bortezomib type of chemical entity chemical compound Sean Judge ๐„›
662 1 bacterial pneumonia infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
bacterial infectious disease
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
663 1 catalysis molecular function chemical reaction
molecular function
catalysis and mechanisms of reactions Arthur Furst ๐„›
664 1 self-consciousness awareness Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
665 1 Orthomyxoviridae taxon Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
666 1 phosphorylation biological process
chemical reaction
phosphate-containing compound metabolic process William A Weiss ๐„›
667 1 norepinephrine type of chemical entity catecholamine
phenethylamine alkaloid
William A Weiss ๐„›
668 1 inorganic compound structural class of chemical entities chemical compound
inorganic substance
inorganic chemistry Deneb Karentz ๐„›
669 1 Chlorostoma funebralis taxon Paul Chien ๐„›
670 1 Ophionereis annulata taxon Michael A. Rice ๐„›
671 1 phenome group or class of phenotypic traits phenomics Eliza Congdon ๐„›
672 1 quantitative trait locus locus William A Weiss ๐„›
673 1 pathogen transmission biological process
pathogen spread
epidemiology Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
674 1 UNICEF organization established by the United Nations Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
675 1 birth mass biomedical measurand type mass
human body weight
Alison Cohen ๐„›
676 1 peritoneal mesothelioma class of disease occupational disease
peritoneal neoplasm
peritoneum cancer
squamous cell carcinoma
Sean Judge ๐„›
677 1 photoacoustic imaging medical imaging Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
678 1 nanodiamonds nanoparticle
Shohreh Nafisi ๐„›
679 1 health indicator assessment method indicator Alison Cohen ๐„›
680 1 retroperitoneal sarcoma class of disease retroperitoneal cancer Sean Judge ๐„›
681 1 organic tin compounds structural class of chemical entities organic compound
tin compound
organometallic compound
organotin chemistry Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
682 1 play therapy psychotherapy Saralyn Ruff ๐„›
683 1 human resource management specialty
academic discipline
type of management
functional management Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
684 1 stock market economic activity capital market
artificial object
Libo Xu ๐„›
685 1 pyridoxine type of chemical entity structural analog
pyridine alkaloids
vitamin B6
Arthur Furst ๐„›
686 1 angiogenesis biological process anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis
microvasculature remodeling
William A Weiss ๐„›
687 1 information literacy academic discipline
library service
library science Brandi Lawless ๐„›
688 1 banking services financial services Libo Xu ๐„›
689 1 de-identification technical process Jeremy Howard ๐„›
690 1 success result
Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
691 1 personal development development
Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
692 1 succession planning planning Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
693 1 macroeconomic model economic model Libo Xu ๐„›
694 1 Colias eurytheme taxon Sister Mary Baptista Dean ๐„›
695 1 Therevidae taxon Charles W. Hildebrand ๐„›
696 1 COVID-19 vaccine Coronavirus-induced disease vaccine Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
697 1 self-management type of management management Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
698 1 Glycera dibranchiata taxon Michael A. Rice ๐„›
699 1 Rana sierrae taxon Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
700 1 sociodemography academic discipline sociology
Alison Cohen ๐„›
701 1 thematic analysis qualitative research Brandi Lawless ๐„›
702 1 Clapper Rail taxon Joseph J. Zucca ๐„›
703 1 Phaenicia sericata taxon
Carl G. Kadner ๐„›
704 1 functional magnetic resonance imaging functional neuroimaging
magnetic resonance imaging
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
705 1 Cockayne syndrome designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
autosomal recessive disease
eye degenerative disease
nervous system heredodegenerative disease
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
706 1 ependymoma class of disease ependymal tumor
childhood cancer
William A Weiss ๐„›
707 1 cannabis drug soft drug
psychoactive drug
food ingredient
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
708 1 Gallinas Creek stream Francis P. Filice ๐„›
709 1 climate crisis crisis Jane Hirshfield ๐„›
710 1 photoacoustics branch of science
technical sciences
Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
711 1 community health service specialty
academic discipline
health service Alison Cohen ๐„›
712 1 myeloid leukemia class of disease leukemia
Arthur Furst ๐„›
713 1 interference microscopy microscopy Arthur Furst ๐„›
714 1 Aurora kinase A protein protein William A Weiss ๐„›
715 1 regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle biological process regulation of mitotic cell cycle phase transition
regulation of cell cycle G2/M phase transition
William A Weiss ๐„›
716 1 cell line cell culture
William A Weiss ๐„›
717 1 miracidium developmental stage Deneb Karentz ๐„›
718 1 mutational analysis medical diagnosis William A Weiss ๐„›
719 1 cognition biological process
type of process
academic discipline
field of study
mental process
nervous system process
cognitive science Eliza Congdon ๐„›
720 1 urban biophysics academic discipline biophysics
urban ecology
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
721 1 Aldh gene Sean Judge ๐„›
722 1 Diverging Paths: Understanding Racial Differences in Civic Engagement Among White, African American, and Latina/o Adolescents Using Structural Equation Modeling. scholarly article Alison Cohen ๐„›
723 1 visualisation technique
mental process
psychology Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
724 1 infectivity quality Deneb Karentz ๐„›
725 1 adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behavioral disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Eliza Congdon ๐„›
726 1 intergenerationality interpersonal relationship
family relation
Lisa S. Wagner ๐„›
727 1 bites and stings disease injury
animal attack
Jeffrey Paller ๐„›
728 1 trolling online misconduct
Brandi Lawless ๐„›
729 1 war armed conflict
social issue
military activity
military history
war studies
peace and conflict studies
Institute for the Study of War
sociology of peace, war, and social conflict
Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
730 1 niobium chemical element transition metal
period 5
Milka Nikolic ๐„›
731 1 Project-based learning pedagogy study
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
732 1 Nepal landlocked country
sovereign state
geographic region
David Saah ๐„›
733 1 pediatric ependymoma class of disease ependymoma
childhood cancer
ependymal tumor
childhood neoplasm
William A Weiss ๐„›
734 1 racism political ideology
social inequality
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
735 1 International Space Station space laboratory
space station
Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
736 1 Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 5 protein William A Weiss ๐„›
737 1 Potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 5 protein William A Weiss ๐„›
738 1 caspase-8 deficiency rare disease
class of disease
autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
autosomal recessive disease
Type 2 Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome
William A Weiss ๐„›
739 1 CD532 type of chemical entity chemical compound William A Weiss ๐„›
740 1 selective autophagy biological process macroautophagy William A Weiss ๐„›
741 1 process utilizing autophagic mechanism biological process cellular process William A Weiss ๐„›
742 1 mouse leukemia mouse disease
cancer in animals
Arthur Furst ๐„›
743 1 bone marrow cells cell type cell Arthur Furst ๐„›
744 1 network connectivity graph connectivity Eliza Congdon ๐„›
745 1 LGBT community community J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
746 1 nicotine group of stereoisomers pyrrolidine
nicotine-like alkaloid
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
747 1 Sweden sovereign state
scandinavian studies Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
748 1 inflammation symptom or sign disease
clinical sign
general symptom
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
749 1 hepatitis A infectious disease
notifiable disease
class of disease
viral infectious disease
viral hepatitis
waterborne disease
Lisa Duncan ๐„›
750 1 miscarriage disease
symptom or sign
pregnancy with abortive outcome
reproductive system symptom
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
751 1 nurse practitioner profession
nursing specialty
advanced practice nurse
mid-level practitioner
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
752 1 medical cannabis drug approval cannabis
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
753 1 general relativity scientific theory
physical law
G David Kerlick ๐„›
754 1 water pollution pollution environmental pollution Jeremy T Laurin ๐„›
755 1 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behavioral disorder
class of disease
neurodevelopmental disorder
specific developmental disorder
hyperkinetic disorder
neurodevelopmental disorder
psychiatry Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
756 1 forestry industry
academic discipline
field of study
agriculture and forestry
David Saah ๐„›
757 1 statistics academic major mathematics
formal science
sociolinguistics James D Wilson ๐„›
758 1 gestational diabetes class of disease diabetes
complication of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
diabetes mellitus and pregnancy
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
759 1 natural disaster failure mode disaster
natural phenomenon
natural risk
risk source
environmental disturbance
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
760 1 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons structural class of chemical entities polycyclic aromatic compound
aromatic hydrocarbon
non-methane volatile organic compound
polycyclic hydrocarbon
Claire Castro ๐„›
761 1 wood pellet solid fuel
David Saah ๐„›
762 1 Dasypodidae taxon Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
763 1 Ascomycota taxon Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
764 1 Populus trichocarpa taxon
model organism
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
765 1 Alzheimer's disease rare disease
class of disease
aging-associated disease
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
766 1 alkane structural class of chemical entities
homologous series
saturated compound
acyclic compound
aliphatic hydrocarbon
Sunney Chan ๐„›
767 1 case-control study observational study Annette K. Regan ๐„›
768 1 antimalarial antiprotozoal Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
769 1 nanowire nanostructure Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
770 1 methane type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
group 14 hydride
Sunney Chan ๐„›
771 1 preprint software version type article
grey literature
academic edition
software version type
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
772 1 preterm birth disease
abnormally low value
obstetric labor complication
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
773 1 intrauterine growth restriction disease
medical finding
failure to thrive Annette K. Regan ๐„›
774 1 genotoxicity toxicity
Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
775 1 open-source software source-available software
freely redistributable software
Alark Joshi ๐„›
776 1 fuzzy logic many-valued logic mathematical logic Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
777 1 obstetrics medical specialty health sciences
obstetrics and gynaecology
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
778 1 pertussis vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
bacterial vaccine Annette K. Regan ๐„›
779 1 transcriptome RNA transcriptomics Siyang Zeng ๐„›
780 1 mammography medical test type roentgenology
medical imaging
breast imaging
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
781 1 cancer research academic discipline
research Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
782 1 Salicaceae taxon Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
783 1 gynaecology medical specialty
academic discipline
health sciences Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
784 1 effectiveness quality Annette K. Regan ๐„›
785 1 heat map type of map map
statistical graphics
Alark Joshi ๐„›
786 1 cloud computing system resource
computing platform
service on Internet
David Saah ๐„›
787 1 gender gap gender relations Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
788 1 religiosity spirituality neurotheology
psychology of religion
Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
789 1 sickle-cell disease rare disease
class of disease
autosomal recessive disease
congenital hemolytic anemia
blood protein disease
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
790 1 medical imaging technique
academic discipline
biological imaging
medical test
medical diagnosis
clinical sciences
Alark Joshi ๐„›
791 1 peripheral neuropathy class of disease neurological disorder
Ploypun Narindrarangkura ๐„›
792 1 eating disorder class of disease specific developmental disorder
nutrition disorder
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
793 1 poisoning cause of death
major trauma
chemically induced disorder
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
794 1 viral nucleocapsid cellular component virion component Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
795 1 accounting studies academic discipline David Saah ๐„›
796 1 osteolysis bone resorption Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
797 1 confidentiality quality Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
798 1 Xylariaceae taxon Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
799 1 efficacy effectiveness Annette K. Regan ๐„›
800 1 stochastic block model generative model James D Wilson ๐„›
801 1 birth interval time interval family characteristics Annette K. Regan ๐„›
802 1 Influenza vaccines scholarly article Annette K. Regan ๐„›
803 1 Aged film Annette K. Regan ๐„›
804 1 R package software category software package Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
805 1 morbidity rate Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
806 1 atherosclerosis class of disease arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
Siyang Zeng ๐„›
807 1 acute myocardial infarction class of disease myocardial infarction
acute coronary syndrome
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
808 1 unsupervised clustering process cluster analysis James D Wilson ๐„›
809 1 population-based cohort study cohort study Annette K. Regan ๐„›
810 1 introduced plant introduced species
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
811 1 forest invasion habitat invasion Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
812 1 necrotrophy feeding strategy Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
813 1 canopy plant community canopy research Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
814 1 hysterectomy medical specialty
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
815 1 bacterial vaginosis infectious disease
class of disease
bacterial infectious disease
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
816 1 Internet of things concept
driver of Industry 4.0
smart device interaction science
computer science
Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
817 1 ecosystem services yield
ecological applications
David Saah ๐„›
818 1 trans fat structural class of chemical entities unsaturated fat Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
819 1 reactogenicity adverse drug reaction iatrogenesis Annette K. Regan ๐„›
820 1 Papua New Guinea Commonwealth realm
island country
sovereign state
archipelagic state
constitutional monarchy
Gary L. Stevens ๐„›
821 1 Accelerometer-determined moderate intensity lifestyle activity and cardiometabolic health scholarly article Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
822 1 Dyslipidemia scholarly article Ploypun Narindrarangkura ๐„›
823 1 telomere length biological sequence Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
824 1 colibactin type of chemical entity chemical compound Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
825 1 Earth observation gathering of information David Saah ๐„›
826 1 RNA analysis biochemistry method Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
827 1 Leiognathidae taxon Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
828 1 satellite imagery photography genre
David Saah ๐„›
829 1 Cerebral veins vein set of veins Robert J. Morelli ๐„›
830 1 art academic major
essentially contested concept
academic discipline
field of work
economic sector
recreation art history
art practice
sociology of art
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
831 1 motivational interviewing directive counseling David A Martinez ๐„›
832 1 particle swarm optimization optimization Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
833 1 Brazil sovereign state
secular state
rule of law
federal republic
Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
834 1 cyber-physical system cyber-entispheral system
Interspheral System
Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
835 1 biomimetics biology
bionics Sunney Chan ๐„›
836 1 greenhouse gas emissions emission
environmental emission
David Saah ๐„›
837 1 tree mortality mortality David Saah ๐„›
838 1 managed forest forest David Saah ๐„›
839 1 ecological impact environmental effects David Saah ๐„›
840 1 complications of pregnancy complication of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
841 1 pneumococcal vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
streptococcal vaccines Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
842 1 behavior therapy psychotherapy
behavior management
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
843 1 plump cancer colonic disease
class of disease
colonic neoplasm
colorectal cancer
colonic disease
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
844 1 amphetamine-related disorders class of disease substance abuse
stimulant use disorder
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
845 1 maternal mortality ratio measurement
vital statistics
mortality rate Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
846 1 data visualization academic discipline visualization Alark Joshi ๐„›
847 1 National Inpatient Sample database Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
848 1 censorship media regulation
social issue
Patrick Califia ๐„›
849 1 vegetation type class David Saah ๐„›
850 1 salt marsh Q62562206
marine habitats
salt marsh ecology Gary L. Stevens ๐„›
851 1 data information statistics
data science
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
852 1 aerospace engineering technical sciences
academic discipline
academic degree
engineering Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
853 1 East Timor country
sovereign state
island country
Stephen Zunes ๐„›
854 1 technology academic discipline
applied science technology assessment
science and technology studies
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
855 1 aorta artery
umbrella term
class of anatomical entity
systemic arterial trunk
particular anatomical entity
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
856 1 lung cancer rare disease
class of disease
respiratory system cancer
lung disease
lung neoplasm
pulmonology Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
857 1 bitcoin free software
communication protocol
payment system
reserve currency
crypto asset
legal tender
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
858 1 Laos sovereign state
landlocked country
communist state
people's republic
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
859 1 choreography performing arts Liat Berdugo ๐„›
860 1 condensed matter physics branch of physics
field of study
academic discipline
continuum physics
Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
861 1 endoscopy medical test type medical test
medical imaging
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
862 1 actinomycosis infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
commensal bacterial infectious disease
respiratory disease
bacterial infectious disease
skin and integumentary tissue symptom
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
863 1 manifestation artificial object Liat Berdugo ๐„›
864 1 bronchoscopy medical test type endoscopy Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
865 1 Marfan syndrome designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
connective tissue disease
eye disease
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
866 1 cell differentiation biological process cellular developmental process
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
867 1 coordinate system frame of reference Richard Cheng ๐„›
868 1 estrogen class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions sex steroid
steroid hormone
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
869 1 fossil natural physical object paleontology
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
870 1 Red Sea sea Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
871 1 leukemia class of disease
symptom or sign
hematologic cancer
myeloproliferative disorders
Sangman M Kim ๐„›
872 1 capillary hemangioma class of disease
symptom or sign
capillary disease
skin hemangioma
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
873 1 sensorineural hearing loss rare disease
class of disease
inner ear disease
conductive hearing loss
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
874 1 Vertebrata taxon Chordata vertebrate zoology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
875 1 idiopathy disease Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
876 1 multiple drug resistance drug resistance Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
877 1 Comanche tribe Tomie dePaola ๐„›
878 1 adenosine triphosphate type of chemical entity purine ribonucleoside 5'-triphosphate Richard Cheng ๐„›
879 1 Bufonidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
880 1 Ampulicidae taxon Francis Xavier Williams ๐„›
881 1 museum GLAM
architectural structure
tourist attraction
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
882 1 stenosis disease obstruction Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
883 1 tracheal stenosis class of disease tracheal anomaly
tracheal disease
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
884 1 hydrology specialty
academic discipline
branch of science
science Amalia Kokkinaki ๐„›
885 1 magma fluid
inorganic substance
Kanani Lee ๐„›
886 1 cardiac arrest thoracic disease
cause of death
class of disease
congestive heart failure
Richard Cheng ๐„›
887 1 sepsis disease
symptom or sign
general infection
systemic disease
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
888 1 Gondwana supercontinent
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
889 1 cell fate commitment biological process cellular developmental process Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
890 1 stem cell differentiation biological process cell differentiation Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
891 1 intensive care unit hospital department Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
892 1 dysbiosis health problem ecological disturbance Sangman M Kim ๐„›
893 1 silicon carbide type of chemical entity carbide
silicon compound
Kanani Lee ๐„›
894 1 Kalman filter algorithm filter Amalia Kokkinaki ๐„›
895 1 tracheoesophageal fistula developmental defect during embryogenesis
class of disease
esophageal disease
tracheal disease
esophageal fistula
gastrointestinal system disease
respiratory tract fistula
non-syndromic respiratory or mediastinal malformation
non-syndromic esophageal malformation
rare genetic respiratory disease
respiratory system abnormality
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
896 1 spontaneous intracranial hypotension class of disease
clinical sign
intracranial hypotension Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
897 1 scientific literature literary genre nonfiction
specialized literature
Jacob G Levernier ๐„›
898 1 dysphonia symptom or sign voice disorder Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
899 1 cryptocurrency specialty
field of study
digital currency
payment system
crypto asset
legal tender
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
900 1 life expectancy assessment method estimation
health indicator
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
901 1 anticoagulation biological pathway Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
902 1 human papilloma virus taxon Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
903 1 experimental infection infection
A. Lavroushin ๐„›
904 1 stem cell self-renewal stem cell division Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
905 1 multiethnicity group characteristic Jovia L Nierenberg ๐„›
906 1 climate change sociology academic discipline Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
907 1 Denmark state
colonial power
autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark
country bordering the Baltic Sea
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
908 1 catheter ablation medical procedure type medical procedure Richard Cheng ๐„›
909 1 Sceloporus magister taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
910 1 intracranial hypotension abnormally low value
class of disease
encephalopathy Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
911 1 courage virtue feeling Tomie dePaola ๐„›
912 1 program software Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
913 1 Reovirus taxon Sangman M Kim ๐„›
914 1 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria strain Staphylococcus aureus Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
915 1 respiratory failure cause of death
clinical sign
class of disease
symptom or sign
lung disease
respiratory compromise
respiratory signs and symptoms
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
916 1 Iguanidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
917 1 Maternal immunization scholarly article Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
918 1 Incidence of influenza virus infection among pregnant women: a systematic review scholarly article
review article
systematic review
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
919 1 vaccine hesitancy vaccination attitude
social movement
skepticism Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
920 1 Indonesia sovereign state
archipelagic state
constitutional republic
island country
presidential system
indonesiology Bruce Wydick ๐„›
921 1 Bufo viridis taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
922 1 Pompilidae taxon Francis Xavier Williams ๐„›
923 1 coronary angiography medical imaging
coronary catheterization
invasive examination
Richard Cheng ๐„›
924 1 consequences of the Black Death David Herlihy ๐„›
925 1 sacrifice ritual ritual Tomie dePaola ๐„›
926 1 variational auto-encoder autoencoder Amalia Kokkinaki ๐„›
927 1 atrial fibrillation rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
heart conduction disease
cardiac fibrillation
Richard Cheng ๐„›
928 1 pregnancy outcome outcome medicine Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
929 1 equipment design design Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
930 1 Varanus yemenensis taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
931 1 bluebonnet organisms known by a particular common name Tomie dePaola ๐„›
932 1 vicariance taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
933 1 Pelomedusidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
934 1 biological dispersal motion
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
935 1 Hynobiidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
936 1 catheterization medical procedure Richard Cheng ๐„›
937 1 sexual orientation second-order class sexuality
personal data
Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
938 1 Sci-Hub scientific website
shadow library
Jacob G Levernier ๐„›
939 1 workshop meeting
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
940 1 photoactivation chemical reaction Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
941 1 Dominican Republic sovereign state
island country
archipelagic state
Monisha Bajaj ๐„›
942 1 Guatemala sovereign state
Bruce Wydick ๐„›
943 1 surgery medical specialty
academic discipline
clinical sciences Robert J. Morelli ๐„›
944 1 African helmeted turtle taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
945 1 shrub plant life-form phanerophyte
woody plant
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
946 1 myocardial infarction cause of death
class of disease
symptom or sign
coronary artery disease
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
947 1 history class
academic discipline
research object
chain of events
study of history
Kathryn L. Nasstrom ๐„›
948 1 human rights convention
social movement
Sarah Burgess ๐„›
949 1 organ transplantation surgical procedure type transplantation transplantology Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
950 1 coastal ecology branch of ecology
academic discipline
ecology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
951 1 herpetofauna fauna Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
952 1 Paramesotriton taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
953 1 religion type of world view belief system
world view
religion or world view
religious studies
history of religions
philosophy of religion
sociology of religion
J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
954 1 biophysics branch of biology
branch of physics
academic discipline
biology Thomas J FitzGerald ๐„›
955 1 Danio rerio taxon
model organism
Tatjana Piotrowski ๐„›
956 1 Rwanda republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
Rwandan studies Bruce Wydick ๐„›
957 1 ecosystem function academic discipline ecological applications Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
958 1 algorithm procedure
Alark Joshi ๐„›
959 1 waste management industry
academic discipline
sustainability and environmental management
energy and environmental engineering
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
960 1 distributed computing specialty
field of study
parallel computing
academic discipline
computer science
Diane Myung-Kyung Woodbridge ๐„›
961 1 orexin type of chemical entity chemical compound Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
962 1 sexual minority minority group Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
963 1 nonviolence philosophical movement philosophical movement
group action
Vamsee Juluri ๐„›
964 1 follicular lymphoma class of disease B-cell lymphoma William A Weiss ๐„›
965 1 shell weapon functional class ammunition Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
966 1 Eleanor Downey human James D. Phelan ๐„›
967 1 nutrition and dietetics academic discipline biomedicine Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
968 1 historical biogeography academic discipline Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
969 1 gene expression biological process macromolecule metabolic process
Gene expression Thomas J FitzGerald ๐„›
970 1 macrophage cell type white blood cell
antigen-presenting cell
differentiated hemal cell
William A Weiss ๐„›
971 1 emotional intelligence aptitude human intelligence Marcianna Nosek ๐„›
972 1 theory of mind aptitude
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
973 1 Sorghum halepense taxon Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
974 1 natural language processing academic discipline
field of study
artificial intelligence
computer science
computational linguistics
industrial sector
academic discipline
Noriko Nagata ๐„›
975 1 atopic dermatitis class of disease
symptom or sign
allergic contact dermatitis
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
976 1 ecophysiology academic discipline
branch of biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
977 1 corporate social responsibility business and human rights corporate liability
social responsibility
Charles T. Moses ๐„›
978 1 decolonization process Quแปณnh N. Phแบกm ๐„›
979 1 Chinese Americans ethnic group Asian Americans
Chinese people
East Asian Americans
Genevieve Leung ๐„›
980 1 neurosurgery medical specialty
academic discipline
surgery Alark Joshi ๐„›
981 1 open access group action
social movement
access restriction
free to read Charlotte Roh ๐„›
982 1 brachytherapy radiation therapy Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
983 1 cosmetic surgery plastic surgery
aesthetic medicine
Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
984 1 SB-334867 type of chemical entity chemical compound Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
985 1 tuberous sclerosis designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
autosomal dominant disease
malformation of cortical development, Group I
William A Weiss ๐„›
986 1 cultural diversity diversity sociolinguistics Dominique Broussard ๐„›
987 1 identity quality
social science Vijaya Nagarajan ๐„›
988 1 RNA sequencing RNA analysis William A Weiss ๐„›
989 1 child sponsorship human activity patronage Bruce Wydick ๐„›
990 1 drag queen occupation performance artist
Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
991 1 biomass mass Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
992 1 Gorm Boje Jensen human Nils Skajaa ๐„›
993 1 Fibroblast growth factor 3 protein Tatjana Piotrowski ๐„›
994 1 Latinx gender-neutral language
Hsiu-Lan Cheng ๐„›
995 1 human migration migration
sociology of immigration Monisha Bajaj ๐„›
996 1 Kaplanโ€“Meier estimator estimator Nathaniel T Stevens ๐„›
997 1 regenerative medicine medical specialty
academic discipline
biomedicine Tatjana Piotrowski ๐„›
998 1 soil water water Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
999 1 nucleus accumbens brain region
class of anatomical entity
nucleus of brain
particular anatomical entity
Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
1000 1 oncolytic virus virus William A Weiss ๐„›
1001 1 Mycoplasma genitalium taxon
model organism
Marcianna Nosek ๐„›
1002 1 Meth mouth substance use disorder
tooth pathology
Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
1003 1 conflict resolution academic discipline communication
problem solving
conflict analysis & resolution Marcianna Nosek ๐„›
1004 1 field experiment experiment Bruce Wydick ๐„›
1005 1 colorectal cancer class of disease colorectal neoplasm
large intestine cancer
Christian Dimaano ๐„›
1006 1 impostor syndrome concept
mental state
doubt Sophie Jean Engle ๐„›
1007 1 single cell transcriptomics single-cell analysis
William A Weiss ๐„›
1008 1 multiple hypothesis testing hypothesis testing Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
1009 1 mutual aid interaction
organizational behavior
Daniela G Domรญnguez ๐„›
1010 1 social responsibility business and human rights responsibility Charles T. Moses ๐„›
1011 1 energy landscape mapping David Thomas Uminsky ๐„›
1012 1 history and philosophy of science academic discipline
academic major
Kathryn L. Nasstrom ๐„›
1013 1 reading comprehension aptitude text comprehension Genevieve Leung ๐„›
1014 1 language education academic major
academic discipline
field of work
teaching language pedagogy Genevieve Leung ๐„›
1015 1 visual analytics specialty
field of study
Alark Joshi ๐„›
1016 1 colorectal cancer screening cancer screening Christian Dimaano ๐„›
1017 1 invasive grass invasive species
invasion biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
1018 1 invasive trait phenotypic trait invasion biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
1019 1 shrub invasion woody plant invasion Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
1020 1 chronic hepatitis C infectious disease hepatitis C Christopher Jai Balkissoon ๐„›
1021 1 chronic hepatitis disease hepatitis Christopher Jai Balkissoon ๐„›
1022 1 mental health services health service
health services research
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
1023 1 deep neural network artificial neural network Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
1024 1 Namibia republic
sovereign state
Namibian studies Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
1025 1 disability property disability studies Rafael D Romo ๐„›
1026 1 Orthoebolavirus zairense taxon
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
1027 1 bilingualism multilingualism sociolinguistics Jocelyn N Caballero ๐„›
1028 1 bacteria taxon microorganism Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1029 1 single-cell RNA-seq biochemistry method transcriptomics
RNA sequencing
single cell transcriptomics
William A Weiss ๐„›
1030 1 commons infrastructure
Vijaya Nagarajan ๐„›
1031 1 fluid flow process motion fluid dynamics David Thomas Uminsky ๐„›
1032 1 convolutional neural network academic discipline
field of study
feedforward neural network Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
1033 1 groundwater land waters
raw water
hydrogeology Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
1034 1 air pollution environmental pollution
Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
1035 1 Global Positioning System radionavigation-satellite service
global navigation satellite system
Positioning system
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
1036 1 mallard taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
1037 1 Gene expression academic discipline genetics Thomas J FitzGerald ๐„›
1038 1 breathing biological process gas exchange Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
1039 1 biotechnology interdisciplinary science
applied science
academic discipline
type of technology
technology Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
1040 1 arterial hypertension class of disease
symptom or sign
vascular disease
artery disease
clinical sign
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
1041 1 epidemiology branch of science health sciences Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
1042 1 aquifer water reservoir Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
1043 1 ethnography academic discipline social science Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
1044 1 chemotaxis biological process taxis Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1045 1 wastewater non-drinking water Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
1046 1 Web 2.0 trend
field of study
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
1047 1 lymph node class of anatomical entity organ component
lymphoid organ
particular anatomical entity
Clara Feider ๐„›
1048 1 environmental justice justice Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
1049 1 sensor grid electronic system Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
1050 1 life sciences branch of science
academic discipline
field of study
natural science Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1051 1 ecological niche term context Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1052 1 graphene allotrope of carbon
single-layer materials
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
1053 1 health education education
health promotion
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
1054 1 forest vegetational formation
feature type
vegetational formation
natural geographic entity
geographical feature
forestry science Margaret Hansen ๐„›
1055 1 oligosaccharide structural class of chemical entities carbohydrate Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1056 1 Hepatitis C virus taxon Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
1057 1 measles infectious disease
notifiable disease
symptom or sign
Morbillivirus infectious disease
viral infectious disease
William A Weiss ๐„›
1058 1 endometriosis class of disease female reproductive system disease
endometrial disease
Clara Feider ๐„›
1059 1 astrocytoma class of disease glioma
cerebrum cancer
central nervous system cancer
William A Weiss ๐„›
1060 1 mindfulness technique mindfulness Margaret Hansen ๐„›
1061 1 Aplysia dactylomela taxon Deneb Karentz ๐„›
1062 1 immunohistochemistry medical test type staining
lab technique
biological sample staining method
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1063 1 iridescence optical phenomenon
optical property
color in nature
structural coloration biology of colour Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1064 1 reflectin protein family intrinsically unstructured proteins Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1065 1 health activism advocacy
Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
1066 1 evolutionary novelty ecological change Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1067 1 protein evolution evolution Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1068 1 serotonin type of chemical entity tryptamine alkaloid Eliza Congdon ๐„›
1069 1 volatile organic compound volatile compound
organic compound
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
1070 1 comparative genomics branch of science genomics Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1071 1 cell morphology Foundational Model of Anatomy attribute entity
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1072 1 host microbial interaction microbiological phenomena
host-pathogen interaction
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1073 1 microhabitat habitat Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1074 1 structural color in nature structural coloration
biological phenomenon
optical phenomenon
color in nature
organic chemistry
biology of colour
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1075 1 range expansion increase ecology
restoration ecology
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1076 1 carbon stock quantity David Saah ๐„›
1077 1 reproductive trait phenotype Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1078 1 ecological gradient gradient John Callaway ๐„›
1079 1 forest wildfire wildfire David Saah ๐„›
1080 1 invasion prediction prediction Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1081 1 pathology medical specialty
academic discipline
field of study
health problem
clinical sciences
William A Weiss ๐„›
1082 1 ontology knowledge base
data model
data schema
knowledge organization system
ontology engineering
computer science
information science
artificial intelligence
knowledge engineering
natural language processing
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
1083 1 ovarian cancer class of disease female reproductive organ cancer
ovarian neoplasm
ovarian disease
endocrine gland cancer
rare genetic endocrine disease
inherited gynecological tumor
Clara Feider ๐„›
1084 1 flow cytometry analytical technique
cell sorting
separation process
Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
1085 1 snowmelt phenomenon Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1086 1 food web consumerโ€“resource interactions trophic ecology Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1087 1 irradiation physical phenomenon
exposure to radiation
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1088 1 botulinum toxin type A medication
botulinum toxin group Rishi Gupta ๐„›
1089 1 urban population demographics human population Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
1090 1 protein design academic discipline molecular design William A Weiss ๐„›
1091 1 CRISPR DNA sequence William A Weiss ๐„›
1092 1 insulin resistance class of disease diabetes
drug resistance
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1093 1 reproducibility academic discipline
field of study
criterion Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
1094 1 2-ethylfuran type of chemical entity chemical compound Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
1095 1 oligodendrocyte cell type neuroglia
macroglial cell
set of macroglial cells
William A Weiss ๐„›
1096 1 Dorothea Lange human Jasmin Darznik ๐„›
1097 1 targeted therapy chemotherapy William A Weiss ๐„›
1098 1 cyst disease lesion Albert D. Mahood ๐„›
1099 1 RNA interference biological process posttranscriptional gene silencing
gene silencing
William A Weiss ๐„›
1100 1 restoration ecology academic discipline
branch of ecology
ecology Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1101 1 psychological stress negative emotion
mental state
risk factor
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
1102 1 Candida rugosa taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
1103 1 electrospray ionization ion source Clara Feider ๐„›
1104 1 terpenoids structural class of chemical entities isoprenoid
organooxygen compound
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
1105 1 stream restoration land restoration Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1106 1 BRCA1 Mutation gene variant
Loss Of Function Variant
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1107 1 Sex workers scholarly article Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
1108 1 cognitive dysfunction disease
psychopathological symptom
cognitive distortion
cognitive disorder
Rafael D Romo ๐„›
1109 1 Vulnerable Populations scholarly article Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
1110 1 rotamer stereoisomer molecular biology
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
1111 1 research agenda plan Rafael D Romo ๐„›
1112 1 nootropic ChEBI Ontology term chemical substance
central nervous system agent
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
1113 1 hyperglycemia class of disease
abnormally high value
glucose metabolism disease
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1114 1 macroinvertebrate invertebrate Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1115 1 Azerbaijan sovereign state
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
1116 1 Chile sovereign state
democratic republic
OECD country
Susan Roberta Katz ๐„›
1117 1 hypermethylation methylation William A Weiss ๐„›
1118 1 murine model model organism William A Weiss ๐„›
1119 1 ecology academic discipline
branch of biology
branch of geography
biology climate change ecology Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
1120 1 computer hardware electronics electronic machine
physical technological component
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
1121 1 Larrea tridentata taxon William A Weiss ๐„›
1122 1 programming language computer science term computer language Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
1123 1 CpG island genome components GC rich sequence William A Weiss ๐„›
1124 1 rhabdomyosarcoma class of disease skeletal muscle cancer
childhood cancer
William A Weiss ๐„›
1125 1 literature search search Gregory A DeBourgh ๐„›
1126 1 Tumor initiation William A Weiss ๐„›
1127 1 apoptotic process biological process programmed cell death William A Weiss ๐„›
1128 1 scoping review literature review
scholarly article
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
1129 1 habitat suitability ecological concept ecology Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1130 1 ecological community assembly ecological concept synecology Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1131 1 river network geographic pattern Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1132 1 macroinvertebrate community invertebrate community Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1133 1 benthic community aquatic community Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1134 1 chemoradiotherapy radiation therapy
Multimodal cancer therapy
William A Weiss ๐„›
1135 1 ErbB receptors protein family Tyrosine protein kinase, EGF/ERB/XmrK receptor William A Weiss ๐„›
1136 1 Larrea divaricata taxon William A Weiss ๐„›
1137 1 masoprocol type of chemical entity chemical compound William A Weiss ๐„›
1138 1 nordihydroguaiaretic acid type of chemical entity bisphenol William A Weiss ๐„›
1139 1 protein kinase inhibitors drug class enzyme inhibitor William A Weiss ๐„›
1140 1 taxonomy classification scheme
hierarchical classification
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
1141 1 cryptography academic discipline security engineering Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
1142 1 endothelium tissue type
class of anatomical entity
Simple Squamous Epithelium (Pavement Epithilium)
particular anatomical entity
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1143 1 Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complex
William A Weiss ๐„›
1144 1 voxtalisib type of chemical entity chemical compound William A Weiss ๐„›
1145 1 xeroderma pigmentosum group C class of disease xeroderma pigmentosum Deneb Karentz ๐„›
1146 1 Survival advantage combining a BRAF inhibitor and radiation in BRAF V600E-mutant glioma scholarly article William A Weiss ๐„›
1147 1 xenograft transplant William A Weiss ๐„›
1148 1 Thalassiosira vulnifica taxon Albert D. Mahood ๐„›
1149 1 student occupation
group of humans
human social group
learning person Christine Yeh ๐„›
1150 1 sea level rise phenomenon
increase Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
1151 1 image analysis analysis William Bosl ๐„›
1152 1 open science social movement science
open knowledge
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
1153 1 women in science group of humans
female topic
women in STEM fields Aparna Venkatesan ๐„›
1154 1 electroencephalography medical test type neuroimaging
medical test
William Bosl ๐„›
1155 1 fungicide phytopharmaceuticals
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1156 1 computer data storage device machine-readable medium
data storage medium
computer hardware
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
1157 1 cesarean section medical procedure parturition
surgical operation
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
1158 1 absenteeism human behavior Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
1159 1 phantom limb perceptual disorders
Nicolas Mills ๐„›
1160 1 (2RS,3SR)-Epoxiconazole type of chemical entity chemical compound Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1161 1 multiracial people human race
ethnic group
human Saera Khan ๐„›
1162 1 electronic health records medical software
personal health record
Patient administration system
medical record
William Bosl ๐„›
1163 1 mind-wandering mental process Davina Chan ๐„›
1164 1 Samoan American ethnic group Pacific Islander Americans Christine Yeh ๐„›
1165 1 social connectedness feeling Christine Yeh ๐„›
1166 1 1992 Landers earthquake earthquake William Bosl ๐„›
1167 1 derailment disease thought disorder Saera Khan ๐„›
1168 1 teamwork collaboration interaction science Susan K Prion ๐„›
1169 1 job satisfaction attitude
Scott R Ziehm ๐„›
1170 1 Drosophilidae taxon Carol J. Rosen Chihara ๐„›
1171 1 reactive oxygen species structural class of chemical entities
class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions
oxygen compound Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1172 1 social cohesion sociological concept group dynamics
social theory
Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
1173 1 consulting skilled trade
field of work
economic activity
knowledge industry
helping behavior
Desiree Zerquera ๐„›
1174 1 urban development activity planning urban studies
urban analysis and development
Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
1175 1 Tidy data Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
1176 1 fear of crime specific phobia Saera Khan ๐„›
1177 1 Lattice Boltzmann methods computational approach William Bosl ๐„›
1178 1 false confession proposition Richard A. Leo ๐„›
1179 1 City College of San Francisco community college
public educational institution of the United States
Desiree Zerquera ๐„›
1180 1 informatics academic major information science
data science
William Bosl ๐„›
1181 1 clinical indication indication Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
1182 1 linear regression type of statistical method regression
regression analysis
Susan K Prion ๐„›
1183 1 Implementation Science scientific journal
academic journal
open-access journal
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
1184 1 victimisation social phenomenon victimology Joyce P Yang ๐„›
1185 1 health literacy health education
information literacy
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
1186 1 Hepatitis C virus (HCV) scholarly article
Christofer Rodriguez ๐„›
1187 1 metabarcoding Sequence analysis (nucleic acid)
DNA barcoding
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1188 1 pesticide exposure toxin exposure Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1189 1 sleep disturbance symptom or sign general symptom
sleep disorder
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
1190 1 SATCON2 academic workshop Aparna Venkatesan ๐„›
1191 1 HD1 galaxy L. Y. Aaron Yung ๐„›
1192 1 social marketing academic discipline marketing Sonja Martin Poole ๐„›
1193 1 opioid overdose cause of death drug overdose Christofer Rodriguez ๐„›
1194 1 Black Lives Matter social movement
black movement
Sonja Martin Poole ๐„›
1195 1 molecular biology branch of biology biology Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1196 1 maize taxon
model organism
cereal grain
food crop
useful plant
annual plant
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1197 1 American Sign Language sign language
modern language
French Sign Language family Patrick Boudreault ๐„›
1198 1 transport intentional human activity
material flow
economic activity
transport sciences Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
1199 1 lake feature type still waters
surface water body
overground still body of fresh water
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1200 1 computed tomography medical test type
medical imaging
medical imaging
Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
1201 1 West Africa geographic region
cultural region
West African studies Taryn Vian ๐„›
1202 1 magnetic resonance imaging medical test medical imaging
non-invasive imaging
Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
1203 1 bacteriophage virus Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1204 1 ฮฒ-lactulose type of chemical entity disaccharide Brad Macy ๐„›
1205 1 activated carbon excipient
essential medicine
material Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1206 1 Adenoviridae taxon wastewater surveillance Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1207 1 B-cell cell type lymphocyte Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
1208 1 image registration image processing Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
1209 1 family therapy academic major
academic discipline
psychotherapy Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
1210 1 antibody family of protein complexes immunoglobulin Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
1211 1 climate change feedback feedback
environmental issue
Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
1212 1 electroporation electrochemical technique
cytological procedure
molecular biology technique
cell permeabilization
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1213 1 Salmonella enterica taxon Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1214 1 environmental chemistry branch of chemistry chemistry Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1215 1 activated charcoal medication
essential medicine
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1216 1 isoprene type of chemical entity diene
biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
1217 1 Anodonta californiensis taxon Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1218 1 covalent organic framework solid state of matter Ioannina Castano ๐„›
1219 1 cyberbullying online misconduct
Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
1220 1 disinfection aseptic technique sterilization
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1221 1 collective efficacy neighborhood characteristics Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
1222 1 ethyl tert-butyl ether type of chemical entity biogenic acyclic ether Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
1223 1 ecohydrology academic discipline ecology
Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
1224 1 snag type of wood tree
dead wood
Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
1225 1 FLASH radiotherapy radiation therapy Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
1226 1 carbon cycling natural phenomenon Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
1227 1 landscape pattern pattern Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
1228 1 Manure management environmental protection Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1229 1 Superbacteria bacteria Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1230 1 sewage wastewater Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1231 1 financial elder abuse elder abuse
financial crime
Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
1232 1 RSV Wikimedia disambiguation page Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
1233 1 management system type of system social system management science Taryn Vian ๐„›
1234 1 gene duplication mutation Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
1235 1 reform political concept process Taryn Vian ๐„›
1236 1 Coxsackievirus organisms known by a particular common name Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
1237 1 cytomegaloviral disease disease Herpesviridae infectious disease Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
1238 1 Theloderma asperum taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
1239 1 HCMV Wikimedia disambiguation page Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
1240 1 rural health academic discipline health sciences Taryn Vian ๐„›
1241 1 financial management planning
type of management
academic discipline
management Taryn Vian ๐„›
1242 1 community ownership ownership Taryn Vian ๐„›
1243 1 maternal-child health services child health services
maternal health services
Taryn Vian ๐„›
1244 1 Programs scholarly article Taryn Vian ๐„›
1245 1 survivorship emotional adjustment Taryn Vian ๐„›
1246 1 sport academic discipline physical activity sociology of sport
sports science
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
1247 1 child demographic profile
population group
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
1248 1 ethnic studies academic discipline
academic major
cultural studies Noah E. Borrero ๐„›
1249 1 textbook literary genre tertiary source
learning material
educational book
instructional literature
academic writing
David Donahue ๐„›
1250 1 predation cross-species interaction
feeding behavior
Edward DeMartini ๐„›
1251 1 human papillomavirus infection infection
infectious disease
class of disease
Papillomavirus infections
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
1252 1 adaptive radiation biological process Edward DeMartini ๐„›
1253 1 physical fitness well-being
musculoskeletal physiological phenomena
sports science Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
1254 1 Caribbean geographic region
Caribbean studies Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
1255 1 academic dishonesty cheating Richard D. Waters ๐„›
1256 1 business model model June Y. Lee ๐„›
1257 1 service learning pedagogy educational technology
community service
Experiential Education
community education
experiential learning
community engagement
Project-based learning
David Donahue ๐„›
1258 1 personalization specialty
field of study
humanโ€“computer interaction
Zifei Chen ๐„›
1259 1 art gallery arts venue
art institution
John Zarobell ๐„›
1260 1 Dascyllus trimaculatus taxon Edward DeMartini ๐„›
1261 1 colourant Wikimedia disambiguation page chemical substance
W. P. Horen ๐„›
1262 1 Embiotocidae taxon Edward DeMartini ๐„›
1263 1 fake news political slogan lying press Zifei Chen ๐„›
1264 1 undernutrition marasmus
Jesse Anttila-Hughes ๐„›
1265 1 frog organisms known by a particular common name Amphibia J. H. Perryman ๐„›
1266 1 Pipilo erythropthalmus taxon Anthony Severin Baumann ๐„›
1267 1 EQUIPMENT and supplies scholarly article W. P. Horen ๐„›
1268 1 vaccine acceptance vaccination attitude Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
1269 1 reef fish organisms known by a particular common name saltwater fish
reef animal
Edward DeMartini ๐„›
1270 1 geospatial dataset data set
machine-readable data
Matthew Malensek ๐„›
1271 1 governmental accounting accounting Diane Roberts ๐„›

∑ 1271 items. |sparql=PREFIX target: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?item #?sl (COUNT(DISTINCT ?work) AS ?count) (SAMPLE(?a) AS ?author)

     ENCODE_FOR_URI(REPLACE(STR(?item), ".*Q", "Q")), " ๐„›]") AS ?publist)


 { ?a ?property target:. }
   ?a ?property2 _:b9.
   _:b9 wdt:P361 target: .
 ?work wdt:P50 ?a ; wdt:P921 ?item .
  1. ?item wikibase:sitelinks ?sl.
 ?item rdfs:label ?item_label.
 FILTER((LANG(?item_label)) = "en")

} GROUP BY ?item #?sl ?count ?author ?publist ORDER BY DESC(?count) #DESC(?sl) LIMIT 3000 |section= |columns= number:#, ?count:Work count, ?item:Topic, P31:Type of topic, P279:Superclass of topic, P2579, ?author:Sample affiliated person having published on the topic, ?publist:List of recent publications on the topic with affiliated co-authors |thumb=64 |min_section=1 |wdedit = yes |summary=itemnumber }}

# Work count Topic Type of topic Superclass of topic studied in Sample affiliated person having published on the topic List of recent publications on the topic with affiliated co-authors
1 47 Diptera taxon dipterology Carl G. Kadner ๐„›
2 45 teenager demographic profile
population group
phase of human life
human adolescent medicine Christine Yeh ๐„›
3 36 Platypezidae taxon Elli R. Royak ๐„›
4 35 influenza vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
viral vaccines Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
5 30 medulloblastoma rare disease
class of disease
infratentorial cancer
embryonal tumor of neuroepithelial tissue
William A Weiss ๐„›
6 29 prevention of HIV/AIDS preventive medicine
prevention of sexually transmitted diseases Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
7 28 sex worker occupation service industry worker Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
8 25 HIV organisms known by a particular common name Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
9 25 hospitalization medical procedure
inpatient care
medical treatment
Richard Cheng ๐„›
10 24 COVID-19 emerging communicable disease
atypical pneumonia
class of disease
atypical pneumonia
coronavirus disease
viral pneumonia
Virus diseases of plants
Saera Khan ๐„›
11 24 homelessness status social issue
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
12 24 pregnant person state human
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
13 22 mental health health psychology
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
14 21 sexually transmitted infection mode of transmission infectious disease Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
15 21 South Africa sovereign state
South African studies Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
16 21 phylogenetics branch of science systematics
evolutionary biology
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
17 21 Vibrio fischeri taxon Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
18 21 human pregnancy physiological condition pregnancy Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
19 20 Euprymna scolopes taxon Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
20 20 medical ethics applied psychology
philosophy of medicine
research ethics
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
21 19 United States of America sovereign state
constitutional republic
democratic republic
federal republic
American studies Christine Yeh ๐„›
22 19 Kenya sovereign state
Bruce Wydick ๐„›
23 17 Iran sovereign state
Islamic Republic
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
24 15 California U.S. state Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
25 14 neuroblastoma class of disease
autonomic nervous system neoplasm
neuroblastic tumor
childhood cancer
William A Weiss ๐„›
26 13 systematic review use literature review
scholarly article
review article
Liang Wang ๐„›
27 13 community health academic discipline health care
health services research
Carolina-Nicole Herrera ๐„›
28 13 glioblastoma class of disease astrocytoma
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
29 13 HIV transmission pathogen transmission Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
30 13 urbanization trend Alison Cohen ๐„›
31 13 condom contraceptive male contraceptive Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
32 13 research ethics scientific ethics Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
33 12 climate change meteorological phenomenon
climatology Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
34 12 vocal folds class of anatomical entity larynx
subdivision of larynx
particular anatomical entity
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
35 12 HIV/AIDS endemic disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease
acquired immunodeficiency
sexually transmitted infection
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
36 12 maternal health health Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
37 12 public health academic discipline
health sciences health economics Alison Cohen ๐„›
38 12 Australia sovereign state
OECD country
Australian studies Annette K. Regan ๐„›
39 11 nurse education field of study medical education
professional education
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
40 11 biogeography branch of geography
academic major
branch of biology
physical geography
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
41 11 child health concept academic discipline
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
42 11 sexual transmission pathogen transmission Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
43 11 Cambodia sovereign state
constitutional monarchy
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
44 10 obesity health risk
class of disease
symptom or sign
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
45 10 men who have sex with men group of humans man Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
46 9 San Francisco consolidated city-county
city in the United States
sanctuary city
big city
charter city
Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
47 9 machine learning academic discipline
field of study
computer science
artificial intelligence
Diane Myung-Kyung Woodbridge ๐„›
48 9 youth phase of human life
age group
sociology of youth Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
49 9 Cytomegalovirus taxon neurotropic virus Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
50 9 type 2 diabetes class of disease diabetes
Ploypun Narindrarangkura ๐„›
51 9 influenza infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
acute viral respiratory tract infection
Orthomyxoviridae infectious disease
respiratory disease
viral infectious disease
Virus diseases of plants
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
52 8 queer reappropriation
umbrella term
gender identity
sexual identity
LGBT+ identity
sexuality studies David Donahue ๐„›
53 8 There There literary work Rachel Brahinsky ๐„›
54 8 Squamata taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
55 8 patient state sick person
Richard Cheng ๐„›
56 8 lessons learned process Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
57 8 m-health e-health Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
58 7 urban studies academic discipline geography Noah E. Borrero ๐„›
59 7 social media economic activity
field of study
type of mass media
virtual place
media studies
interaction science
digital media
media sociology
Brandi Lawless ๐„›
60 7 metabolic syndrome syndrome
disease mongering
rare disease
class of disease
abdominal obesity-metabolic syndrome
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
61 7 randomized controlled trial randomized experiment
clinical trial
controlled trial
study type
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
62 7 grassland vegetational formation vegetational formation
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
63 7 species nova Latin phrase species Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
64 7 anti-retroviral agent antiviral agent Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
65 7 decision making mental process
decision theory Rafael D Romo ๐„›
66 7 brain tumor central nervous system neoplasm
intracranial tumor
William A Weiss ๐„›
67 7 World Health Organization specialized agency of the United Nations
open-access publisher
international organization
academic publisher
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
68 7 People's Republic of China sovereign state
socialist state
secular state
constitutional republic
people's republic
dictatorship of the proletariat
state with limited recognition
communist state
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
69 7 bioethics academic discipline
field of work
applied ethics
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
70 6 Ghana sovereign state
Ghana studies Jeffrey Paller ๐„›
71 6 Lepidoptera taxon lepidopterology Sister Mary Jude Le Gare ๐„›
72 6 biomarker indicator
molecular entity
William Bosl ๐„›
73 6 invasive species introduced species invasion biology
invasion ecology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
74 6 substance P type of chemical entity peptide Saralyn Ruff ๐„›
75 6 immigrant migrant Christine Yeh ๐„›
76 6 Plethodontidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
77 6 environmental DNA DNA Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
78 6 infectious disease class of disease disease
infection associated with diseases
infectious diseases
human disease ecology
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
79 6 xeroderma pigmentosum designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
autosomal recessive disease
autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia due to a DNA repair defect
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
80 6 Zambia sovereign state
landlocked country
Taryn Vian ๐„›
81 6 herbivory feeding behavior
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
82 6 Tanzania republic
sovereign state
David Saah ๐„›
83 6 bias type of error cognitive perspective Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
84 6 intimate partner violence violence
domestic violence
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
85 6 alcohol consumption drinking
ethanol exposure
David A Martinez ๐„›
86 6 Hymenoptera taxon insect hymenopterology Francis Xavier Williams ๐„›
87 6 feces biogenic substance type
class of anatomical entity
portion of solid body substance
particular anatomical entity
scatology Sangman M Kim ๐„›
88 6 modeling and simulation academic discipline use Susan K Prion ๐„›
89 6 chlorpyrifos type of chemical entity chemical compound Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
90 5 psychiatric nursing field of work nursing
health professional
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
91 5 Thailand constitutional monarchy
sovereign state
Thai studies William Bosl ๐„›
92 5 stereotype type of bias
mental image
cognitive bias sociolinguistics Saera Khan ๐„›
93 5 accelerometer measuring instrument Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
94 5 attention mental process
Davina Chan ๐„›
95 5 substance abuse human activity
class of disease
social issue
psychoactive drug use
Saralyn Ruff ๐„›
96 5 COVID-19 pandemic pandemic
public health emergency of international concern
disease outbreak
complex emergency
Cori Bussolari ๐„›
97 5 water quality quality
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
98 5 quality of life quality
social relation
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
99 5 diagnosis characterization
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
100 5 behavioral intervention medical treatment Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
101 5 pandemic epidemic
systemic risk
external risk
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
102 5 chemotherapy treatment of cancer
Arthur Furst ๐„›
103 5 vaccine remedy biopharmaceutical
vaccinology Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
104 5 interleukins group or class of proteins cytokine Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
105 5 collaboration activity Alison Cohen ๐„›
106 5 attenuated vaccine vaccine type vaccine Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
107 5 digital storytelling storytelling Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
108 5 dementia class of disease
symptom or sign
cognitive disorder
organic brain syndrome
clinical sign
disability affecting intellectual abilities
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
109 5 storytelling artistic technique oral media
Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
110 5 prisoner occupation
person linked to the law
legal status
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
111 5 health disparity Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
112 5 land cover natural resource
David Saah ๐„›
113 5 immunization immune system process Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
114 5 governance type of regulation and control
academic discipline
regulation Lillian Bargagliotti ๐„›
115 5 stillbirth cause of death
health problem
symptom or sign
pregnancy with abortive outcome
reproductive system symptom
complications of pregnancy
stillbirth rate Annette K. Regan ๐„›
116 5 deep learning machine learning method Jeremy Howard ๐„›
117 5 biostratigraphy branch of science stratigraphy
Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
118 5 Vietnam sovereign state
communist state
Vietnamese studies Gregory A DeBourgh ๐„›
119 5 insecticide class of chemical substances by use phytopharmaceuticals
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
120 5 organophosphate structural class of chemical entities organophosphorus ester
phosphate ester
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
121 5 RNA virus infectious disease viral infectious disease Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
122 4 suicide manner of death killing Hsiu-Lan Cheng ๐„›
123 4 autism disability
pervasive developmental disorder
class of disease
autism spectrum disorder
William Bosl ๐„›
124 4 high school educational stage secondary school Christine Yeh ๐„›
125 4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae taxon
model organism
food ingredient A. Lavroushin ๐„›
126 4 San Francisco Bay Area metropolitan area
geographic location
Saera Khan ๐„›
127 4 carcinogenesis health risk
biological process
disease of cellular proliferation oncology Benjamin Dix ๐„›
128 4 general psychology branch of psychology psychology Brent Ferm ๐„›
129 4 meta-analysis statistical method
systematic review
secondary research
Cori Bussolari ๐„›
130 4 cell biology branch of biology
academic discipline
biology Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
131 4 insect taxon Arthropoda entomology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
132 4 manure fertilizer
organic matter
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
133 4 species richness Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
134 4 phytoplankton organisms known by a particular common name plankton
Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
135 4 mass media academic discipline
information system
media studies
communication studies
interaction science
media sociology
media history
Gerardo Marรญn ๐„›
136 4 herbivore eating behavior
group or class of organisms
feeding behavior
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
137 4 genetic diversity biodiversity population genetics Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
138 4 speciation evolutionary process speciation and extinction Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
139 4 Lycaenidae taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
140 4 fatty acid structural class of chemical entities monocarboxylic acid
aliphatic compound
fatty acyl
Arthur Furst ๐„›
141 4 big data buzzword
programming paradigm
subject heading
data distributed computing Billy Riggs ๐„›
142 4 pharmacology medical specialty
branch of biology
pharmaceutical science
health sciences Arthur Furst ๐„›
143 4 DNA damage cell damage
genetic phenomena
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
144 4 Bangladesh sovereign state
people's republic
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
145 4 lipopolysaccharide structural class of chemical entities liposaccharide
polysaccharide derivative
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
146 4 phytochemistry branch of chemistry organic chemistry Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
147 4 Myanmar sovereign state
Burma studies Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
148 4 brain organ type
class of anatomical entity
animal organ
particular anatomical entity
neuroscience Kayleen Gimlin ๐„›
149 4 social network social structure
group of humans
social network analysis Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
150 4 asthma class of disease bronchospasm
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
151 4 microgravity environment
altered gravity
Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
152 4 placebo scientific control
medical treatment
medical procedure
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
153 4 health policy academic discipline
field of study
type of policy
public policy Alison Cohen ๐„›
154 4 socioeconomics academic discipline Alison Cohen ๐„›
155 4 extracorporeal membrane oxygenation extracorporeal Richard Cheng ๐„›
156 4 Switzerland state
landlocked country
Federal Treaty
Helvetic Republic
sovereign state
OECD country
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
157 4 cardiogenic shock symptom or sign
class of disease
shock Richard Cheng ๐„›
158 4 Uganda sovereign state
landlocked country
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
159 4 biomedical investigative technique biomedical analytical technique Alison Cohen ๐„›
160 4 global health academic major health Taryn Vian ๐„›
161 4 ecological economics school of economic thought
branch of science
economics Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
162 4 autophagy biological process
cellular process
cellular catabolic process
process utilizing autophagic mechanism
William A Weiss ๐„›
163 4 sexual intercourse human sexual behavior
reciprocating motion
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
164 4 prioritization activity
William A Weiss ๐„›
165 4 virtual community community
Web 2.0
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
166 4 estuary FFH-Habitat marine ecosystem
river ecosystem
body of water
river mouth
Allison C. Luengen ๐„›
167 4 infection failure mode physiological condition
adverse event
risk source
health problem
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
168 4 preventive health services health care Margaret Hansen ๐„›
169 4 social norm rule
Billy Riggs ๐„›
170 4 Belize sovereign state Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
171 4 Clythiidae taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
172 4 Conodonta fossil taxon Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
173 3 wildfire conflagration fire ecology Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
174 3 law academic discipline rule jurisprudence
legal science
Saera Khan ๐„›
175 3 economics academic discipline
academic major
field of study
social science Libo Xu ๐„›
176 3 educational technology education industry
type of technology
technology Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
177 3 thin film physical object
Ioannina Castano ๐„›
178 3 Oman sovereign state
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
179 3 ecosystem type of system biological system
ecological unit
life sciences
ecological assessment
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
180 3 micromammal mammal Gary L. Stevens ๐„›
181 3 sibling kinship first-degree relative Saralyn Ruff ๐„›
182 3 Amphibia taxon Tetrapoda batrachology
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
183 3 Gekkonidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
184 3 mountain forest type of biotope forest
montane ecosystems
Gary L. Stevens ๐„›
185 3 biological invasion biological process invasion biology Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
186 3 myocarditis class of disease
symptom or sign
extrinsic cardiomyopathy
myocardial disorder
cardiovascular system symptom
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
187 3 angiography roentgenology
medical imaging
Robert J. Morelli ๐„›
188 3 community of practice community Liang Wang ๐„›
189 3 mental health care health care William Bosl ๐„›
190 3 Google business
technology company
identity provider
public company
Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
191 3 housing social issue
economic concept
supply Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
192 3 autism spectrum disorder neurodevelopmental disorder
class of disease
pervasive developmental disorder sociological and cultural aspects of autism
William Bosl ๐„›
193 3 dyslipidemias lipid metabolism disorder William Bosl ๐„›
194 3 risk factor environmental factor
epidemiologic factor
determinants of health
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
195 3 fresh water drinking water aquatic science Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
196 3 Canada sovereign state
Canadian studies Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
197 3 larynx anatomical cluster type
class of anatomical entity
heterogeneous anatomical cluster
particular anatomical entity
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
198 3 India country
sovereign state
constitutional republic
democratic republic
federal republic
Indology Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
199 3 suicide risk health risk
safety risk
assessment of suicide risk
Hsiu-Lan Cheng ๐„›
200 3 radiation therapy medical specialty medical treatment
treatment of cancer
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
201 3 Agamidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
202 3 Neotropical realm biogeographic realm
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
203 3 questionnaire document
data collection
determination method
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
204 3 Salamandridae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
205 3 Cape Town port settlement
capital city
statistical territorial entity
big city
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
206 3 automotive engineering academic discipline
technical sciences
mechanical engineering
electrical engineering
Billy Riggs ๐„›
207 3 peer support specialty consultation Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
208 3 street child child
people in poverty
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
209 3 phenotype quality Eliza Congdon ๐„›
210 3 postpartum period time interval Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
211 3 hearing loss health problem hearing disorder
sensory loss
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
212 3 incarceration disease Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
213 3 cooperation activity
type of interaction
association interaction science Gerardo Marรญn ๐„›
214 3 invasion impact effect invasion biology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
215 3 NF-ฮบB family of protein complexes transcription factor Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
216 3 mutualism cross-species interaction Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
217 3 Malawi republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
Malawian studies Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
218 3 study protocol protocol Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
219 3 genome-wide association study genetic technique Eliza Congdon ๐„›
220 3 wheeze medical finding
symptom or sign
continuous adventitious sound
clinical sign
abnormal breathing
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
221 3 environment matter
environment Deneb Karentz ๐„›
222 3 weight gain clinical sign
symptom or sign
clinical sign
body weight change
nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom
Alison Cohen ๐„›
223 3 molecular medicine academic discipline
academic major
medical specialty
medicine Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
224 3 civic engagement participation Alison Cohen ๐„›
225 3 visualization visual depiction
human-readable medium
Alark Joshi ๐„›
226 3 episodic memory memory type memory
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
227 3 phase II clinical trial phase of clinical research clinical trial Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
228 3 Zimbabwe republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
Zimbabwean studies Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
229 3 greenhouse gas radiatively active gases environmental science
David Saah ๐„›
230 3 coronary artery disease class of disease artery disease
cardiovascular disease
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
231 3 Nigeria sovereign state
federal republic
Nigerian studies Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
232 3 algal bloom water pollution
natural phenomenon
Sunny Jardine ๐„›
233 3 Empididae taxon Berta B. Kessel ๐„›
234 3 vaccine engineering bioengineering Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
235 3 birth control family planning
medical prevention
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
236 3 pharmacy interdisciplinary science
academic major
branch of science
pharmaceutical science
David A Martinez ๐„›
237 3 family planning medical specialty planning Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
238 3 philosophy academic discipline
academic major
branch of science
field of work
knowledge system
academic degree
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
239 3 Sphecidae taxon Francis Xavier Williams ๐„›
240 3 neuroethics ethics
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
241 3 immunotherapy medical treatment Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
242 3 Pakistan sovereign state
Sadia Saeed ๐„›
243 3 sarin type of chemical entity organophosphorus ester Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
244 3 health professional profession
occupation group according to ISCO-08
intellectual and scientific professionals
health care provider
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
245 3 aquatic science academic discipline science Allison C. Luengen ๐„›
246 3 lidar optical instrument Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
247 3 Lesotho sovereign state
landlocked country
Taryn Vian ๐„›
248 3 Senegal sovereign state
Taryn Vian ๐„›
249 3 Crocodylus taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
250 3 Morelet's crocodile taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
251 3 crocodile organisms known by a particular common name wild animal Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
252 3 social movement type of world view group action
social process
Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
253 3 Burkina Faso sovereign state
landlocked country
Burkina Faso studies Brian Dowd-Uribe ๐„›
254 3 avian influenza infectious disease
class of disease
viral infectious disease
lung disease
Orthomyxoviridae infectious disease
bird disease
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
255 3 infection in pregnancy intercurrent disease in pregnancy
infectious disease
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
256 3 seawater solution saline water aquatic science Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
257 3 pneumonia infectious disease
class of disease
cause of death
lung disease
lower respiratory tract infection
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
258 3 cystic fibrosis designated intractable/rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
autosomal recessive disease
lung disease
genetic biliary tract disease
genetic pancreatic disease
rare genetic respiratory disease
rare male fertility disorder with obstructive azoospermia
rare genetic disorder with obstructive azoospermia
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
259 2 sociology academic discipline
academic major
social science history of sociology
sociology of sociology
philosophy of sociology
Charles A. Reich ๐„›
260 2 data mining discovery
text and data mining
Diane Myung-Kyung Woodbridge ๐„›
261 2 anthropocene epoch
environmental science
Marjolein Oele ๐„›
262 2 nanoparticle nanomaterial
Ioannina Castano ๐„›
263 2 El Salvador sovereign state
Bruce Wydick ๐„›
264 2 ecological succession biological process
pattern in nature
ecology Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
265 2 pedagogy branch of science
academic major
academic discipline
educommunication Brandi Lawless ๐„›
266 2 venous thromboembolism disease thromboembolism
vein disorder
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
267 2 earthquake natural disaster
geologic activity
geographically localized event
William Bosl ๐„›
268 2 circulatory system anatomical system type
class of anatomical entity
organ system
particular anatomical entity
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
269 2 poverty status state
social issue
sociology of poverty Bruce Wydick ๐„›
270 2 native species species invasion biology Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
271 2 decision support system academic discipline
field of study
artificial intelligence
business software
information system
William Bosl ๐„›
272 2 Silicon Valley technopole
Tristin Green ๐„›
273 2 Drosophila melanogaster taxon
model organism
Carol J. Rosen Chihara ๐„›
274 2 biofuel biocombustible
motor fuel
Libo Xu ๐„›
275 2 entrepreneurship academic major
economic concept
economic activity June Y. Lee ๐„›
276 2 heteroscedasticity property Libo Xu ๐„›
277 2 biodiversity biology
biodiversity science Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
278 2 intersectionality sociological theory
academic discipline
gender studies
political sociology
social movement
Dominique Broussard ๐„›
279 2 mitochondrion cellular component
intracellular membrane-bounded organelle
semiautonomous organelle
membranous cytoplasmic organelle
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
280 2 seizure disease
symptom or sign
William Bosl ๐„›
281 2 intercultural communication academic discipline
type of interaction
interaction Brandi Lawless ๐„›
282 2 oil market economic concept
energy market
energy market Libo Xu ๐„›
283 2 Megophryidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
284 2 immune function physiological function immunology Saera Khan ๐„›
285 2 Sphaerodactylidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
286 2 social determinants of health determinants of health
sociological factors
public health
Carolina-Nicole Herrera ๐„›
287 2 soil type metaclass
type of object
class Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
288 2 Google Earth virtual globe Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
289 2 infancy stage developmental stage Robert J. Morelli ๐„›
290 2 screen time time Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
291 2 invasion biology branch of biology
academic discipline
invasion science
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
292 2 cardiac surgery medical specialty
academic discipline
thoracic surgery Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
293 2 microsatellite repetitive DNA
satellite DNA
variable number tandem repeat Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
294 2 mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic mental health Hsiu-Lan Cheng ๐„›
295 2 native grass native plant
invasion biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
296 2 SARS-CoV-2 group or class of strains
Coronavirus Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
297 2 nature conservation academic discipline
branch of biology
conservation Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
298 2 computational mathematics area of mathematics computational science
Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
299 2 denitrification biological process Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
300 2 cartilage anatomical structure connective tissue Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
301 2 ultraviolet radiation electromagnetic radiation Deneb Karentz ๐„›
302 2 habitat place type geographic region Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
303 2 cryptic species complex population Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
304 2 population genetics academic discipline
academic major
genetics Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
305 2 phylogenomics phylogenetics Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
306 2 Teratoscincus keyserlingii taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
307 2 smartphone mobile phone
smart device
information appliance
mobile computer
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
308 2 mobile app software category application
mobile software
computer program
Billy Riggs ๐„›
309 2 molecular phylogenetics academic discipline
academic major
phylogenetics Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
310 2 DNA methylation biological process DNA methylation or demethylation
macromolecule methylation
DNA alkylation
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
311 2 stable isotope isotope
primordial nuclide
Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
312 2 viral load Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
313 2 nervous system anatomical system type
class of anatomical entity
organ system
particular anatomical entity
neurology William A Weiss ๐„›
314 2 laryngoscopy medical device type endoscopy Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
315 2 groundwater recharge hydrology Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
316 2 microbial ecology branch of ecology microbiology Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
317 2 gamification design
applied game
Billy Riggs ๐„›
318 2 ozone depletion physical process
global issue
environmental issue
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
319 2 social psychology branch of psychology
academic major
psychology sociolinguistics Gerardo Marรญn ๐„›
320 2 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma head and neck disease
rare disease
class of disease
squamous cell carcinoma
head and neck cancer
head and neck carcinoma
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
321 2 acute HIV infection human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
322 2 stable isotope analysis isotope analysis Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
323 2 bioluminescence biological process
color in nature
cell metabolism
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
324 2 population dynamics life sciences Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
325 2 Ranidae taxon Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
326 2 temozolomide type of chemical entity heterocyclic compound William A Weiss ๐„›
327 2 general chemistry branch of chemistry Jovia L Nierenberg ๐„›
328 2 heterogeneity difference
William A Weiss ๐„›
329 2 demographics statistic demography Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
330 2 pleiotropy concept William A Weiss ๐„›
331 2 oligodendroglioma class of disease glioma
William A Weiss ๐„›
332 2 ecological hierarchy ecological concept hierarchy Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
333 2 LGBT community
group of humans
minority group
LGBT slang
sexual minority
gender minority
transgender studies
sexuality studies
Daniela G Domรญnguez ๐„›
334 2 drug discovery pharmacology
drug development
William A Weiss ๐„›
335 2 artificial intelligence industry
type of technology
branch of computer science
computer science
emerging technology
Peter Chang ๐„›
336 2 Biomphalaria glabrata taxon Deneb Karentz ๐„›
337 2 pluripotency biological phenomenon William A Weiss ๐„›
338 2 pregnant women female
pregnant person
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
339 2 alternative mRNA splicing, via spliceosome biological process
mRNA splicing, via spliceosome William A Weiss ๐„›
340 2 Schistosoma mansoni taxon Deneb Karentz ๐„›
341 2 neural stem cells cell type stem cell
multipotent stem cell
William A Weiss ๐„›
342 2 veteran occupation military personnel
group of humans
Siyang Zeng ๐„›
343 2 health equity social justice Alison Cohen ๐„›
344 2 cell death biological process cellular process
biological destruction
Richard Cheng ๐„›
345 2 immunization programs preventive health services Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
346 2 placebo-controlled trial controlled trial Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
347 2 neuroimaging medical specialty roentgenology
medical imaging
Alark Joshi ๐„›
348 2 stereoselectivity quality
Simon J Cooper ๐„›
349 2 hurricane meteorological disaster Alison Cohen ๐„›
350 2 semantic dementia class of disease behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia
progressive nonfluent aphasia
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
351 2 frontotemporal lobar degeneration designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
symptom or sign
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
352 2 immunology medical specialty
branch of biology
academic discipline
Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
353 2 traumatic brain injury class of disease brain injury
central nervous system trauma
Kayleen Gimlin ๐„›
354 2 blockchain concept
academic discipline
field of study
distributed ledger
distributed data store
computer network protocol
data structure
Alark Joshi ๐„›
355 2 remote sensing branch of science gathering of information David Saah ๐„›
356 2 temporal lobe epilepsy rare disease
class of disease
focal epilepsy Indre Viskontas ๐„›
357 2 carbon dioxide emissions emission
greenhouse gas emissions
David Saah ๐„›
358 2 harm reduction strategy
medical specialty
policy option
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
359 2 urinary incontinence disease
symptom or sign
impairment of continence
urination disorder
urological symptom
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
360 2 sustainable development type of policy development Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
361 2 food desert territory Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
362 2 inner city neighborhood Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
363 2 end-of-life care medical procedure type palliative care
medical procedure
Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
364 2 disease prevention prevention
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
365 2 reproductive age developmental stage Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
366 2 Sustainable Development Goals plan Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
367 2 maternal death cause of death death Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
368 2 Internet IP network
computer network
telecommunications network communication studies
media studies
interaction science
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
369 2 globalisation social theory interaction globalization studies
international studies
Caroline Linse ๐„›
370 2 strategic management type of management
academic discipline
business activity
Nola Agha ๐„›
371 2 scholarly communication communication Charlotte Roh ๐„›
372 2 suicide prevention preventive medicine prevention
risk management
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
373 2 theoretical computer science academic discipline
academic major
computer science
fundamental science
Steven Alter ๐„›
374 2 metadata data
secondary information
artificial object
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
375 2 ethics branch of philosophy
academic discipline
philosophy Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
376 2 data management Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
377 2 Devonian period
Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
378 2 exoplanet astronomical object type planet
extrasolar object
exoplanetology N. Jeremy Kasdin ๐„›
379 2 transcriptomics branch of biology genetics
computational biology
RNA analysis
William A Weiss ๐„›
380 2 Sub-Saharan Africa geographic region Jesse Anttila-Hughes ๐„›
381 2 Iceland island country
sovereign state
OECD country
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
382 2 Trachemys scripta elegans taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
383 2 Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope space telescope
infrared telescope
proposed entity
N. Jeremy Kasdin ๐„›
384 2 ethics policy policy Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
385 2 human erythrocyte human cell type
cell type
red blood cell Paul Chien ๐„›
386 2 predictive analytics statistical method
business analytics
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
387 2 language model statistical model Jeremy Howard ๐„›
388 2 digital transformation strategic management information technology
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
389 2 motor skill skill
psychomotor performance
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
390 2 proteolysis biological process protein metabolic process Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
391 2 thyroid cancer class of disease endocrine gland cancer
thyroid neoplasm
thyroid gland disease
Clara Feider ๐„›
392 2 Periplaneta americana taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
393 2 agriculture economic sector
field of work
agriculture and forestry agronomy Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
394 2 hygiene academic discipline
academic degree
preventive medicine
health behaviour
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
395 2 mathematical model general term conceptual model
intellectual work
scientific model
David Thomas Uminsky ๐„›
396 2 geophysics branch of science
academic discipline
academic major
Kanani Lee ๐„›
397 2 peer review activity Gregory A DeBourgh ๐„›
398 2 transfer learning paradigm machine learning Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
399 2 drug delivery technique technology Shohreh Nafisi ๐„›
400 2 forest bathing human activity nature therapy Margaret Hansen ๐„›
401 2 ecotoxicology branch of science
academic discipline
field of study
environmental toxicology
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
402 2 alcohol abuse class of disease substance abuse
alcohol consumption
alcohol-related disorders
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
403 2 preproinsulin protein precursor
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
404 2 sexual identity identity
sexual orientation
J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
405 2 Albania sovereign state
albanology Taryn Vian ๐„›
406 2 neoplastic stem cells cell type stem cell
cancer cell
Sean Judge ๐„›
407 2 San Francisco Bay bay Francis P. Filice ๐„›
408 2 invertebrate grade animal invertebrate zoology Francis P. Filice ๐„›
409 2 Rhacophoridae taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
410 2 pesticide mode of toxic action
Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
411 2 gene flow change genetic transfer Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
412 2 antibiotic resistance antimicrobial resistance
bacterial drug resistance
response to antibiotic
James D Wilson ๐„›
413 2 chitin polymer
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
414 2 morphogenesis biological process Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
415 2 microbiome biome Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
416 2 tropical forest vegetational formation forest Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
417 2 plant trait phenotypic trait Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
418 2 genomics branch of biology
academic discipline
medical specialty
computational biology
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
419 2 best practice good practice Mary Lou De Natale ๐„›
420 2 Escherichia coli taxon
model organism
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
421 2 Enterococcus faecalis taxon Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
422 2 neurochemistry branch of chemistry organic chemistry Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
423 2 Staphylococcus aureus taxon Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
424 2 saltwater fish organisms known by a particular common name fish
marine animal
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
425 2 exposure assessment specialty risk assessment Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
426 2 Haiti sovereign state
island country
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
427 2 X social networking service
user-generated content platform
online community
Richard D. Waters ๐„›
428 2 systemic lupus erythematosus designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
rheumatic disease
lupus erythematosus
connective tissue disease
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
429 2 paleontology academic discipline field research Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
430 2 coral reef reef
coral reef ecology
coral reef biology
Edward DeMartini ๐„›
431 2 tretinoin type of chemical entity carboxylic acid
retinoic acid
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
432 2 video game type of arts
software category
electronic game
entertainment software
audiovisual work
tangible good
video games, consoles and accessories
game studies Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
433 2 Sauria taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
434 2 data collection activity activity
David Saah ๐„›
435 1 censorship media regulation
social issue
Patrick Califia ๐„›
436 1 Children's Crusade religious war Thea Beckman ๐„›
437 1 Indonesia sovereign state
archipelagic state
constitutional republic
island country
presidential system
indonesiology Bruce Wydick ๐„›
438 1 American Sign Language sign language
modern language
French Sign Language family Patrick Boudreault ๐„›
439 1 myocardial infarction cause of death
class of disease
symptom or sign
coronary artery disease
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
440 1 Denmark state
colonial power
autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark
country bordering the Baltic Sea
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
441 1 immigration activity human migration sociology of immigration
environmental social science
Bill Ong Hing ๐„›
442 1 Chile sovereign state
democratic republic
OECD country
Susan Roberta Katz ๐„›
443 1 Guatemala sovereign state
Bruce Wydick ๐„›
444 1 Facebook social networking service
mobile app
social media
user-generated content platform
online community
Kevin D. Lo ๐„›
445 1 atopic dermatitis class of disease
symptom or sign
allergic contact dermatitis
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
446 1 bail deterrence Lara Bazelon ๐„›
447 1 ecohydrology academic discipline ecology
Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
448 1 theory of mind aptitude
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
449 1 family therapy academic major
academic discipline
psychotherapy Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
450 1 snag type of wood tree
dead wood
Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
451 1 covalent organic framework solid state of matter Ioannina Castano ๐„›
452 1 distributed computing specialty
field of study
parallel computing
academic discipline
computer science
Diane Myung-Kyung Woodbridge ๐„›
453 1 Rwanda republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
Rwandan studies Bruce Wydick ๐„›
454 1 Laos sovereign state
landlocked country
communist state
people's republic
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
455 1 climate change feedback feedback
environmental issue
Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
456 1 sexual orientation second-order class sexuality
personal data
Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
457 1 Orthoebolavirus zairense taxon
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
458 1 Philippines sovereign state
archipelagic state
Filipinology Michael A. Rice ๐„›
459 1 surgery medical specialty
academic discipline
clinical sciences Robert J. Morelli ๐„›
460 1 shrub plant life-form phanerophyte
woody plant
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
461 1 mental health services health service
health services research
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
462 1 carbon cycling natural phenomenon Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
463 1 landscape pattern pattern Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
464 1 inflammation symptom or sign disease
clinical sign
general symptom
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
465 1 dune aeolian landform
vรกtรฉ pรญsky
Carlos E. Kaufeldt ๐„›
466 1 plate tectonics theory geotectonics geology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
467 1 electroencephalography medical test type neuroimaging
medical test
William Bosl ๐„›
468 1 Danio rerio taxon
model organism
Tatjana Piotrowski ๐„›
469 1 Calliphoridae taxon Carl G. Kadner ๐„›
470 1 pet domesticated animal Cori Bussolari ๐„›
471 1 waste management industry
academic discipline
sustainability and environmental management
energy and environmental engineering
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
472 1 Vertebrata taxon Chordata vertebrate zoology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
473 1 business model model June Y. Lee ๐„›
474 1 textbook literary genre tertiary source
learning material
educational book
instructional literature
academic writing
David Donahue ๐„›
475 1 Leuconostoc mesenteroides taxon Harold A. Harper ๐„›
476 1 image analysis analysis William Bosl ๐„›
477 1 Sequoioideae taxon Joseph J. Zucca ๐„›
478 1 museum GLAM
architectural structure
tourist attraction
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
479 1 student occupation
group of humans
human social group
learning person Christine Yeh ๐„›
480 1 ethnic studies academic discipline
academic major
cultural studies Noah E. Borrero ๐„›
481 1 diapause dormancy Elli R. Royak ๐„›
482 1 service learning pedagogy educational technology
community service
Experiential Education
community education
experiential learning
community engagement
Project-based learning
David Donahue ๐„›
483 1 mitochondrial DNA extrachromosomal DNA
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
484 1 Lacertidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
485 1 women in science group of humans
female topic
women in STEM fields Aparna Venkatesan ๐„›
486 1 Red Sea sea Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
487 1 price of oil price Libo Xu ๐„›
488 1 ecophysiology academic discipline
branch of biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
489 1 ecosystem function academic discipline ecological applications Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
490 1 Samoan American ethnic group Pacific Islander Americans Noah E. Borrero ๐„›
491 1 oviposition biological process reproductive behavior Elli R. Royak ๐„›
492 1 experimental infection infection
A. Lavroushin ๐„›
493 1 SATCON2 academic workshop Aparna Venkatesan ๐„›
494 1 HD1 galaxy L. Y. Aaron Yung ๐„›
495 1 orexin type of chemical entity chemical compound Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
496 1 critical sociology branch of sociology sociological theory
Marxist philosophy
sociological methodology
critical social theory
normative sociology
Brandi Lawless ๐„›
497 1 stock market economic activity capital market
artificial object
Libo Xu ๐„›
498 1 phantom limb perceptual disorders
Nicolas Mills ๐„›
499 1 multiracial people human race
ethnic group
human Saera Khan ๐„›
500 1 Chlorostoma funebralis taxon Rika Ueda ๐„›
501 1 drag queen occupation performance artist
Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
502 1 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons structural class of chemical entities polycyclic aromatic compound
aromatic hydrocarbon
non-methane volatile organic compound
polycyclic hydrocarbon
Claire Castro ๐„›
503 1 macroeconomic model economic model Libo Xu ๐„›
504 1 Therevidae taxon Charles W. Hildebrand ๐„›
505 1 sexual minority minority group Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
506 1 field experiment experiment Bruce Wydick ๐„›
507 1 cultural diversity diversity sociolinguistics Dominique Broussard ๐„›
508 1 Anura taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
509 1 shell weapon functional class ammunition Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
510 1 public space social space
open space
Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
511 1 serology academic discipline
academic major
medical diagnosis
Gerald J. Crowley ๐„›
512 1 information literacy academic discipline
library service
library science Brandi Lawless ๐„›
513 1 sea level rise phenomenon
increase Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
514 1 banking services financial services Libo Xu ๐„›
515 1 play therapy psychotherapy June Madsen Clausen ๐„›
516 1 fear of crime specific phobia Saera Khan ๐„›
517 1 Lattice Boltzmann methods computational approach William Bosl ๐„›
518 1 child sponsorship human activity patronage Bruce Wydick ๐„›
519 1 fossil natural physical object paleontology
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
520 1 1992 Landers earthquake earthquake William Bosl ๐„›
521 1 derailment disease thought disorder Saera Khan ๐„›
522 1 mind-wandering mental process Davina Chan ๐„›
523 1 social connectedness feeling Christine Yeh ๐„›
524 1 electronic health records medical software
personal health record
Patient administration system
medical record
William Bosl ๐„›
525 1 art gallery arts venue
art institution
John Zarobell ๐„›
526 1 Drosophilidae taxon Carol J. Rosen Chihara ๐„›
527 1 informatics academic major information science
data science
William Bosl ๐„›
528 1 Dyslipidemia scholarly article William Bosl ๐„›
529 1 Sorghum halepense taxon Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
530 1 thematic analysis qualitative research Brandi Lawless ๐„›
531 1 urban development activity planning urban studies
urban analysis and development
Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
532 1 Clapper Rail taxon Joseph J. Zucca ๐„›
533 1 Phaenicia sericata taxon
Carl G. Kadner ๐„›
534 1 Namibia republic
sovereign state
Namibian studies Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
535 1 false confession proposition Richard A. Leo ๐„›
536 1 Colias eurytheme taxon Sister Mary Baptista Dean ๐„›
537 1 City College of San Francisco community college
public educational institution of the United States
Desiree Zerquera ๐„›
538 1 Gondwana supercontinent
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
539 1 trolling online misconduct
Brandi Lawless ๐„›
540 1 bites and stings disease injury
animal attack
Jeffrey Paller ๐„›
541 1 consulting Q64506407
field of work
economic activity
knowledge industry
helping behavior
Desiree Zerquera ๐„›
542 1 Bufonidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
543 1 Dicroglossidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
544 1 nucleus accumbens brain region
class of anatomical entity
nucleus of brain
particular anatomical entity
Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
545 1 regenerative medicine medical specialty
academic discipline
biomedicine Tatjana Piotrowski ๐„›
546 1 soil water water Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
547 1 lung cancer rare disease
class of disease
respiratory system cancer
lung disease
lung neoplasm
pulmonology Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
548 1 disability property disability studies Rafael D Romo ๐„›
549 1 biomass mass Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
550 1 cosmetic surgery plastic surgery
aesthetic medicine
Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
551 1 SB-334867 type of chemical entity chemical compound Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
552 1 bilingualism multilingualism sociolinguistics Jocelyn N Caballero ๐„›
553 1 groundwater land waters
raw water
hydrogeology Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
554 1 Brazil sovereign state
secular state
rule of law
federal republic
Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
555 1 aorta artery
umbrella term
class of anatomical entity
systemic arterial trunk
particular anatomical entity
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
556 1 chronic hepatitis C infectious disease hepatitis C Christopher Jai Balkissoon ๐„›
557 1 telomere length biological sequence Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
558 1 chronic hepatitis disease hepatitis Christopher Jai Balkissoon ๐„›
559 1 Gorm Boje Jensen human Nils Skajaa ๐„›
560 1 Fibroblast growth factor 3 protein Tatjana Piotrowski ๐„›
561 1 Latinx gender-neutral language
Hsiu-Lan Cheng ๐„›
562 1 Accelerometer-determined moderate intensity lifestyle activity and cardiometabolic health scholarly article Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
563 1 Western Hemisphere hemisphere of the Earth Michael A. Rice ๐„›
564 1 magnetic resonance imaging medical test medical imaging
non-invasive imaging
Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
565 1 acute myocardial infarction class of disease myocardial infarction
acute coronary syndrome
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
566 1 aquifer water reservoir Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
567 1 Marfan syndrome designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
connective tissue disease
eye disease
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
568 1 Sauropsida taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
569 1 Anguidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
570 1 transport intentional human activity
material flow
economic activity
transport sciences Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
571 1 Iguanidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
572 1 cyberbullying online misconduct
Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
573 1 cell differentiation biological process cellular developmental process
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
574 1 endoscopy medical test type medical test
medical imaging
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
575 1 Bufo viridis taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
576 1 Sceloporus magister taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
577 1 invasive grass invasive species
invasion biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
578 1 invasive trait phenotypic trait invasion biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
579 1 shrub invasion woody plant invasion Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
580 1 Superbacteria bacteria Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
581 1 financial elder abuse elder abuse
financial crime
Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
582 1 activated carbon excipient
essential medicine
material Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
583 1 bronchoscopy medical test type endoscopy Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
584 1 estrogen class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions sex steroid
steroid hormone
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
585 1 wastewater non-drinking water Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
586 1 activated charcoal medication
essential medicine
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
587 1 biological dispersal motion
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
588 1 Hynobiidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
589 1 Phrynosomatidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
590 1 African helmeted turtle taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
591 1 DNA barcoding scientific technique genetic analysis Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
592 1 pathology medical specialty
academic discipline
field of study
health problem
clinical sciences
William A Weiss ๐„›
593 1 Varanus yemenensis taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
594 1 vicariance taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
595 1 Pelomedusidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
596 1 Bolitoglossa taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
597 1 FLASH radiotherapy radiation therapy Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
598 1 oxygen chemical element
group 16
oxidizing agent
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
599 1 halotolerance robustness Michael A. Rice ๐„›
600 1 herpetofauna fauna Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
601 1 Paramesotriton taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
602 1 Anniella pulchra taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
603 1 mobile phone telephone
mobile device
cell phone and accessories
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
604 1 New Orleans city in the United States
big city
consolidated city-county
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
605 1 cloud computing system resource
computing platform
service on Internet
Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
606 1 Aplysia dactylomela taxon Deneb Karentz ๐„›
607 1 serotonin type of chemical entity tryptamine alkaloid Eliza Congdon ๐„›
608 1 idiopathy disease Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
609 1 multiple drug resistance drug resistance Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
610 1 Hepatitis C virus taxon Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
611 1 sensorineural hearing loss rare disease
class of disease
inner ear disease
conductive hearing loss
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
612 1 flow cytometry analytical technique
cell sorting
separation process
Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
613 1 stenosis disease obstruction Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
614 1 astrocytoma class of disease glioma
cerebrum cancer
central nervous system cancer
William A Weiss ๐„›
615 1 hydrography academic discipline
academic major
Earth science
Albert D. Mahood ๐„›
616 1 irradiation physical phenomenon
exposure to radiation
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
617 1 botulinum toxin type A medication
botulinum toxin group Rishi Gupta ๐„›
618 1 tracheal stenosis class of disease tracheal anomaly
tracheal disease
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
619 1 intensive care unit hospital department Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
620 1 parking driving Billy Riggs ๐„›
621 1 prevention of sexually transmitted diseases preventive medicine Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
622 1 norepinephrine type of chemical entity catecholamine
phenethylamine alkaloid
William A Weiss ๐„›
623 1 cell fate commitment biological process cellular developmental process Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
624 1 stem cell differentiation biological process cell differentiation Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
625 1 RNA interference biological process posttranscriptional gene silencing
gene silencing
William A Weiss ๐„›
626 1 Dorothea Lange human Jasmin Darznik ๐„›
627 1 intracranial hypotension abnormally low value
class of disease
encephalopathy Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
628 1 spontaneous intracranial hypotension class of disease
clinical sign
intracranial hypotension Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
629 1 workshop meeting
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
630 1 BRCA1 Mutation gene variant
Loss Of Function Variant
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
631 1 photoactivation chemical reaction Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
632 1 Sex workers scholarly article Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
633 1 cognitive dysfunction disease
psychopathological symptom
cognitive distortion
cognitive disorder
Rafael D Romo ๐„›
634 1 Vulnerable Populations scholarly article Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
635 1 anticoagulation biological pathway Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
636 1 human papilloma virus taxon Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
637 1 Wolbachia taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
638 1 A novel multilocus phylogenetic estimation reveals unrecognized diversity in Asian horned toads, genus Megophrys sensu lato (Anura: Megophryidae). scholarly article Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
639 1 coastal ecology branch of ecology
academic discipline
ecology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
640 1 historical biogeography academic discipline Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
641 1 inorganic compound structural class of chemical entities chemical compound
inorganic substance
inorganic chemistry Deneb Karentz ๐„›
642 1 health care quality quality Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
643 1 cyst disease lesion Albert D. Mahood ๐„›
644 1 stem cell self-renewal stem cell division Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
645 1 research agenda plan Rafael D Romo ๐„›
646 1 condensed matter physics branch of physics
field of study
academic discipline
continuum physics
Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
647 1 LGBTQ scholarly article Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
648 1 bevacizumab type of chemical entity chemical compound Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
649 1 nickel chemical element
flammable solid
ferromagnetic material
Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
650 1 ontology knowledge base
data model
data schema
ontology engineering
computer science
information science
artificial intelligence
knowledge engineering
natural language processing
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
651 1 coordinate system frame of reference Richard Cheng ๐„›
652 1 nootropic ChEBI Ontology term chemical substance
central nervous system agent
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
653 1 Cockayne syndrome designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
autosomal recessive disease
eye degenerative disease
nervous system heredodegenerative disease
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
654 1 oligodendrocyte cell type neuroglia
macroglial cell
set of macroglial cells
William A Weiss ๐„›
655 1 protein design academic discipline molecular design William A Weiss ๐„›
656 1 dysphonia symptom or sign voice disorder Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
657 1 life sciences branch of science
academic discipline
field of study
natural science Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
658 1 pyridoxine type of chemical entity structural analog
pyridine alkaloids
vitamin B6
Arthur Furst ๐„›
659 1 trophic level role Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
660 1 capillary hemangioma class of disease
symptom or sign
capillary disease
skin hemangioma
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
661 1 war armed conflict
social issue
military activity
military history
war studies
peace and conflict studies
Institute for the Study of War
sociology of peace, war, and social conflict
Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
662 1 actinomycosis infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
commensal bacterial infectious disease
respiratory disease
bacterial infectious disease
skin and integumentary tissue symptom
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
663 1 iridescence optical phenomenon
optical property
color in nature
structural coloration biology of colour Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
664 1 niobium chemical element transition metal
period 5
Milka Nikolic ๐„›
665 1 tracheoesophageal fistula developmental defect during embryogenesis
class of disease
esophageal disease
tracheal disease
esophageal fistula
gastrointestinal system disease
respiratory tract fistula
non-syndromic respiratory or mediastinal malformation
non-syndromic esophageal malformation
rare genetic respiratory disease
respiratory system abnormality
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
666 1 ethnic diversity diversity Gerardo Marรญn ๐„›
667 1 butterfly organisms known by a particular common name Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
668 1 Hurricane Katrina Category 5 hurricane Alison Cohen ๐„›
669 1 Lycaeides melissa taxon
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
670 1 Sci-Hub scientific website
shadow library
Jacob G Levernier ๐„›
671 1 biophysics branch of biology
branch of physics
academic discipline
biology Thomas J FitzGerald ๐„›
672 1 electrocardiography medical test type medical test
diagnostic test in cardiology
Richard Cheng ๐„›
673 1 Glaucopsyche lygdamus taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
674 1 reflectin protein family intrinsically unstructured proteins Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
675 1 CpG island genome components GC rich sequence William A Weiss ๐„›
676 1 scientific literature literary genre nonfiction
specialized literature
Jacob G Levernier ๐„›
677 1 protein evolution evolution Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
678 1 structural color in nature structural coloration
biological phenomenon
optical phenomenon
color in nature
organic chemistry
biology of colour
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
679 1 fungal community ecological community Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
680 1 invasion success ecological change
ecological success
invasion biology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
681 1 multiethnicity group characteristic Jovia L Nierenberg ๐„›
682 1 elevational gradient gradient geography Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
683 1 population structure structure Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
684 1 migratory species species Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
685 1 city expansion growth Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
686 1 butterfly diversity animal diversity Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
687 1 climate pattern pattern Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
688 1 native herbivore herbivore
native species
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
689 1 climate change sociology academic discipline Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
690 1 adenosine triphosphate type of chemical entity purine ribonucleoside 5'-triphosphate Richard Cheng ๐„›
691 1 urban planning type of policy
public administration
academic discipline
spatial planning Alison Cohen ๐„›
692 1 algorithm procedure
Alark Joshi ๐„›
693 1 International Space Station space laboratory
space station
Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
694 1 racism political ideology
social inequality
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
695 1 hepatitis A infectious disease
notifiable disease
class of disease
viral infectious disease
viral hepatitis
waterborne disease
Lisa Duncan ๐„›
696 1 Larrea tridentata taxon William A Weiss ๐„›
697 1 gene expression biological process macromolecule metabolic process
Gene expression Thomas J FitzGerald ๐„›
698 1 infectivity quality Deneb Karentz ๐„›
699 1 coronary artery bypass surgery surgical procedure vascular bypass
bypass surgery
Richard Cheng ๐„›
700 1 voxtalisib type of chemical entity chemical compound William A Weiss ๐„›
701 1 xeroderma pigmentosum group C class of disease xeroderma pigmentosum Deneb Karentz ๐„›
702 1 Gallinas Creek stream Albert D. Mahood ๐„›
703 1 Huntington's disease designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
Huntington disease and related disorders
eye degenerative disease
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
trinucleotide repeat disorder
Richard Cheng ๐„›
704 1 cardiac arrest thoracic disease
cause of death
class of disease
congestive heart failure
Richard Cheng ๐„›
705 1 Tumor initiation William A Weiss ๐„›
706 1 apoptotic process biological process programmed cell death William A Weiss ๐„›
707 1 bradycardia medical finding
symptom or sign
heart arrhythmia
finding of heart rate
Richard Cheng ๐„›
708 1 catheter ablation medical procedure type medical procedure Richard Cheng ๐„›
709 1 xenograft transplant William A Weiss ๐„›
710 1 Thalassiosira vulnifica taxon Albert D. Mahood ๐„›
711 1 hypermethylation methylation William A Weiss ๐„›
712 1 rhabdomyosarcoma class of disease skeletal muscle cancer
childhood cancer
William A Weiss ๐„›
713 1 miracidium developmental stage Deneb Karentz ๐„›
714 1 water pollution pollution environmental pollution Jeremy T Laurin ๐„›
715 1 colorectal cancer class of disease colorectal neoplasm
large intestine cancer
Christian Dimaano ๐„›
716 1 transcriptome RNA transcriptomics Siyang Zeng ๐„›
717 1 neurosurgery medical specialty
academic discipline
surgery Alark Joshi ๐„›
718 1 atrial fibrillation rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
heart conduction disease
cardiac fibrillation
Richard Cheng ๐„›
719 1 Rana sierrae taxon Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
720 1 corpus striatum brain region
class of anatomical entity
striatum of neuraxis
set of neuraxis structures
particular anatomical entity
Ermanda Siregar ๐„›
721 1 intravascular ultrasound medical ultrasonography Richard Cheng ๐„›
722 1 catheterization medical procedure Richard Cheng ๐„›
723 1 community health service specialty
academic discipline
health service Alison Cohen ๐„›
724 1 equipment design design Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
725 1 coronary angiography medical imaging
coronary catheterization
invasive examination
Richard Cheng ๐„›
726 1 mutual aid interaction
organizational behavior
Daniela G Domรญnguez ๐„›
727 1 antimalarial antiprotozoal Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
728 1 program software Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
729 1 health indicator assessment method indicator Alison Cohen ๐„›
730 1 sociodemography academic discipline sociology
Alison Cohen ๐„›
731 1 birth mass biomedical measurand type mass
human body weight
Alison Cohen ๐„›
732 1 nanowire nanostructure Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
733 1 organic tin compounds structural class of chemical entities organic compound
tin compound
organometallic compound
organotin chemistry Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
734 1 Maternal immunization scholarly article Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
735 1 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behavioral disorder
class of disease
neurodevelopmental disorder
specific developmental disorder
hyperkinetic disorder
neurodevelopmental disorder
psychiatry Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
736 1 heat map type of map map
statistical graphics
Alark Joshi ๐„›
737 1 Meth mouth substance use disorder
tooth pathology
Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
738 1 medical imaging technique
academic discipline
biological imaging
medical test
medical diagnosis
clinical sciences
Alark Joshi ๐„›
739 1 peripheral neuropathy class of disease neurological disorder
Ploypun Narindrarangkura ๐„›
740 1 Kaplanโ€“Meier estimator estimator Nathaniel T Stevens ๐„›
741 1 orbitofrontal cortex cortex
brain region
class of anatomical entity
Gyrus Indre Viskontas ๐„›
742 1 frontotemporal dementia rare disease
class of disease
TDP-43 Proteinopathies
frontotemporal degeneration with dementia
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
743 1 forestry industry
academic discipline
field of study
agriculture and forestry
David Saah ๐„›
744 1 genotoxicity toxicity
Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
745 1 open-source software source-available software
freely redistributable software
Alark Joshi ๐„›
746 1 antibody family of protein complexes immunoglobulin Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
747 1 Diverging Paths: Understanding Racial Differences in Civic Engagement Among White, African American, and Latina/o Adolescents Using Structural Equation Modeling. scholarly article Alison Cohen ๐„›
748 1 vaccine hesitancy vaccination attitude
social movement
skepticism Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
749 1 gender gap gender relations Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
750 1 religiosity spirituality neurotheology
psychology of religion
Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
751 1 osteolysis bone resorption Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
752 1 confidentiality quality Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
753 1 colorectal cancer screening cancer screening Christian Dimaano ๐„›
754 1 wood pellet solid fuel
David Saah ๐„›
755 1 arterial hypertension class of disease
symptom or sign
vascular disease
artery disease
clinical sign
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
756 1 ethyl tert-butyl ether type of chemical entity biogenic acyclic ether Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
757 1 RSV Wikimedia disambiguation page Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
758 1 Sweden sovereign state
scandinavian studies Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
759 1 visual analytics specialty
field of study
Alark Joshi ๐„›
760 1 graphene allotrope of carbon
single-layer materials
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
761 1 B-cell cell type lymphocyte Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
762 1 Afghanistan sovereign state
landlocked country
Annick Wibben ๐„›
763 1 gene duplication mutation Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
764 1 viral nucleocapsid cellular component virion component Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
765 1 natural disaster failure mode disaster
natural phenomenon
natural risk
risk source
environmental disturbance
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
766 1 Alzheimer's disease rare disease
class of disease
aging-associated disease
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
767 1 complex analysis area of mathematics
mathematical theory
mathematical analysis Tristan Needham ๐„›
768 1 data visualization academic discipline visualization Alark Joshi ๐„›
769 1 atherosclerosis class of disease arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
Siyang Zeng ๐„›
770 1 asterisk glyph
Unicode character
George Dohrmann ๐„›
771 1 biochemistry interdisciplinary science
branch of chemistry
branch of biology
academic discipline
organic chemistry
Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
772 1 colibactin type of chemical entity chemical compound Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
773 1 mnemonic technique stimulus Indre Viskontas ๐„›
774 1 ecosystem services yield
ecological applications
David Saah ๐„›
775 1 volatile organic compound volatile compound
organic compound
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
776 1 linguistics academic discipline
academic major
field of study
social science
Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
777 1 cytomegaloviral disease disease Herpesviridae infectious disease Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
778 1 HCMV Wikimedia disambiguation page Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
779 1 urban population demographics human population Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
780 1 2-ethylfuran type of chemical entity chemical compound Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
781 1 rotamer stereoisomer molecular biology
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
782 1 mangrove biome
vegetational formation
WWF biome
biome Sunny Jardine ๐„›
783 1 autobiographical memory memory type explicit memory Indre Viskontas ๐„›
784 1 Earth observation gathering of information David Saah ๐„›
785 1 sickle-cell disease rare disease
class of disease
autosomal recessive disease
congenital hemolytic anemia
blood protein disease
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
786 1 Coxsackievirus organisms known by a particular common name Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
787 1 RNA analysis biochemistry method Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
788 1 Gene expression academic discipline genetics Thomas J FitzGerald ๐„›
789 1 drainage basin concept geographic region
watershed science Heather J. Hoag ๐„›
790 1 accounting studies academic discipline David Saah ๐„›
791 1 progressive supranuclear palsy designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
movement disorders
frontotemporal degeneration with dementia
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
eye degenerative disease
corticobasal degeneration
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
792 1 neuroanatomy academic discipline Indre Viskontas ๐„›
793 1 Health Information Management academic journal
open-access journal
information management Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
794 1 greenhouse gas emissions emission
environmental emission
David Saah ๐„›
795 1 Margot Patterson Doss human Carl Nolte ๐„›
796 1 tree mortality mortality David Saah ๐„›
797 1 managed forest forest David Saah ๐„›
798 1 ecological impact environmental effects David Saah ๐„›
799 1 life expectancy assessment method estimation
health indicator
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
800 1 popular culture concept
Annick Wibben ๐„›
801 1 archaeological artifact specialty
field of study
cultural artifact
archaeological find
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
802 1 corporate social responsibility business and human rights corporate liability
social responsibility
Charles T. Moses ๐„›
803 1 sepsis disease
symptom or sign
general infection
systemic disease
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
804 1 natural language processing academic discipline
field of study
artificial intelligence
computer science
computational linguistics
industrial sector
academic discipline
Noriko Nagata ๐„›
805 1 eating disorder class of disease specific developmental disorder
nutrition disorder
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
806 1 Dominican Republic sovereign state
island country
archipelagic state
Monisha Bajaj ๐„›
807 1 trans fat structural class of chemical entities unsaturated fat Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
808 1 targeted therapy chemotherapy William A Weiss ๐„›
809 1 chemoradiotherapy radiation therapy
Multimodal cancer therapy
William A Weiss ๐„›
810 1 CRISPR DNA sequence William A Weiss ๐„›
811 1 militarism political concept political ideology
Annick Wibben ๐„›
812 1 nordihydroguaiaretic acid type of chemical entity bisphenol William A Weiss ๐„›
813 1 protein kinase inhibitors drug class enzyme inhibitor William A Weiss ๐„›
814 1 ErbB receptors protein family Tyrosine protein kinase, EGF/ERB/XmrK receptor William A Weiss ๐„›
815 1 Larrea divaricata taxon William A Weiss ๐„›
816 1 masoprocol type of chemical entity chemical compound William A Weiss ๐„›
817 1 optimization algorithm algorithm mathematical optimization Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
818 1 feature selection dimensionality reduction Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
819 1 archaeological science archaeological sub-discipline Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
820 1 baseball type of sport
sport with racquet/stick/club
bat-and-ball game
team sport
Olympic sport
Nola Agha ๐„›
821 1 social responsibility business and human rights responsibility Charles T. Moses ๐„›
822 1 respiratory failure cause of death
clinical sign
class of disease
symptom or sign
lung disease
respiratory compromise
respiratory signs and symptoms
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
823 1 identity quality
social science Vijaya Nagarajan ๐„›
824 1 maternal mortality ratio measurement
vital statistics
mortality rate Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
825 1 Survival advantage combining a BRAF inhibitor and radiation in BRAF V600E-mutant glioma scholarly article William A Weiss ๐„›
826 1 National Inpatient Sample database Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
827 1 murine model model organism William A Weiss ๐„›
828 1 complications of pregnancy complication of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
829 1 morbidity rate Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
830 1 systemic functional linguistics field of study linguistics Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
831 1 commons infrastructure
Vijaya Nagarajan ๐„›
832 1 Kลฏlna Cave cave Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
833 1 metabolomics branch of science
academic discipline
computational biology
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
834 1 last glacial maximum glacial period Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
835 1 behavior therapy psychotherapy
behavior management
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
836 1 Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complex
William A Weiss ๐„›
837 1 plump cancer colonic disease
class of disease
colonic neoplasm
colorectal cancer
colonic disease
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
838 1 electricity dictionary page in Wikipedia energy
energy source
physical phenomenon
Thomas F. Cargill ๐„›
839 1 racial equity social equity Uma Jayakumar ๐„›
840 1 species eradication extinction ecology
invasion biology
Sunny Jardine ๐„›
841 1 invasive species eradication species eradication invasion biology Sunny Jardine ๐„›
842 1 invasive species management environmental resource management invasion biology Sunny Jardine ๐„›
843 1 invasion management environmental management invasion biology Sunny Jardine ๐„›
844 1 paleoenvironment natural environment paleoecology Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
845 1 open access group action
social movement
access restriction
free to read Charlotte Roh ๐„›
846 1 interest rate price
physical quantity
Thomas F. Cargill ๐„›
847 1 human migration migration
sociology of immigration Monisha Bajaj ๐„›
848 1 ecology academic discipline
branch of biology
branch of geography
biology climate change ecology Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
849 1 radiocarbon dating radiometric dating radiometric dating
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
850 1 malnutrition academic discipline
failure mode
nutrition disorder
clinical sign
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
851 1 computer hardware electronics electronic machine
physical technological component
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
852 1 programming language computer science term computer language Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
853 1 KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
854 1 epidemic disease outbreak
pathogen spread
epidemiology Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
855 1 motivational interviewing directive counseling David A Martinez ๐„›
856 1 language education academic major
academic discipline
field of work
teaching language pedagogy Genevieve Leung ๐„›
857 1 Pin-tailed Whydah taxon Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
858 1 cryptography academic discipline security engineering Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
859 1 miscarriage disease
symptom or sign
pregnancy with abortive outcome
reproductive system symptom
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
860 1 taxonomy classification scheme
hierarchical classification
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
861 1 Chinese Americans ethnic group Asian Americans
Chinese people
East Asian Americans
Genevieve Leung ๐„›
862 1 nicotine group of stereoisomers pyrrolidine
nicotine-like alkaloid
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
863 1 follicular lymphoma class of disease B-cell lymphoma William A Weiss ๐„›
864 1 introduced species species invasion biology Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
865 1 wine fermented alcoholic beverage
alcoholic fruit beverage
Thomas A. Maier ๐„›
866 1 network property quality Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
867 1 East Timor country
sovereign state
island country
Stephen Zunes ๐„›
868 1 Antenatal depression complications of pregnancy
major depressive disorder
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
869 1 nonviolence philosophical movement philosophical movement
group action
Vamsee Juluri ๐„›
870 1 computer data storage device machine-readable medium
data storage medium
computer hardware
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
871 1 measles infectious disease
notifiable disease
symptom or sign
Morbillivirus infectious disease
viral infectious disease
William A Weiss ๐„›
872 1 open science social movement science
open knowledge
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
873 1 social impact importance Nola Agha ๐„›
874 1 reading comprehension aptitude text comprehension Genevieve Leung ๐„›
875 1 Papua New Guinea Commonwealth realm
island country
sovereign state
archipelagic state
constitutional monarchy
Gary L. Stevens ๐„›
876 1 Salicaceae taxon Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
877 1 macrophage cell type white blood cell
antigen-presenting cell
differentiated hemal cell
William A Weiss ๐„›
878 1 poisoning cause of death
major trauma
chemically induced disorder
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
879 1 Populus trichocarpa taxon
model organism
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
880 1 telescope invention optical instrument
astronomical instrument
N. Jeremy Kasdin ๐„›
881 1 sport academic discipline physical activity sociology of sport
sports science
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
882 1 cannabis drug soft drug
psychoactive drug
food ingredient
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
883 1 hysterectomy medical specialty
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
884 1 Ascomycota taxon Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
885 1 fetal alcohol spectrum disorders class of disease specific developmental disorder
congenital disorder
alcohol and health
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
886 1 art academic major
essentially contested concept
academic discipline
field of work
economic sector
recreation art history
art practice
sociology of art
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
887 1 Mongolia sovereign state
landlocked country
Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
888 1 bacterial vaginosis infectious disease
class of disease
bacterial infectious disease
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
889 1 technology academic discipline
applied science technology assessment
science and technology studies
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
890 1 Xylariaceae taxon Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
891 1 RNA sequencing RNA analysis William A Weiss ๐„›
892 1 catalysis molecular function chemical reaction
molecular function
catalysis and mechanisms of reactions Arthur Furst ๐„›
893 1 Comanche tribe Tomie dePaola ๐„›
894 1 bicycle mode of transport
individual means of transport
sports equipment
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
895 1 Viperidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
896 1 Ampulicidae taxon Francis Xavier Williams ๐„›
897 1 single cell transcriptomics single-cell analysis
William A Weiss ๐„›
898 1 fish taxon
paraphyletic group
organisms known by a particular common name
aquatic animal
marine life
ichthyology Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
899 1 change management type of management
management Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
900 1 pertussis vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
bacterial vaccine Annette K. Regan ๐„›
901 1 single-cell RNA-seq biochemistry method transcriptomics
RNA sequencing
single cell transcriptomics
William A Weiss ๐„›
902 1 amphetamine-related disorders class of disease substance abuse
stimulant use disorder
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
903 1 Tidy data Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
904 1 tuberous sclerosis designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
autosomal dominant disease
malformation of cortical development, Group I
William A Weiss ๐„›
905 1 oncolytic virus virus William A Weiss ๐„›
906 1 intrauterine growth restriction disease
medical finding
failure to thrive Annette K. Regan ๐„›
907 1 courage virtue feeling Tomie dePaola ๐„›
908 1 education branch of science
knowledge sharing
social process
sociology of education
educational sciences
Herbert Kohl ๐„›
909 1 child demographic profile
population group
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
910 1 salt marsh tidal marsh
marine habitats
salt marsh ecology Gary L. Stevens ๐„›
911 1 data information statistics
data science
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
912 1 bitcoin free software
communication protocol
payment system
reserve currency
crypto asset
legal tender
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
913 1 choreography performing arts Liat Berdugo ๐„›
914 1 Pompilidae taxon Francis Xavier Williams ๐„›
915 1 higher education educational stage tertiary education Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
916 1 Trypanosoma cruzi taxon W. P. Horen ๐„›
917 1 sacrifice ritual ritual Tomie dePaola ๐„›
918 1 interference microscopy microscopy Arthur Furst ๐„›
919 1 bone marrow cells cell type cell Arthur Furst ๐„›
920 1 organ transplantation surgical procedure type transplantation transplantology Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
921 1 digital economy economy Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
922 1 adaptive radiation biological process Edward DeMartini ๐„›
923 1 manifestation artificial object Liat Berdugo ๐„›
924 1 neonatology medical specialty
academic discipline
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
925 1 academic dishonesty cheating Richard D. Waters ๐„›
926 1 social planning planning techniques
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
927 1 ethical analysis analysis
ethics Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
928 1 Eleanor Downey human James D. Phelan ๐„›
929 1 nutrition and dietetics academic discipline biomedicine Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
930 1 Earth terrestrial planet
inner planet of the Solar System
Earth science
planetary science
Billy Riggs ๐„›
931 1 bluebonnet organisms known by a particular common name Tomie dePaola ๐„›
932 1 menarche biological process
medical finding
menstrual cycle phase
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
933 1 physical fitness well-being
musculoskeletal physiological phenomena
sports science Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
934 1 teaching activity
academic discipline
information transfer
educational activity
Thomas A. Maier ๐„›
935 1 Ornate slider taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
936 1 Laudakia papenfussi taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
937 1 Glycera dibranchiata taxon Michael A. Rice ๐„›
938 1 history class
academic discipline
research object
chain of events
study of history
Kathryn L. Nasstrom ๐„›
939 1 colourant Wikimedia disambiguation page chemical substance
W. P. Horen ๐„›
940 1 superresolution technique
digital imaging
Jeremy Howard ๐„›
941 1 personalization specialty
field of study
humanโ€“computer interaction
Zifei Chen ๐„›
942 1 medical cannabis drug approval cannabis
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
943 1 Embiotocidae taxon Edward DeMartini ๐„›
944 1 emotional labor work Brandi Lawless ๐„›
945 1 Ophionereis annulata taxon Michael A. Rice ๐„›
946 1 consequences of the Black Death David Herlihy ๐„›
947 1 biotechnology interdisciplinary science
applied science
academic discipline
type of technology
technology Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
948 1 nurse practitioner profession
nursing specialty
advanced practice nurse
mid-level practitioner
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
949 1 zoogeography branch of geography
branch of zoology
Joseph R. Clopton ๐„›
950 1 assisted suicide manner of death suicide
assisted dying
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
951 1 Project-based learning pedagogy study
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
952 1 human resource management specialty
academic discipline
type of management
functional management Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
953 1 governmental accounting accounting Diane Roberts ๐„›
954 1 undernutrition marasmus
Jesse Anttila-Hughes ๐„›
955 1 frog organisms known by a particular common name Amphibia J. H. Perryman ๐„›
956 1 health education education
health promotion
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
957 1 fake news political slogan lying press Zifei Chen ๐„›
958 1 Pipilo erythropthalmus taxon Anthony Severin Baumann ๐„›
959 1 intergenerationality interpersonal relationship
family relation
Lisa S. Wagner ๐„›
960 1 de-identification technical process Jeremy Howard ๐„›
961 1 cryptocurrency specialty
field of study
digital currency
payment system
crypto asset
legal tender
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
962 1 religion type of world view belief system
world view
religion or world view
religious studies
history of religions
philosophy of religion
sociology of religion
J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
963 1 human rights convention
social movement
Sarah Burgess ๐„›
964 1 succession planning planning Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
965 1 consensual non-monogamy non-monogamy Dossie Easton ๐„›
966 1 geospatial dataset data set
machine-readable data
Matthew Malensek ๐„›
967 1 Acheta domestica taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
968 1 Gryllidae taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
969 1 EQUIPMENT and supplies scholarly article W. P. Horen ๐„›
970 1 breast cancer class of disease
symptom or sign
thoracic cancer
breast disease
breast neoplasm
breast cancer research Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
971 1 Dictyostelium discoideum taxon
model organism
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
972 1 microbiology branch of biology
academic discipline
exact science
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
973 1 emotional intelligence aptitude human intelligence Marcianna Nosek ๐„›
974 1 lymph node class of anatomical entity organ component
lymphoid organ
particular anatomical entity
Clara Feider ๐„›
975 1 Orthoptera taxon orthopterology Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
976 1 leukemia class of disease
symptom or sign
hematologic cancer
myeloproliferative disorders
Sangman M Kim ๐„›
977 1 decolonization process Quแปณnh N. Phแบกm ๐„›
978 1 general relativity scientific theory
physical law
G David Kerlick ๐„›
979 1 lidocaine type of chemical entity amide Shohreh Nafisi ๐„›
980 1 sarcoma class of disease cell type cancer
solid tumour oncology Sean Judge ๐„›
981 1 endothelium tissue type
class of anatomical entity
Simple Squamous Epithelium (Pavement Epithilium)
particular anatomical entity
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
982 1 forest vegetational formation
feature type
vegetational formation
natural geographic entity
geographical feature
forestry science Margaret Hansen ๐„›
983 1 restoration ecology academic discipline
branch of ecology
ecology Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
984 1 brachytherapy radiation therapy Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
985 1 electrospray ionization ion source Clara Feider ๐„›
986 1 natural gas commodity fossil fuel
fuel gas
Ludwig B. Chincarini ๐„›
987 1 Web 2.0 trend
field of study
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
988 1 terpenoids structural class of chemical entities isoprenoid
organooxygen compound
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
989 1 fluid flow process motion fluid dynamics David Thomas Uminsky ๐„›
990 1 nanodiamonds nanoparticle
Shohreh Nafisi ๐„›
991 1 convolutional neural network academic discipline
field of study
feedforward neural network Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
992 1 impostor syndrome concept
mental state
doubt Sophie Jean Engle ๐„›
993 1 conflict resolution academic discipline communication
problem solving
conflict analysis & resolution Marcianna Nosek ๐„›
994 1 Dasypodidae taxon Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
995 1 fungicide phytopharmaceuticals
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
996 1 LGBT community community J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
997 1 methane type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
group 14 hydride
Sunney Chan ๐„›
998 1 hyperglycemia class of disease
abnormally high value
glucose metabolism disease
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
999 1 hydrology specialty
academic discipline
branch of science
science Amalia Kokkinaki ๐„›
1000 1 alkane structural class of chemical entities
homologous series
saturated compound
acyclic compound
aliphatic hydrocarbon
Sunney Chan ๐„›
1001 1 energy landscape mapping David Thomas Uminsky ๐„›
1002 1 stream restoration land restoration Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1003 1 history and philosophy of science academic discipline
academic major
Kathryn L. Nasstrom ๐„›
1004 1 peritoneal mesothelioma class of disease occupational disease
peritoneal neoplasm
peritoneum cancer
squamous cell carcinoma
Sean Judge ๐„›
1005 1 photoacoustic imaging medical imaging Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
1006 1 magma fluid
inorganic substance
Kanani Lee ๐„›
1007 1 mindfulness technique mindfulness Margaret Hansen ๐„›
1008 1 food web consumerโ€“resource interactions trophic ecology Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1009 1 Mycoplasma genitalium taxon
model organism
Marcianna Nosek ๐„›
1010 1 reproducibility academic discipline
field of study
criterion Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
1011 1 snowmelt phenomenon Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1012 1 deep neural network artificial neural network Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
1013 1 photoacoustics branch of science
technical sciences
Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
1014 1 macroinvertebrate invertebrate Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1015 1 dysbiosis health problem ecological disturbance Sangman M Kim ๐„›
1016 1 teamwork collaboration interaction science Susan K Prion ๐„›
1017 1 linear regression type of statistical method regression
regression analysis
Susan K Prion ๐„›
1018 1 psychological stress negative emotion
mental state
risk factor
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
1019 1 silicon carbide type of chemical entity carbide
silicon compound
Kanani Lee ๐„›
1020 1 multiple hypothesis testing hypothesis testing Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
1021 1 habitat suitability ecological concept ecology Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1022 1 ecological community assembly ecological concept synecology Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1023 1 river network geographic pattern Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1024 1 macroinvertebrate community invertebrate community Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1025 1 benthic community aquatic community Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
1026 1 (2RS,3SR)-Epoxiconazole type of chemical entity chemical compound Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1027 1 reactive oxygen species structural class of chemical entities
class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions
oxygen compound Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1028 1 Kalman filter algorithm filter Amalia Kokkinaki ๐„›
1029 1 social marketing academic discipline marketing Sonja Martin Poole ๐„›
1030 1 Black Lives Matter social movement
black movement
Sonja Martin Poole ๐„›
1031 1 Reovirus taxon Sangman M Kim ๐„›
1032 1 one-way street street Billy Riggs ๐„›
1033 1 variational auto-encoder autoencoder Amalia Kokkinaki ๐„›
1034 1 unsupervised clustering process cluster analysis Isabel Houghton ๐„›
1035 1 street design academic discipline
field of study
field of work
urban design Billy Riggs ๐„›
1036 1 insulin resistance class of disease diabetes
drug resistance
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1037 1 COVID-19 vaccine Coronavirus-induced disease vaccine Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1038 1 biomimetics biology
bionics Sunney Chan ๐„›
1039 1 health literacy health education
information literacy
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
1040 1 lifetime duration Billy Riggs ๐„›
1041 1 literature search search Gregory A DeBourgh ๐„›
1042 1 poetry literary form
academic discipline
literary work Dean Rader ๐„›
1043 1 scoping review literature review
scholarly article
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
1044 1 sleep disturbance symptom or sign general symptom
sleep disorder
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
1045 1 Peru sovereign state
Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
1046 1 marine biology branch of biology
academic discipline
academic major
field of study
aquatic biology
Francis P. Filice ๐„›
1047 1 global warming atmospheric phenomenon
environmental issue
human impact on the environment
external risk
global climate change
climatology Jane Hirshfield ๐„›
1048 1 Azerbaijan sovereign state
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
1049 1 cesarean section medical procedure parturition
surgical operation
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
1050 1 canopy plant community canopy research Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
1051 1 gynaecology medical specialty
academic discipline
health sciences Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
1052 1 mammography medical test type roentgenology
medical imaging
breast imaging
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
1053 1 cancer research academic discipline
research Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
1054 1 obstetrics medical specialty health sciences
obstetrics and gynaecology
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
1055 1 pneumococcal vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
streptococcal vaccines Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
1056 1 bismuth chemical element
post-transition metal Joseph Czekner ๐„›
1057 1 preprint software version type article
grey literature
academic edition
software version type
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1058 1 R package software category software package Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
1059 1 clinical indication indication Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
1060 1 introduced plant introduced species
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
1061 1 forest invasion habitat invasion Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
1062 1 necrotrophy feeding strategy Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
1063 1 pseudotumor disease lesion Sean Judge ๐„›
1064 1 Candida rugosa taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
1065 1 retroperitoneal sarcoma class of disease retroperitoneal cancer Sean Judge ๐„›
1066 1 Aldh gene Sean Judge ๐„›
1067 1 bortezomib type of chemical entity chemical compound Sean Judge ๐„›
1068 1 Holothuroidea taxon Francis P. Filice ๐„›
1069 1 ovarian cancer class of disease female reproductive organ cancer
ovarian neoplasm
ovarian disease
endocrine gland cancer
rare genetic endocrine disease
inherited gynecological tumor
Clara Feider ๐„›
1070 1 endometriosis class of disease female reproductive system disease
endometrial disease
Clara Feider ๐„›
1071 1 Streblidae taxon
Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
1072 1 mallard taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
1073 1 San Pablo Bay bay Francis P. Filice ๐„›
1074 1 West Africa geographic region
cultural region
West African studies Taryn Vian ๐„›
1075 1 Hilara wheeleri taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
1076 1 climate crisis crisis Jane Hirshfield ๐„›
1077 1 statistics academic major mathematics
formal science
sociolinguistics James D Wilson ๐„›
1078 1 host record occurrence record Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
1079 1 love advanced emotion
Dossie Easton ๐„›
1080 1 Global Positioning System radionavigation-satellite service
global navigation satellite system
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
1081 1 human sexual behavior human activity interpersonal activity
physical intimacy
animal sexual behaviour
Dossie Easton ๐„›
1082 1 gestational diabetes class of disease diabetes
complication of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
diabetes mellitus and pregnancy
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1083 1 isoprene type of chemical entity diene
biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
1084 1 preterm birth disease
abnormally low value
obstetric labor complication
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1085 1 management system type of system social system management science Taryn Vian ๐„›
1086 1 voltage scalar quantity
potential difference
William A Weiss ๐„›
1087 1 reform political concept process Taryn Vian ๐„›
1088 1 effectiveness quality Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1089 1 gestational age time interval Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1090 1 self-consciousness awareness Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
1091 1 phosphorylation biological process
chemical reaction
phosphate-containing compound metabolic process William A Weiss ๐„›
1092 1 case-control study observational study Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1093 1 efficacy effectiveness Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1094 1 reactogenicity adverse drug reaction iatrogenesis Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1095 1 sexual ethics academic discipline ethics Dossie Easton ๐„›
1096 1 phenome group or class of phenotypic traits phenomics Eliza Congdon ๐„›
1097 1 quantitative trait locus locus William A Weiss ๐„›
1098 1 functional magnetic resonance imaging functional neuroimaging
magnetic resonance imaging
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
1099 1 angiogenesis biological process anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis
microvasculature remodeling
William A Weiss ๐„›
1100 1 ependymoma class of disease ependymal tumor
childhood cancer
William A Weiss ๐„›
1101 1 Theloderma asperum taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
1102 1 rural health academic discipline health sciences Taryn Vian ๐„›
1103 1 financial management planning
type of management
academic discipline
management Taryn Vian ๐„›
1104 1 bacteria taxon microorganism Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1105 1 pediatric ependymoma class of disease ependymoma
childhood cancer
ependymal tumor
childhood neoplasm
William A Weiss ๐„›
1106 1 community ownership ownership Taryn Vian ๐„›
1107 1 stochastic block model generative model James D Wilson ๐„›
1108 1 birth interval time interval family characteristics Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1109 1 Influenza vaccines scholarly article Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1110 1 Aged film Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1111 1 maternal-child health services child health services
maternal health services
Taryn Vian ๐„›
1112 1 Programs scholarly article Taryn Vian ๐„›
1113 1 population-based cohort study cohort study Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1114 1 survivorship emotional adjustment Taryn Vian ๐„›
1115 1 breathing biological process gas exchange Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
1116 1 success result
Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
1117 1 adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behavioral disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Eliza Congdon ๐„›
1118 1 mutational analysis medical diagnosis William A Weiss ๐„›
1119 1 positive mental attitude Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
1120 1 cognition biological process
type of process
academic discipline
field of study
mental process
nervous system process
cognitive science Eliza Congdon ๐„›
1121 1 self-management type of management management Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
1122 1 nursing ethics medical ethics Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
1123 1 personal development development
Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
1124 1 Aurora kinase A protein protein William A Weiss ๐„›
1125 1 regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle biological process regulation of mitotic cell cycle phase transition
regulation of cell cycle G2/M phase transition
William A Weiss ๐„›
1126 1 Bertamyia taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
1127 1 entomology branch of zoology
academic discipline
arthropodology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1128 1 cell line cell culture
William A Weiss ๐„›
1129 1 Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 5 protein William A Weiss ๐„›
1130 1 Potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 5 protein William A Weiss ๐„›
1131 1 caspase-8 deficiency rare disease
class of disease
autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
autosomal recessive disease
Type 2 Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome
William A Weiss ๐„›
1132 1 CD532 type of chemical entity chemical compound William A Weiss ๐„›
1133 1 Platypezininae taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
1134 1 selective autophagy biological process macroautophagy William A Weiss ๐„›
1135 1 process utilizing autophagic mechanism biological process cellular process William A Weiss ๐„›
1136 1 visualisation technique
mental process
psychology Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
1137 1 partner relationship interpersonal relationship Dossie Easton ๐„›
1138 1 network connectivity graph connectivity Eliza Congdon ๐„›
1139 1 Islam major religion
Abrahamic religion Islamic studies Aysha Hidayatullah ๐„›
1140 1 GitHub service on Internet
data library
identity provider
web application
repository hosting service
repository web interface
social networking service
crowdsourced project
issue tracking system
code reviewing software
collaborative wiki software
continuous integration software
online community
Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
1141 1 air pollution environmental pollution
Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
1142 1 Eschscholzia californica taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1143 1 ecological niche term context Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1144 1 marriage legal institution
nominal kinship
intimate relationship
end of betrothal
Eve-Anne Doohan ๐„›
1145 1 Hesperia comma taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1146 1 oligosaccharide structural class of chemical entities carbohydrate Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1147 1 Hesperiidae taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1148 1 chemotaxis biological process taxis Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1149 1 Aculeata taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1150 1 immunohistochemistry medical test type staining
lab technique
biological sample staining method
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1151 1 Cervidae taxon Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
1152 1 Astragalus lentiginosus taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1153 1 gender identity identity
Lin Fraser ๐„›
1154 1 evolutionary novelty ecological change Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1155 1 influenza A virus subtype H1N1 subtype influenza A virus Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1156 1 media discourse discourse Jessica S. Robles ๐„›
1157 1 cell morphology Foundational Model of Anatomy attribute entity
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1158 1 microhabitat habitat Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1159 1 range expansion increase ecology
restoration ecology
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1160 1 trophic ecology branch of ecology ecology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1161 1 ecological resource availability availability ecology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1162 1 latitudinal gradient gradient Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1163 1 reproductive trait phenotype Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1164 1 generalist herbivore herbivore
dietary generalist
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1165 1 Intraspecific variation genetic diversity genetics Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1166 1 forest wildfire wildfire David Saah ๐„›
1167 1 ecological complexity complexity Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1168 1 invasion prediction prediction Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1169 1 continental scale spatial scale Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1170 1 environmental justice justice Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
1171 1 invasive plant group of living things invasive species
invasion biology
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1172 1 health activism advocacy
Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
1173 1 virtual reality simulation
extended reality
virtual place
Elisabeth Jay Friedman ๐„›
1174 1 lower secondary school type of educational institution school
secondary school
Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
1175 1 community garden garden Brian Dowd-Uribe ๐„›
1176 1 cardiovascular disease academic discipline
class of disease
disease of anatomical entity
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
1177 1 acute respiratory distress syndrome cause of death
class of disease
symptom or sign
respiratory failure
pulmonary injury
acute respiratory insufficiency
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1178 1 pathogen transmission biological process
pathogen spread
epidemiology Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1179 1 sexual violence matter violence
sex crime
Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
1180 1 oral history academic discipline
field of work
history Eve-Anne Doohan ๐„›
1181 1 biomedicine academic major
branch of biology
Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
1182 1 soil respiration ecosystem process Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
1183 1 gender dysphoria class of disease mental disorder
gender studies Lin Fraser ๐„›
1184 1 small for gestational age abnormally low value
physiological condition
low birth weight infant Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1185 1 book review genre
human activity
literary criticism
literary work
Aysha Hidayatullah ๐„›
1186 1 UNICEF organization established by the United Nations Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1187 1 Dating violence intimate partner violence Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
1188 1 gender identity disorder gender identity
mental disorder
identity disorder
Lin Fraser ๐„›
1189 1 primary hyperparathyroidism class of disease hyperparathyroidism Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
1190 1 bacterial pneumonia infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
bacterial infectious disease
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1191 1 violence prevention academic discipline
field of study
prevention Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
1192 1 Southern Africa allopatric speciation
cultural region
geographic region
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
1193 1 molecular biology branch of biology biology Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1194 1 maize taxon
model organism
cereal grain
food crop
useful plant
annual plant
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1195 1 lake feature type still waters
overground still body of fresh water
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1196 1 research design activity
program design methodology Billy Riggs ๐„›
1197 1 health marketing marketing
health services accessibility
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
1198 1 social networking service virtual community
social media
service on Internet
social network analysis
media sociology
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
1199 1 bacteriophage virus Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1200 1 cognitive-behavioral intervention cognitive intervention
behavioral intervention
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
1201 1 job satisfaction attitude
Scott R Ziehm ๐„›
1202 1 computed tomography medical test type
medical imaging
medical imaging
Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
1203 1 ฮฒ-lactulose type of chemical entity disaccharide Brad Macy ๐„›
1204 1 social cohesion sociological concept group dynamics
social theory
Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
1205 1 public disclosing dissemination
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
1206 1 environmental chemistry branch of chemistry chemistry Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1207 1 absenteeism human behavior Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
1208 1 victimisation social phenomenon victimology Joyce P Yang ๐„›
1209 1 image registration image processing Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
1210 1 disinfection aseptic technique sterilization
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1211 1 collective efficacy neighborhood characteristics Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
1212 1 Hepatitis C virus (HCV) scholarly article
Christofer Rodriguez ๐„›
1213 1 metabarcoding Sequence analysis (nucleic acid)
DNA barcoding
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1214 1 Adenoviridae taxon wastewater surveillance Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1215 1 electroporation electrochemical technique
cytological procedure
molecular biology technique
cell permeabilization
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1216 1 Implementation Science scientific journal
academic journal
open-access journal
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
1217 1 Manure management environmental protection Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1218 1 sewage wastewater Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1219 1 opioid overdose cause of death drug overdose Christofer Rodriguez ๐„›
1220 1 Anodonta californiensis taxon Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1221 1 Salmonella enterica taxon Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1222 1 virus taxon microorganism
virology Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1223 1 pesticide exposure toxin exposure Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1224 1 database data set
artificial object
database theory Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1225 1 Reptilia taxon Tetrapoda herpetology
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
1226 1 tuberculosis notifiable disease
endemic disease
class of disease
primary bacterial infectious disease
mycobacterium infectious disease
endemic disease
infectious disease
phthisiology Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1227 1 Phyllodactylidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
1228 1 Elapidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
1229 1 human papillomavirus infection infection
infectious disease
class of disease
Papillomavirus infections
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
1230 1 phylogeography geography Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
1231 1 Gekkota taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
1232 1 predation cross-species interaction
feeding behavior
Edward DeMartini ๐„›
1233 1 Dascyllus trimaculatus taxon Edward DeMartini ๐„›
1234 1 cerebral infarction class of disease brain infarction
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1235 1 Caribbean geographic region
Caribbean studies Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
1236 1 myeloid leukemia class of disease leukemia
Arthur Furst ๐„›
1237 1 Ophidia clade Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
1238 1 Nepal landlocked country
sovereign state
geographic region
David Saah ๐„›
1239 1 Walterinnesia aegyptia taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
1240 1 oseltamivir type of chemical entity chemical compound Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1241 1 mouse leukemia mouse disease
cancer in animals
Arthur Furst ๐„›
1242 1 vaccine acceptance vaccination attitude Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
1243 1 reef fish organisms known by a particular common name saltwater fish
reef animal
Edward DeMartini ๐„›
1244 1 conservation assessment evaluation Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
1245 1 urban biophysics academic discipline biophysics
urban ecology
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
1246 1 host microbial interaction microbiological phenomena
host-pathogen interaction
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1247 1 carbon stock quantity David Saah ๐„›
1248 1 ecological gradient gradient John Callaway ๐„›
1249 1 epidemiology branch of science health sciences Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
1250 1 fuzzy logic many-valued logic mathematical logic Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
1251 1 Orthomyxoviridae taxon Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1252 1 Incidence of influenza virus infection among pregnant women: a systematic review scholarly article
review article
systematic review
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1253 1 pregnancy outcome outcome medicine Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1254 1 pandemic preparedness outbreak management
communicable disease control
emergency management
disaster preparedness
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1255 1 next pandemic pandemic future event outbreak management
public health
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1256 1 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria strain Staphylococcus aureus Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1257 1 Asaccus gallagheri taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
1258 1 Leiognathidae taxon Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1259 1 satellite imagery photography genre
David Saah ๐„›
1260 1 Purkinje cell cell type
class of anatomical entity
pear-shaped cell
GABAergic neuron
particular anatomical entity
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1261 1 aerospace engineering technical sciences
academic discipline
academic degree
engineering Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
1262 1 ethnography academic discipline social science Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
1263 1 cyber-physical system cyber-entispheral system
Interspheral System
Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
1264 1 comparative genomics branch of science genomics Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1265 1 vegetation type class David Saah ๐„›
1266 1 immunization safety safety Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
1267 1 Internet of things concept
driver of Industry 4.0
smart device interaction science
computer science
Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
1268 1 sensor grid electronic system Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
1269 1 particle swarm optimization optimization Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
1270 1 latent tuberculosis tuberculosis
asymptomatic infection
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›

∑ 1270 items. |sparql=PREFIX target: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?item #?sl (COUNT(DISTINCT ?work) AS ?count) (SAMPLE(?a) AS ?author)

     ENCODE_FOR_URI(REPLACE(STR(?item), ".*Q", "Q")), " ๐„›]") AS ?publist)


 { ?a ?property target:. }
   ?a ?property2 _:b9.
   _:b9 wdt:P361 target: .
 ?work wdt:P50 ?a ; wdt:P921 ?item .
  1. ?item wikibase:sitelinks ?sl.
 ?item rdfs:label ?item_label.
 FILTER((LANG(?item_label)) = "en")

} GROUP BY ?item #?sl ?count ?author ?publist ORDER BY DESC(?count) #DESC(?sl) LIMIT 3000 |section= |columns= number:#, ?count:Work count, ?item:Topic, P31:Type of topic, P279:Superclass of topic, P2579, ?author:Sample affiliated person having published on the topic, ?publist:List of recent publications on the topic with affiliated co-authors |thumb=64 |min_section=1 |wdedit = yes |summary=itemnumber }}

# Work count Topic Type of topic Superclass of topic studied in Sample affiliated person having published on the topic List of recent publications on the topic with affiliated co-authors
1 47 Diptera taxon dipterology Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
2 45 teenager demographic profile
population group
phase of human life
human adolescent medicine David A Martinez ๐„›
3 36 Platypezidae taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
4 35 influenza vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
viral vaccines Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
5 30 medulloblastoma rare disease
class of disease
infratentorial cancer
embryonal tumor of neuroepithelial tissue
William A Weiss ๐„›
6 29 prevention of HIV/AIDS preventive medicine
prevention of sexually transmitted diseases Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
7 28 sex worker occupation service industry worker Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
8 25 HIV organisms known by a particular common name David A Martinez ๐„›
9 25 hospitalization medical procedure
inpatient care
medical treatment
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
10 24 COVID-19 emerging communicable disease
atypical pneumonia
class of disease
atypical pneumonia
coronavirus disease
viral pneumonia
Virus diseases of plants
Janet Goodall ๐„›
11 24 pregnant person state human
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
12 24 homelessness status social issue
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
13 22 mental health health psychology
Alison Cohen ๐„›
14 21 South Africa sovereign state
South African studies Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
15 21 human pregnancy physiological condition pregnancy Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
16 21 sexually transmitted infection mode of transmission infectious disease Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
17 21 phylogenetics branch of science systematics
evolutionary biology
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
18 21 Vibrio fischeri taxon Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
19 20 medical ethics applied psychology
philosophy of medicine
research ethics
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
20 20 Euprymna scolopes taxon Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
21 19 United States of America sovereign state
constitutional republic
democratic republic
federal republic
American studies Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
22 19 Kenya sovereign state
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
23 17 Iran sovereign state
Islamic Republic
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
24 15 California U.S. state Allison C. Luengen ๐„›
25 14 neuroblastoma class of disease
autonomic nervous system neoplasm
neuroblastic tumor
childhood cancer
William A Weiss ๐„›
26 13 urbanization trend Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
27 13 systematic review use literature review
scholarly article
review article
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
28 13 research ethics scientific ethics Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
29 13 condom contraceptive male contraceptive Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
30 13 community health academic discipline health care
health services research
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
31 13 HIV transmission pathogen transmission Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
32 13 glioblastoma class of disease astrocytoma
William A Weiss ๐„›
33 12 public health academic discipline
health sciences health economics Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
34 12 maternal health health Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
35 12 HIV/AIDS endemic disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease
acquired immunodeficiency
sexually transmitted infection
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
36 12 Australia sovereign state
OECD country
Australian studies Annette K. Regan ๐„›
37 12 climate change meteorological phenomenon
climatology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
38 12 vocal folds class of anatomical entity larynx
subdivision of larynx
particular anatomical entity
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
39 11 nurse education field of study medical education
professional education
Lillian Bargagliotti ๐„›
40 11 Cambodia sovereign state
constitutional monarchy
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
41 11 sexual transmission pathogen transmission Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
42 11 child health concept academic discipline
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
43 11 biogeography branch of geography
academic major
branch of biology
physical geography
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
44 10 obesity health risk
class of disease
symptom or sign
Alison Cohen ๐„›
45 10 men who have sex with men group of humans man Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
46 9 San Francisco consolidated city-county
city in the United States
sanctuary city
big city
charter city
Allison C. Luengen ๐„›
47 9 influenza infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
acute viral respiratory tract infection
Orthomyxoviridae infectious disease
respiratory disease
viral infectious disease
Virus diseases of plants
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
48 9 youth phase of human life
age group
sociology of youth Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
49 9 machine learning academic discipline
field of study
computer science
artificial intelligence
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
50 9 type 2 diabetes class of disease diabetes
Ploypun Narindrarangkura ๐„›
51 9 Cytomegalovirus taxon neurotropic virus Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
52 8 patient state sick person
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
53 8 lessons learned process Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
54 8 m-health e-health Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
55 8 queer reappropriation
umbrella term
gender identity
sexual identity
LGBT+ identity
sexuality studies Joshua Gamson ๐„›
56 8 Squamata taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
57 8 There There literary work Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
58 7 World Health Organization specialized agency of the United Nations
open-access publisher
international organization
academic publisher
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
59 7 social media economic activity
field of study
type of mass media
virtual place
media studies
interaction science
digital media
media sociology
Micah Rajunov ๐„›
60 7 anti-retroviral agent antiviral agent David A Martinez ๐„›
61 7 bioethics academic discipline
field of work
applied ethics
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
62 7 brain tumor central nervous system neoplasm
intracranial tumor
Sean Judge ๐„›
63 7 grassland vegetational formation vegetational formation
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
64 7 decision making mental process
decision theory Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
65 7 randomized controlled trial randomized experiment
clinical trial
controlled trial
study type
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
66 7 metabolic syndrome syndrome
disease mongering
rare disease
class of disease
abdominal obesity-metabolic syndrome
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
67 7 People's Republic of China sovereign state
socialist state
secular state
constitutional republic
people's republic
dictatorship of the proletariat
state with limited recognition
communist state
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
68 7 species nova Latin phrase species Francis Xavier Williams ๐„›
69 7 urban studies academic discipline geography Billy Riggs ๐„›
70 6 Tanzania republic
sovereign state
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
71 6 substance P type of chemical entity peptide David A Martinez ๐„›
72 6 feces biogenic substance type
class of anatomical entity
portion of solid body substance
particular anatomical entity
scatology Sangman M Kim ๐„›
73 6 invasive species introduced species invasion biology
invasion ecology
Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
74 6 Ghana sovereign state
Ghana studies Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
75 6 alcohol consumption drinking
ethanol exposure
David A Martinez ๐„›
76 6 infectious disease class of disease disease
infection associated with diseases
infectious diseases
human disease ecology
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
77 6 Hymenoptera taxon insect hymenopterology Francis Xavier Williams ๐„›
78 6 biomarker indicator
molecular entity
Sean Judge ๐„›
79 6 intimate partner violence violence
domestic violence
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
80 6 Zambia sovereign state
landlocked country
Taryn Vian ๐„›
81 6 Plethodontidae taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
82 6 Lepidoptera taxon lepidopterology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
83 6 bias type of error cognitive perspective Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
84 6 herbivory feeding behavior
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
85 6 xeroderma pigmentosum designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
autosomal recessive disease
autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia due to a DNA repair defect
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
86 6 chlorpyrifos type of chemical entity chemical compound Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
87 6 environmental DNA DNA Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
88 6 immigrant migrant Christine Yeh ๐„›
89 6 modeling and simulation academic discipline use Susan K Prion ๐„›
90 5 Vietnam sovereign state
communist state
Vietnamese studies Gregory A DeBourgh ๐„›
91 5 pandemic epidemic
systemic risk
external risk
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
92 5 vaccine remedy biopharmaceutical
vaccinology Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
93 5 governance type of regulation and control
academic discipline
regulation Lillian Bargagliotti ๐„›
94 5 attenuated vaccine vaccine type vaccine Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
95 5 immunization immune system process Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
96 5 RNA virus infectious disease viral infectious disease Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
97 5 Thailand constitutional monarchy
sovereign state
Thai studies Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
98 5 collaboration activity Alison Cohen ๐„›
99 5 COVID-19 pandemic pandemic
public health emergency of international concern
disease outbreak
complex emergency
Alison Cohen ๐„›
100 5 substance abuse human activity
class of disease
social issue
psychoactive drug use
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
101 5 health disparity Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
102 5 behavioral intervention medical treatment Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
103 5 psychiatric nursing field of work nursing
health professional
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
104 5 dementia class of disease
symptom or sign
cognitive disorder
organic brain syndrome
clinical sign
disability affecting intellectual abilities
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
105 5 deep learning machine learning method Jeremy Howard ๐„›
106 5 stillbirth cause of death
health problem
symptom or sign
pregnancy with abortive outcome
reproductive system symptom
complications of pregnancy
stillbirth rate Annette K. Regan ๐„›
107 5 interleukins group or class of proteins cytokine Kayleen Gimlin ๐„›
108 5 stereotype type of bias
mental image
cognitive bias sociolinguistics Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
109 5 diagnosis characterization
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
110 5 accelerometer measuring instrument Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
111 5 chemotherapy treatment of cancer
William A Weiss ๐„›
112 5 prisoner occupation
person linked to the law
legal status
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
113 5 digital storytelling storytelling Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
114 5 land cover natural resource
David Saah ๐„›
115 5 storytelling artistic technique oral media
Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
116 5 attention mental process
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
117 5 quality of life quality
social relation
Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
118 5 biostratigraphy branch of science stratigraphy
Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
119 5 water quality quality
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
120 5 insecticide class of chemical substances by use phytopharmaceuticals
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
121 5 organophosphate structural class of chemical entities organophosphorus ester
phosphate ester
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
122 4 Switzerland state
landlocked country
Federal Treaty
Helvetic Republic
sovereign state
OECD country
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
123 4 Bangladesh sovereign state
people's republic
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
124 4 pharmacology medical specialty
branch of biology
pharmaceutical science
health sciences Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
125 4 fatty acid structural class of chemical entities monocarboxylic acid
aliphatic compound
fatty acyl
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
126 4 infection failure mode physiological condition
adverse event
risk source
health problem
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
127 4 asthma class of disease bronchospasm
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
128 4 placebo scientific control
medical treatment
medical procedure
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
129 4 meta-analysis statistical method
systematic review
secondary research
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
130 4 virtual community community
Web 2.0
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
131 4 ecological economics school of economic thought
branch of science
economics Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
132 4 Uganda sovereign state
landlocked country
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
133 4 biomedical investigative technique biomedical analytical technique Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
134 4 extracorporeal membrane oxygenation extracorporeal Richard Cheng ๐„›
135 4 sexual intercourse human sexual behavior
reciprocating motion
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
136 4 mass media academic discipline
information system
media studies
communication studies
interaction science
media sociology
media history
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
137 4 species richness Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
138 4 preventive health services health care Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
139 4 suicide manner of death killing Hsiu-Lan Cheng ๐„›
140 4 estuary FFH-Habitat marine ecosystem
river ecosystem
body of water
river mouth
Allison C. Luengen ๐„›
141 4 insect taxon Arthropoda entomology W. P. Horen ๐„›
142 4 phytoplankton organisms known by a particular common name plankton
Allison C. Luengen ๐„›
143 4 health policy academic discipline
field of study
type of policy
public policy Alison Cohen ๐„›
144 4 cardiogenic shock symptom or sign
class of disease
shock Richard Cheng ๐„›
145 4 socioeconomics academic discipline Alison Cohen ๐„›
146 4 prioritization activity
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
147 4 Belize sovereign state Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
148 4 big data buzzword
programming paradigm
subject heading
data distributed computing Matthew Malensek ๐„›
149 4 Myanmar sovereign state
Burma studies Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
150 4 high school educational stage secondary school Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
151 4 brain organ type
class of anatomical entity
animal organ
particular anatomical entity
neuroscience Kayleen Gimlin ๐„›
152 4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae taxon
model organism
food ingredient William A Weiss ๐„›
153 4 Clythiidae taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
154 4 global health academic major health Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
155 4 social network social structure
group of humans
social network analysis James D Wilson ๐„›
156 4 speciation evolutionary process speciation and extinction Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
157 4 cell biology branch of biology
academic discipline
biology William A Weiss ๐„›
158 4 herbivore eating behavior
group or class of organisms
feeding behavior
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
159 4 autophagy biological process
cellular process
cellular catabolic process
process utilizing autophagic mechanism
William A Weiss ๐„›
160 4 Lycaenidae taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
161 4 genetic diversity biodiversity population genetics Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
162 4 phytochemistry branch of chemistry organic chemistry Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
163 4 microgravity environment
altered gravity
Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
164 4 San Francisco Bay Area metropolitan area
geographic location
Genevieve Leung ๐„›
165 4 DNA damage cell damage
genetic phenomena
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
166 4 carcinogenesis health risk
biological process
disease of cellular proliferation oncology Arthur Furst ๐„›
167 4 Conodonta fossil taxon Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
168 4 social norm rule
Aline Hitti ๐„›
169 4 general psychology branch of psychology psychology Linda S Henderson ๐„›
170 4 manure fertilizer
organic matter
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
171 4 autism disability
pervasive developmental disorder
class of disease
autism spectrum disorder
William Bosl ๐„›
172 4 lipopolysaccharide structural class of chemical entities liposaccharide
polysaccharide derivative
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
173 3 Google business
technology company
identity provider
public company
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
174 3 Canada sovereign state
Canadian studies Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
175 3 Nigeria sovereign state
federal republic
Nigerian studies Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
176 3 Senegal sovereign state
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
177 3 Malawi republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
Malawian studies Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
178 3 pneumonia infectious disease
class of disease
cause of death
lung disease
lower respiratory tract infection
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
179 3 avian influenza infectious disease
class of disease
viral infectious disease
lung disease
Orthomyxoviridae infectious disease
bird disease
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
180 3 biological invasion biological process invasion biology Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
181 3 wheeze medical finding
symptom or sign
continuous adventitious sound
clinical sign
abnormal breathing
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
182 3 cystic fibrosis designated intractable/rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
autosomal recessive disease
lung disease
genetic biliary tract disease
genetic pancreatic disease
rare genetic respiratory disease
rare male fertility disorder with obstructive azoospermia
rare genetic disorder with obstructive azoospermia
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
183 3 pharmacy interdisciplinary science
academic major
branch of science
pharmaceutical science
David A Martinez ๐„›
184 3 risk factor environmental factor
epidemiologic factor
determinants of health
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
185 3 community of practice community Margaret Hansen ๐„›
186 3 immunotherapy medical treatment Sean Judge ๐„›
187 3 environment matter
environment Margaret Hansen ๐„›
188 3 health professional profession
occupation group according to ISCO-08
intellectual and scientific professionals
health care provider
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
189 3 molecular medicine academic discipline
academic major
medical specialty
medicine Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
190 3 infection in pregnancy intercurrent disease in pregnancy
infectious disease
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
191 3 phase II clinical trial phase of clinical research clinical trial Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
192 3 invasion impact effect invasion biology Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
193 3 vaccine engineering bioengineering Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
194 3 philosophy academic discipline
academic major
branch of science
field of work
knowledge system
academic degree
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
195 3 fresh water drinking water aquatic science Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
196 3 myocarditis class of disease
symptom or sign
extrinsic cardiomyopathy
myocardial disorder
cardiovascular system symptom
Richard Cheng ๐„›
197 3 birth control family planning
medical prevention
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
198 3 Sphecidae taxon Francis Xavier Williams ๐„›
199 3 angiography roentgenology
medical imaging
Richard Cheng ๐„›
200 3 ecosystem type of system biological system
ecological unit
life sciences
ecological assessment
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
201 3 Cape Town port settlement
capital city
statistical territorial entity
big city
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
202 3 aquatic science academic discipline science Allison C. Luengen ๐„›
203 3 neuroethics ethics
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
204 3 family planning medical specialty planning Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
205 3 economics academic discipline
academic major
field of study
social science Libo Xu ๐„›
206 3 weight gain clinical sign
symptom or sign
clinical sign
body weight change
nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom
Alison Cohen ๐„›
207 3 educational technology education industry
type of technology
technology Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
208 3 Salamandridae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
209 3 dyslipidemias lipid metabolism disorder Ploypun Narindrarangkura ๐„›
210 3 postpartum period time interval Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
211 3 civic engagement participation Alison Cohen ๐„›
212 3 suicide risk health risk
safety risk
assessment of suicide risk
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
213 3 study protocol protocol Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
214 3 India country
sovereign state
constitutional republic
democratic republic
federal republic
Indology Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
215 3 Lesotho sovereign state
landlocked country
Taryn Vian ๐„›
216 3 Zimbabwe republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
Zimbabwean studies Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
217 3 Empididae taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
218 3 episodic memory memory type memory
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
219 3 sibling kinship first-degree relative Annette K. Regan ๐„›
220 3 Crocodylus taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
221 3 Morelet's crocodile taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
222 3 lidar optical instrument Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
223 3 housing social issue
economic concept
supply Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
224 3 crocodile organisms known by a particular common name wild animal Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
225 3 thin film physical object
Elizabeth A. Cochran ๐„›
226 3 peer support specialty consultation Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
227 3 social movement type of world view group action
social process
Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
228 3 phenotype quality William A Weiss ๐„›
229 3 Oman sovereign state
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
230 3 Gekkonidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
231 3 Amphibia taxon Tetrapoda batrachology
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
232 3 Neotropical realm biogeographic realm
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
233 3 mutualism cross-species interaction Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
234 3 cooperation activity
type of interaction
association interaction science William A Weiss ๐„›
235 3 NF-ฮบB family of protein complexes transcription factor William A Weiss ๐„›
236 3 mental health care health care Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
237 3 greenhouse gas radiatively active gases environmental science
David Saah ๐„›
238 3 Agamidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
239 3 visualization visual depiction
human-readable medium
Alark Joshi ๐„›
240 3 wildfire conflagration fire ecology David Saah ๐„›
241 3 automotive engineering academic discipline
technical sciences
mechanical engineering
electrical engineering
Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
242 3 Pakistan sovereign state
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
243 3 genome-wide association study genetic technique Eliza Congdon ๐„›
244 3 incarceration disease Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
245 3 seawater solution saline water aquatic science Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
246 3 sarin type of chemical entity organophosphorus ester Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
247 3 Burkina Faso sovereign state
landlocked country
Burkina Faso studies Brian Dowd-Uribe ๐„›
248 3 law academic discipline rule jurisprudence
legal science
Annick Wibben ๐„›
249 3 algal bloom water pollution
natural phenomenon
Sunny Jardine ๐„›
250 3 coronary artery disease class of disease artery disease
cardiovascular disease
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
251 3 street child child
people in poverty
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
252 3 larynx anatomical cluster type
class of anatomical entity
heterogeneous anatomical cluster
particular anatomical entity
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
253 3 questionnaire document
data collection
determination method
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
254 3 autism spectrum disorder neurodevelopmental disorder
class of disease
pervasive developmental disorder sociological and cultural aspects of autism
William Bosl ๐„›
255 3 radiation therapy medical specialty medical treatment
treatment of cancer
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
256 3 micromammal mammal Gary L. Stevens ๐„›
257 3 mountain forest type of biotope forest
montane ecosystems
Gary L. Stevens ๐„›
258 3 hearing loss health problem hearing disorder
sensory loss
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
259 2 sociology academic discipline
academic major
social science history of sociology
sociology of sociology
philosophy of sociology
Charles A. Reich ๐„›
260 2 Iceland island country
sovereign state
OECD country
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
261 2 Internet IP network
computer network
telecommunications network communication studies
media studies
interaction science
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
262 2 systemic lupus erythematosus designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
rheumatic disease
lupus erythematosus
connective tissue disease
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
263 2 El Salvador sovereign state
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
264 2 globalisation social theory interaction globalization studies
international studies
Caroline Linse ๐„›
265 2 proteolysis biological process protein metabolic process Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
266 2 forest bathing human activity nature therapy Margaret Hansen ๐„›
267 2 Drosophila melanogaster taxon
model organism
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
268 2 hygiene academic discipline
academic degree
preventive medicine
health behaviour
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
269 2 immunology medical specialty
branch of biology
academic discipline
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
270 2 sustainable development type of policy development Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
271 2 metadata data
secondary information
artificial object
Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
272 2 cartilage anatomical structure connective tissue Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
273 2 stable isotope isotope
primordial nuclide
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
274 2 Staphylococcus aureus taxon Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
275 2 thyroid cancer class of disease endocrine gland cancer
thyroid neoplasm
thyroid gland disease
Clara Feider ๐„›
276 2 DNA methylation biological process DNA methylation or demethylation
macromolecule methylation
DNA alkylation
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
277 2 data management Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
278 2 Periplaneta americana taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
279 2 pregnant women female
pregnant person
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
280 2 cardiac surgery medical specialty
academic discipline
thoracic surgery Richard Cheng ๐„›
281 2 cell death biological process cellular process
biological destruction
Richard Cheng ๐„›
282 2 immunization programs preventive health services Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
283 2 SARS-CoV-2 group or class of strains
Coronavirus Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
284 2 data collection activity activity
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
285 2 stable isotope analysis isotope analysis Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
286 2 Sustainable Development Goals plan Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
287 2 placebo-controlled trial controlled trial Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
288 2 Ranidae taxon Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
289 2 nanoparticle nanomaterial
Shohreh Nafisi ๐„›
290 2 ethics branch of philosophy
academic discipline
philosophy Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
291 2 geophysics branch of science
academic discipline
academic major
Kanani Lee ๐„›
292 2 X social networking service
user-generated content platform
online community
Richard D. Waters ๐„›
293 2 Haiti sovereign state
island country
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
294 2 native species species invasion biology Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
295 2 general chemistry branch of chemistry Joseph Czekner ๐„›
296 2 video game type of arts
software category
electronic game
entertainment software
audiovisual work
tangible good
video games, consoles and accessories
game studies Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
297 2 drug delivery technique technology Shohreh Nafisi ๐„›
298 2 veteran occupation military personnel
group of humans
Siyang Zeng ๐„›
299 2 coral reef reef
coral reef ecology
coral reef biology
Edward DeMartini ๐„›
300 2 smartphone mobile phone
smart device
information appliance
mobile computer
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
301 2 health equity social justice Alison Cohen ๐„›
302 2 neoplastic stem cells cell type stem cell
cancer cell
Sean Judge ๐„›
303 2 social determinants of health determinants of health
sociological factors
public health
Alison Cohen ๐„›
304 2 tretinoin type of chemical entity carboxylic acid
retinoic acid
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
305 2 Sub-Saharan Africa geographic region Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
306 2 stereoselectivity quality
Simon J Cooper ๐„›
307 2 infancy stage developmental stage Robert J. Morelli ๐„›
308 2 screen time time Alison Cohen ๐„›
309 2 hurricane meteorological disaster Alison Cohen ๐„›
310 2 suicide prevention preventive medicine prevention
risk management
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
311 2 alcohol abuse class of disease substance abuse
alcohol consumption
alcohol-related disorders
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
312 2 viral load Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
313 2 maternal death cause of death death Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
314 2 native grass native plant
invasion biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
315 2 Albania sovereign state
albanology Taryn Vian ๐„›
316 2 acute HIV infection human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
317 2 best practice good practice Richard D. Waters ๐„›
318 2 predictive analytics statistical method
business analytics
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
319 2 invasion biology branch of biology
academic discipline
invasion science
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
320 2 ethics policy policy Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
321 2 heteroscedasticity property Libo Xu ๐„›
322 2 gamification design
applied game
Thomas A. Maier ๐„›
323 2 digital transformation strategic management information technology
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
324 2 motor skill skill
psychomotor performance
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
325 2 demographics statistic demography Edward DeMartini ๐„›
326 2 agriculture economic sector
field of work
agriculture and forestry agronomy Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
327 2 San Francisco Bay bay Francis P. Filice ๐„›
328 2 invertebrate grade animal invertebrate zoology Francis P. Filice ๐„›
329 2 urinary incontinence disease
symptom or sign
impairment of continence
urination disorder
urological symptom
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
330 2 pesticide mode of toxic action
Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
331 2 Rhacophoridae taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
332 2 frontotemporal lobar degeneration designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
symptom or sign
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
333 2 semantic dementia class of disease behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia
progressive nonfluent aphasia
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
334 2 decision support system academic discipline
field of study
artificial intelligence
business software
information system
Taryn Vian ๐„›
335 2 microsatellite repetitive DNA
satellite DNA
variable number tandem repeat Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
336 2 ecological succession biological process
pattern in nature
ecology Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
337 2 antibiotic resistance antimicrobial resistance
bacterial drug resistance
response to antibiotic
James D Wilson ๐„›
338 2 inner city neighborhood Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
339 2 cryptic species complex population Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
340 2 peer review activity Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
341 2 language model statistical model Jeremy Howard ๐„›
342 2 neuroimaging medical specialty roentgenology
medical imaging
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
343 2 temporal lobe epilepsy rare disease
class of disease
focal epilepsy Indre Viskontas ๐„›
344 2 transcriptomics branch of biology genetics
computational biology
RNA analysis
William A Weiss ๐„›
345 2 traumatic brain injury class of disease brain injury
central nervous system trauma
Kayleen Gimlin ๐„›
346 2 mobile app software category application
mobile software
computer program
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
347 2 food desert territory Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
348 2 anthropocene epoch
environmental science
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
349 2 disease prevention prevention
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
350 2 reproductive age developmental stage Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
351 2 population genetics academic discipline
academic major
genetics Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
352 2 human erythrocyte human cell type
cell type
red blood cell Paul Chien ๐„›
353 2 nervous system anatomical system type
class of anatomical entity
organ system
particular anatomical entity
neurology William A Weiss ๐„›
354 2 circulatory system anatomical system type
class of anatomical entity
organ system
particular anatomical entity
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
355 2 seizure disease
symptom or sign
Kayleen Gimlin ๐„›
356 2 gene flow change genetic transfer Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
357 2 habitat place type geographic region Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
358 2 remote sensing branch of science gathering of information David Saah ๐„›
359 2 temozolomide type of chemical entity heterocyclic compound William A Weiss ๐„›
360 2 chitin polymer
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
361 2 data mining discovery
text and data mining
Diane Myung-Kyung Woodbridge ๐„›
362 2 mitochondrion cellular component
intracellular membrane-bounded organelle
semiautonomous organelle
membranous cytoplasmic organelle
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
363 2 heterogeneity difference
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
364 2 microbiome biome Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
365 2 tropical forest vegetational formation forest Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
366 2 pleiotropy concept William A Weiss ๐„›
367 2 morphogenesis biological process Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
368 2 neural stem cells cell type stem cell
multipotent stem cell
William A Weiss ๐„›
369 2 oligodendroglioma class of disease glioma
William A Weiss ๐„›
370 2 biodiversity biology
biodiversity science Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
371 2 Sphaerodactylidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
372 2 LGBT community
group of humans
minority group
LGBT slang
sexual minority
gender minority
transgender studies
sexuality studies
Daniela G Domรญnguez ๐„›
373 2 Megophryidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
374 2 plant trait phenotypic trait Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
375 2 artificial intelligence industry
type of technology
branch of computer science
computer science
emerging technology
Peter Chang ๐„›
376 2 drug discovery pharmacology
drug development
William A Weiss ๐„›
377 2 pluripotency biological phenomenon William A Weiss ๐„›
378 2 alternative mRNA splicing, via spliceosome biological process
mRNA splicing, via spliceosome William A Weiss ๐„›
379 2 microbial ecology branch of ecology microbiology Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
380 2 nature conservation academic discipline
branch of biology
conservation Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
381 2 Google Earth virtual globe David Saah ๐„›
382 2 venous thromboembolism disease thromboembolism
vein disorder
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
383 2 soil type metaclass
type of object
class Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
384 2 social psychology branch of psychology
academic major
psychology sociolinguistics Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
385 2 ultraviolet radiation electromagnetic radiation Deneb Karentz ๐„›
386 2 molecular phylogenetics academic discipline
academic major
phylogenetics Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
387 2 phylogenomics phylogenetics Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
388 2 Teratoscincus keyserlingii taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
389 2 carbon dioxide emissions emission
greenhouse gas emissions
David Saah ๐„›
390 2 mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic mental health Hsiu-Lan Cheng ๐„›
391 2 ozone depletion physical process
global issue
environmental issue
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
392 2 Schistosoma mansoni taxon Deneb Karentz ๐„›
393 2 exoplanet astronomical object type planet
extrasolar object
exoplanetology N. Jeremy Kasdin ๐„›
394 2 Devonian period
Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
395 2 blockchain concept
academic discipline
field of study
distributed ledger
distributed data store
computer network protocol
data structure
Alark Joshi ๐„›
396 2 paleontology academic discipline field research Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
397 2 Biomphalaria glabrata taxon Deneb Karentz ๐„›
398 2 preproinsulin protein precursor
William A Weiss ๐„›
399 2 Trachemys scripta elegans taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
400 2 Sauria taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
401 2 end-of-life care medical procedure type palliative care
medical procedure
Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
402 2 Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope space telescope
infrared telescope
proposed entity
N. Jeremy Kasdin ๐„›
403 2 Escherichia coli taxon
model organism
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
404 2 Enterococcus faecalis taxon Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
405 2 genomics branch of biology
academic discipline
medical specialty
computational biology
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
406 2 computational mathematics area of mathematics computational science
Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
407 2 pedagogy branch of science
academic major
academic discipline
educommunication Brandi Lawless ๐„›
408 2 intersectionality sociological theory
academic discipline
gender studies
political sociology
social movement
Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
409 2 scholarly communication communication Charlotte Roh ๐„›
410 2 strategic management type of management
academic discipline
business activity
Nola Agha ๐„›
411 2 biofuel biocombustible
motor fuel
Libo Xu ๐„›
412 2 theoretical computer science academic discipline
academic major
computer science
fundamental science
Steven Alter ๐„›
413 2 sexual identity identity
sexual orientation
J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
414 2 saltwater fish organisms known by a particular common name fish
marine animal
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
415 2 poverty status state
social issue
sociology of poverty Brandi Lawless ๐„›
416 2 intercultural communication academic discipline
type of interaction
interaction Brandi Lawless ๐„›
417 2 oil market economic concept
energy market
energy market Libo Xu ๐„›
418 2 mathematical model general term conceptual model
intellectual work
scientific model
David Thomas Uminsky ๐„›
419 2 transfer learning paradigm machine learning Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
420 2 harm reduction strategy
medical specialty
policy option
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
421 2 immune function physiological function immunology Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
422 2 earthquake natural disaster
geologic activity
geographically localized event
William Bosl ๐„›
423 2 denitrification biological process Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
424 2 laryngoscopy medical device type endoscopy Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
425 2 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma head and neck disease
rare disease
class of disease
squamous cell carcinoma
head and neck cancer
head and neck carcinoma
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
426 2 groundwater recharge hydrology Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
427 2 neurochemistry branch of chemistry organic chemistry Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
428 2 ecotoxicology branch of science
academic discipline
field of study
environmental toxicology
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
429 2 Silicon Valley technopole
June Y. Lee ๐„›
430 2 exposure assessment specialty risk assessment Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
431 2 population dynamics life sciences Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
432 2 entrepreneurship academic major
economic concept
economic activity June Y. Lee ๐„›
433 2 ecological hierarchy ecological concept hierarchy Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
434 2 bioluminescence biological process
color in nature
cell metabolism
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
435 1 immigration activity human migration sociology of immigration
environmental social science
Bill Ong Hing ๐„›
436 1 bail deterrence Lara Bazelon ๐„›
437 1 virus taxon microorganism
virology Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
438 1 fish taxon
paraphyletic group
organisms known by a particular common name
aquatic animal
marine life
ichthyology Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
439 1 GitHub service on Internet
data library
identity provider
web application
repository hosting service
repository web interface
social networking service
crowdsourced project
issue tracking system
code reviewing software
collaborative wiki software
continuous integration software
online community
Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
440 1 biotechnology interdisciplinary science
applied science
academic discipline
type of technology
technology Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
441 1 electricity dictionary page in Wikipedia energy
energy source
physical phenomenon
Thomas F. Cargill ๐„›
442 1 microbiology branch of biology
academic discipline
exact science
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
443 1 mallard taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
444 1 database data set
artificial object
database theory Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
445 1 Acheta domestica taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
446 1 forest vegetational formation
feature type
vegetational formation
natural geographic entity
geographical feature
forestry science Margaret Hansen ๐„›
447 1 Cervidae taxon Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
448 1 Gryllidae taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
449 1 radiocarbon dating radiometric dating radiometric dating
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
450 1 Web 2.0 trend
field of study
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
451 1 Dictyostelium discoideum taxon
model organism
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
452 1 health education education
health promotion
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
453 1 influenza A virus subtype H1N1 subtype influenza A virus Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
454 1 breast cancer class of disease
symptom or sign
thoracic cancer
breast disease
breast neoplasm
breast cancer research Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
455 1 tuberculosis notifiable disease
endemic disease
class of disease
primary bacterial infectious disease
mycobacterium infectious disease
endemic disease
infectious disease
phthisiology Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
456 1 archaeological artifact specialty
field of study
cultural artifact
archaeological find
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
457 1 endometriosis class of disease female reproductive system disease
endometrial disease
Clara Feider ๐„›
458 1 lymph node class of anatomical entity organ component
lymphoid organ
particular anatomical entity
Clara Feider ๐„›
459 1 sepsis disease
symptom or sign
general infection
systemic disease
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
460 1 interest rate price
physical quantity
Thomas F. Cargill ๐„›
461 1 Orthoptera taxon orthopterology Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
462 1 archaeological science archaeological sub-discipline Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
463 1 life expectancy assessment method estimation
health indicator
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
464 1 mindfulness technique mindfulness Margaret Hansen ๐„›
465 1 Orthomyxoviridae taxon Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
466 1 catheter ablation medical procedure type medical procedure Richard Cheng ๐„›
467 1 Huntington's disease designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
Huntington disease and related disorders
eye degenerative disease
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
trinucleotide repeat disorder
Richard Cheng ๐„›
468 1 coronary artery bypass surgery surgical procedure vascular bypass
bypass surgery
Richard Cheng ๐„›
469 1 introduced species species invasion biology Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
470 1 ovarian cancer class of disease female reproductive organ cancer
ovarian neoplasm
ovarian disease
endocrine gland cancer
rare genetic endocrine disease
inherited gynecological tumor
Clara Feider ๐„›
471 1 electrospray ionization ion source Clara Feider ๐„›
472 1 soil respiration ecosystem process Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
473 1 Pin-tailed Whydah taxon Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
474 1 acute respiratory distress syndrome cause of death
class of disease
symptom or sign
respiratory failure
pulmonary injury
acute respiratory insufficiency
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
475 1 terpenoids structural class of chemical entities isoprenoid
organooxygen compound
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
476 1 reproducibility academic discipline
field of study
criterion Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
477 1 atrial fibrillation rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
heart conduction disease
cardiac fibrillation
Richard Cheng ๐„›
478 1 psychological stress negative emotion
mental state
risk factor
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
479 1 oseltamivir type of chemical entity chemical compound Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
480 1 motivational interviewing directive counseling David A Martinez ๐„›
481 1 last glacial maximum glacial period Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
482 1 cerebral infarction class of disease brain infarction
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
483 1 small for gestational age abnormally low value
physiological condition
low birth weight infant Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
484 1 Candida rugosa taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
485 1 UNICEF organization established by the United Nations Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
486 1 pathogen transmission biological process
pathogen spread
epidemiology Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
487 1 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria strain Staphylococcus aureus Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
488 1 respiratory failure cause of death
clinical sign
class of disease
symptom or sign
lung disease
respiratory compromise
respiratory signs and symptoms
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
489 1 wine fermented alcoholic beverage
alcoholic fruit beverage
Thomas A. Maier ๐„›
490 1 bacterial pneumonia infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
bacterial infectious disease
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
491 1 Kลฏlna Cave cave Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
492 1 metabolomics branch of science
academic discipline
computational biology
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
493 1 Purkinje cell cell type
class of anatomical entity
pear-shaped cell
GABAergic neuron
particular anatomical entity
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
494 1 Maternal immunization scholarly article Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
495 1 Incidence of influenza virus infection among pregnant women: a systematic review scholarly article
review article
systematic review
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
496 1 scoping review literature review
scholarly article
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
497 1 catheterization medical procedure Richard Cheng ๐„›
498 1 literature search search Gregory A DeBourgh ๐„›
499 1 nickel chemical element
flammable solid
ferromagnetic material
Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
500 1 vaccine hesitancy vaccination attitude
social movement
skepticism Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
501 1 pregnancy outcome outcome medicine Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
502 1 pandemic preparedness outbreak management
communicable disease control
emergency management
disaster preparedness
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
503 1 next pandemic pandemic future event outbreak management
public health
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
504 1 COVID-19 vaccine Coronavirus-induced disease vaccine Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
505 1 equipment design design Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
506 1 latent tuberculosis tuberculosis
asymptomatic infection
Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
507 1 paleoenvironment natural environment paleoecology Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
508 1 East Timor country
sovereign state
island country
Stephen Zunes ๐„›
509 1 sport academic discipline physical activity sociology of sport
sports science
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
510 1 program software Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
511 1 Facebook social networking service
mobile app
social media
user-generated content platform
online community
Richard D. Waters ๐„›
512 1 methane type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
group 14 hydride
Sunney Chan ๐„›
513 1 bismuth chemical element
post-transition metal Joseph Czekner ๐„›
514 1 Hurricane Katrina Category 5 hurricane Alison Cohen ๐„›
515 1 immunization safety safety Justin R Ortiz ๐„›
516 1 general relativity scientific theory
physical law
G David Kerlick ๐„›
517 1 coordinate system frame of reference Richard Cheng ๐„›
518 1 biochemistry interdisciplinary science
branch of chemistry
branch of biology
academic discipline
organic chemistry
Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
519 1 alkane structural class of chemical entities
homologous series
saturated compound
acyclic compound
aliphatic hydrocarbon
Sunney Chan ๐„›
520 1 hydrology specialty
academic discipline
branch of science
science Amalia Kokkinaki ๐„›
521 1 urban planning type of policy
public administration
academic discipline
spatial planning Alison Cohen ๐„›
522 1 electrocardiography medical test type medical test
diagnostic test in cardiology
Richard Cheng ๐„›
523 1 Laos sovereign state
landlocked country
communist state
people's republic
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
524 1 magma fluid
inorganic substance
Kanani Lee ๐„›
525 1 leukemia class of disease
symptom or sign
hematologic cancer
myeloproliferative disorders
Sangman M Kim ๐„›
526 1 bicycle mode of transport
individual means of transport
sports equipment
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
527 1 water pollution pollution environmental pollution Allison C. Luengen ๐„›
528 1 adenosine triphosphate type of chemical entity purine ribonucleoside 5'-triphosphate Richard Cheng ๐„›
529 1 Dasypodidae taxon Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
530 1 bortezomib type of chemical entity chemical compound Sean Judge ๐„›
531 1 shrub plant life-form phanerophyte
woody plant
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
532 1 child demographic profile
population group
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
533 1 silicon carbide type of chemical entity carbide
silicon compound
Kanani Lee ๐„›
534 1 Kalman filter algorithm filter Amalia Kokkinaki ๐„›
535 1 Ampulicidae taxon Francis Xavier Williams ๐„›
536 1 Comanche tribe Tomie dePaola ๐„›
537 1 cardiac arrest thoracic disease
cause of death
class of disease
congestive heart failure
Richard Cheng ๐„›
538 1 war armed conflict
social issue
military activity
military history
war studies
peace and conflict studies
Institute for the Study of War
sociology of peace, war, and social conflict
Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
539 1 biomimetics biology
bionics Sunney Chan ๐„›
540 1 corpus striatum brain region
class of anatomical entity
striatum of neuraxis
set of neuraxis structures
particular anatomical entity
Ermanda Siregar ๐„›
541 1 lidocaine type of chemical entity amide Shohreh Nafisi ๐„›
542 1 bradycardia medical finding
symptom or sign
heart arrhythmia
finding of heart rate
Richard Cheng ๐„›
543 1 Reovirus taxon Sangman M Kim ๐„›
544 1 variational auto-encoder autoencoder Amalia Kokkinaki ๐„›
545 1 unsupervised clustering process cluster analysis Isabel Houghton ๐„›
546 1 sarcoma class of disease cell type cancer
solid tumour oncology Sean Judge ๐„›
547 1 niobium chemical element transition metal
period 5
Milka Nikolic ๐„›
548 1 dysbiosis health problem ecological disturbance Sangman M Kim ๐„›
549 1 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons structural class of chemical entities polycyclic aromatic compound
aromatic hydrocarbon
non-methane volatile organic compound
polycyclic hydrocarbon
William L Karney ๐„›
550 1 coronary angiography medical imaging
coronary catheterization
invasive examination
Richard Cheng ๐„›
551 1 mobile phone telephone
mobile device
cell phone and accessories
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
552 1 courage virtue feeling Tomie dePaola ๐„›
553 1 waste management industry
academic discipline
sustainability and environmental management
energy and environmental engineering
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
554 1 pseudotumor disease lesion Sean Judge ๐„›
555 1 restoration ecology academic discipline
branch of ecology
ecology Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
556 1 intravascular ultrasound medical ultrasonography Richard Cheng ๐„›
557 1 snowmelt phenomenon Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
558 1 food web consumerโ€“resource interactions trophic ecology Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
559 1 Pompilidae taxon Francis Xavier Williams ๐„›
560 1 Rana sierrae taxon Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
561 1 peripheral neuropathy class of disease neurological disorder
Ploypun Narindrarangkura ๐„›
562 1 religiosity spirituality neurotheology
psychology of religion
Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
563 1 New Orleans city in the United States
big city
consolidated city-county
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
564 1 Sorghum halepense taxon Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
565 1 neonatology medical specialty
academic discipline
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
566 1 digital economy economy Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
567 1 Trypanosoma cruzi taxon W. P. Horen ๐„›
568 1 macroinvertebrate invertebrate Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
569 1 community health service specialty
academic discipline
health service Alison Cohen ๐„›
570 1 sociodemography academic discipline sociology
Alison Cohen ๐„›
571 1 birth mass biomedical measurand type mass
human body weight
Alison Cohen ๐„›
572 1 ecophysiology academic discipline
branch of biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
573 1 ecosystem function academic discipline ecological applications Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
574 1 bluebonnet organisms known by a particular common name Tomie dePaola ๐„›
575 1 predation cross-species interaction
feeding behavior
Edward DeMartini ๐„›
576 1 human papillomavirus infection infection
infectious disease
class of disease
Papillomavirus infections
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
577 1 retroperitoneal sarcoma class of disease retroperitoneal cancer Sean Judge ๐„›
578 1 organic tin compounds structural class of chemical entities organic compound
tin compound
organometallic compound
organotin chemistry Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
579 1 Aldh gene Sean Judge ๐„›
580 1 Diverging Paths: Understanding Racial Differences in Civic Engagement Among White, African American, and Latina/o Adolescents Using Structural Equation Modeling. scholarly article Alison Cohen ๐„›
581 1 photoacoustics branch of science
technical sciences
Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
582 1 habitat suitability ecological concept ecology Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
583 1 ecological community assembly ecological concept synecology Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
584 1 river network geographic pattern Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
585 1 macroinvertebrate community invertebrate community Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
586 1 benthic community aquatic community Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
587 1 Peru sovereign state
Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
588 1 stream restoration land restoration Ryan A. Peek ๐„›
589 1 peritoneal mesothelioma class of disease occupational disease
peritoneal neoplasm
peritoneum cancer
squamous cell carcinoma
Sean Judge ๐„›
590 1 photoacoustic imaging medical imaging Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
591 1 nanodiamonds nanoparticle
Shohreh Nafisi ๐„›
592 1 health indicator assessment method indicator Alison Cohen ๐„›
593 1 health marketing marketing
health services accessibility
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
594 1 prevention of sexually transmitted diseases preventive medicine Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
595 1 LGBTQ scholarly article Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
596 1 poetry literary form
academic discipline
literary work Dean Rader ๐„›
597 1 public disclosing dissemination
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
598 1 Orthoebolavirus zairense taxon
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
599 1 physical fitness well-being
musculoskeletal physiological phenomena
sports science Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
600 1 teaching activity
academic discipline
information transfer
educational activity
Thomas A. Maier ๐„›
601 1 social planning planning techniques
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
602 1 ethical analysis analysis
ethics Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
603 1 nutrition and dietetics academic discipline biomedicine Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
604 1 shrub invasion woody plant invasion Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
605 1 marine biology branch of biology
academic discipline
academic major
field of study
aquatic biology
Francis P. Filice ๐„›
606 1 consequences of the Black Death David Herlihy ๐„›
607 1 sacrifice ritual ritual Tomie dePaola ๐„›
608 1 health care quality quality Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
609 1 Dascyllus trimaculatus taxon Edward DeMartini ๐„›
610 1 stock market economic activity capital market
artificial object
Libo Xu ๐„›
611 1 information literacy academic discipline
library service
library science Brandi Lawless ๐„›
612 1 menarche biological process
medical finding
menstrual cycle phase
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
613 1 Caribbean geographic region
Caribbean studies Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
614 1 colourant Wikimedia disambiguation page chemical substance
W. P. Horen ๐„›
615 1 organ transplantation surgical procedure type transplantation transplantology Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
616 1 education branch of science
knowledge sharing
social process
sociology of education
educational sciences
Herbert Kohl ๐„›
617 1 Azerbaijan sovereign state
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
618 1 Sweden sovereign state
scandinavian studies Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
619 1 global warming atmospheric phenomenon
environmental issue
human impact on the environment
external risk
global climate change
climatology Jane Hirshfield ๐„›
620 1 human resource management specialty
academic discipline
type of management
functional management Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
621 1 computer hardware electronics electronic machine
physical technological component
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
622 1 visual analytics specialty
field of study
Matthew Malensek ๐„›
623 1 vaccine acceptance vaccination attitude Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
624 1 reef fish organisms known by a particular common name saltwater fish
reef animal
Edward DeMartini ๐„›
625 1 urban biophysics academic discipline biophysics
urban ecology
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
626 1 Pipilo erythropthalmus taxon Anthony Severin Baumann ๐„›
627 1 intergenerationality interpersonal relationship
family relation
Lisa S. Wagner ๐„›
628 1 trolling online misconduct
Brandi Lawless ๐„›
629 1 natural disaster failure mode disaster
natural phenomenon
natural risk
risk source
environmental disturbance
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
630 1 EQUIPMENT and supplies scholarly article W. P. Horen ๐„›
631 1 succession planning planning Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
632 1 academic dishonesty cheating Richard D. Waters ๐„›
633 1 taxonomy classification scheme
hierarchical classification
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
634 1 governmental accounting accounting Diane Roberts ๐„›
635 1 undernutrition marasmus
Jesse Anttila-Hughes ๐„›
636 1 Alzheimer's disease rare disease
class of disease
aging-associated disease
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
637 1 ecology academic discipline
branch of biology
branch of geography
biology climate change ecology Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
638 1 nonviolence philosophical movement philosophical movement
group action
Vamsee Juluri ๐„›
639 1 measles infectious disease
notifiable disease
symptom or sign
Morbillivirus infectious disease
viral infectious disease
William A Weiss ๐„›
640 1 cryptography academic discipline security engineering Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
641 1 programming language computer science term computer language Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
642 1 West Africa geographic region
cultural region
West African studies Taryn Vian ๐„›
643 1 Philippines sovereign state
archipelagic state
Filipinology Michael A. Rice ๐„›
644 1 Streblidae taxon
Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
645 1 follicular lymphoma class of disease B-cell lymphoma William A Weiss ๐„›
646 1 Holothuroidea taxon Francis P. Filice ๐„›
647 1 superresolution technique
digital imaging
Jeremy Howard ๐„›
648 1 San Pablo Bay bay Francis P. Filice ๐„›
649 1 statistics academic major mathematics
formal science
sociolinguistics James D Wilson ๐„›
650 1 nicotine group of stereoisomers pyrrolidine
nicotine-like alkaloid
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
651 1 frontotemporal dementia rare disease
class of disease
TDP-43 Proteinopathies
frontotemporal degeneration with dementia
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
652 1 trans fat structural class of chemical entities unsaturated fat Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
653 1 assisted suicide manner of death suicide
assisted dying
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
654 1 macrophage cell type white blood cell
antigen-presenting cell
differentiated hemal cell
William A Weiss ๐„›
655 1 sickle-cell disease rare disease
class of disease
autosomal recessive disease
congenital hemolytic anemia
blood protein disease
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
656 1 Populus trichocarpa taxon
model organism
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
657 1 orbitofrontal cortex cortex
brain region
class of anatomical entity
Gyrus Indre Viskontas ๐„›
658 1 cesarean section medical procedure parturition
surgical operation
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
659 1 Salicaceae taxon Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
660 1 mammography medical test type roentgenology
medical imaging
breast imaging
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
661 1 poisoning cause of death
major trauma
chemically induced disorder
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
662 1 de-identification technical process Jeremy Howard ๐„›
663 1 Hilara wheeleri taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
664 1 targeted therapy chemotherapy William A Weiss ๐„›
665 1 miscarriage disease
symptom or sign
pregnancy with abortive outcome
reproductive system symptom
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
666 1 eating disorder class of disease specific developmental disorder
nutrition disorder
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
667 1 morbidity rate Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
668 1 tuberous sclerosis designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
autosomal dominant disease
malformation of cortical development, Group I
William A Weiss ๐„›
669 1 open science social movement science
open knowledge
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
670 1 oncolytic virus virus William A Weiss ๐„›
671 1 complications of pregnancy complication of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
672 1 computer data storage device machine-readable medium
data storage medium
computer hardware
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
673 1 hysterectomy medical specialty
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
674 1 climate crisis crisis Jane Hirshfield ๐„›
675 1 Ascomycota taxon Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
676 1 reform political concept process Taryn Vian ๐„›
677 1 RNA sequencing RNA analysis William A Weiss ๐„›
678 1 Western Hemisphere hemisphere of the Earth Michael A. Rice ๐„›
679 1 human sexual behavior human activity interpersonal activity
physical intimacy
animal sexual behaviour
Dossie Easton ๐„›
680 1 preprint software version type article
grey literature
academic edition
software version type
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
681 1 ErbB receptors protein family Tyrosine protein kinase, EGF/ERB/XmrK receptor William A Weiss ๐„›
682 1 efficacy effectiveness Annette K. Regan ๐„›
683 1 consensual non-monogamy non-monogamy Dossie Easton ๐„›
684 1 host record occurrence record Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
685 1 protein kinase inhibitors drug class enzyme inhibitor William A Weiss ๐„›
686 1 behavior therapy psychotherapy
behavior management
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
687 1 single-cell RNA-seq biochemistry method transcriptomics
RNA sequencing
single cell transcriptomics
William A Weiss ๐„›
688 1 plump cancer colonic disease
class of disease
colonic neoplasm
colorectal cancer
colonic disease
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
689 1 maternal mortality ratio measurement
vital statistics
mortality rate Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
690 1 bacterial vaginosis infectious disease
class of disease
bacterial infectious disease
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
691 1 canopy plant community canopy research Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
692 1 asterisk glyph
Unicode character
George Dohrmann ๐„›
693 1 love advanced emotion
Dossie Easton ๐„›
694 1 autobiographical memory memory type explicit memory Indre Viskontas ๐„›
695 1 neuroanatomy academic discipline Indre Viskontas ๐„›
696 1 breathing biological process gas exchange Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
697 1 effectiveness quality Annette K. Regan ๐„›
698 1 case-control study observational study Annette K. Regan ๐„›
699 1 gynaecology medical specialty
academic discipline
health sciences Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
700 1 intrauterine growth restriction disease
medical finding
failure to thrive Annette K. Regan ๐„›
701 1 Xylariaceae taxon Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
702 1 halotolerance robustness Michael A. Rice ๐„›
703 1 progressive supranuclear palsy designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
movement disorders
frontotemporal degeneration with dementia
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
eye degenerative disease
corticobasal degeneration
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
704 1 mnemonic technique stimulus Indre Viskontas ๐„›
705 1 complex analysis area of mathematics
mathematical theory
mathematical analysis Tristan Needham ๐„›
706 1 amphetamine-related disorders class of disease substance abuse
stimulant use disorder
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
707 1 Tidy data Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
708 1 R package software category software package Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
709 1 pertussis vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
bacterial vaccine Annette K. Regan ๐„›
710 1 pneumococcal vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
streptococcal vaccines Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
711 1 single cell transcriptomics single-cell analysis
William A Weiss ๐„›
712 1 National Inpatient Sample database Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
713 1 murine model model organism William A Weiss ๐„›
714 1 Theloderma asperum taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
715 1 Aged film Annette K. Regan ๐„›
716 1 maternal-child health services child health services
maternal health services
Taryn Vian ๐„›
717 1 Programs scholarly article Taryn Vian ๐„›
718 1 clinical indication indication Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
719 1 survivorship emotional adjustment Taryn Vian ๐„›
720 1 necrotrophy feeding strategy Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
721 1 Ophionereis annulata taxon Michael A. Rice ๐„›
722 1 Health Information Management academic journal
open-access journal
information management Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
723 1 pathology medical specialty
academic discipline
field of study
health problem
clinical sciences
William A Weiss ๐„›
724 1 reactogenicity adverse drug reaction iatrogenesis Annette K. Regan ๐„›
725 1 financial management planning
type of management
academic discipline
management Taryn Vian ๐„›
726 1 obstetrics medical specialty health sciences
obstetrics and gynaecology
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
727 1 Glycera dibranchiata taxon Michael A. Rice ๐„›
728 1 Chlorostoma funebralis taxon Paul Chien ๐„›
729 1 Margot Patterson Doss human Carl Nolte ๐„›
730 1 network property quality Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
731 1 entomology branch of zoology
academic discipline
arthropodology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
732 1 cancer research academic discipline
research Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
733 1 rural health academic discipline health sciences Taryn Vian ๐„›
734 1 hydrography academic discipline
academic major
Earth science
Francis P. Filice ๐„›
735 1 introduced plant introduced species
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
736 1 forest invasion habitat invasion Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
737 1 Denmark state
colonial power
autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark
country bordering the Baltic Sea
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
738 1 zoogeography branch of geography
branch of zoology
Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
739 1 diapause dormancy Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
740 1 myocardial infarction cause of death
class of disease
symptom or sign
coronary artery disease
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
741 1 air pollution environmental pollution
Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
742 1 norepinephrine type of chemical entity catecholamine
phenethylamine alkaloid
William A Weiss ๐„›
743 1 astrocytoma class of disease glioma
cerebrum cancer
central nervous system cancer
William A Weiss ๐„›
744 1 ethnography academic discipline social science Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
745 1 self-consciousness awareness Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
746 1 community ownership ownership Taryn Vian ๐„›
747 1 birth interval time interval family characteristics Annette K. Regan ๐„›
748 1 Influenza vaccines scholarly article Annette K. Regan ๐„›
749 1 sexual ethics academic discipline ethics Dossie Easton ๐„›
750 1 Eschscholzia californica taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
751 1 inflammation symptom or sign disease
clinical sign
general symptom
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
752 1 surgery medical specialty
academic discipline
clinical sciences Robert J. Morelli ๐„›
753 1 epidemiology branch of science health sciences Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
754 1 plate tectonics theory geotectonics geology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
755 1 Lacertidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
756 1 sexual orientation second-order class sexuality
personal data
Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
757 1 mitochondrial DNA extrachromosomal DNA
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
758 1 nursing ethics medical ethics Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
759 1 success result
Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
760 1 personal development development
Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
761 1 oligosaccharide structural class of chemical entities carbohydrate Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
762 1 phosphorylation biological process
chemical reaction
phosphate-containing compound metabolic process William A Weiss ๐„›
763 1 museum GLAM
architectural structure
tourist attraction
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
764 1 RNA interference biological process posttranscriptional gene silencing
gene silencing
William A Weiss ๐„›
765 1 quantitative trait locus locus William A Weiss ๐„›
766 1 oligodendrocyte cell type neuroglia
macroglial cell
set of macroglial cells
William A Weiss ๐„›
767 1 Bertamyia taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
768 1 oviposition biological process reproductive behavior Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
769 1 Platypezininae taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
770 1 Gallinas Creek stream Francis P. Filice ๐„›
771 1 Hesperia comma taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
772 1 positive mental attitude Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
773 1 self-management type of management management Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
774 1 visualisation technique
mental process
psychology Gini Graham Scott ๐„›
775 1 ecological niche term context Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
776 1 Vertebrata taxon Chordata vertebrate zoology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
777 1 fossil natural physical object paleontology
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
778 1 Danio rerio taxon
model organism
Tatjana Piotrowski ๐„›
779 1 partner relationship interpersonal relationship Dossie Easton ๐„›
780 1 Dominican Republic sovereign state
island country
archipelagic state
Monisha Bajaj ๐„›
781 1 hepatitis A infectious disease
notifiable disease
class of disease
viral infectious disease
viral hepatitis
waterborne disease
Lisa Duncan ๐„›
782 1 Red Sea sea Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
783 1 fuzzy logic many-valued logic mathematical logic Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
784 1 Hesperiidae taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
785 1 transcriptome RNA transcriptomics Siyang Zeng ๐„›
786 1 atopic dermatitis class of disease
symptom or sign
allergic contact dermatitis
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
787 1 Larrea tridentata taxon William A Weiss ๐„›
788 1 protein design academic discipline molecular design William A Weiss ๐„›
789 1 CRISPR DNA sequence William A Weiss ๐„›
790 1 immunohistochemistry medical test type staining
lab technique
biological sample staining method
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
791 1 algorithm procedure
Alark Joshi ๐„›
792 1 environmental justice justice Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
793 1 sensor grid electronic system Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
794 1 chemotaxis biological process taxis Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
795 1 Bufonidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
796 1 biophysics branch of biology
branch of physics
academic discipline
biology Thomas J FitzGerald ๐„›
797 1 rhabdomyosarcoma class of disease skeletal muscle cancer
childhood cancer
William A Weiss ๐„›
798 1 chemoradiotherapy radiation therapy
Multimodal cancer therapy
William A Weiss ๐„›
799 1 Larrea divaricata taxon William A Weiss ๐„›
800 1 CpG island genome components GC rich sequence William A Weiss ๐„›
801 1 human rights convention
social movement
Sarah Burgess ๐„›
802 1 Anura taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
803 1 particle swarm optimization optimization Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
804 1 Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complex
William A Weiss ๐„›
805 1 cell line cell culture
William A Weiss ๐„›
806 1 distributed computing specialty
field of study
parallel computing
academic discipline
computer science
Diane Myung-Kyung Woodbridge ๐„›
807 1 Dicroglossidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
808 1 genotoxicity toxicity
Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
809 1 orexin type of chemical entity chemical compound Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
810 1 masoprocol type of chemical entity chemical compound William A Weiss ๐„›
811 1 nordihydroguaiaretic acid type of chemical entity bisphenol William A Weiss ๐„›
812 1 Tumor initiation William A Weiss ๐„›
813 1 apoptotic process biological process programmed cell death William A Weiss ๐„›
814 1 shell weapon functional class ammunition Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
815 1 drag queen occupation performance artist
Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
816 1 soil water water Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
817 1 Gondwana supercontinent
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
818 1 media discourse discourse Jessica S. Robles ๐„›
819 1 cell morphology Foundational Model of Anatomy attribute entity
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
820 1 microhabitat habitat Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
821 1 range expansion increase ecology
restoration ecology
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
822 1 trophic ecology branch of ecology ecology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
823 1 ecological resource availability availability ecology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
824 1 latitudinal gradient gradient Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
825 1 carbon stock quantity David Saah ๐„›
826 1 reproductive trait phenotype Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
827 1 ecological gradient gradient John Callaway ๐„›
828 1 generalist herbivore herbivore
dietary generalist
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
829 1 Intraspecific variation genetic diversity genetics Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
830 1 forest wildfire wildfire David Saah ๐„›
831 1 ecological complexity complexity Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
832 1 theory of mind aptitude
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
833 1 racism political ideology
social inequality
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
834 1 evolutionary novelty ecological change Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
835 1 antimalarial antiprotozoal Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
836 1 sexual minority minority group Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
837 1 regenerative medicine medical specialty
academic discipline
biomedicine Tatjana Piotrowski ๐„›
838 1 voxtalisib type of chemical entity chemical compound William A Weiss ๐„›
839 1 Survival advantage combining a BRAF inhibitor and radiation in BRAF V600E-mutant glioma scholarly article William A Weiss ๐„›
840 1 xenograft transplant William A Weiss ๐„›
841 1 hypermethylation methylation William A Weiss ๐„›
842 1 oxygen chemical element
group 16
oxidizing agent
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
843 1 Astragalus lentiginosus taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
844 1 invasive plant group of living things invasive species
invasion biology
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
845 1 invasion prediction prediction Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
846 1 continental scale spatial scale Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
847 1 gender gap gender relations Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
848 1 International Space Station space laboratory
space station
Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
849 1 comparative genomics branch of science genomics Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
850 1 Aculeata taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
851 1 gene expression biological process macromolecule metabolic process
Gene expression Thomas J FitzGerald ๐„›
852 1 nucleus accumbens brain region
class of anatomical entity
nucleus of brain
particular anatomical entity
Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
853 1 health activism advocacy
Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
854 1 Lycaeides melissa taxon
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
855 1 vegetation type class David Saah ๐„›
856 1 Iguanidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
857 1 human migration migration
sociology of immigration Monisha Bajaj ๐„›
858 1 Anguidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
859 1 Sauropsida taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
860 1 cosmetic surgery plastic surgery
aesthetic medicine
Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
861 1 viral nucleocapsid cellular component virion component Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
862 1 SB-334867 type of chemical entity chemical compound Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
863 1 bilingualism multilingualism sociolinguistics Jocelyn N Caballero ๐„›
864 1 Gorm Boje Jensen human Nils Skajaa ๐„›
865 1 Fibroblast growth factor 3 protein Tatjana Piotrowski ๐„›
866 1 Latinx gender-neutral language
Hsiu-Lan Cheng ๐„›
867 1 Accelerometer-determined moderate intensity lifestyle activity and cardiometabolic health scholarly article Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
868 1 chronic hepatitis C infectious disease hepatitis C Christopher Jai Balkissoon ๐„›
869 1 Dyslipidemia scholarly article Ploypun Narindrarangkura ๐„›
870 1 telomere length biological sequence Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
871 1 chronic hepatitis disease hepatitis Christopher Jai Balkissoon ๐„›
872 1 colibactin type of chemical entity chemical compound Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
873 1 mental health services health service
health services research
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
874 1 voltage scalar quantity
potential difference
William A Weiss ๐„›
875 1 parking driving Billy Riggs ๐„›
876 1 Sceloporus magister taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
877 1 Bufo viridis taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
878 1 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behavioral disorder
class of disease
neurodevelopmental disorder
specific developmental disorder
hyperkinetic disorder
neurodevelopmental disorder
psychiatry Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
879 1 neurosurgery medical specialty
academic discipline
surgery Alark Joshi ๐„›
880 1 Varanus yemenensis taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
881 1 vicariance taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
882 1 colorectal cancer class of disease colorectal neoplasm
large intestine cancer
Christian Dimaano ๐„›
883 1 Nepal landlocked country
sovereign state
geographic region
David Saah ๐„›
884 1 atherosclerosis class of disease arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
Siyang Zeng ๐„›
885 1 acute myocardial infarction class of disease myocardial infarction
acute coronary syndrome
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
886 1 biomass mass Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
887 1 nanowire nanostructure Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
888 1 mutual aid interaction
organizational behavior
Daniela G Domรญnguez ๐„›
889 1 heat map type of map map
statistical graphics
Alark Joshi ๐„›
890 1 Chinese Americans ethnic group Asian Americans
Chinese people
East Asian Americans
Genevieve Leung ๐„›
891 1 Kaplanโ€“Meier estimator estimator Nathaniel T Stevens ๐„›
892 1 research design activity
program design methodology Billy Riggs ๐„›
893 1 herpetofauna fauna Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
894 1 Paramesotriton taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
895 1 Anniella pulchra taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
896 1 forestry industry
academic discipline
field of study
agriculture and forestry
David Saah ๐„›
897 1 Bolitoglossa taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
898 1 open-source software source-available software
freely redistributable software
Alark Joshi ๐„›
899 1 Internet of things concept
driver of Industry 4.0
smart device interaction science
computer science
Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
900 1 osteolysis bone resorption Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
901 1 language education academic major
academic discipline
field of work
teaching language pedagogy Genevieve Leung ๐„›
902 1 confidentiality quality Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
903 1 accounting studies academic discipline David Saah ๐„›
904 1 cyber-physical system cyber-entispheral system
Interspheral System
Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
905 1 Earth observation gathering of information David Saah ๐„›
906 1 cloud computing system resource
computing platform
service on Internet
David Saah ๐„›
907 1 Mongolia sovereign state
landlocked country
Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
908 1 Leuconostoc mesenteroides taxon Arthur Furst ๐„›
909 1 Aplysia dactylomela taxon Deneb Karentz ๐„›
910 1 aerospace engineering technical sciences
academic discipline
academic degree
engineering Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
911 1 inorganic compound structural class of chemical entities chemical compound
inorganic substance
inorganic chemistry Deneb Karentz ๐„›
912 1 ecosystem services yield
ecological applications
David Saah ๐„›
913 1 A novel multilocus phylogenetic estimation reveals unrecognized diversity in Asian horned toads, genus Megophrys sensu lato (Anura: Megophryidae). scholarly article Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
914 1 coastal ecology branch of ecology
academic discipline
ecology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
915 1 historical biogeography academic discipline Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
916 1 Earth terrestrial planet
inner planet of the Solar System
Earth science
planetary science
Billy Riggs ๐„›
917 1 Leiognathidae taxon Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
918 1 satellite imagery photography genre
David Saah ๐„›
919 1 Hynobiidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
920 1 Phrynosomatidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
921 1 medical imaging technique
academic discipline
biological imaging
medical test
medical diagnosis
clinical sciences
Alark Joshi ๐„›
922 1 invasive grass invasive species
invasion biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
923 1 invasive trait phenotypic trait invasion biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
924 1 wood pellet solid fuel
David Saah ๐„›
925 1 serotonin type of chemical entity tryptamine alkaloid Eliza Congdon ๐„›
926 1 reading comprehension aptitude text comprehension Genevieve Leung ๐„›
927 1 Pelomedusidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
928 1 biological dispersal motion
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
929 1 host microbial interaction microbiological phenomena
host-pathogen interaction
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
930 1 greenhouse gas emissions emission
environmental emission
David Saah ๐„›
931 1 cyst disease lesion Albert D. Mahood ๐„›
932 1 Dorothea Lange human Jasmin Darznik ๐„›
933 1 ontology knowledge base
data model
data schema
ontology engineering
computer science
information science
artificial intelligence
knowledge engineering
natural language processing
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
934 1 Meth mouth substance use disorder
tooth pathology
Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
935 1 African helmeted turtle taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
936 1 DNA barcoding scientific technique genetic analysis Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
937 1 miracidium developmental stage Deneb Karentz ๐„›
938 1 mutational analysis medical diagnosis William A Weiss ๐„›
939 1 cognition biological process
type of process
academic discipline
field of study
mental process
nervous system process
cognitive science Eliza Congdon ๐„›
940 1 nootropic ChEBI Ontology term chemical substance
central nervous system agent
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
941 1 phenome group or class of phenotypic traits phenomics Eliza Congdon ๐„›
942 1 functional magnetic resonance imaging functional neuroimaging
magnetic resonance imaging
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
943 1 Cockayne syndrome designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
autosomal recessive disease
eye degenerative disease
nervous system heredodegenerative disease
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
944 1 pyridoxine type of chemical entity structural analog
pyridine alkaloids
vitamin B6
Arthur Furst ๐„›
945 1 angiogenesis biological process anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis
microvasculature remodeling
William A Weiss ๐„›
946 1 telescope invention optical instrument
astronomical instrument
N. Jeremy Kasdin ๐„›
947 1 pediatric ependymoma class of disease ependymoma
childhood cancer
ependymal tumor
childhood neoplasm
William A Weiss ๐„›
948 1 Reptilia taxon Tetrapoda herpetology
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
949 1 tree mortality mortality David Saah ๐„›
950 1 managed forest forest David Saah ๐„›
951 1 ecological impact environmental effects David Saah ๐„›
952 1 data visualization academic discipline visualization Alark Joshi ๐„›
953 1 ethnic diversity diversity Pamela Balls Organista ๐„›
954 1 colorectal cancer screening cancer screening Christian Dimaano ๐„›
955 1 RNA analysis biochemistry method Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
956 1 Gene expression academic discipline genetics Thomas J FitzGerald ๐„›
957 1 Islam major religion
Abrahamic religion Islamic studies Aysha Hidayatullah ๐„›
958 1 drainage basin concept geographic region
watershed science Heather J. Hoag ๐„›
959 1 ependymoma class of disease ependymal tumor
childhood cancer
William A Weiss ๐„›
960 1 infectivity quality Deneb Karentz ๐„›
961 1 adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behavioral disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Eliza Congdon ๐„›
962 1 catalysis molecular function chemical reaction
molecular function
catalysis and mechanisms of reactions Arthur Furst ๐„›
963 1 Viperidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
964 1 linguistics academic discipline
academic major
field of study
social science
Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
965 1 Elapidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
966 1 Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 5 protein William A Weiss ๐„›
967 1 Potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 5 protein William A Weiss ๐„›
968 1 caspase-8 deficiency rare disease
class of disease
autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
autosomal recessive disease
Type 2 Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome
William A Weiss ๐„›
969 1 CD532 type of chemical entity chemical compound William A Weiss ๐„›
970 1 xeroderma pigmentosum group C class of disease xeroderma pigmentosum Deneb Karentz ๐„›
971 1 selective autophagy biological process macroautophagy William A Weiss ๐„›
972 1 process utilizing autophagic mechanism biological process cellular process William A Weiss ๐„›
973 1 Thalassiosira vulnifica taxon Albert D. Mahood ๐„›
974 1 network connectivity graph connectivity Eliza Congdon ๐„›
975 1 Aurora kinase A protein protein William A Weiss ๐„›
976 1 regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle biological process regulation of mitotic cell cycle phase transition
regulation of cell cycle G2/M phase transition
William A Weiss ๐„›
977 1 systemic functional linguistics field of study linguistics Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
978 1 transport intentional human activity
material flow
economic activity
transport sciences Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
979 1 biomedicine academic major
branch of biology
Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
980 1 censorship media regulation
social issue
Patrick Califia ๐„›
981 1 feature selection dimensionality reduction Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
982 1 book review genre
human activity
literary criticism
literary work
Aysha Hidayatullah ๐„›
983 1 molecular biology branch of biology biology Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
984 1 optimization algorithm algorithm mathematical optimization Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
985 1 Ornate slider taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
986 1 Phyllodactylidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
987 1 Walterinnesia aegyptia taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
988 1 myeloid leukemia class of disease leukemia
Arthur Furst ๐„›
989 1 interference microscopy microscopy Arthur Furst ๐„›
990 1 Ophidia clade Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
991 1 lifetime duration Billy Riggs ๐„›
992 1 mouse leukemia mouse disease
cancer in animals
Arthur Furst ๐„›
993 1 bone marrow cells cell type cell Arthur Furst ๐„›
994 1 one-way street street Billy Riggs ๐„›
995 1 maize taxon
model organism
cereal grain
food crop
useful plant
annual plant
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
996 1 phylogeography geography Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
997 1 Asaccus gallagheri taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
998 1 Laudakia papenfussi taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
999 1 American Sign Language sign language
modern language
French Sign Language family Patrick Boudreault ๐„›
1000 1 lake feature type still waters
overground still body of fresh water
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1001 1 Children's Crusade religious war Thea Beckman ๐„›
1002 1 bacteriophage virus Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1003 1 street design academic discipline
field of study
field of work
urban design Billy Riggs ๐„›
1004 1 conservation assessment evaluation Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
1005 1 Gekkota taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
1006 1 computed tomography medical test type
medical imaging
medical imaging
Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
1007 1 marriage legal institution
nominal kinship
intimate relationship
end of betrothal
Eve-Anne Doohan ๐„›
1008 1 ฮฒ-lactulose type of chemical entity disaccharide Brad Macy ๐„›
1009 1 environmental chemistry branch of chemistry chemistry Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1010 1 activated carbon excipient
essential medicine
material Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1011 1 racial equity social equity Uma Jayakumar ๐„›
1012 1 baseball type of sport
sport with racquet/stick/club
bat-and-ball game
team sport
Olympic sport
Nola Agha ๐„›
1013 1 Adenoviridae taxon wastewater surveillance Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1014 1 religion type of world view belief system
world view
religion or world view
religious studies
history of religions
philosophy of religion
sociology of religion
J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
1015 1 magnetic resonance imaging medical test medical imaging
non-invasive imaging
Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
1016 1 cyberbullying online misconduct
Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
1017 1 gender identity identity
Lin Fraser ๐„›
1018 1 job satisfaction attitude
Scott R Ziehm ๐„›
1019 1 image registration image processing Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
1020 1 family therapy academic major
academic discipline
psychotherapy Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
1021 1 climate change feedback feedback
environmental issue
Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
1022 1 electroporation electrochemical technique
cytological procedure
molecular biology technique
cell permeabilization
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1023 1 Salmonella enterica taxon Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1024 1 ecohydrology academic discipline ecology
Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
1025 1 Manure management environmental protection Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1026 1 Superbacteria bacteria Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1027 1 sewage wastewater Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1028 1 financial elder abuse elder abuse
financial crime
Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
1029 1 natural gas commodity fossil fuel
fuel gas
Ludwig B. Chincarini ๐„›
1030 1 cannabis drug soft drug
psychoactive drug
food ingredient
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
1031 1 open access group action
social movement
access restriction
free to read Charlotte Roh ๐„›
1032 1 sexual violence matter violence
sex crime
Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
1033 1 snag type of wood tree
dead wood
Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
1034 1 activated charcoal medication
essential medicine
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1035 1 disinfection aseptic technique sterilization
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1036 1 collective efficacy neighborhood characteristics Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
1037 1 metabarcoding Sequence analysis (nucleic acid)
DNA barcoding
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1038 1 oral history academic discipline
field of work
history Eve-Anne Doohan ๐„›
1039 1 LGBT community community J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
1040 1 cardiovascular disease academic discipline
class of disease
disease of anatomical entity
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
1041 1 lower secondary school type of educational institution school
secondary school
Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
1042 1 change management type of management
management Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
1043 1 community garden garden Brian Dowd-Uribe ๐„›
1044 1 Eleanor Downey human James D. Phelan ๐„›
1045 1 FLASH radiotherapy radiation therapy Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
1046 1 carbon cycling natural phenomenon Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
1047 1 landscape pattern pattern Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
1048 1 gender dysphoria class of disease mental disorder
gender studies Lin Fraser ๐„›
1049 1 gender identity disorder gender identity
mental disorder
identity disorder
Lin Fraser ๐„›
1050 1 price of oil price Libo Xu ๐„›
1051 1 critical sociology branch of sociology sociological theory
Marxist philosophy
sociological methodology
critical social theory
normative sociology
Brandi Lawless ๐„›
1052 1 Anodonta californiensis taxon Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
1053 1 covalent organic framework solid state of matter Ioannina Castano ๐„›
1054 1 higher education educational stage tertiary education Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
1055 1 primary hyperparathyroidism class of disease hyperparathyroidism Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
1056 1 Dating violence intimate partner violence Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
1057 1 virtual reality simulation
extended reality
virtual place
Elisabeth Jay Friedman ๐„›
1058 1 nurse practitioner profession
nursing specialty
advanced practice nurse
mid-level practitioner
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
1059 1 banking services financial services Libo Xu ๐„›
1060 1 personalization specialty
field of study
humanโ€“computer interaction
Zifei Chen ๐„›
1061 1 medical cannabis drug approval cannabis
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
1062 1 social impact importance Nola Agha ๐„›
1063 1 thematic analysis qualitative research Brandi Lawless ๐„›
1064 1 fake news political slogan lying press Zifei Chen ๐„›
1065 1 Afghanistan sovereign state
landlocked country
Annick Wibben ๐„›
1066 1 geospatial dataset data set
machine-readable data
Matthew Malensek ๐„›
1067 1 Project-based learning pedagogy study
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
1068 1 emotional labor work Brandi Lawless ๐„›
1069 1 macroeconomic model economic model Libo Xu ๐„›
1070 1 violence prevention academic discipline
field of study
prevention Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
1071 1 natural language processing academic discipline
field of study
artificial intelligence
computer science
computational linguistics
industrial sector
academic discipline
Noriko Nagata ๐„›
1072 1 mangrove biome
vegetational formation
WWF biome
biome Sunny Jardine ๐„›
1073 1 history class
academic discipline
research object
chain of events
study of history
Kathryn L. Nasstrom ๐„›
1074 1 Global Positioning System radionavigation-satellite service
global navigation satellite system
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
1075 1 arterial hypertension class of disease
symptom or sign
vascular disease
artery disease
clinical sign
Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
1076 1 antibody family of protein complexes immunoglobulin Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
1077 1 popular culture concept
Annick Wibben ๐„›
1078 1 corporate social responsibility business and human rights corporate liability
social responsibility
Charles T. Moses ๐„›
1079 1 decolonization process Quแปณnh N. Phแบกm ๐„›
1080 1 gestational diabetes class of disease diabetes
complication of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
diabetes mellitus and pregnancy
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1081 1 militarism political concept political ideology
Annick Wibben ๐„›
1082 1 B-cell cell type lymphocyte Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
1083 1 isoprene type of chemical entity diene
biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
1084 1 malnutrition academic discipline
failure mode
nutrition disorder
clinical sign
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
1085 1 emotional intelligence aptitude human intelligence Marcianna Nosek ๐„›
1086 1 Southern Africa allopatric speciation
cultural region
geographic region
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
1087 1 epidemic disease outbreak
pathogen spread
epidemiology Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
1088 1 identity quality
social science Vijaya Nagarajan ๐„›
1089 1 preterm birth disease
abnormally low value
obstetric labor complication
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1090 1 management system type of system social system management science Taryn Vian ๐„›
1091 1 ethyl tert-butyl ether type of chemical entity biogenic acyclic ether Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
1092 1 gene duplication mutation Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
1093 1 fluid flow process motion fluid dynamics David Thomas Uminsky ๐„›
1094 1 convolutional neural network academic discipline
field of study
feedforward neural network Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
1095 1 gestational age time interval Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1096 1 Indonesia sovereign state
archipelagic state
constitutional republic
island country
presidential system
indonesiology Bruce Wydick ๐„›
1097 1 deep neural network artificial neural network Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
1098 1 stochastic block model generative model James D Wilson ๐„›
1099 1 rotamer stereoisomer molecular biology
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
1100 1 population-based cohort study cohort study Annette K. Regan ๐„›
1101 1 KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
1102 1 multiple hypothesis testing hypothesis testing Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
1103 1 species eradication extinction ecology
invasion biology
Sunny Jardine ๐„›
1104 1 invasive species eradication species eradication invasion biology Sunny Jardine ๐„›
1105 1 invasive species management environmental resource management invasion biology Sunny Jardine ๐„›
1106 1 invasion management environmental management invasion biology Sunny Jardine ๐„›
1107 1 conflict resolution academic discipline communication
problem solving
conflict analysis & resolution Marcianna Nosek ๐„›
1108 1 history and philosophy of science academic discipline
academic major
Kathryn L. Nasstrom ๐„›
1109 1 commons infrastructure
Vijaya Nagarajan ๐„›
1110 1 brachytherapy radiation therapy Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
1111 1 Mycoplasma genitalium taxon
model organism
Marcianna Nosek ๐„›
1112 1 social responsibility business and human rights responsibility Charles T. Moses ๐„›
1113 1 Chile sovereign state
democratic republic
OECD country
Susan Roberta Katz ๐„›
1114 1 urban population demographics human population Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
1115 1 disability property disability studies Rafael D Romo ๐„›
1116 1 Rwanda republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
Rwandan studies Bruce Wydick ๐„›
1117 1 Namibia republic
sovereign state
Namibian studies Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
1118 1 social networking service virtual community
social media
service on Internet
social network analysis
media sociology
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
1119 1 aorta artery
umbrella term
class of anatomical entity
systemic arterial trunk
particular anatomical entity
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
1120 1 lung cancer rare disease
class of disease
respiratory system cancer
lung disease
lung neoplasm
pulmonology Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1121 1 cognitive-behavioral intervention cognitive intervention
behavioral intervention
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
1122 1 Guatemala sovereign state
Bruce Wydick ๐„›
1123 1 electroencephalography medical test type neuroimaging
medical test
William Bosl ๐„›
1124 1 Antenatal depression complications of pregnancy
major depressive disorder
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
1125 1 fetal alcohol spectrum disorders class of disease specific developmental disorder
congenital disorder
alcohol and health
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
1126 1 endoscopy medical test type medical test
medical imaging
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
1127 1 image analysis analysis William Bosl ๐„›
1128 1 groundwater land waters
raw water
hydrogeology Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
1129 1 graphene allotrope of carbon
single-layer materials
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
1130 1 Marfan syndrome designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
connective tissue disease
eye disease
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1131 1 aquifer water reservoir Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
1132 1 impostor syndrome concept
mental state
doubt Sophie Jean Engle ๐„›
1133 1 phantom limb perceptual disorders
Nicolas Mills ๐„›
1134 1 field experiment experiment Bruce Wydick ๐„›
1135 1 cultural diversity diversity sociolinguistics Dominique Broussard ๐„›
1136 1 play therapy psychotherapy June Madsen Clausen ๐„›
1137 1 multiracial people human race
ethnic group
human Saera Khan ๐„›
1138 1 mind-wandering mental process Davina Chan ๐„›
1139 1 electronic health records medical software
personal health record
Patient administration system
medical record
William Bosl ๐„›
1140 1 bronchoscopy medical test type endoscopy Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
1141 1 estrogen class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions sex steroid
steroid hormone
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1142 1 wastewater non-drinking water Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
1143 1 idiopathy disease Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
1144 1 multiple drug resistance drug resistance Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
1145 1 cytomegaloviral disease disease Herpesviridae infectious disease Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
1146 1 stenosis disease obstruction Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
1147 1 cell differentiation biological process cellular developmental process
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1148 1 fear of crime specific phobia Saera Khan ๐„›
1149 1 Lattice Boltzmann methods computational approach William Bosl ๐„›
1150 1 child sponsorship human activity patronage Bruce Wydick ๐„›
1151 1 Coxsackievirus organisms known by a particular common name Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
1152 1 flow cytometry analytical technique
cell sorting
separation process
Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
1153 1 HCMV Wikimedia disambiguation page Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
1154 1 botulinum toxin type A medication
botulinum toxin group Rishi Gupta ๐„›
1155 1 workshop meeting
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1156 1 BRCA1 Mutation gene variant
Loss Of Function Variant
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1157 1 photoactivation chemical reaction Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1158 1 Sex workers scholarly article Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
1159 1 volatile organic compound volatile compound
organic compound
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
1160 1 intensive care unit hospital department Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
1161 1 spontaneous intracranial hypotension class of disease
clinical sign
intracranial hypotension Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1162 1 RSV Wikimedia disambiguation page Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
1163 1 1992 Landers earthquake earthquake William Bosl ๐„›
1164 1 derailment disease thought disorder Saera Khan ๐„›
1165 1 energy landscape mapping David Thomas Uminsky ๐„›
1166 1 irradiation physical phenomenon
exposure to radiation
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1167 1 cell fate commitment biological process cellular developmental process Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1168 1 stem cell differentiation biological process cell differentiation Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1169 1 intracranial hypotension abnormally low value
class of disease
encephalopathy Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1170 1 2-ethylfuran type of chemical entity chemical compound Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
1171 1 informatics academic major information science
data science
William Bosl ๐„›
1172 1 teamwork collaboration interaction science Susan K Prion ๐„›
1173 1 endothelium tissue type
class of anatomical entity
Simple Squamous Epithelium (Pavement Epithilium)
particular anatomical entity
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1174 1 Papua New Guinea Commonwealth realm
island country
sovereign state
archipelagic state
constitutional monarchy
Gary L. Stevens ๐„›
1175 1 absenteeism human behavior Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
1176 1 reactive oxygen species structural class of chemical entities
class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions
oxygen compound Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1177 1 social cohesion sociological concept group dynamics
social theory
Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
1178 1 fungicide phytopharmaceuticals
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1179 1 victimisation social phenomenon victimology Joyce P Yang ๐„›
1180 1 technology academic discipline
applied science technology assessment
science and technology studies
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
1181 1 (2RS,3SR)-Epoxiconazole type of chemical entity chemical compound Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1182 1 art academic major
essentially contested concept
academic discipline
field of work
economic sector
recreation art history
art practice
sociology of art
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
1183 1 cognitive dysfunction disease
psychopathological symptom
cognitive distortion
cognitive disorder
Rafael D Romo ๐„›
1184 1 Vulnerable Populations scholarly article Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
1185 1 anticoagulation biological pathway Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
1186 1 human papilloma virus taxon Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1187 1 stem cell self-renewal stem cell division Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
1188 1 Hepatitis C virus (HCV) scholarly article
Christofer Rodriguez ๐„›
1189 1 data information statistics
data science
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
1190 1 ethnic studies academic discipline
academic major
cultural studies Noah E. Borrero ๐„›
1191 1 Implementation Science scientific journal
academic journal
open-access journal
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
1192 1 hyperglycemia class of disease
abnormally high value
glucose metabolism disease
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1193 1 student occupation
group of humans
human social group
learning person Noah E. Borrero ๐„›
1194 1 insulin resistance class of disease diabetes
drug resistance
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1195 1 social marketing academic discipline marketing Sonja Martin Poole ๐„›
1196 1 opioid overdose cause of death drug overdose Christofer Rodriguez ๐„›
1197 1 Black Lives Matter social movement
black movement
Sonja Martin Poole ๐„›
1198 1 women in science group of humans
female topic
women in STEM fields Aparna Venkatesan ๐„›
1199 1 pesticide exposure toxin exposure Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
1200 1 sleep disturbance symptom or sign general symptom
sleep disorder
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
1201 1 adaptive radiation biological process Edward DeMartini ๐„›
1202 1 linear regression type of statistical method regression
regression analysis
Susan K Prion ๐„›
1203 1 bitcoin free software
communication protocol
payment system
reserve currency
crypto asset
legal tender
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
1204 1 Wolbachia taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1205 1 manifestation artificial object Liat Berdugo ๐„›
1206 1 salt marsh tidal marsh
marine habitats
salt marsh ecology Gary L. Stevens ๐„›
1207 1 choreography performing arts Liat Berdugo ๐„›
1208 1 health literacy health education
information literacy
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
1209 1 Hepatitis C virus taxon Ali Mirzazadeh ๐„›
1210 1 art gallery arts venue
art institution
John Zarobell ๐„›
1211 1 Drosophilidae taxon Carol J. Rosen Chihara ๐„›
1212 1 business model model June Y. Lee ๐„›
1213 1 textbook literary genre tertiary source
learning material
educational book
instructional literature
academic writing
David Donahue ๐„›
1214 1 Glaucopsyche lygdamus taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1215 1 frog organisms known by a particular common name Amphibia J. H. Perryman ๐„›
1216 1 Embiotocidae taxon Edward DeMartini ๐„›
1217 1 dune aeolian landform
vรกtรฉ pรญsky
Carlos E. Kaufeldt ๐„›
1218 1 cryptocurrency specialty
field of study
digital currency
payment system
crypto asset
legal tender
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
1219 1 service learning pedagogy educational technology
community service
Experiential Education
community education
experiential learning
community engagement
Project-based learning
David Donahue ๐„›
1220 1 Calliphoridae taxon Carl G. Kadner ๐„›
1221 1 experimental infection infection
A. Lavroushin ๐„›
1222 1 invasion success ecological change
ecological success
invasion biology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1223 1 SATCON2 academic workshop Aparna Venkatesan ๐„›
1224 1 HD1 galaxy L. Y. Aaron Yung ๐„›
1225 1 population structure structure Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1226 1 migratory species species Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1227 1 city expansion growth Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1228 1 research agenda plan Rafael D Romo ๐„›
1229 1 butterfly diversity animal diversity Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1230 1 Sequoioideae taxon Joseph J. Zucca ๐„›
1231 1 serology academic discipline
academic major
medical diagnosis
Gerald J. Crowley ๐„›
1232 1 public space social space
open space
Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
1233 1 urban development activity planning urban studies
urban analysis and development
Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
1234 1 Clapper Rail taxon Joseph J. Zucca ๐„›
1235 1 Phaenicia sericata taxon
Carl G. Kadner ๐„›
1236 1 bites and stings disease injury
animal attack
Jeffrey Paller ๐„›
1237 1 consulting Q64506407
field of work
economic activity
knowledge industry
helping behavior
Desiree Zerquera ๐„›
1238 1 Samoan American ethnic group Pacific Islander Americans Noah E. Borrero ๐„›
1239 1 butterfly organisms known by a particular common name Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1240 1 pet domesticated animal Cori Bussolari ๐„›
1241 1 Therevidae taxon Charles W. Hildebrand ๐„›
1242 1 Brazil sovereign state
secular state
rule of law
federal republic
Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
1243 1 social connectedness feeling Christine Yeh ๐„›
1244 1 bevacizumab type of chemical entity chemical compound Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
1245 1 bacteria taxon microorganism Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1246 1 actinomycosis infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
commensal bacterial infectious disease
respiratory disease
bacterial infectious disease
skin and integumentary tissue symptom
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
1247 1 condensed matter physics branch of physics
field of study
academic discipline
continuum physics
Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
1248 1 tracheal stenosis class of disease tracheal anomaly
tracheal disease
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
1249 1 reflectin protein family intrinsically unstructured proteins Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1250 1 tracheoesophageal fistula developmental defect during embryogenesis
class of disease
esophageal disease
tracheal disease
esophageal fistula
gastrointestinal system disease
respiratory tract fistula
non-syndromic respiratory or mediastinal malformation
non-syndromic esophageal malformation
rare genetic respiratory disease
respiratory system abnormality
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
1251 1 scientific literature literary genre nonfiction
specialized literature
Jacob G Levernier ๐„›
1252 1 dysphonia symptom or sign voice disorder Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
1253 1 sea level rise phenomenon
increase Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
1254 1 life sciences branch of science
academic discipline
field of study
natural science Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1255 1 false confession proposition Richard A. Leo ๐„›
1256 1 Colias eurytheme taxon Sister Mary Baptista Dean ๐„›
1257 1 City College of San Francisco community college
public educational institution of the United States
Desiree Zerquera ๐„›
1258 1 sensorineural hearing loss rare disease
class of disease
inner ear disease
conductive hearing loss
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
1259 1 iridescence optical phenomenon
optical property
color in nature
structural coloration biology of colour Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1260 1 Sci-Hub scientific website
shadow library
Jacob G Levernier ๐„›
1261 1 protein evolution evolution Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1262 1 structural color in nature structural coloration
biological phenomenon
optical phenomenon
color in nature
organic chemistry
biology of colour
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
1263 1 fungal community ecological community Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1264 1 multiethnicity group characteristic Jovia L Nierenberg ๐„›
1265 1 elevational gradient gradient geography Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1266 1 climate pattern pattern Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1267 1 native herbivore herbivore
native species
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1268 1 climate change sociology academic discipline Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
1269 1 trophic level role Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
1270 1 capillary hemangioma class of disease
symptom or sign
capillary disease
skin hemangioma
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›

∑ 1270 items. |sparql=PREFIX target: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?item #?sl (COUNT(DISTINCT ?work) AS ?count) (SAMPLE(?a) AS ?author)

     ENCODE_FOR_URI(REPLACE(STR(?item), ".*Q", "Q")), " ๐„›]") AS ?publist)


 { ?a ?property target:. }
   ?a ?property2 _:b9.
   _:b9 wdt:P361 target: .
 ?work wdt:P50 ?a ; wdt:P921 ?item .
  1. ?item wikibase:sitelinks ?sl.
 ?item rdfs:label ?item_label.
 FILTER((LANG(?item_label)) = "en")

} GROUP BY ?item #?sl ?count ?author ?publist ORDER BY DESC(?count) #DESC(?sl) LIMIT 3000 |section= |columns= number:#, ?count:Work count, ?item:Topic, P31:Type of topic, P279:Superclass of topic, P2579, ?author:Sample affiliated person having published on the topic, ?publist:List of recent publications on the topic with affiliated co-authors |thumb=64 |min_section=1 |wdedit = yes |summary=itemnumber }}

# Work count Topic Type of topic Superclass of topic studied by Sample affiliated person having published on the topic List of recent publications on the topic with affiliated co-authors
1 46 Diptera taxon dipterology Carl G. Kadner ๐„›
2 44 teenager demographic profile human
population group
adolescent medicine Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
3 28 prevention of HIV/AIDS preventive medicine
prevention of sexually transmitted diseases Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
4 24 homelessness houselessness
social issue
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
5 22 mental health health psychology
Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
6 22 COVID-19 emerging communicable disease
atypical pneumonia
disease (class)
atypical pneumonia
coronavirus disease
viral pneumonia
disease (individual)
Johnathan Cromwell ๐„›
7 22 HIV organisms known by a particular common name Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
8 21 phylogenetics branch of science systematics Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
9 21 Vibrio fischeri taxon Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
10 20 South Africa sovereign state
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
11 20 Euprymna scolopes taxon Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
12 20 hospitalization medical procedure
inpatient care
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
13 18 sexually transmitted infection Transmission (medicine) infectious disease Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
14 18 medical ethics bioethics
philosophy of medicine
research ethics
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
15 17 sex worker occupation service industry worker Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
16 16 Kenya sovereign state
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
17 16 influenza vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
viral vaccines Annette K. Regan ๐„›
18 15 California U.S. state Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
19 14 pregnant person state woman
transgender male
non-binary person
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
20 13 human pregnancy physiological condition pregnancy Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
21 13 community health academic discipline health care Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
22 12 HIV/AIDS endemic disease
disease (class)
human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease
acquired immunodeficiency
sexually transmitted infection
disease (individual)
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
23 12 condom contraceptive male contraceptive Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
24 12 Australia Commonwealth realm
dominion of the British Empire
sovereign state
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
25 12 vocal folds larynx
subdivision of larynx
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
26 11 urbanization trend Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
27 11 child health concept academic discipline
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
28 11 research ethics scientific ethics Elisabeth Jay Friedman ๐„›
29 11 public health academic discipline health science health economics Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
30 11 HIV transmission pathogen transmission Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
31 11 Cambodia sovereign state
constitutional monarchy
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
32 10 biogeography branch of geography
academic major
branch of biology
physical geography
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
33 10 nurse education medical education
educational institution
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
34 10 sexual transmission pathogen transmission Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
35 10 United States of America sovereign state
constitutional republic
democratic republic
federal republic
American studies Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
36 10 obesity health risk
disease (class)
disease (individual)
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
37 9 climate change academic discipline meteorological phenomenon climatology
climate change ecology
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
38 9 machine learning academic discipline computer science
artificial intelligence
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
39 9 Cytomegalovirus taxon neurotropic virus Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
40 9 type 2 diabetes disease (class) diabetes
disease (individual)
Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
41 8 men who have sex with men group of humans man Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
42 8 maternal health health Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
43 8 m-health e-health Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
44 8 queer reappropriation
umbrella term
sexuality studies Jorge Aquino ๐„›
45 8 There There literary work Christina Garcia Lopez ๐„›
46 7 People's Republic of China sovereign state
socialist state
secular state
constitutional republic
people's republic
dictatorship of the proletariat
state with limited recognition
communist state
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
47 7 randomized controlled trial randomized experiment
clinical trial
controlled trial
study type
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
48 7 decision making mental process
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
49 7 urban studies academic discipline geography Billy Riggs ๐„›
50 7 anti-retroviral agent antiviral agent Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
51 7 social media economic activity
virtual place
media studies
interaction science
digital media
media sociology
Brandi Lawless ๐„›
52 7 metabolic syndrome syndrome
disease mongering
rare disease
disease (class)
abdominal obesity-metabolic syndrome
disease (individual)
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
53 7 grassland biome geographic region
vegetation zone
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
54 6 San Francisco consolidated city-county
city of the United States
sanctuary city
big city
charter city
Billy Riggs ๐„›
55 6 substance P tachykinins
protein fragment
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
56 6 Hymenoptera taxon hymenopterology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
57 6 species nova Latin phrase species Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
58 6 patient state sick person
Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
59 6 alcohol consumption drinking
ethanol exposure
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
60 6 Ghana sovereign state
Jeffrey Paller ๐„›
61 6 feces biogenic substance type portion of solid body substance
Coprologie Sangman M Kim ๐„›
62 6 Lepidoptera taxon lepidopterology Sister Mary Jude Le Gare ๐„›
63 6 xeroderma pigmentosum designated intractable/rare diseases
rare disease
disease (class)
autosomal recessive disease
autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia due to a DNA repair defect
disease (individual)
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
64 6 systematic review use literature review
scholarly article
review article
Liang Wang ๐„›
65 6 bioethics academic discipline
field of work
ethics Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
66 6 biomarker indicator
chemical compound
Sean Judge ๐„›
67 6 chlorpyrifos chemical compound
flammable solid
developmental toxicant
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
68 6 immigrant migrant Joyce P Yang ๐„›
69 6 modeling and simulation academic discipline use Susan K Prion ๐„›
70 5 Vietnam sovereign state
communist state
Vietnamese studies Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
71 5 Thailand constitutional monarchy
sovereign state
Thai studies Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
72 5 biostratigraphy branch of science stratigraphy
Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
73 5 stereotype cognitive bias Aline Hitti ๐„›
74 5 behavioral intervention treatment Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
75 5 governance authority
academic discipline
management cybernetics Brian Dowd-Uribe ๐„›
76 5 postmortem documentation process Steven Alter ๐„›
77 5 substance abuse human activity
disease (class)
social issue
drug use
disease (individual)
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
78 5 diagnosis document
problem solving
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
79 5 health disparity Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
80 5 quality of life quality Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
81 5 invasive species species invasion biology
invasion ecology
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
82 5 herbivory feeding behavior ecology
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
83 5 collaboration activity David Saah ๐„›
84 5 Tanzania republic
sovereign state
Heather J. Hoag ๐„›
85 5 dementia disease (class) cognitive disorder
organic brain syndrome
clinical sign
disease (individual)
Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
86 5 interleukins group or class of proteins cytokine Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
87 5 stillbirth cause of death
health problem
pregnancy with abortive outcome
reproductive system symptom
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
88 5 attention mental process
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
89 5 storytelling oral media
Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
90 5 digital storytelling storytelling Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
91 5 insecticide phytopharmaceuticals
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
92 5 organophosphate structural class of chemical compounds organophosphorus ester
phosphate ester
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
93 5 deep learning machine learning method Jeremy Howard ๐„›
94 5 water quality quality Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
95 5 environmental DNA DNA Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
96 5 accelerometer measuring instrument Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
97 5 psychiatric nursing field of work nursing
health professional
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
98 4 Belize sovereign state Mary Lou De Natale ๐„›
99 4 Uganda sovereign state
landlocked country
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
100 4 Conodonta fossil taxon Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
101 4 Squamata taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
102 4 chemotherapy treatment of cancer
Arthur Furst ๐„›
103 4 social norm rule
Aline Hitti ๐„›
104 4 San Francisco Bay Area metropolitan area Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
105 4 suicide manner of death killing Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
106 4 high school educational stage secondary school Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
107 4 general psychology branch of psychology psychology Linda S Henderson ๐„›
108 4 COVID-19 pandemic pandemic
public health emergency of international concern
disease outbreak
Wikibase reason for deprecated rank
Johnathan Cromwell ๐„›
109 4 genetic diversity diversity population genetics Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
110 4 big data buzzword
programming paradigm
index term
data distributed computing Billy Riggs ๐„›
111 4 speciation evolutionary process Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
112 4 phytochemistry branch of chemistry organic chemistry Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
113 4 lipopolysaccharide structural class of chemical compounds liposaccharide
polysaccharide derivative
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
114 4 social network social structure
group of humans
social network analysis Peter Lorentzen ๐„›
115 4 Myanmar sovereign state
Burma studies Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
116 4 phytoplankton organisms known by a particular common name plankton Deneb Karentz ๐„›
117 4 global health health Taryn Vian ๐„›
118 4 DNA damage cell damage
genetic phenomena
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
119 4 insect taxon
common name
Arthropoda entomology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
120 4 fatty acid structural class of chemical compounds monocarboxylic acid
aliphatic compound
fatty acyl
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
121 4 microgravity environment
altered gravity
Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
122 4 socioeconomics academic discipline Alison Cohen ๐„›
123 4 cardiogenic shock disease shock Richard Cheng ๐„›
124 4 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation extracorporeal Richard Cheng ๐„›
125 4 estuary FFH-Habitat marine ecosystem
river ecosystem
body of water
river mouth
natural watercourse
Allison C. Luengen ๐„›
126 4 autism disability
pervasive developmental disorder
disease (class)
autism spectrum disorder
disease (individual)
William Bosl ๐„›
127 4 manure fertilizer
organic matter
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
128 3 Burkina Faso sovereign state
landlocked country
Brian Dowd-Uribe ๐„›
129 3 Gekkonidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
130 3 India country
sovereign state
constitutional republic
democratic republic
federal republic
Indology Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
131 3 ecosystem biome
type of system
biological system
ecological unit
ecology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
132 3 fresh water liquid
raw water
drinking water
aquatic science Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
133 3 Cape Town port settlement
statistical territorial entity
big city
administrative territory in South Africa
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
134 3 automotive engineering academic discipline
branch of engineering
mechanical engineering
electrical engineering
Billy Riggs ๐„›
135 3 study protocol protocol Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
136 3 health professional profession
occupation group according to ISCO
intellectual and scientific professionals
health care provider
Mary Lou De Natale ๐„›
137 3 postpartum period Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
138 3 Neotropical realm biogeographic realm
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
139 3 aquatic science academic discipline science Billy Riggs ๐„›
140 3 asthma disease (class) bronchospasm
disease (individual)
Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
141 3 housing social issue
economic concept
supply Billy Riggs ๐„›
142 3 peer support Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
143 3 social movement type of world view group action
group of humans
world view
Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
144 3 intimate partner violence violence
domestic violence
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
145 3 suicide risk health risk Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
146 3 mutualism biological process involved in interspecies interaction between organisms Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
147 3 prioritization activity
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
148 3 lidar optical instrument David Saah ๐„›
149 3 economics academic discipline
academic major
field of study
social science Libo Xu ๐„›
150 3 law academic discipline
rule jurisprudence
legal science
law student
Annick Wibben ๐„›
151 3 Lesotho sovereign state
landlocked country
Taryn Vian ๐„›
152 3 Zambia sovereign state
landlocked country
Taryn Vian ๐„›
153 3 sibling kinship first-degree relative Saralyn Ruff ๐„›
154 3 meta-analysis statistical analysis
systematic review
Cori Bussolari ๐„›
155 3 Crocodylus taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
156 3 crocodile taxon wild animal Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
157 3 Morelet's crocodile taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
158 3 birth control family planning Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
159 3 family planning medical specialty planning Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
160 3 environment environment Deneb Karentz ๐„›
161 3 genome-wide association study genetic technique Eliza Congdon ๐„›
162 3 myocarditis disease (class) extrinsic cardiomyopathy
myocardial disorder
cardiovascular system symptom
disease (individual)
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
163 3 episodic memory memory type memory
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
164 3 species richness Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
165 3 questionnaire document
data collection
Gerardo Marรญn ๐„›
166 3 neuroethics ethics
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
167 3 angiography roentgenology
medical imaging
Richard Cheng ๐„›
168 3 visualization depiction
human-readable medium
creative work
Alark Joshi ๐„›
169 3 prisoner occupation
person linked to the law
legal status
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
170 3 immunotherapy treatment Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
171 3 weight gain increase
clinical sign
clinical sign
body weight change
nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom
Alison Cohen ๐„›
172 3 larynx anatomical structure heterogeneous anatomical cluster Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
173 3 radiation therapy medical specialty treatment
treatment of cancer
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
174 3 sarin chemical compound
organophosphorus ester
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
175 3 autism spectrum disorder neurodevelopmental disorder
disease (class)
pervasive developmental disorder
disease (individual)
psychiatry William Bosl ๐„›
176 3 thin film physical object Elizabeth A. Cochran ๐„›
177 3 Zimbabwe republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
178 3 seawater solution saline water aquatic science Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
179 2 paleontology academic discipline field research Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
180 2 Devonian geological period
Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
181 2 mitochondrion cellular component
intracellular membrane-bounded organelle
semiautonomous organelle
membranous cytoplasmic organelle
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
182 2 extrasolar planet astronomical object type planet
extrasolar object
exoplanetology N. Jeremy Kasdin ๐„›
183 2 circulatory system (human body) anatomical system type organ system Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
184 2 Trachemys scripta elegans taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
185 2 Sauria taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
186 2 Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope space observatory
infrared telescope
N. Jeremy Kasdin ๐„›
187 2 strategic management type of management management
academic discipline
Nola Agha ๐„›
188 2 thyroid cancer disease (class) endocrine gland cancer
thyroid neoplasm
thyroid gland disease
disease (individual)
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
189 2 best practice method
Mary Lou De Natale ๐„›
190 2 genomics branch of biology
academic discipline
computational biology
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
191 2 Indigenous species species invasion biology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
192 2 smartphone mobile phone
smart device
information appliance
mobile computer
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
193 2 viral load Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
194 2 bias type of error cognitive perspective
human error
Aline Hitti ๐„›
195 2 infectious disease disease (class) disease
infection associated with diseases
disease (individual)
infectious diseases
human disease ecology
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
196 2 educational technology education industry technology Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
197 2 theoretical computer science computer science
fundamental science
Steven Alter ๐„›
198 2 mental health during the 2019โ€“20 coronavirus pandemic mental health Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
199 2 cryptic species complex species
species group
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
200 2 gamification design
applied game
Billy Riggs ๐„›
201 2 phylogenomics phylogenetics Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
202 2 acute HIV infection human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
203 2 nature conservation academic discipline
branch of biology
conservation Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
204 2 population genetics academic discipline
academic major
genetics Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
205 2 molecular phylogenetics academic discipline
academic major
phylogenetics Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
206 2 microsatellite repetitive DNA variable number tandem repeat Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
207 2 sexual identity identity
sexual orientation
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
208 2 pharmacy interdisciplinary science
academic major
branch of science
Online medicine
organic chemistry
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
209 2 street child child
the poor
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
210 2 suicide prevention preventive medicine prevention Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
211 2 wildfire conflagration David Saah ๐„›
212 2 bioluminescence biological process
color in nature
cell metabolism
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
213 2 chitin polymer
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
214 2 alcohol abuse substance abuse
alcohol consumption
alcohol-related disorders
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
215 2 morphogenesis biological process Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
216 2 microbiome biome Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
217 2 Albania sovereign state
albanology Taryn Vian ๐„›
218 2 microbial ecology branch of ecology microbiology Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
219 2 pedagogy branch of science
academic major
academic discipline
educommunication Brandi Lawless ๐„›
220 2 poverty state
social issue
sociology of poverty Brandi Lawless ๐„›
221 2 brain organ type animal organ
neuroscience Eliza Congdon ๐„›
222 2 Nigeria sovereign state
federal republic
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
223 2 Silicon Valley technopole
Tristin Green ๐„›
224 2 ultraviolet radiation electromagnetic radiation Deneb Karentz ๐„›
225 2 agriculture economic sector primary sector of the economy
agriculture and forestry
agronomy Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
226 2 intercultural communication academic discipline Brandi Lawless ๐„›
227 2 geophysics branch of science
academic discipline
academic major
physics Kanani Lee ๐„›
228 2 data mining computer science
text and data mining
Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
229 2 predictive analytics statistical analysis Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
230 2 decision support system artificial intelligence
business software
information system
Taryn Vian ๐„›
231 2 computational mathematics area of mathematics computational science
James D Wilson ๐„›
232 2 oil market economic concept Libo Xu ๐„›
233 2 vaccine engineering bioengineering Annette K. Regan ๐„›
234 2 entrepreneurship economic activity
academic discipline
academic major
Liang Wang ๐„›
235 2 inner city neighborhood Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
236 2 Biomphalaria glabrata taxon Deneb Karentz ๐„›
237 2 end-of-life care medical procedure type palliative care
medical procedure
Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
238 2 heteroscedasticity property Libo Xu ๐„›
239 2 maternal death cause of death death Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
240 2 Schistosoma mansoni taxon Deneb Karentz ๐„›
241 2 Canada sovereign state
Canadian studies Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
242 2 motor skill skill
psychomotor performance
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
243 2 invasion biology branch of biology
academic discipline
biology Sunny Jardine ๐„›
244 2 blockchain concept distributed ledger
distributed data store
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
245 2 preventive health services health care Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
246 2 habitat territory Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
247 2 Iceland island nation
sovereign state
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
248 2 Semantic dementia behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia
progressive nonfluent aphasia
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
249 2 LGBT community
group of humans
sexual diversity
sexual minority
gender minority
transgender studies
sexuality studies
Daniela G Domรญnguez ๐„›
250 2 social determinants of health determinants of health
sociological factors
Carolina-Nicole Herrera ๐„›
251 2 mental health care health care Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
252 2 venous thromboembolism disease thromboembolism
vein disorder
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
253 2 laryngoscopy medical device type endoscopy Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
254 2 demographics statistics demography Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
255 2 population dynamics life sciences Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
256 2 general chemistry branch of chemistry Jovia L Nierenberg ๐„›
257 2 hearing loss health problem hearing disorder
sensory loss
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
258 2 frontotemporal lobar degeneration designated intractable/rare diseases
rare disease
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
259 2 Drosophila melanogaster taxon
model organism
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
260 2 DNA methylation biological process DNA methylation or demethylation
macromolecule methylation
DNA alkylation
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
261 2 Periplaneta americana taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
262 2 neuroimaging roentgenology
medical imaging
Alark Joshi ๐„›
263 2 temporal lobe epilepsy rare disease focal epilepsy Indre Viskontas ๐„›
264 2 Google business
technology company
public company
Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
265 2 health equity social justice Alison Cohen ๐„›
266 2 ethics policy policy Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
267 2 incarceration disease Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
268 2 hurricane North Atlantic tropical cyclone
Northeast Pacific tropical cyclone
meteorological disaster
Alark Joshi ๐„›
269 2 dyslipidemias lipid metabolism disorder Ploypun Narindrarangkura ๐„›
270 2 civic engagement participation Alison Cohen ๐„›
271 2 screen time time Alison Cohen ๐„›
272 2 cardiac surgery medical specialty
academic discipline
thoracic surgery Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
273 2 stable isotope isotope
primordial nuclide
Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
274 2 groundwater recharge hydrology Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
275 2 carcinogenesis health risk
biological process
disease of cellular proliferation Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
276 2 Invertebrata grade animal invertebrate zoology Francis P. Filice ๐„›
277 2 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma head and neck disease
rare disease
squamous cell carcinoma
head and neck cancer
head and neck carcinoma
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
278 2 earthquake natural disaster
geologic activity
William Bosl ๐„›
279 2 San Francisco Bay bay Francis P. Filice ๐„›
280 2 globalisation social theory interaction globalization studies Caroline Linse ๐„›
281 2 peer review activity Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
282 2 ecotoxicology branch of science environmental toxicology
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
283 2 transfer learning paradigm machine learning Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
284 2 seizure disease convulsion
William Bosl ๐„›
285 2 human erythrocyte human cell type red blood cell Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
286 2 reproductive age developmental stage Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
287 2 scholarly communication communication Charlotte Roh ๐„›
288 2 Haiti sovereign state
island nation
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
289 2 disease prevention prevention Jeanne Alongi ๐„›
290 2 Twitter social networking service
mobile app
Richard D. Waters ๐„›
291 2 coral reef reef
coral reef ecology
coral reef biology
Edward DeMartini ๐„›
292 2 tretinoin chemical compound
carboxylic acid
essential medicine
developmental toxicant
retinoic acid
retinoid Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
293 2 Sub-Saharan Africa geographic region Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
294 2 pesticide mode of toxic action
Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
295 2 vaccine remedy biopharmaceutical
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
296 2 antibiotic resistance antimicrobial resistance
bacterial drug resistance
response to antibiotic
James D Wilson ๐„›
297 2 traumatic brain injury brain injury
central nervous system trauma
Kayleen Gimlin ๐„›
298 2 urinary incontinence disease impairment of continence
urination disorder
urological symptom
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
299 2 food desert territory Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
300 2 neurochemistry branch of chemistry organic chemistry Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
301 2 sociology academic discipline
academic major
social science history of sociology
sociology of scientific knowledge
Charles A. Reich ๐„›
302 2 proteolysis biological process protein metabolic process Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
303 2 forest bathing human activity Nature therapy Margaret Hansen ๐„›
304 2 hygiene academic discipline
academic degree
health care
preventive medicine
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
305 2 risk factor environmental factor
epidemiologic factor
contributing factor
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
306 1 Mongolia sovereign state
landlocked country
Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
307 1 Reptilia taxon herpetology
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
308 1 baseball type of sport
bat-and-ball game
team sport
Nola Agha ๐„›
309 1 mobile phone telephone
mobile device
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
310 1 Vertebrata taxon Chordata vertebrate zoology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
311 1 plate tectonics theory geology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
312 1 Oman sovereign state
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
313 1 mitochondrial DNA extrachromosomal DNA
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
314 1 museum GLAM
tourist attraction
geographical feature
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
315 1 marriage legal institution interpersonal relationship Eve-Anne Doohan ๐„›
316 1 natural gas fossil fuel
fuel gas
Ludwig B. Chincarini ๐„›
317 1 fossil physical object paleontology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
318 1 telescope invention optical instrument
astronomical instrument
scientific instrument
N. Jeremy Kasdin ๐„›
319 1 gender identity identity
Lin Fraser ๐„›
320 1 middle school school
secondary school
Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
321 1 phylogeography Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
322 1 catalysis molecular function chemical reaction
molecular function
Arthur Furst ๐„›
323 1 virtual reality simulation
extended reality
virtual place
Elisabeth Jay Friedman ๐„›
324 1 biodiversity biology
biodiversity science Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
325 1 myeloid leukemia disease (class) leukemia
disease (individual)
Arthur Furst ๐„›
326 1 Ophidia clade Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
327 1 Anura taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
328 1 Gondwana supercontinent
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
329 1 mouse leukemia mouse disease
cancer in animals
Arthur Furst ๐„›
330 1 Gekkota taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
331 1 drug discovery pharmacology
drug development
Arthur Furst ๐„›
332 1 Walterinnesia aegyptia taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
333 1 malnutrition academic discipline nutrition disorder
clinical sign
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
334 1 sexual violence violence
sex offenses
Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
335 1 oral history academic discipline
field of work
oral tradition
Eve-Anne Doohan ๐„›
336 1 cardiovascular disease academic discipline
disease (class)
disease of anatomical entity
disease (individual)
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
337 1 prevention of sexually transmitted diseases preventive medicine Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
338 1 New Orleans city of the United States
big city
consolidated city-county
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
339 1 book review genre
human activity
literary criticism
literary work
Aysha Hidayatullah ๐„›
340 1 primary hyperparathyroidism hyperparathyroidism Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
341 1 gender identity disorder gender identity
mental disorder
identity disorder
Lin Fraser ๐„›
342 1 bacteria taxon microorganism Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
343 1 violence prevention academic discipline
field of study
prevention Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
344 1 social impact importance Nola Agha ๐„›
345 1 entomology branch of zoology arthropodology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
346 1 breathing biological process gas exchange Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
347 1 Bufo viridis taxon
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
348 1 African helmeted turtle taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
349 1 KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
350 1 research design methodology technique Billy Riggs ๐„›
351 1 Paramesotriton taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
352 1 ethnography social science Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
353 1 Anniella pulchra taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
354 1 Bolitoglossa taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
355 1 epidemic disease outbreak
pathogen spread
epidemiology Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
356 1 parking driving Billy Riggs ๐„›
357 1 Sauropsida taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
358 1 street design academic discipline
field of study
field of work
urban design Billy Riggs ๐„›
359 1 air pollution pollution environmental pollution
Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
360 1 epidemiology branch of science health science Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
361 1 Southern Africa geographic region
cultural region
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
362 1 A novel multilocus phylogenetic estimation reveals unrecognized diversity in Asian horned toads, genus Megophrys sensu lato (Anura: Megophryidae). scholarly article Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
363 1 LGBTQ scholarly article Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
364 1 one-way street street Billy Riggs ๐„›
365 1 Eschscholzia californica taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
366 1 social networking service virtual community
social media
service on internet
virtual place
social network analysis
media sociology
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
367 1 health information management information management Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
368 1 Antenatal depression complications of pregnancy
major depressive disorder
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
369 1 fetal alcohol spectrum disorders disease (class) specific developmental disorder
congenital disorder
alcohol and health
disease (individual)
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
370 1 oligosaccharide structural class of chemical compounds carbohydrate Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
371 1 NF-ฮบB family of protein complexes transcription factor Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
372 1 ecological niche term Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
373 1 quality of care quality Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
374 1 cognitive-behavioral intervention cognitive intervention
behavioral intervention
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
375 1 life sciences branch of science
academic discipline
natural science Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
376 1 immunohistochemistry medical test type staining
laboratory technique
Biological sample staining method
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
377 1 protein evolution evolution Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
378 1 heterogeneity difference
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
379 1 iridescence optical phenomenon
optical property
color in nature
structural coloration biology of colour Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
380 1 pleiotropy Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
381 1 chemotaxis biological process taxis Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
382 1 environmental justice justice Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
383 1 Aculeata taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
384 1 Astragalus lentiginosus taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
385 1 Reflectin protein family intrinsically unstructured proteins Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
386 1 cannabis drug soft drugs
psychoactive drug
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
387 1 sport academic discipline physical activity Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
388 1 cell morphology attribute entity
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
389 1 Structural color in nature color in nature
optical phenomenon
biological phenomenon
structural coloration optics
organic chemistry
biology of colour
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
390 1 range expansion increase ecology
restoration ecology
invasion biology
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
391 1 ecological resource availability availability ecology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
392 1 latitudinal gradient gradient Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
393 1 Facebook social networking service
Kevin D. Lo ๐„›
394 1 video game arts form electronic game
entertainment software
audiovisual work
game studies Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
395 1 wine alcoholic beverage Thomas A. Maier ๐„›
396 1 Afghanistan sovereign state
landlocked country
Annick Wibben ๐„›
397 1 child demographic profile human
population group
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
398 1 World Health Organization specialized agency of the United Nations
open-access publisher
international organization
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
399 1 art academic major
essentially contested concept
art history
art practice
sociology of art
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
400 1 oxygen chemical element
group 16
oxidizing agent
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
401 1 linguistics academic discipline
academic major
social science
Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
402 1 dune aeolian landform
vรกtรฉ pรญsky
Carlos E. Kaufeldt ๐„›
403 1 digital economy economy Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
404 1 nervous system anatomical system type organ system neurobiology
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
405 1 mangrove biome
vegetation zone
biome Sunny Jardine ๐„›
406 1 Leuconostoc mesenteroides taxon Manford D. Morris ๐„›
407 1 Sequoioideae taxon Joseph J. Zucca ๐„›
408 1 ethics branch of philosophy
academic discipline
philosophy Richard D. Waters ๐„›
409 1 pet domesticated animal Cori Bussolari ๐„›
410 1 technology academic discipline applied science Liat Berdugo ๐„›
411 1 price of oil price Libo Xu ๐„›
412 1 general relativity scientific theory
physical law
G David Kerlick ๐„›
413 1 higher education educational stage tertiary education Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
414 1 change management type of management
management Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
415 1 stock market artificial entity
economic activity
capital market Libo Xu ๐„›
416 1 menarche biological process menstrual cycle phase
menstruation in humans
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
417 1 biofuel biocombustible
motor fuel
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
418 1 critical theory sociological theory
Marxist philosophy
Marxist sociology
Brandi Lawless ๐„›
419 1 physical fitness well-being
musculoskeletal physiological phenomena
exercise science Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
420 1 antibody family of protein complexes immunoglobulin Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
421 1 serology academic discipline
academic major
medical diagnosis
Gerald J. Crowley ๐„›
422 1 nurse practitioner profession Advanced practice nurse
Medical Professional
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
423 1 drainage basin concept geographic region watershed science Heather J. Hoag ๐„›
424 1 immunology medical specialty
branch of biology
academic discipline
biology Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
425 1 phenotype quality Eliza Congdon ๐„›
426 1 armadillo taxon Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
427 1 preprint software version type article
grey literature
academic edition
software version type
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
428 1 popular culture concept culture
Annick Wibben ๐„›
429 1 sustainable development change
Taryn Vian ๐„›
430 1 salt marsh marine habitats
tidal marsh salt marsh ecology Gary L. Stevens ๐„›
431 1 preterm birth disease
abnormally low value
obstetric labor complication
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
432 1 management system type of system system Taryn Vian ๐„›
433 1 teaching activity
academic discipline
information transfer
educational activity
Thomas A. Maier ๐„›
434 1 succession planning planning Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
435 1 macroeconomic model economic model Libo Xu ๐„›
436 1 serotonin chemical compound
tryptamine alkaloid
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
437 1 magma stone fluid
Kanani Lee ๐„›
438 1 information literacy academic discipline
library service
library science Brandi Lawless ๐„›
439 1 banking services financial service Libo Xu ๐„›
440 1 alkane structural class of chemical compounds
homologous series
aliphatic hydrocarbon
saturated compound
acyclic compound
Sunney Chan ๐„›
441 1 isoprene chemical compound
synthetic rubber
biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
442 1 inorganic compound structural class of chemical compounds chemical compound
inorganic substance
inorganic chemistry Deneb Karentz ๐„›
443 1 methane chemical compound
group 14 hydride
biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
combustible matter Sunney Chan ๐„›
444 1 leukemia disease (class) hematologic cancer
myeloproliferative disorders
disease (individual)
Sangman M Kim ๐„›
445 1 human resource management specialty
academic discipline
type of management
Functional management Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
446 1 gestational diabetes disease (class) diabetes
complication of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
diabetes mellitus and pregnancy
disease (individual)
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
447 1 medical cannabis drug approval cannabis
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
448 1 emotional labor work Brandi Lawless ๐„›
449 1 efficacy effectiveness Annette K. Regan ๐„›
450 1 cytomegaloviral disease disease Herpesviridae infectious disease Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
451 1 gestational age time interval Annette K. Regan ๐„›
452 1 Colias eurytheme taxon Sister Mary Baptista Dean ๐„›
453 1 Visual analytics Matthew Malensek ๐„›
454 1 governmental accounting accounting Diane Roberts ๐„›
455 1 ontology knowledge base
data model
data schema
ontology engineering Eliza Congdon ๐„›
456 1 bitcoin cryptocurrency
free software
communication protocol
payment system
reserve currency
legal tender Liat Berdugo ๐„›
457 1 ethyl tert-butyl ether chemical compound
male reproductive toxicant
developmental toxicant
biogenic acyclic ether
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
458 1 RSV Wikimedia disambiguation page Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
459 1 reform political concept process Taryn Vian ๐„›
460 1 case-control study observational study Annette K. Regan ๐„›
461 1 student occupation
group of humans
social group
learner Noah E. Borrero ๐„›
462 1 feature selection dimensionality reduction Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
463 1 Cockayne syndrome designated intractable/rare diseases
rare disease
disease (class)
autosomal recessive disease
eye degenerative disease
nervous system heredodegenerative disease
disease (individual)
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
464 1 biomedicine academic major
branch of biology
Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
465 1 functional magnetic resonance imaging functional neuroimaging
magnetic-resonance imaging
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
466 1 Coxsackievirus organisms known by a particular common name Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
467 1 effectiveness quality Annette K. Regan ๐„›
468 1 intergenerationality interpersonal relationship
family relations
Lisa S. Wagner ๐„›
469 1 bites and stings disease injury
animal attack
Jeffrey Paller ๐„›
470 1 trolling online misconduct
Brandi Lawless ๐„›
471 1 community ownership Taryn Vian ๐„›
472 1 2-ethylfuran chemical compound Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
473 1 stochastic block model generative model James D Wilson ๐„›
474 1 birth interval time interval family characteristics Annette K. Regan ๐„›
475 1 Influenza vaccines scholarly article Annette K. Regan ๐„›
476 1 Aged film Annette K. Regan ๐„›
477 1 rotamer stereoisomer molecular biology
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
478 1 unsupervised clustering process cluster analysis James D Wilson ๐„›
479 1 population-based cohort study cohort study Annette K. Regan ๐„›
480 1 play therapy psychotherapy Saralyn Ruff ๐„›
481 1 Project-based learning pedagogy study Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
482 1 cognition biological process mental process cognitive science Eliza Congdon ๐„›
483 1 choreography performing arts Liat Berdugo ๐„›
484 1 data information statistics
data science
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
485 1 digital transformation strategic management information technology
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
486 1 Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behavioral disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Eliza Congdon ๐„›
487 1 water pollution pollution environmental pollution Allison C. Luengen ๐„›
488 1 cyst disease lesion Albert D. Mahood ๐„›
489 1 miracidium developmental stage Deneb Karentz ๐„›
490 1 gene duplication mutation Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
491 1 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons structural class of chemical compounds polycyclic aromatic compound
aromatic hydrocarbon
non-methane volatile organic compound
William L Karney ๐„›
492 1 silicon carbide chemical compound
covalent network solid
Kanani Lee ๐„›
493 1 morbidity rate Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
494 1 nootropic ChEBI Ontology term chemical substance
central nervous system agent
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
495 1 phenome phenomics Eliza Congdon ๐„›
496 1 HCMV Wikimedia disambiguation page Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
497 1 infection physiological condition
adverse event
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
498 1 complications of pregnancy complication of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
499 1 manifestation artificial physical object Liat Berdugo ๐„›
500 1 thematic analysis qualitative research Brandi Lawless ๐„›
501 1 Clapper Rail taxon Joseph J. Zucca ๐„›
502 1 academic dishonesty cheating Richard D. Waters ๐„›
503 1 colon cancer colonic disease colonic neoplasm
colorectal cancer
colonic disease
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
504 1 maternal mortality ratio measurement
vital statistics
mortality rate Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
505 1 xeroderma pigmentosum group C xeroderma pigmentosum Deneb Karentz ๐„›
506 1 data set intellectual work
Matthew Malensek ๐„›
507 1 Samoan American ethnic group Pacific Islander Americans Noah E. Borrero ๐„›
508 1 cryptocurrency system digital currency
payment system
crypto asset
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
509 1 personalization humanโ€“computer interaction
Zifei Chen ๐„›
510 1 biomimetics biology
bionics Sunney Chan ๐„›
511 1 fake news industry misinformation
malicious falsehood
Zifei Chen ๐„›
512 1 Reovirus taxon Sangman M Kim ๐„›
513 1 experimental infection infection
A. Lavroushin ๐„›
514 1 Denmark state
colonial power
autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark
country bordering the Baltic Sea
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
515 1 molecular medicine academic discipline
academic major
medical specialty
medicine Annette K. Regan ๐„›
516 1 reactogenicity adverse drug reaction iatrogenesis Annette K. Regan ๐„›
517 1 Sustainable Development Goals plan
Taryn Vian ๐„›
518 1 racial equity social equity Uma Jayakumar ๐„›
519 1 National Inpatient Sample database Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
520 1 invasive species eradication species eradication invasion biology Sunny Jardine ๐„›
521 1 invasive species management environmental resource management invasion biology Sunny Jardine ๐„›
522 1 Internet IP network
computer network
telecommunications network
communication studies
media studies
interaction science
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
523 1 fish taxon
organisms known by a particular common name
food product
aquatic animal
marine life
ichthyology Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
524 1 sexual minority minority group Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
525 1 sexual orientation sexuality
personal data
Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
526 1 myocardial infarction cause of death
disease (class)
coronary artery disease
disease (individual)
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
527 1 nickel chemical element
flammable solid
occupational carcinogen
Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
528 1 war armed conflict
social issue
military history Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
529 1 drag queen occupation performance artist
Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
530 1 forest ecosystem
vegetation zone
forestry science Margaret Hansen ๐„›
531 1 cosmetic surgery aesthetic medicine
plastic surgery
Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
532 1 Latinx gender-neutral language
Hsiu-Lan Cheng ๐„›
533 1 chronic hepatitis C infectious disease hepatitis C Christopher Jai Balkissoon ๐„›
534 1 chronic hepatitis disease hepatitis Christopher Jai Balkissoon ๐„›
535 1 atopic dermatitis disease (class) dermatitis
allergic contact dermatitis
disease (individual)
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
536 1 nucleus accumbens brain region nucleus of brain Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
537 1 frontotemporal dementia rare disease
disease (class)
TDP-43 Proteinopathies
frontotemporal degeneration with dementia
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
brain diseases
disease (individual)
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
538 1 SB-334867 chemical compound Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
539 1 bilingualism multilingualism Jocelyn N Caballero ๐„›
540 1 orbitofrontal cortex cortex
brain region
gyrus Indre Viskontas ๐„›
541 1 International Space Station space laboratory Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
542 1 racism political ideology
social inequality
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
543 1 bismuth chemical element
post-transition metal Joseph Czekner ๐„›
544 1 health education education Margaret Hansen ๐„›
545 1 Hurricane Katrina category 5 hurricane Alison Cohen ๐„›
546 1 Acheta domestica taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
547 1 sensorineural hearing loss rare disease
disease (class)
inner ear disease
disease (individual)
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
548 1 capillary hemangioma capillary disease
skin hemangioma
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
549 1 tracheal stenosis tracheal anomaly
tracheal disease
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
550 1 biochemistry interdisciplinary science
branch of chemistry
branch of biology
academic discipline
organic chemistry
Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
551 1 tracheoesophageal fistula developmental defect during embryogenesis esophageal disease
tracheal disease
esophageal fistula
gastrointestinal system disease
respiratory tract fistula
non-syndromic respiratory or mediastinal malformation
non-syndromic esophageal malformation
rare genetic respiratory disease
respiratory system abnormality
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
552 1 ethnic diversity diversity Gerardo Marรญn ๐„›
553 1 butterfly organisms known by a particular common name Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
554 1 Wolbachia taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
555 1 cooperation activity
association interaction science Gerardo Marรญn ๐„›
556 1 bevacizumab medication
chemical compound
monoclonal antibody
essential medicine
female reproductive toxicant
developmental toxicant
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
557 1 actinomycosis infectious disease
disease (class)
commensal bacterial infectious disease
respiratory disease
bacterial infectious disease
skin and integumentary tissue symptom
disease (individual)
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
558 1 scientific literature literary genre specialized literature
scholarly literature
Jacob G Levernier ๐„›
559 1 condensed matter physics branch of physics physics
continuum physics
Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
560 1 dysphonia voice disorder Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
561 1 electrocardiography medical test type medical test
diagnostic test in cardiology
Richard Cheng ๐„›
562 1 adenosine triphosphate medication
purine ribonucleoside 5'-triphosphate
Richard Cheng ๐„›
563 1 algorithm procedure
Alark Joshi ๐„›
564 1 microbiology branch of biology
academic discipline
exact science
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
565 1 niobium chemical element transition metal
period 5
Milka Nikolic ๐„›
566 1 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behavioral disorder
disease (class)
specific developmental disorder
hyperkinetic disorder
disease (individual)
psychiatry Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
567 1 Dictyostelium discoideum taxon
model organism
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
568 1 neurosurgery medical specialty
academic discipline
surgery Alark Joshi ๐„›
569 1 Lycaeides melissa taxon
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
570 1 Sci-Hub scientific website
shadow library
Jacob G Levernier ๐„›
571 1 bicycle mode of transport
individual means of transport
sports equipment
single-track vehicle
human-powered vehicle
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
572 1 multiethnicity group characteristic Jovia L Nierenberg ๐„›
573 1 elevational gradient gradient geography Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
574 1 population structure structure Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
575 1 migratory species species Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
576 1 East Timor country
sovereign state
island nation
Stephen Zunes ๐„›
577 1 hepatitis A infectious disease
notifiable disease
disease (class)
viral infectious disease
viral hepatitis
Waterborne diseases
disease (individual)
Lisa Duncan ๐„›
578 1 breast cancer disease (class) thoracic cancer
breast disease
breast neoplasm
disease (individual)
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
579 1 asterisk glyph
Unicode character
George Dohrmann ๐„›
580 1 colorectal cancer disease (class) colorectal neoplasm
large intestine cancer
disease (individual)
Christian Dimaano ๐„›
581 1 bradycardia medical finding heart arrhythmia
finding of heart rate
Richard Cheng ๐„›
582 1 sarcoma disease (class) cell type cancer
disease (individual)
Sean Judge ๐„›
583 1 brain tumor disease central nervous system neoplasm
intracranial tumor
Sean Judge ๐„›
584 1 stereoselectivity Simon J Cooper ๐„›
585 1 neoplastic stem cells cell type stem cell Sean Judge ๐„›
586 1 antimalarial antiprotozoal Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
587 1 mutual aid interaction
organizational behavior
Daniela G Domรญnguez ๐„›
588 1 cardiac arrest thoracic disease
cause of death
disease (class)
congestive heart failure
disease (individual)
Richard Cheng ๐„›
589 1 complex analysis area of mathematics mathematical analysis Tristan Needham ๐„›
590 1 intravascular ultrasound medical ultrasonography Richard Cheng ๐„›
591 1 pseudotumor disease Sean Judge ๐„›
592 1 genotoxicity toxicity
Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
593 1 open-source software source-available software
freely redistributable software
Alark Joshi ๐„›
594 1 osteolysis bone resorption Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
595 1 confidentiality quality law
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
596 1 heat map statistical graphics
type of map
Alark Joshi ๐„›
597 1 bortezomib chemical compound
Sean Judge ๐„›
598 1 mnemonic technique stimulus Indre Viskontas ๐„›
599 1 corpus striatum brain region striatum of neuraxis
set of neuraxis structures
Ermanda Siregar ๐„›
600 1 nanowire nanostructure Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
601 1 assisted suicide manner of death
assisted dying
suicide Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
602 1 religiosity spirituality neurotheology
psychology of religion
Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
603 1 peritoneal mesothelioma occupational disease
peritoneal neoplasm
peritoneum cancer
squamous cell carcinoma
Sean Judge ๐„›
604 1 photoacoustic imaging medical imaging Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
605 1 literature search search Gregory A DeBourgh ๐„›
606 1 health indicator assessment method indicator Alison Cohen ๐„›
607 1 coronary angiography medical imaging
coronary catheterization
invasive examination
Richard Cheng ๐„›
608 1 health policy academic discipline
field of study
type of policy
public policy Alison Cohen ๐„›
609 1 cell biology branch of biology
academic discipline
biology Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
610 1 aorta artery
umbrella term
systemic arterial trunk
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
611 1 groundwater mineral resource land waters
raw water
Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
612 1 Marfan syndrome designated intractable/rare diseases
rare disease
disease (class)
connective tissue disease
eye disease
disease (individual)
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
613 1 consequences of the Black Death David Herlihy ๐„›
614 1 organ transplantation surgical procedure type transplantation transplantology Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
615 1 RNA analysis biochemistry method Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
616 1 Dyslipidemia scholarly article Ploypun Narindrarangkura ๐„›
617 1 colibactin chemical compound
Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
618 1 birth weight biomedical measurand type weight
human body weight
Alison Cohen ๐„›
619 1 medical imaging technique
academic discipline
biological imaging
medical test
medical diagnosis
Alark Joshi ๐„›
620 1 peripheral neuropathy disease (class) neurological disorder
disease (individual)
Ploypun Narindrarangkura ๐„›
621 1 data visualization academic discipline visualization Alark Joshi ๐„›
622 1 colorectal cancer screening cancer screening Christian Dimaano ๐„›
623 1 disability property disability studies Rafael D Romo ๐„›
624 1 viral nucleocapsid cellular component virion component Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
625 1 hydrology specialty
academic discipline
science Amalia Kokkinaki ๐„›
626 1 progressive supranuclear palsy designated intractable/rare diseases
rare disease
disease (class)
movement disorders
frontotemporal degeneration with dementia
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
eye degenerative disease
corticobasal degeneration
disease (individual)
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
627 1 neuroanatomy anatomy Indre Viskontas ๐„›
628 1 Meth mouth substance use disorder
dental disease
Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
629 1 Drosophila taxon
model organism
Carol J. Rosen Chihara ๐„›
630 1 aquifer water reservoir Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
631 1 endoscopy medical test type medical test
medical imaging
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
632 1 Philippines sovereign state
archipelagic state
Filipinology Michael A. Rice ๐„›
633 1 lung cancer rare disease
disease (class)
respiratory system cancer
lung disease
lung neoplasm
disease (individual)
pulmonology Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
634 1 retroperitoneal sarcoma disease retroperitoneal cancer Sean Judge ๐„›
635 1 Aldh gene Sean Judge ๐„›
636 1 Diverging Paths: Understanding Racial Differences in Civic Engagement Among White, African American, and Latina/o Adolescents Using Structural Equation Modeling. scholarly article Alison Cohen ๐„›
637 1 social demography academic discipline demography
Alison Cohen ๐„›
638 1 photoacoustics branch of science
branch of engineering
Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
639 1 macroinvertebrate Invertebrata Ryan Peek ๐„›
640 1 biomedical investigative technique biomedical analytical technique Alison Cohen ๐„›
641 1 women in science group of humans
female topic
women in STEM fields Aparna Venkatesan ๐„›
642 1 global warming atmospheric phenomenon
environmental issue
external risk
climate change
Jane Hirshfield ๐„›
643 1 education branch of science
academic discipline
Herbert Kohl ๐„›
644 1 Azerbaijan sovereign state Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
645 1 Kalman filter algorithm filter Amalia Kokkinaki ๐„›
646 1 graphene allotrope of carbon
single-layer materials
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
647 1 cartilage anatomical structure connective tissue Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
648 1 Indonesia sovereign state
archipelagic state
constitutional republic
island nation
presidential system
Indologie Bruce Wydick ๐„›
649 1 bronchoscopy medical test type endoscopy Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
650 1 community health service health service Alison Cohen ๐„›
651 1 flow cytometry analytical technique
cell sorting
separation process
Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
652 1 SATCON2 academic workshop Aparna Venkatesan ๐„›
653 1 HD1 galaxy L. Y. Aaron Yung ๐„›
654 1 volatile organic compound volatile compound
organic compound
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
655 1 cloud computing system resource
computing platform
Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
656 1 glioblastoma disease (class) astrocytoma
disease (individual)
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
657 1 wastewater water Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
658 1 stenosis disease obstruction Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
659 1 idiopathy disease Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
660 1 multiple drug resistance drug resistance Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
661 1 censorship media regulation
social issue
Patrick Califia ๐„›
662 1 El Salvador sovereign state
Bruce Wydick ๐„›
663 1 estrogen class of chemical compounds with similar applications or functions sex steroid
steroid hormone
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
664 1 Pakistan sovereign state
Sadia Saeed ๐„›
665 1 irradiation physical phenomenon
exposure to radiation
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
666 1 botulinum toxin type A medication
botulinum toxin group Rishi Gupta ๐„›
667 1 intensive care unit hospital department Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
668 1 BRCA1 Mutation gene variant
Loss Of Function Variant
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
669 1 photoactivation chemical reaction Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
670 1 cognitive dysfunction disease psychopathological symptom
cognitive distortion
cognitive disorder
Rafael D Romo ๐„›
671 1 anticoagulation biological pathway Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
672 1 stem cell self-renewal stem cell division Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
673 1 Switzerland sovereign state
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
674 1 history set research object
chain of events
study of history Kathryn L. Nasstrom ๐„›
675 1 spontaneous intracranial hypotension disease intracranial hypotension Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
676 1 cell fate commitment biological process cellular developmental process Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
677 1 stem cell differentiation biological process cell differentiation Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
678 1 intracranial hypotension abnormally low value brain diseases Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
679 1 workshop meeting Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
680 1 endothelium tissue type
medical term
simple squamous epithelium
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
681 1 radiocarbon dating radiometric dating radiometric dating Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
682 1 Rwanda republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
Bruce Wydick ๐„›
683 1 veteran military personnel
group of humans
Tana M Luger ๐„›
684 1 catheter ablation medical procedure type medical procedure Richard Cheng ๐„›
685 1 archaeological artifact cultural artifact
archaeological find
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
686 1 electricity physical phenomenon energy
energy source
electromagnetic interaction Thomas F. Cargill ๐„›
687 1 Children's Crusade religious war Thea Beckman ๐„›
688 1 Holothuroidea taxon Francis P. Filice ๐„›
689 1 hyperglycemia disease (class) glucose metabolism disease
disease (individual)
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
690 1 fungicide phytopharmaceuticals
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
691 1 archaeological science archaeological sub-discipline Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
692 1 atrial fibrillation rare disease
disease (class)
heart conduction disease
cardiac fibrillation
disease (individual)
Richard Cheng ๐„›
693 1 coronary artery bypass surgery surgical procedure vascular bypass
bypass surgery
Richard Cheng ๐„›
694 1 Huntington's disease designated intractable/rare diseases
rare disease
disease (class)
Huntington disease and related disorders
eye degenerative disease
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
trinucleotide repeat disorder
disease (individual)
Richard Cheng ๐„›
695 1 Western Hemisphere hemisphere of the Earth Michael A. Rice ๐„›
696 1 victimization social phenomenon victimology Joyce P Yang ๐„›
697 1 natural language processing artificial intelligence
computer science
computational linguistics
academic discipline
Noriko Nagata ๐„›
698 1 electroencephalography medical test type neuroimaging
medical test
William Bosl ๐„›
699 1 Image analysis analysis William Bosl ๐„›
700 1 Pin-tailed Whydah taxon Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
701 1 mammography medical test type roentgenology
medical imaging
breast imaging
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
702 1 San Pablo Bay bay Francis P. Filice ๐„›
703 1 insulin resistance diabetes
drug resistance
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
704 1 (2RS,3SR)-Epoxiconazole chemical compound
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
705 1 reactive oxygen species structural class of chemical compounds oxygen compound Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
706 1 impostor syndrome concept Sophie Jean Engle ๐„›
707 1 conflict resolution academic discipline communication
conflict management
Marcianna Nosek ๐„›
708 1 motivational interviewing directive counseling David A Martinez ๐„›
709 1 catheterization medical procedure Richard Cheng ๐„›
710 1 Kลฏlna Cave cave Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
711 1 metabolomics branch of science
academic discipline
computational biology
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
712 1 gynaecology medical specialty
academic discipline
health science Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
713 1 linear regression regression regression analysis Susan K Prion ๐„›
714 1 brachytherapy radiation therapy Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
715 1 climate crisis crisis Jane Hirshfield ๐„›
716 1 field experiment experiment Bruce Wydick ๐„›
717 1 cultural diversity diversity Dominique Broussard ๐„›
718 1 health literacy health education
information literacy
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
719 1 language model statistical model Jeremy Howard ๐„›
720 1 de-identification technical process Jeremy Howard ๐„›
721 1 Implementation Science scientific journal
academic journal
open-access journal
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
722 1 corporate social responsibility Business and human rights corporate liability
Social responsibility
Charles T. Moses ๐„›
723 1 decolonization process Quแปณnh N. Phแบกm ๐„›
724 1 identity quality
social science Vijaya Nagarajan ๐„›
725 1 superresolution technique
Digital imaging
Jeremy Howard ๐„›
726 1 social marketing marketing Sonja Martin Poole ๐„›
727 1 Black Lives Matter social movement Sonja Martin Poole ๐„›
728 1 Energy landscape mapping David Thomas Uminsky ๐„›
729 1 history and philosophy of science academic discipline
academic major
Kathryn L. Nasstrom ๐„›
730 1 false confession proposition Richard A. Leo ๐„›
731 1 Mycoplasma genitalium taxon
model organism
Marcianna Nosek ๐„›
732 1 child sponsorship human activity patronage Bruce Wydick ๐„›
733 1 preproinsulin protein precursor
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
734 1 mathematical model model
intellectual work
Jennifer Chubb ๐„›
735 1 mind-wandering mental process Davina Chan ๐„›
736 1 electronic health records medical software
personal health record
Patient administration system
medical record
William Bosl ๐„›
737 1 cancer research research Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
738 1 Social responsibility Business and human rights responsibility Charles T. Moses ๐„›
739 1 informatics academic discipline
academic major
William Bosl ๐„›
740 1 convolutional neural network feedforward neural network Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
741 1 fluid flow process motion fluid dynamics David Thomas Uminsky ๐„›
742 1 deep neural network artificial neural network Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
743 1 sleep disturbance general symptom
sleep disorder
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
744 1 consensual non-monogamy non-monogamy Dossie Easton ๐„›
745 1 1992 Landers earthquake earthquake William Bosl ๐„›
746 1 obstetrics medical specialty health science Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
747 1 Dominican Republic sovereign state
island nation
archipelagic state
Monisha Bajaj ๐„›
748 1 Eleanor Downey human James D. Phelan ๐„›
749 1 multiple hypothesis testing hypothesis testing Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
750 1 human rights convention
social movement
Sarah Burgess ๐„›
751 1 religion type of world view belief system
world view
religion or world view
religious studies
history of religions
philosophy of religion
J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
752 1 human migration migration
Monisha Bajaj ๐„›
753 1 open access notion
group action
social movement
access restriction
free to read Charlotte Roh ๐„›
754 1 Chinese Americans ethnic group Asian Americans
Chinese people
East Asian American
Genevieve Leung ๐„›
755 1 reading comprehension aptitude text comprehension Genevieve Leung ๐„›
756 1 forestry industry
academic discipline
agriculture and forestry
David Saah ๐„›
757 1 ethnic studies academic discipline
academic major
cultural studies Noah E. Borrero ๐„›
758 1 textbook literary genre tertiary source
learning material
educational book
instructional literature
David Donahue ๐„›
759 1 predation biological process involved in interspecies interaction between organisms
feeding behavior
Edward DeMartini ๐„›
760 1 remote sensing branch of science gathering of information David Saah ๐„›
761 1 human papillomavirus infection infection
infectious disease
disease (class)
Papillomavirus infections
disease (individual)
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
762 1 adaptive radiation biological process Edward DeMartini ๐„›
763 1 fuzzy logic many-valued logic mathematical logic Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
764 1 Caribbean geographic region
Caribbean studies Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
765 1 internet of things concept interaction science
computer science
Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
766 1 ecosystem services yield
David Saah ๐„›
767 1 Embiotocidae taxon Edward DeMartini ๐„›
768 1 satellite imagery photography genre
engineering process
David Saah ๐„›
769 1 Dascyllus trimaculatus taxon Edward DeMartini ๐„›
770 1 art gallery exhibition arts venue John Zarobell ๐„›
771 1 cyber-physical system cyber-entispheral system
Interspheral System
Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
772 1 comparative genomics branch of science genomics Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
773 1 Earth observation gathering of information David Saah ๐„›
774 1 nicotine pair of enantiomers pyrrolidine
chemical compound
nicotine-like alkaloid
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
775 1 service learning educational technology
community service
David Donahue ๐„›
776 1 sensor grid Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
777 1 particle swarm optimization optimization Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
778 1 accounting studies academic discipline David Saah ๐„›
779 1 pandemic epidemic
systemic risk
external risk
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
780 1 undernutrition marasmus
Jesse Anttila-Hughes ๐„›
781 1 frog organisms known by a particular common name Amphibia J. H. Perryman ๐„›
782 1 carbon dioxide emissions emissions
greenhouse gas emission
David Saah ๐„›
783 1 statistics academic discipline
academic major
formal science
James D Wilson ๐„›
784 1 transcriptomics branch of biology genetics
computational biology
RNA analysis
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
785 1 miscarriage disease pregnancy with abortive outcome
reproductive system symptom
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
786 1 host microbial interaction microbiological phenomena
host-pathogen interaction
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
787 1 vaccine acceptance vaccination attitude Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
788 1 aerospace engineering branch of engineering
academic discipline
engineering Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
789 1 Sweden sovereign state
country bordering the Baltic Sea
Scandinavian studies Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
790 1 sea level rise increase Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
791 1 mixed race people race
ethnic group
human Saera Khan ๐„›
792 1 intrauterine growth restriction disease
medical finding
failure to thrive Annette K. Regan ๐„›
793 1 phantom limb perceptual disorders
Nicolas Mills ๐„›
794 1 City College of San Francisco community college
public educational institution of the United States
Desiree Zerquera ๐„›
795 1 Theloderma asperum taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
796 1 fear of crime specific phobia Saera Khan ๐„›
797 1 Lattice Boltzmann methods computational approach William Bosl ๐„›
798 1 derailment disease thought disorder Saera Khan ๐„›
799 1 pertussis vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
bacterial vaccine Annette K. Regan ๐„›
800 1 consulting communication
economic activity
Desiree Zerquera ๐„›
801 1 ecology academic discipline
branch of biology
branch of geography
biology climate change ecology Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
802 1 Alzheimer's disease rare disease
disease (class)
aging-associated diseases
disease (individual)
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
803 1 poisoning cause of death major trauma
environmental exposure
chemically induced disorder
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
804 1 Populus trichocarpa taxon
model organism
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
805 1 Ascomycota taxon Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
806 1 hydrography academic discipline
academic major
Albert D. Mahood ๐„›
807 1 sickle-cell disease rare disease
disease (class)
autosomal recessive disease
congenital hemolytic anemia
blood protein disease
disease (individual)
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
808 1 cesarean section medical procedure parturition
surgical operation
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
809 1 Dorothea Lange human Jasmin Darznik ๐„›
810 1 trans fat structural class of chemical compounds unsaturated fat Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
811 1 open science social movement science
open knowledge
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
812 1 eating disorder disease (class) specific developmental disorder
nutrition disorder
disease (individual)
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
813 1 hysterectomy medical specialty
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
814 1 pyridoxine chemical compound
essential medicine
vitamin B6
pyridine alkaloids
structural analog Arthur Furst ๐„›
815 1 bacterial vaginosis infectious disease
disease (class)
bacterial infectious disease
disease (individual)
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
816 1 canopy vegetation layer plant community Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
817 1 pneumococcal vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
streptococcal vaccines Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
818 1 amphetamine-related disorders substance abuse
stimulant use disorder
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
819 1 Gallinas Creek natural watercourse Albert D. Mahood ๐„›
820 1 R package software category software package Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
821 1 clinical indication indication Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
822 1 poetry literary style
literary form
narrative form
literary work Dean Rader ๐„›
823 1 marine biology branch of biology
academic discipline
academic major
field of study
aquatic biology
Francis P. Filice ๐„›
824 1 molecular biology branch of biology biology Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
825 1 lake still waters
overground still body of fresh water
body of water
surface water body
Limnology Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
826 1 bacteriophage virus Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
827 1 Adenoviridae taxon Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
828 1 absenteeism human behavior Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
829 1 electroporation electrochemical technique
cytological procedure
molecular biology technique
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
830 1 Salmonella enterica taxon Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
831 1 land cover Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
832 1 metabarcoding Sequence analysis (nucleic acid)
DNA barcoding
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
833 1 sewage wastewater Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
834 1 Bertamyia taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
835 1 disinfection sterilization
aseptic technique
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
836 1 Platypezininae taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
837 1 biotechnology interdisciplinary science
applied science
academic discipline
type of technology
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
838 1 Mallard taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
839 1 Web 2.0 trend Margaret Hansen ๐„›
840 1 immigration human migration Bill Ong Hing ๐„›
841 1 bail deterrence Lara Bazelon ๐„›
842 1 ovarian cancer disease (class) female reproductive organ cancer
ovarian neoplasm
ovarian disease
endocrine gland cancer
rare genetic endocrine disease
inherited gynecological tumor
disease (individual)
Clara Feider ๐„›
843 1 lymph node anatomical structure class type organ component
lymphoid organ
Clara Feider ๐„›
844 1 endometriosis disease (class) female reproductive system disease
endometrial disease
disease (individual)
Clara Feider ๐„›
845 1 mindfulness technique Margaret Hansen ๐„›
846 1 terpenoid structural class of chemical compounds isoprenoid
organooxygen compound
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
847 1 teamwork collaboration interaction science Susan K Prion ๐„›
848 1 electrospray ionization ionization technique Clara Feider ๐„›
849 1 reproducibility criterion Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
850 1 scoping review literature review
scholarly article
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
851 1 psychological stress negative emotion
mental state
risk factor
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
852 1 Zea mays taxon
model organism
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
853 1 anthropocene epoch
environmental science
Marjolein Oele ๐„›
854 1 shrub plant life-form phanerophyte
woody plant
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
855 1 nanoparticle nanomaterial
Ioannina Castano ๐„›
856 1 inflammation disease
clinical sign
general symptom
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
857 1 Danio rerio taxon
model organism
Tatjana Piotrowski ๐„›
858 1 distributed computing computing
parallel computing
Diane Myung-Kyung Woodbridge ๐„›
859 1 activated carbon excipient
essential medicine
material Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
860 1 ecophysiology academic discipline
branch of biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
861 1 shell ammunition Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
862 1 environmental chemistry branch of chemistry chemistry Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
863 1 Orexin chemical compound Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
864 1 ฮฒ-lactulose medication
chemical compound
essential medicine
Brad Macy ๐„›
865 1 Sorghum halepense taxon Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
866 1 family therapy academic major
academic discipline
psychotherapy Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
867 1 regenerative medicine medical specialty
academic discipline
biomedicine Tatjana Piotrowski ๐„›
868 1 ecohydrology academic discipline ecology
Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
869 1 Ebola virus taxon Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
870 1 acute myocardial infarction myocardial infarction
acute coronary syndrome
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
871 1 Fibroblast growth factor 3 protein Tatjana Piotrowski ๐„›
872 1 Accelerometer-determined moderate intensity lifestyle activity and cardiometabolic health. scholarly article Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
873 1 telomere length biological sequence Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
874 1 mental health services health service Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
875 1 SARS-CoV-2 group or class of strains
Coronavirus Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
876 1 biomass mass
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
877 1 activated charcoal medication
essential medicine
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
878 1 covalent organic framework solid state of matter Ioannina Castano ๐„›
879 1 Manure management environmental protection Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
880 1 Superbacteria bacteria Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
881 1 invasive grass invasive species
invasion biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
882 1 magnetic-resonance imaging medical test medical imaging
non-invasive imaging
Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
883 1 cyberbullying online misconduct
Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
884 1 social cohesion group dynamics
social psychology
Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
885 1 image registration image processing Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
886 1 transport intentional human activity
material flow
transport sciences Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
887 1 harm reduction strategy prevention Christofer Rodriguez ๐„›
888 1 opioid overdose cause of death rare intoxication
drug overdose
Christofer Rodriguez ๐„›
889 1 collective efficacy Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
890 1 Hepatitis C virus (HCV) scholarly article
Christofer Rodriguez ๐„›
891 1 pesticide exposure toxin exposure Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
892 1 FLASH radiotherapy radiation therapy Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
893 1 computed tomography medical test type medical imaging
Daniel O'Connor ๐„›

∑ 893 items. |sparql=PREFIX target: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?item #?sl (COUNT(DISTINCT ?work) AS ?count) (SAMPLE(?a) AS ?author)

     ENCODE_FOR_URI(REPLACE(STR(?item), ".*Q", "Q")), " ๐„›]") AS ?publist)


 { ?a ?property target:. }
   ?a ?property2 _:b9.
   _:b9 wdt:P361 target: .
 ?work wdt:P50 ?a ; wdt:P921 ?item .
  1. ?item wikibase:sitelinks ?sl.
 ?item rdfs:label ?item_label.
 FILTER((LANG(?item_label)) = "en")

} GROUP BY ?item #?sl ?count ?author ?publist ORDER BY DESC(?count) #DESC(?sl) LIMIT 3000 |section= |columns= number:#, ?count:Work count, ?item:Topic, P31:Type of topic, P279:Superclass of topic, P2579, ?author:Sample affiliated person having published on the topic, ?publist:List of recent publications on the topic with affiliated co-authors |thumb=64 |min_section=1 |wdedit = yes |summary=itemnumber }}

# Work count Topic Type of topic Superclass of topic studied by Sample affiliated person having published on the topic List of recent publications on the topic with affiliated co-authors
1 46 Diptera taxon dipterology Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
2 44 teenager demographic profile human
population group
adolescent medicine Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
3 27 prevention of HIV/AIDS preventive medicine
prevention of sexually transmitted diseases Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
4 24 homelessness houselessness
social issue
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
5 22 HIV organisms known by a particular common name Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
6 22 mental health health psychology
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
7 21 phylogenetics branch of science systematics Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
8 21 Vibrio fischeri taxon Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
9 21 COVID-19 emerging communicable disease
atypical pneumonia
disease (class)
atypical pneumonia
coronavirus disease
viral pneumonia
disease (individual)
Janet Goodall ๐„›
10 20 South Africa sovereign state
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
11 20 Euprymna scolopes taxon Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
12 20 hospitalization medical procedure
inpatient care
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
13 18 sexually transmitted infection Transmission (medicine) infectious disease Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
14 18 medical ethics bioethics
philosophy of medicine
research ethics
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
15 17 sex worker occupation service industry worker Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
16 16 Kenya sovereign state
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
17 16 influenza vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
viral vaccines Annette K. Regan ๐„›
18 15 California U.S. state Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
19 14 pregnant person state woman
transgender male
non-binary person
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
20 13 human pregnancy physiological condition pregnancy Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
21 12 vocal folds larynx
subdivision of larynx
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
22 12 HIV/AIDS endemic disease
disease (class)
human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease
acquired immunodeficiency
sexually transmitted infection
disease (individual)
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
23 12 condom contraceptive male contraceptive Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
24 12 Australia Commonwealth realm
dominion of the British Empire
sovereign state
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
25 11 urbanization trend Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
26 11 public health academic discipline health science health economics Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
27 11 HIV transmission pathogen transmission Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
28 11 research ethics scientific ethics Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
29 11 Cambodia sovereign state
constitutional monarchy
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
30 10 community health academic discipline health care Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
31 10 United States of America sovereign state
constitutional republic
democratic republic
federal republic
American studies Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
32 10 nurse education medical education
educational institution
Lillian Bargagliotti ๐„›
33 10 biogeography branch of geography
academic major
branch of biology
physical geography
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
34 10 sexual transmission pathogen transmission Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
35 10 obesity health risk
disease (class)
disease (individual)
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
36 9 climate change academic discipline meteorological phenomenon climatology
climate change ecology
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
37 9 machine learning academic discipline computer science
artificial intelligence
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
38 9 type 2 diabetes disease (class) diabetes
disease (individual)
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
39 9 Cytomegalovirus taxon neurotropic virus Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
40 8 maternal health health Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
41 8 child health concept academic discipline
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
42 8 men who have sex with men group of humans man Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
43 8 m-health e-health Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
44 8 queer reappropriation
umbrella term
sexuality studies David Donahue ๐„›
45 8 There There literary work Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
46 7 People's Republic of China sovereign state
socialist state
secular state
constitutional republic
people's republic
dictatorship of the proletariat
state with limited recognition
communist state
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
47 7 anti-retroviral agent antiviral agent Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
48 7 urban studies academic discipline geography Billy Riggs ๐„›
49 7 decision making mental process
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
50 7 social media economic activity
virtual place
media studies
interaction science
digital media
media sociology
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
51 7 metabolic syndrome syndrome
disease mongering
rare disease
disease (class)
abdominal obesity-metabolic syndrome
disease (individual)
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
52 7 grassland biome geographic region
vegetation zone
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
53 6 Lepidoptera taxon lepidopterology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
54 6 Hymenoptera taxon hymenopterology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
55 6 alcohol consumption drinking
ethanol exposure
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
56 6 San Francisco consolidated city-county
city of the United States
sanctuary city
big city
charter city
Billy Riggs ๐„›
57 6 substance P tachykinins
protein fragment
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
58 6 randomized controlled trial randomized experiment
clinical trial
controlled trial
study type
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
59 6 species nova Latin phrase species Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
60 6 patient state sick person
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
61 6 bioethics academic discipline
field of work
ethics Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
62 6 xeroderma pigmentosum designated intractable/rare diseases
rare disease
disease (class)
autosomal recessive disease
autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia due to a DNA repair defect
disease (individual)
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
63 6 systematic review use literature review
scholarly article
review article
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
64 6 Ghana sovereign state
Jeffrey Paller ๐„›
65 6 chlorpyrifos chemical compound
flammable solid
developmental toxicant
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
66 6 biomarker indicator
chemical compound
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
67 6 modeling and simulation academic discipline use Susan K Prion ๐„›
68 6 immigrant migrant Joyce P Yang ๐„›
69 6 feces biogenic substance type portion of solid body substance
Coprologie Sangman M Kim ๐„›
70 5 Thailand constitutional monarchy
sovereign state
Thai studies Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
71 5 invasive species species invasion biology
invasion ecology
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
72 5 herbivory feeding behavior ecology
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
73 5 behavioral intervention treatment Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
74 5 quality of life quality Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
75 5 diagnosis document
problem solving
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
76 5 Vietnam sovereign state
communist state
Vietnamese studies Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
77 5 stereotype cognitive bias Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
78 5 postmortem documentation process Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
79 5 health disparity Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
80 5 dementia disease (class) cognitive disorder
organic brain syndrome
clinical sign
disease (individual)
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
81 5 stillbirth cause of death
health problem
pregnancy with abortive outcome
reproductive system symptom
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
82 5 deep learning machine learning method Jeremy Howard ๐„›
83 5 insecticide phytopharmaceuticals
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
84 5 governance authority
academic discipline
management cybernetics Gregory A DeBourgh ๐„›
85 5 organophosphate structural class of chemical compounds organophosphorus ester
phosphate ester
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
86 5 collaboration activity Susan K Prion ๐„›
87 5 interleukins group or class of proteins cytokine Kayleen Gimlin ๐„›
88 5 Tanzania republic
sovereign state
Heather J. Hoag ๐„›
89 5 accelerometer measuring instrument Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
90 5 storytelling oral media
Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
91 5 digital storytelling storytelling Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
92 5 attention mental process
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
93 5 water quality quality Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
94 5 psychiatric nursing field of work nursing
health professional
Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
95 5 environmental DNA DNA Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
96 5 biostratigraphy branch of science stratigraphy
Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
97 4 insect taxon
common name
Arthropoda entomology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
98 4 speciation evolutionary process Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
99 4 Uganda sovereign state
landlocked country
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
100 4 suicide manner of death killing Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
101 4 high school educational stage secondary school Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
102 4 lipopolysaccharide structural class of chemical compounds liposaccharide
polysaccharide derivative
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
103 4 phytochemistry branch of chemistry organic chemistry Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
104 4 genetic diversity diversity population genetics Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
105 4 substance abuse human activity
disease (class)
social issue
drug use
disease (individual)
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
106 4 social network social structure
group of humans
social network analysis Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
107 4 Squamata taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
108 4 social norm rule
Billy Riggs ๐„›
109 4 big data buzzword
programming paradigm
index term
data distributed computing Billy Riggs ๐„›
110 4 fatty acid structural class of chemical compounds monocarboxylic acid
aliphatic compound
fatty acyl
Arthur Furst ๐„›
111 4 Belize sovereign state Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
112 4 chemotherapy treatment of cancer
Arthur Furst ๐„›
113 4 estuary FFH-Habitat marine ecosystem
river ecosystem
body of water
river mouth
natural watercourse
Francis P. Filice ๐„›
114 4 socioeconomics academic discipline Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
115 4 Myanmar sovereign state
Burma studies Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
116 4 global health health Taryn Vian ๐„›
117 4 microgravity environment
altered gravity
Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
118 4 COVID-19 pandemic pandemic
public health emergency of international concern
disease outbreak
Wikibase reason for deprecated rank
Cori Bussolari ๐„›
119 4 San Francisco Bay Area metropolitan area Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
120 4 general psychology branch of psychology psychology Linda S Henderson ๐„›
121 4 phytoplankton organisms known by a particular common name plankton Allison C. Luengen ๐„›
122 4 manure fertilizer
organic matter
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
123 4 autism disability
pervasive developmental disorder
disease (class)
autism spectrum disorder
disease (individual)
William Bosl ๐„›
124 4 DNA damage cell damage
genetic phenomena
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
125 4 Conodonta fossil taxon Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
126 4 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation extracorporeal Richard Cheng ๐„›
127 4 cardiogenic shock disease shock Richard Cheng ๐„›
128 3 larynx anatomical structure heterogeneous anatomical cluster Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
129 3 India country
sovereign state
constitutional republic
democratic republic
federal republic
Indology Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
130 3 mutualism biological process involved in interspecies interaction between organisms Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
131 3 intimate partner violence violence
domestic violence
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
132 3 Cape Town port settlement
statistical territorial entity
big city
administrative territory in South Africa
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
133 3 Neotropical realm biogeographic realm
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
134 3 suicide risk health risk Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
135 3 species richness Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
136 3 postpartum period Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
137 3 housing social issue
economic concept
supply Billy Riggs ๐„›
138 3 questionnaire document
data collection
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
139 3 study protocol protocol Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
140 3 meta-analysis statistical analysis
systematic review
Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
141 3 Gekkonidae taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
142 3 ecosystem biome
type of system
biological system
ecological unit
ecology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
143 3 fresh water liquid
raw water
drinking water
aquatic science Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
144 3 automotive engineering academic discipline
branch of engineering
mechanical engineering
electrical engineering
Billy Riggs ๐„›
145 3 prioritization activity
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
146 3 Zimbabwe republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
147 3 aquatic science academic discipline science Billy Riggs ๐„›
148 3 neuroethics ethics
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
149 3 genome-wide association study genetic technique Eliza Congdon ๐„›
150 3 lidar optical instrument Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
151 3 law academic discipline
rule jurisprudence
legal science
law student
Sonja Martin Poole ๐„›
152 3 immunotherapy treatment Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
153 3 Zambia sovereign state
landlocked country
Taryn Vian ๐„›
154 3 health professional profession
occupation group according to ISCO
intellectual and scientific professionals
health care provider
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
155 3 Lesotho sovereign state
landlocked country
Taryn Vian ๐„›
156 3 environment environment Margaret Hansen ๐„›
157 3 sarin chemical compound
organophosphorus ester
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
158 3 sibling kinship first-degree relative Annette K. Regan ๐„›
159 3 Crocodylus taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
160 3 Morelet's crocodile taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
161 3 crocodile taxon wild animal Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
162 3 thin film physical object Elizabeth A. Cochran ๐„›
163 3 economics academic discipline
academic major
field of study
social science Libo Xu ๐„›
164 3 Burkina Faso sovereign state
landlocked country
Brian Dowd-Uribe ๐„›
165 3 visualization depiction
human-readable medium
creative work
Alark Joshi ๐„›
166 3 prisoner occupation
person linked to the law
legal status
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
167 3 episodic memory memory type memory
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
168 3 seawater solution saline water aquatic science Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
169 3 radiation therapy medical specialty treatment
treatment of cancer
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
170 3 asthma disease (class) bronchospasm
disease (individual)
Leyla Pรฉrez-Gualdrรณn ๐„›
171 3 autism spectrum disorder neurodevelopmental disorder
disease (class)
pervasive developmental disorder
disease (individual)
psychiatry William Bosl ๐„›
172 3 myocarditis disease (class) extrinsic cardiomyopathy
myocardial disorder
cardiovascular system symptom
disease (individual)
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
173 3 angiography roentgenology
medical imaging
Robert J. Morelli ๐„›
174 3 social movement type of world view group action
group of humans
world view
Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
175 3 birth control family planning Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
176 3 family planning medical specialty planning Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
177 3 weight gain increase
clinical sign
clinical sign
body weight change
nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom
Alison Cohen ๐„›
178 2 Canada sovereign state
Canadian studies Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
179 2 habitat territory Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
180 2 population genetics academic discipline
academic major
genetics Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
181 2 chitin polymer
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
182 2 population dynamics life sciences Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
183 2 cardiac surgery medical specialty
academic discipline
thoracic surgery Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
184 2 microbiome biome Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
185 2 general chemistry branch of chemistry Jovia L Nierenberg ๐„›
186 2 bioluminescence biological process
color in nature
cell metabolism
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
187 2 demographics statistics demography Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
188 2 nature conservation academic discipline
branch of biology
conservation Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
189 2 molecular phylogenetics academic discipline
academic major
phylogenetics Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
190 2 laryngoscopy medical device type endoscopy Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
191 2 morphogenesis biological process Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
192 2 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma head and neck disease
rare disease
squamous cell carcinoma
head and neck cancer
head and neck carcinoma
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
193 2 hearing loss health problem hearing disorder
sensory loss
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
194 2 mitochondrion cellular component
intracellular membrane-bounded organelle
semiautonomous organelle
membranous cytoplasmic organelle
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
195 2 Iceland island nation
sovereign state
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
196 2 pharmacy interdisciplinary science
academic major
branch of science
Online medicine
organic chemistry
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
197 2 street child child
the poor
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
198 2 sexual identity identity
sexual orientation
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
199 2 peer support Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
200 2 suicide prevention preventive medicine prevention Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
201 2 alcohol abuse substance abuse
alcohol consumption
alcohol-related disorders
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
202 2 Indigenous species species invasion biology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
203 2 Trachemys scripta elegans taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
204 2 microsatellite repetitive DNA variable number tandem repeat Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
205 2 Sauria taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
206 2 gamification design
applied game
Billy Riggs ๐„›
207 2 phylogenomics phylogenetics Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
208 2 cryptic species complex species
species group
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
209 2 agriculture economic sector primary sector of the economy
agriculture and forestry
agronomy Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
210 2 vaccine remedy biopharmaceutical
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
211 2 urinary incontinence disease impairment of continence
urination disorder
urological symptom
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
212 2 Albania sovereign state
albanology Taryn Vian ๐„›
213 2 Invertebrata grade animal invertebrate zoology Francis P. Filice ๐„›
214 2 peer review activity Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
215 2 disease prevention prevention Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
216 2 reproductive age developmental stage Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
217 2 food desert territory Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
218 2 Biomphalaria glabrata taxon Deneb Karentz ๐„›
219 2 Schistosoma mansoni taxon Deneb Karentz ๐„›
220 2 proteolysis biological process protein metabolic process Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
221 2 Drosophila melanogaster taxon
model organism
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
222 2 San Francisco Bay bay Francis P. Filice ๐„›
223 2 maternal death cause of death death Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
224 2 pedagogy branch of science
academic major
academic discipline
educommunication Brandi Lawless ๐„›
225 2 poverty state
social issue
sociology of poverty Brandi Lawless ๐„›
226 2 Periplaneta americana taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
227 2 hygiene academic discipline
academic degree
health care
preventive medicine
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
228 2 thyroid cancer disease (class) endocrine gland cancer
thyroid neoplasm
thyroid gland disease
disease (individual)
Clara Feider ๐„›
229 2 DNA methylation biological process DNA methylation or demethylation
macromolecule methylation
DNA alkylation
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
230 2 human erythrocyte human cell type red blood cell Paul Chien ๐„›
231 2 strategic management type of management management
academic discipline
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
232 2 preventive health services health care Margaret Hansen ๐„›
233 2 brain organ type animal organ
neuroscience Kayleen Gimlin ๐„›
234 2 antibiotic resistance antimicrobial resistance
bacterial drug resistance
response to antibiotic
James D Wilson ๐„›
235 2 pesticide mode of toxic action
Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
236 2 ecotoxicology branch of science environmental toxicology
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
237 2 decision support system artificial intelligence
business software
information system
Taryn Vian ๐„›
238 2 health equity social justice Joyce P Yang ๐„›
239 2 intercultural communication academic discipline Brandi Lawless ๐„›
240 2 traumatic brain injury brain injury
central nervous system trauma
Kayleen Gimlin ๐„›
241 2 Haiti sovereign state
island nation
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
242 2 coral reef reef
coral reef ecology
coral reef biology
Edward DeMartini ๐„›
243 2 forest bathing human activity Nature therapy Margaret Hansen ๐„›
244 2 seizure disease convulsion
Kayleen Gimlin ๐„›
245 2 computational mathematics area of mathematics computational science
James D Wilson ๐„›
246 2 Twitter social networking service
mobile app
Richard D. Waters ๐„›
247 2 dyslipidemias lipid metabolism disorder Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
248 2 vaccine engineering bioengineering Annette K. Regan ๐„›
249 2 tretinoin chemical compound
carboxylic acid
essential medicine
developmental toxicant
retinoic acid
retinoid Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
250 2 LGBT community
group of humans
sexual diversity
sexual minority
gender minority
transgender studies
sexuality studies
Daniela G Domรญnguez ๐„›
251 2 Sub-Saharan Africa geographic region Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
252 2 Silicon Valley technopole
June Y. Lee ๐„›
253 2 heteroscedasticity property Libo Xu ๐„›
254 2 circulatory system (human body) anatomical system type organ system Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
255 2 predictive analytics statistical analysis Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
256 2 bias type of error cognitive perspective
human error
Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
257 2 motor skill skill
psychomotor performance
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
258 2 oil market economic concept Libo Xu ๐„›
259 2 entrepreneurship economic activity
academic discipline
academic major
Liang Wang ๐„›
260 2 neurochemistry branch of chemistry organic chemistry Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
261 2 best practice method
Richard D. Waters ๐„›
262 2 risk factor environmental factor
epidemiologic factor
contributing factor
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
263 2 Google business
technology company
public company
David Saah ๐„›
264 2 genomics branch of biology
academic discipline
computational biology
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
265 2 screen time time Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
266 2 incarceration disease Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
267 2 hurricane North Atlantic tropical cyclone
Northeast Pacific tropical cyclone
meteorological disaster
Alark Joshi ๐„›
268 2 educational technology education industry technology Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
269 2 data mining computer science
text and data mining
Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
270 2 end-of-life care medical procedure type palliative care
medical procedure
Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
271 2 theoretical computer science computer science
fundamental science
Steven Alter ๐„›
272 2 ultraviolet radiation electromagnetic radiation Deneb Karentz ๐„›
273 2 Semantic dementia behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia
progressive nonfluent aphasia
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
274 2 frontotemporal lobar degeneration designated intractable/rare diseases
rare disease
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
275 2 invasion biology branch of biology
academic discipline
biology Sunny Jardine ๐„›
276 2 mental health during the 2019โ€“20 coronavirus pandemic mental health Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
277 2 geophysics branch of science
academic discipline
academic major
physics Kanani Lee ๐„›
278 2 neuroimaging roentgenology
medical imaging
Alark Joshi ๐„›
279 2 wildfire conflagration David Saah ๐„›
280 2 scholarly communication communication Charlotte Roh ๐„›
281 2 blockchain concept distributed ledger
distributed data store
Alark Joshi ๐„›
282 2 inner city neighborhood Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
283 2 temporal lobe epilepsy rare disease focal epilepsy Indre Viskontas ๐„›
284 2 sociology academic discipline
academic major
social science history of sociology
sociology of scientific knowledge
Charles A. Reich ๐„›
285 2 carcinogenesis health risk
biological process
disease of cellular proliferation Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
286 2 stable isotope isotope
primordial nuclide
Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
287 2 groundwater recharge hydrology Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
288 2 transfer learning paradigm machine learning Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
289 2 microbial ecology branch of ecology microbiology Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
290 2 social determinants of health determinants of health
sociological factors
Carolina-Nicole Herrera ๐„›
291 2 mental health care health care Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
292 2 venous thromboembolism disease thromboembolism
vein disorder
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
293 2 extrasolar planet astronomical object type planet
extrasolar object
exoplanetology N. Jeremy Kasdin ๐„›
294 2 Devonian geological period
Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
295 2 paleontology academic discipline field research Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
296 2 Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope space observatory
infrared telescope
N. Jeremy Kasdin ๐„›
297 2 Nigeria sovereign state
federal republic
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
298 2 globalisation social theory interaction globalization studies Caroline Linse ๐„›
299 2 civic engagement participation Alison Cohen ๐„›
300 2 ethics policy policy Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
301 2 earthquake natural disaster
geologic activity
William Bosl ๐„›
302 1 bacteria taxon microorganism Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
303 1 entomology branch of zoology arthropodology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
304 1 Southern Africa geographic region
cultural region
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
305 1 aorta artery
umbrella term
systemic arterial trunk
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
306 1 endoscopy medical test type medical test
medical imaging
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
307 1 condensed matter physics branch of physics physics
continuum physics
Pradip Swarnakar ๐„›
308 1 fetal alcohol spectrum disorders disease (class) specific developmental disorder
congenital disorder
alcohol and health
disease (individual)
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
309 1 Eschscholzia californica taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
310 1 life sciences branch of science
academic discipline
natural science Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
311 1 bronchoscopy medical test type endoscopy Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
312 1 heterogeneity difference
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
313 1 iridescence optical phenomenon
optical property
color in nature
structural coloration biology of colour Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
314 1 pleiotropy Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
315 1 Astragalus lentiginosus taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
316 1 Reflectin protein family intrinsically unstructured proteins Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
317 1 Lycaeides melissa taxon
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
318 1 sensorineural hearing loss rare disease
disease (class)
inner ear disease
disease (individual)
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
319 1 cartilage anatomical structure connective tissue Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
320 1 idiopathy disease Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
321 1 Wolbachia taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
322 1 cooperation activity
association interaction science Gerardo Marรญn ๐„›
323 1 NF-ฮบB family of protein complexes transcription factor Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
324 1 multiple drug resistance drug resistance Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
325 1 parking driving Billy Riggs ๐„›
326 1 bevacizumab medication
chemical compound
monoclonal antibody
essential medicine
female reproductive toxicant
developmental toxicant
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
327 1 actinomycosis infectious disease
disease (class)
commensal bacterial infectious disease
respiratory disease
bacterial infectious disease
skin and integumentary tissue symptom
disease (individual)
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
328 1 tracheal stenosis tracheal anomaly
tracheal disease
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
329 1 intensive care unit hospital department Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
330 1 prevention of sexually transmitted diseases preventive medicine Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
331 1 capillary hemangioma capillary disease
skin hemangioma
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
332 1 stenosis disease obstruction Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
333 1 malnutrition academic discipline nutrition disorder
clinical sign
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
334 1 Structural color in nature color in nature
optical phenomenon
biological phenomenon
structural coloration optics
organic chemistry
biology of colour
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
335 1 range expansion increase ecology
restoration ecology
Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
336 1 elevational gradient gradient geography Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
337 1 ecological resource availability availability ecology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
338 1 latitudinal gradient gradient Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
339 1 Aculeata taxon Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
340 1 tracheoesophageal fistula developmental defect during embryogenesis esophageal disease
tracheal disease
esophageal fistula
gastrointestinal system disease
respiratory tract fistula
non-syndromic respiratory or mediastinal malformation
non-syndromic esophageal malformation
rare genetic respiratory disease
respiratory system abnormality
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
341 1 ethnic diversity diversity Gerardo Marรญn ๐„›
342 1 butterfly organisms known by a particular common name Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
343 1 Oman sovereign state
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
344 1 protein evolution evolution Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
345 1 Sci-Hub scientific website
shadow library
Jacob G Levernier ๐„›
346 1 scientific literature literary genre specialized literature
scholarly literature
Jacob G Levernier ๐„›
347 1 dysphonia voice disorder Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
348 1 Pin-tailed Whydah taxon Robert Crystal-Ornelas ๐„›
349 1 Vertebrata taxon Chordata vertebrate zoology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
350 1 plate tectonics theory geology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
351 1 museum GLAM
tourist attraction
geographical feature
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
352 1 KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
353 1 fish taxon
organisms known by a particular common name
food product
aquatic animal
marine life
ichthyology Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
354 1 smartphone mobile phone
smart device
information appliance
mobile computer
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
355 1 mitochondrial DNA extrachromosomal DNA
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
356 1 Internet IP network
computer network
telecommunications network
communication studies
media studies
interaction science
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
357 1 anticoagulation biological pathway Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
358 1 multiethnicity group characteristic Jovia L Nierenberg ๐„›
359 1 population structure structure Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
360 1 migratory species species Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
361 1 epidemic disease outbreak
pathogen spread
epidemiology Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
362 1 poetry literary style
literary form
narrative form
literary work Dean Rader ๐„›
363 1 biodiversity biology
biodiversity science Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
364 1 fossil physical object paleontology Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
365 1 Sweden sovereign state
country bordering the Baltic Sea
Scandinavian studies Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
366 1 social networking service virtual community
social media
service on internet
virtual place
social network analysis
media sociology
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
367 1 Anura taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
368 1 forest ecosystem
vegetation zone
forestry science Margaret Hansen ๐„›
369 1 research design methodology technique Billy Riggs ๐„›
370 1 Gondwana supercontinent
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
371 1 viral load Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
372 1 acute HIV infection human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
373 1 marine biology branch of biology
academic discipline
academic major
field of study
aquatic biology
Francis P. Filice ๐„›
374 1 microbiology branch of biology
academic discipline
exact science
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
375 1 quality of care quality Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
376 1 cognitive-behavioral intervention cognitive intervention
behavioral intervention
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
377 1 Antenatal depression complications of pregnancy
major depressive disorder
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
378 1 health information management information management Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
379 1 ecology academic discipline
branch of biology
branch of geography
biology climate change ecology Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
380 1 Alzheimer's disease rare disease
disease (class)
aging-associated diseases
disease (individual)
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
381 1 East Timor country
sovereign state
island nation
Stephen Zunes ๐„›
382 1 Philippines sovereign state
archipelagic state
Filipinology Michael A. Rice ๐„›
383 1 Bufo viridis taxon
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
384 1 Sauropsida taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
385 1 phylogeography Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
386 1 A novel multilocus phylogenetic estimation reveals unrecognized diversity in Asian horned toads, genus Megophrys sensu lato (Anura: Megophryidae). scholarly article Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
387 1 Walterinnesia aegyptia taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
388 1 Bolitoglossa taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
389 1 Ophidia clade Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
390 1 Azerbaijan sovereign state Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
391 1 pandemic epidemic
systemic risk
external risk
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
392 1 African helmeted turtle taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
393 1 Gekkota taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
394 1 Paramesotriton taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
395 1 Anniella pulchra taxon Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
396 1 one-way street street Billy Riggs ๐„›
397 1 street design academic discipline
field of study
field of work
urban design Billy Riggs ๐„›
398 1 Leuconostoc mesenteroides taxon Arthur Furst ๐„›
399 1 serotonin chemical compound
tryptamine alkaloid
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
400 1 bicycle mode of transport
individual means of transport
sports equipment
single-track vehicle
human-powered vehicle
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
401 1 Ascomycota taxon Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
402 1 hydrography academic discipline
academic major
Albert D. Mahood ๐„›
403 1 poisoning cause of death major trauma
environmental exposure
chemically induced disorder
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
404 1 Populus trichocarpa taxon
model organism
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
405 1 cyst disease lesion Albert D. Mahood ๐„›
406 1 Dorothea Lange human Jasmin Darznik ๐„›
407 1 trans fat structural class of chemical compounds unsaturated fat Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
408 1 nootropic ChEBI Ontology term chemical substance
central nervous system agent
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
409 1 Western Hemisphere hemisphere of the Earth Michael A. Rice ๐„›
410 1 sickle-cell disease rare disease
disease (class)
autosomal recessive disease
congenital hemolytic anemia
blood protein disease
disease (individual)
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
411 1 pyridoxine chemical compound
essential medicine
vitamin B6
pyridine alkaloids
structural analog Arthur Furst ๐„›
412 1 open science social movement science
open knowledge
Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
413 1 eating disorder disease (class) specific developmental disorder
nutrition disorder
disease (individual)
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
414 1 mammography medical test type roentgenology
medical imaging
breast imaging
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
415 1 cesarean section medical procedure parturition
surgical operation
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
416 1 amphetamine-related disorders substance abuse
stimulant use disorder
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
417 1 xeroderma pigmentosum group C xeroderma pigmentosum Deneb Karentz ๐„›
418 1 Gallinas Creek natural watercourse Albert D. Mahood ๐„›
419 1 wine alcoholic beverage Sonja Martin Poole ๐„›
420 1 Acheta domestica taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
421 1 intrauterine growth restriction disease
medical finding
failure to thrive Annette K. Regan ๐„›
422 1 cannabis drug soft drugs
psychoactive drug
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
423 1 hysterectomy medical specialty
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
424 1 bacterial vaginosis infectious disease
disease (class)
bacterial infectious disease
disease (individual)
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
425 1 superresolution technique
Digital imaging
Jeremy Howard ๐„›
426 1 canopy vegetation layer plant community Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
427 1 gynaecology medical specialty
academic discipline
health science Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
428 1 pneumococcal vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
streptococcal vaccines Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
429 1 lymph node anatomical structure class type organ component
lymphoid organ
Clara Feider ๐„›
430 1 organ transplantation surgical procedure type transplantation transplantology Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
431 1 higher education educational stage tertiary education Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
432 1 health education education Margaret Hansen ๐„›
433 1 clinical indication indication Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
434 1 global warming atmospheric phenomenon
environmental issue
external risk
climate change
Jane Hirshfield ๐„›
435 1 Dictyostelium discoideum taxon
model organism
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
436 1 R package software category software package Naupaka B. Zimmerman ๐„›
437 1 endothelium tissue type
medical term
simple squamous epithelium
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
438 1 terpenoid structural class of chemical compounds isoprenoid
organooxygen compound
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
439 1 cancer research research Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
440 1 language model statistical model Jeremy Howard ๐„›
441 1 consequences of the Black Death David Herlihy ๐„›
442 1 de-identification technical process Jeremy Howard ๐„›
443 1 obstetrics medical specialty health science Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
444 1 electrospray ionization ionization technique Clara Feider ๐„›
445 1 psychological stress negative emotion
mental state
risk factor
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
446 1 peritoneal mesothelioma occupational disease
peritoneal neoplasm
peritoneum cancer
squamous cell carcinoma
Sean Judge ๐„›
447 1 breast cancer disease (class) thoracic cancer
breast disease
breast neoplasm
disease (individual)
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
448 1 literature search search Gregory A DeBourgh ๐„›
449 1 Bertamyia taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
450 1 Platypezininae taxon Edward L. Kessel ๐„›
451 1 San Pablo Bay bay Francis P. Filice ๐„›
452 1 reproducibility criterion Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
453 1 veteran military personnel
group of humans
Tana M Luger ๐„›
454 1 fungicide phytopharmaceuticals
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
455 1 hyperglycemia disease (class) glucose metabolism disease
disease (individual)
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
456 1 climate crisis crisis Jane Hirshfield ๐„›
457 1 nicotine pair of enantiomers pyrrolidine
chemical compound
nicotine-like alkaloid
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
458 1 victimization social phenomenon victimology Joyce P Yang ๐„›
459 1 change management type of management
management Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
460 1 statistics academic discipline
academic major
formal science
James D Wilson ๐„›
461 1 critical theory sociological theory
Marxist philosophy
Marxist sociology
Brandi Lawless ๐„›
462 1 banking services financial service Libo Xu ๐„›
463 1 absenteeism human behavior Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
464 1 teaching activity
academic discipline
information transfer
educational activity
Sonja Martin Poole ๐„›
465 1 (2RS,3SR)-Epoxiconazole chemical compound
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
466 1 reactive oxygen species structural class of chemical compounds oxygen compound Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
467 1 bismuth chemical element
post-transition metal Joseph Czekner ๐„›
468 1 video game arts form electronic game
entertainment software
audiovisual work
game studies Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
469 1 miscarriage disease pregnancy with abortive outcome
reproductive system symptom
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
470 1 Facebook social networking service
Kevin D. Lo ๐„›
471 1 sport academic discipline physical activity Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
472 1 volatile organic compound volatile compound
organic compound
Heejune Park ๐„›
473 1 gestational diabetes disease (class) diabetes
complication of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
diabetes mellitus and pregnancy
disease (individual)
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
474 1 biotechnology interdisciplinary science
applied science
academic discipline
type of technology
Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
475 1 preprint software version type article
grey literature
academic edition
software version type
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
476 1 child demographic profile human
population group
Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
477 1 nurse practitioner profession Advanced practice nurse
Medical Professional
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
478 1 teamwork collaboration interaction science Susan K Prion ๐„›
479 1 medical cannabis drug approval cannabis
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
480 1 emotional labor work Brandi Lawless ๐„›
481 1 insulin resistance diabetes
drug resistance
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
482 1 Project-based learning pedagogy study Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
483 1 Implementation Science scientific journal
academic journal
open-access journal
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
484 1 social marketing marketing Sonja Martin Poole ๐„›
485 1 Black Lives Matter social movement Sonja Martin Poole ๐„›
486 1 health literacy health education
information literacy
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
487 1 digital transformation strategic management information technology
Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
488 1 preproinsulin protein precursor
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
489 1 reform political concept process Taryn Vian ๐„›
490 1 efficacy effectiveness Annette K. Regan ๐„›
491 1 thematic analysis qualitative research Brandi Lawless ๐„›
492 1 linear regression regression regression analysis Susan K Prion ๐„›
493 1 Web 2.0 trend Margaret Hansen ๐„›
494 1 pertussis vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
bacterial vaccine Annette K. Regan ๐„›
495 1 case-control study observational study Annette K. Regan ๐„›
496 1 effectiveness quality Annette K. Regan ๐„›
497 1 dune aeolian landform
vรกtรฉ pรญsky
Carlos E. Kaufeldt ๐„›
498 1 transport intentional human activity
material flow
transport sciences Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
499 1 Mallard taxon Mertxe de Renobales ๐„›
500 1 niobium chemical element transition metal
period 5
Milka Nikolic ๐„›
501 1 stochastic block model generative model James D Wilson ๐„›
502 1 sleep disturbance general symptom
sleep disorder
Joyce P Yang ๐„›
503 1 war armed conflict
social issue
military history Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
504 1 Theloderma asperum taxon Jennifer A. Dever ๐„›
505 1 molecular medicine academic discipline
academic major
medical specialty
medicine Annette K. Regan ๐„›
506 1 menarche biological process menstrual cycle phase
menstruation in humans
James D Wilson ๐„›
507 1 preterm birth disease
abnormally low value
obstetric labor complication
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
508 1 gestational age time interval Annette K. Regan ๐„›
509 1 pet domesticated animal Cori Bussolari ๐„›
510 1 reactogenicity adverse drug reaction iatrogenesis Annette K. Regan ๐„›
511 1 infectious disease disease (class) disease
infection associated with diseases
disease (individual)
infectious diseases
human disease ecology
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
512 1 racism political ideology
social inequality
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
513 1 Afghanistan sovereign state
landlocked country
Annick Wibben ๐„›
514 1 digital economy economy Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
515 1 birth interval time interval family characteristics Annette K. Regan ๐„›
516 1 Influenza vaccines scholarly article Annette K. Regan ๐„›
517 1 Aged film Annette K. Regan ๐„›
518 1 unsupervised clustering process cluster analysis James D Wilson ๐„›
519 1 population-based cohort study cohort study Annette K. Regan ๐„›
520 1 religion type of world view belief system
world view
religion or world view
religious studies
history of religions
philosophy of religion
J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
521 1 sarcoma disease (class) cell type cancer
disease (individual)
Sean Judge ๐„›
522 1 brain tumor disease central nervous system neoplasm
intracranial tumor
Sean Judge ๐„›
523 1 ovarian cancer disease (class) female reproductive organ cancer
ovarian neoplasm
ovarian disease
endocrine gland cancer
rare genetic endocrine disease
inherited gynecological tumor
disease (individual)
Clara Feider ๐„›
524 1 endometriosis disease (class) female reproductive system disease
endometrial disease
disease (individual)
Clara Feider ๐„›
525 1 Sequoioideae taxon Joseph J. Zucca ๐„›
526 1 computed tomography medical test type medical imaging
Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
527 1 International Space Station space laboratory Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
528 1 mindfulness technique Margaret Hansen ๐„›
529 1 textbook literary genre tertiary source
learning material
educational book
instructional literature
David Donahue ๐„›
530 1 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behavioral disorder
disease (class)
specific developmental disorder
hyperkinetic disorder
disease (individual)
psychiatry Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
531 1 water pollution pollution environmental pollution Jeremy T Laurin ๐„›
532 1 price of oil price Libo Xu ๐„›
533 1 physical fitness well-being
musculoskeletal physiological phenomena
exercise science Shannon R. Siegel ๐„›
534 1 hepatitis A infectious disease
notifiable disease
disease (class)
viral infectious disease
viral hepatitis
Waterborne diseases
disease (individual)
Lisa Duncan ๐„›
535 1 bortezomib chemical compound
Sean Judge ๐„›
536 1 stock market artificial entity
economic activity
capital market Libo Xu ๐„›
537 1 play therapy psychotherapy Saralyn Ruff ๐„›
538 1 baseball type of sport
bat-and-ball game
team sport
Nola Agha ๐„›
539 1 colorectal cancer disease (class) colorectal neoplasm
large intestine cancer
disease (individual)
Christian Dimaano ๐„›
540 1 magnetic-resonance imaging medical test medical imaging
non-invasive imaging
Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
541 1 ethnic studies academic discipline
academic major
cultural studies Noah E. Borrero ๐„›
542 1 serology academic discipline
academic major
medical diagnosis
Gerald J. Crowley ๐„›
543 1 linguistics academic discipline
academic major
social science
Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
544 1 predation biological process involved in interspecies interaction between organisms
feeding behavior
Edward DeMartini ๐„›
545 1 human papillomavirus infection infection
infectious disease
disease (class)
Papillomavirus infections
disease (individual)
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
546 1 mangrove biome
vegetation zone
biome Sunny Jardine ๐„›
547 1 information literacy academic discipline
library service
library science Brandi Lawless ๐„›
548 1 human resource management specialty
academic discipline
type of management
Functional management Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
549 1 gender identity identity
Lin Fraser ๐„›
550 1 Clapper Rail taxon Joseph J. Zucca ๐„›
551 1 retroperitoneal sarcoma disease retroperitoneal cancer Sean Judge ๐„›
552 1 Aldh gene Sean Judge ๐„›
553 1 intergenerationality interpersonal relationship
family relations
Lisa S. Wagner ๐„›
554 1 bites and stings disease injury
animal attack
Jeffrey Paller ๐„›
555 1 trolling online misconduct
Brandi Lawless ๐„›
556 1 neoplastic stem cells cell type stem cell Sean Judge ๐„›
557 1 Colias eurytheme taxon Sister Mary Baptista Dean ๐„›
558 1 pseudotumor disease Sean Judge ๐„›
559 1 Visual analytics Matthew Malensek ๐„›
560 1 governmental accounting accounting Diane Roberts ๐„›
561 1 medical imaging technique
academic discipline
biological imaging
medical test
medical diagnosis
Alark Joshi ๐„›
562 1 peripheral neuropathy disease (class) neurological disorder
disease (individual)
Ploypun Narindrarangkura ๐„›
563 1 Meth mouth substance use disorder
dental disease
Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
564 1 adaptive radiation biological process Edward DeMartini ๐„›
565 1 Dascyllus trimaculatus taxon Edward DeMartini ๐„›
566 1 art gallery exhibition arts venue John Zarobell ๐„›
567 1 mutual aid interaction
organizational behavior
Daniela G Domรญnguez ๐„›
568 1 succession planning planning Nicole C. Jackson ๐„›
569 1 macroeconomic model economic model Libo Xu ๐„›
570 1 image registration image processing Daniel O'Connor ๐„›
571 1 harm reduction strategy prevention Christofer Rodriguez ๐„›
572 1 service learning educational technology
community service
David Donahue ๐„›
573 1 cyberbullying online misconduct
Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
574 1 antimalarial antiprotozoal Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
575 1 social cohesion group dynamics
social psychology
Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
576 1 Caribbean geographic region
Caribbean studies Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
577 1 natural gas fossil fuel
fuel gas
Ludwig B. Chincarini ๐„›
578 1 marriage legal institution interpersonal relationship Eve-Anne Doohan ๐„›
579 1 middle school school
secondary school
Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
580 1 drainage basin concept geographic region watershed science Heather J. Hoag ๐„›
581 1 popular culture concept culture
Annick Wibben ๐„›
582 1 stereoselectivity Simon J Cooper ๐„›
583 1 heat map statistical graphics
type of map
Alark Joshi ๐„›
584 1 genotoxicity toxicity
Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
585 1 open-source software source-available software
freely redistributable software
Alark Joshi ๐„›
586 1 scoping review literature review
scholarly article
Margaret Hansen ๐„›
587 1 religiosity spirituality neurotheology
psychology of religion
Alessandra Cassar ๐„›
588 1 oxygen chemical element
group 16
oxidizing agent
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
589 1 confidentiality quality law
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
590 1 undernutrition marasmus
Jesse Anttila-Hughes ๐„›
591 1 frog organisms known by a particular common name Amphibia J. H. Perryman ๐„›
592 1 telomere length biological sequence Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
593 1 colibactin chemical compound
Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
594 1 virtual reality simulation
extended reality
virtual place
Elisabeth Jay Friedman ๐„›
595 1 feature selection dimensionality reduction Sarah K. Howard ๐„›
596 1 opioid overdose cause of death rare intoxication
drug overdose
Christofer Rodriguez ๐„›
597 1 collective efficacy Erin G. Grinshteyn ๐„›
598 1 Hepatitis C virus (HCV) scholarly article
Christofer Rodriguez ๐„›
599 1 pesticide exposure toxin exposure Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
600 1 vaccine acceptance vaccination attitude Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
601 1 data visualization academic discipline visualization Alark Joshi ๐„›
602 1 acute myocardial infarction myocardial infarction
acute coronary syndrome
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
603 1 colorectal cancer screening cancer screening Christian Dimaano ๐„›
604 1 Accelerometer-determined moderate intensity lifestyle activity and cardiometabolic health. scholarly article Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
605 1 Dyslipidemia scholarly article Ploypun Narindrarangkura ๐„›
606 1 sexual violence violence
sex offenses
Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
607 1 oral history academic discipline
field of work
oral tradition
Eve-Anne Doohan ๐„›
608 1 cardiovascular disease academic discipline
disease (class)
disease of anatomical entity
disease (individual)
Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
609 1 RNA analysis biochemistry method Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
610 1 Dominican Republic sovereign state
island nation
archipelagic state
Monisha Bajaj ๐„›
611 1 biomedicine academic major
branch of biology
Evelyn Y. Ho ๐„›
612 1 nervous system anatomical system type organ system neurobiology
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
613 1 viral nucleocapsid cellular component virion component Herman Nikolayevskiy ๐„›
614 1 human rights convention
social movement
Sarah Burgess ๐„›
615 1 frontotemporal dementia rare disease
disease (class)
TDP-43 Proteinopathies
frontotemporal degeneration with dementia
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
brain diseases
disease (individual)
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
616 1 art academic major
essentially contested concept
art history
art practice
sociology of art
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
617 1 World Health Organization specialized agency of the United Nations
open-access publisher
international organization
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
618 1 book review genre
human activity
literary criticism
literary work
Aysha Hidayatullah ๐„›
619 1 molecular biology branch of biology biology Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
620 1 Zea mays taxon
model organism
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
621 1 violence prevention academic discipline
field of study
prevention Lisa De La Rue ๐„›
622 1 racial equity social equity Uma Jayakumar ๐„›
623 1 social impact importance Nola Agha ๐„›
624 1 invasive species eradication species eradication Sunny Jardine ๐„›
625 1 algorithm procedure
Alark Joshi ๐„›
626 1 primary hyperparathyroidism hyperparathyroidism Mary Katherine Donnelly ๐„›
627 1 magma stone fluid
Kanani Lee ๐„›
628 1 ethics branch of philosophy
academic discipline
philosophy Richard D. Waters ๐„›
629 1 gender identity disorder gender identity
mental disorder
identity disorder
Lin Fraser ๐„›
630 1 anthropocene epoch
environmental science
Marjolein Oele ๐„›
631 1 phenotype quality Eliza Congdon ๐„›
632 1 reading comprehension aptitude text comprehension Genevieve Leung ๐„›
633 1 technology academic discipline applied science Liat Berdugo ๐„›
634 1 human migration migration
Monisha Bajaj ๐„›
635 1 open access notion
group action
social movement
access restriction
free to read Charlotte Roh ๐„›
636 1 Chinese Americans ethnic group Asian Americans
Chinese people
East Asian American
Genevieve Leung ๐„›
637 1 neurosurgery medical specialty
academic discipline
surgery Alark Joshi ๐„›
638 1 Indonesia sovereign state
archipelagic state
constitutional republic
island nation
presidential system
Indologie Bruce Wydick ๐„›
639 1 lake still waters
overground still body of fresh water
body of water
surface water body
Limnology Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
640 1 asterisk glyph
Unicode character
George Dohrmann ๐„›
641 1 forestry industry
academic discipline
agriculture and forestry
David Saah ๐„›
642 1 hydrology specialty
academic discipline
science Amalia Kokkinaki ๐„›
643 1 salt marsh marine habitats
tidal marsh salt marsh ecology Gary L. Stevens ๐„›
644 1 data information statistics
data science
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
645 1 orbitofrontal cortex cortex
brain region
gyrus Indre Viskontas ๐„›
646 1 leukemia disease (class) hematologic cancer
myeloproliferative disorders
disease (individual)
Sangman M Kim ๐„›
647 1 history set research object
chain of events
study of history Kathryn L. Nasstrom ๐„›
648 1 nanoparticle nanomaterial
Ioannina Castano ๐„›
649 1 El Salvador sovereign state
Bruce Wydick ๐„›
650 1 Pakistan sovereign state
Sadia Saeed ๐„›
651 1 mnemonic technique stimulus Indre Viskontas ๐„›
652 1 Rwanda republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
Bruce Wydick ๐„›
653 1 inorganic compound structural class of chemical compounds chemical compound
inorganic substance
inorganic chemistry Deneb Karentz ๐„›
654 1 student occupation
group of humans
social group
learner Noah E. Borrero ๐„›
655 1 lung cancer rare disease
disease (class)
respiratory system cancer
lung disease
lung neoplasm
disease (individual)
pulmonology Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
656 1 remote sensing branch of science gathering of information David Saah ๐„›
657 1 ecosystem services yield
David Saah ๐„›
658 1 ฮฒ-lactulose medication
chemical compound
essential medicine
Brad Macy ๐„›
659 1 complex analysis area of mathematics mathematical analysis Tristan Needham ๐„›
660 1 bacteriophage virus Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
661 1 Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behavioral disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Eliza Congdon ๐„›
662 1 miracidium developmental stage Deneb Karentz ๐„›
663 1 cognition biological process mental process cognitive science Eliza Congdon ๐„›
664 1 cloud computing system resource
computing platform
David Saah ๐„›
665 1 ontology knowledge base
data model
data schema
ontology engineering Eliza Congdon ๐„›
666 1 silicon carbide chemical compound
covalent network solid
Kanani Lee ๐„›
667 1 Adenoviridae taxon Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
668 1 manifestation artificial physical object Liat Berdugo ๐„›
669 1 natural language processing artificial intelligence
computer science
computational linguistics
academic discipline
Noriko Nagata ๐„›
670 1 bitcoin cryptocurrency
free software
communication protocol
payment system
reserve currency
legal tender Liat Berdugo ๐„›
671 1 groundwater mineral resource land waters
raw water
Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
672 1 cell biology branch of biology
academic discipline
biology Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
673 1 Embiotocidae taxon Edward DeMartini ๐„›
674 1 disability property disability studies Rafael D Romo ๐„›
675 1 electroporation electrochemical technique
cytological procedure
molecular biology technique
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
676 1 data set intellectual work
Matthew Malensek ๐„›
677 1 academic dishonesty cheating Richard D. Waters ๐„›
678 1 accounting studies academic discipline David Saah ๐„›
679 1 colon cancer colonic disease colonic neoplasm
colorectal cancer
colonic disease
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
680 1 Maternal Mortality Ratio measurement
vital statistics
mortality rate Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
681 1 Reovirus taxon Sangman M Kim ๐„›
682 1 National Inpatient Sample database Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
683 1 Denmark state
colonial power
autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark
country bordering the Baltic Sea
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
684 1 choreography performing arts Liat Berdugo ๐„›
685 1 activated carbon excipient
essential medicine
material Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
686 1 Earth observation gathering of information David Saah ๐„›
687 1 morbidity rate Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
688 1 complications of pregnancy complication of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
689 1 functional magnetic resonance imaging functional neuroimaging
magnetic-resonance imaging
Eliza Congdon ๐„›
690 1 Cockayne syndrome designated intractable/rare diseases
rare disease
disease (class)
autosomal recessive disease
eye degenerative disease
nervous system heredodegenerative disease
disease (individual)
Deneb Karentz ๐„›
691 1 progressive supranuclear palsy designated intractable/rare diseases
rare disease
disease (class)
movement disorders
frontotemporal degeneration with dementia
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
eye degenerative disease
corticobasal degeneration
disease (individual)
Indre Viskontas ๐„›
692 1 neuroanatomy anatomy Indre Viskontas ๐„›
693 1 disinfection sterilization
aseptic technique
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
694 1 family therapy academic major
academic discipline
psychotherapy Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
695 1 personalization humanโ€“computer interaction
Zifei Chen ๐„›
696 1 carbon dioxide emissions environmental emission
David Saah ๐„›
697 1 Marfan syndrome designated intractable/rare diseases
rare disease
disease (class)
connective tissue disease
eye disease
disease (individual)
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
698 1 aquifer water reservoir Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
699 1 Ebola virus taxon Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
700 1 sewage wastewater Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
701 1 wastewater water Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
702 1 satellite imagery photography genre
engineering process
David Saah ๐„›
703 1 phenome phenomics Eliza Congdon ๐„›
704 1 Kalman filter algorithm filter Amalia Kokkinaki ๐„›
705 1 conflict resolution academic discipline communication
conflict management
Marcianna Nosek ๐„›
706 1 field experiment experiment Bruce Wydick ๐„›
707 1 Salmonella enterica taxon Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
708 1 ecohydrology academic discipline ecology
Maureen C Kennedy ๐„›
709 1 environmental chemistry branch of chemistry chemistry Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
710 1 myocardial infarction cause of death
disease (class)
coronary artery disease
disease (individual)
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
711 1 fake news industry misinformation
malicious falsehood
Zifei Chen ๐„›
712 1 metabarcoding Sequence analysis (nucleic acid)
DNA barcoding
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
713 1 SARS-CoV-2 group or class of strains
Coronavirus Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
714 1 identity quality
social science Vijaya Nagarajan ๐„›
715 1 estrogen class of chemical compounds with similar applications or functions sex steroid
steroid hormone
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
716 1 corporate social responsibility Business and human rights corporate liability
Social responsibility
Charles T. Moses ๐„›
717 1 decolonization process Quแปณnh N. Phแบกm ๐„›
718 1 electroencephalography medical test type neuroimaging
medical test
William Bosl ๐„›
719 1 inflammation disease
clinical sign
general symptom
Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
720 1 mathematical model model
intellectual work
Jennifer Chubb ๐„›
721 1 mind-wandering mental process Davina Chan ๐„›
722 1 spontaneous intracranial hypotension disease intracranial hypotension Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
723 1 electronic health records medical software
personal health record
Patient administration system
medical record
William Bosl ๐„›
724 1 activated charcoal medication
essential medicine
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
725 1 land cover Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
726 1 covalent organic framework solid state of matter Ioannina Castano ๐„›
727 1 Manure management environmental protection Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
728 1 Samoan American ethnic group Pacific Islander Americans Noah E. Borrero ๐„›
729 1 Superbacteria bacteria Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
730 1 child sponsorship human activity patronage Bruce Wydick ๐„›
731 1 irradiation physical phenomenon
exposure to radiation
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
732 1 Image analysis analysis William Bosl ๐„›
733 1 experimental infection infection
A. Lavroushin ๐„›
734 1 women in science group of humans
female topic
women in STEM fields Aparna Venkatesan ๐„›
735 1 censorship media regulation
social issue
Patrick Califia ๐„›
736 1 brachytherapy radiation therapy Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
737 1 cell fate commitment biological process cellular developmental process Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
738 1 stem cell differentiation biological process cell differentiation Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
739 1 intracranial hypotension abnormally low value brain diseases Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
740 1 convolutional neural network feedforward neural network Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
741 1 false confession proposition Richard A. Leo ๐„›
742 1 Mycoplasma genitalium taxon
model organism
Marcianna Nosek ๐„›
743 1 Children's Crusade religious war Thea Beckman ๐„›
744 1 sexual orientation sexuality
personal data
Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
745 1 shrub perennial plant
woody plant
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
746 1 cryptocurrency system digital currency
payment system
crypto asset
Liat Berdugo ๐„›
747 1 glioblastoma disease (class) astrocytoma
disease (individual)
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
748 1 cultural diversity diversity Dominique Broussard ๐„›
749 1 Danio rerio taxon
model organism
Tatjana Piotrowski ๐„›
750 1 shell ammunition Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
751 1 impostor syndrome concept Sophie Jean Engle ๐„›
752 1 flow cytometry analytical technique
cell sorting
separation process
Calla M Schmidt ๐„›
753 1 immigration human migration Bill Ong Hing ๐„›
754 1 stem cell self-renewal stem cell division Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
755 1 multiple hypothesis testing hypothesis testing Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
756 1 Sorghum halepense taxon Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
757 1 distributed computing computing
parallel computing
Diane Myung-Kyung Woodbridge ๐„›
758 1 Fibroblast growth factor 3 protein Tatjana Piotrowski ๐„›
759 1 Latinx gender-neutral language
Hsiu-Lan Cheng ๐„›
760 1 chronic hepatitis C infectious disease hepatitis C Christopher Jai Balkissoon ๐„›
761 1 chronic hepatitis disease hepatitis Christopher Jai Balkissoon ๐„›
762 1 mental health services health service Sara Horton-Deutsch ๐„›
763 1 ecophysiology academic discipline
branch of biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
764 1 Drosophila taxon
model organism
Carol J. Rosen Chihara ๐„›
765 1 Social responsibility Business and human rights responsibility Charles T. Moses ๐„›
766 1 Energy landscape mapping David Thomas Uminsky ๐„›
767 1 history and philosophy of science academic discipline
academic major
Kathryn L. Nasstrom ๐„›
768 1 bail deterrence Lara Bazelon ๐„›
769 1 Mongolia sovereign state
landlocked country
Josรฉ Ignacio Valenzuela-Rรญos ๐„›
770 1 Orexin chemical compound Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
771 1 drag queen occupation performance artist
Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
772 1 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons structural class of chemical compounds polycyclic aromatic compound
aromatic hydrocarbon
non-methane volatile organic compound
Claire Castro ๐„›
773 1 telescope invention optical instrument
astronomical instrument
scientific instrument
N. Jeremy Kasdin ๐„›
774 1 atopic dermatitis disease (class) dermatitis
allergic contact dermatitis
disease (individual)
Nils Skajaa ๐„›
775 1 workshop meeting Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
776 1 fluid flow process motion fluid dynamics David Thomas Uminsky ๐„›
777 1 BRCA1 Mutation gene variant
Loss Of Function Variant
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
778 1 photoactivation chemical reaction Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff ๐„›
779 1 deep neural network artificial neural network Yannet Interian Fernandez ๐„›
780 1 sexual minority minority group Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
781 1 nanowire nanostructure Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
782 1 biomass mass
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
783 1 SB-334867 chemical compound Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
784 1 nucleus accumbens brain region nucleus of brain Lisa Nakayama ๐„›
785 1 osteolysis bone resorption Eduardo A C Almeida ๐„›
786 1 regenerative medicine medical specialty
academic discipline
biomedicine Tatjana Piotrowski ๐„›
787 1 general relativity scientific theory
physical law
G David Kerlick ๐„›
788 1 breathing biological process gas exchange Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
789 1 Eleanor Downey human James D. Phelan ๐„›
790 1 SATCON2 academic workshop Aparna Venkatesan ๐„›
791 1 HD1 galaxy L. Y. Aaron Yung ๐„›
792 1 Reptilia taxon herpetology
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
793 1 epidemiology branch of science health science Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
794 1 invasive grass invasive species
invasion biology
Lara G Reichmann ๐„›
795 1 infection physiological condition
adverse event
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
796 1 bilingualism multilingualism Jocelyn N Caballero ๐„›
797 1 cosmetic surgery aesthetic medicine
plastic surgery
Elliott N DeVore ๐„›
798 1 catalysis molecular function chemical reaction
molecular function
Arthur Furst ๐„›
799 1 methane chemical compound
group 14 hydride
biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
combustible matter Sunney Chan ๐„›
800 1 fuzzy logic many-valued logic mathematical logic Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
801 1 air pollution pollution environmental pollution
Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
802 1 internet of things concept interaction science
computer science
Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
803 1 oligosaccharide structural class of chemical compounds carbohydrate Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
804 1 ethnography social science Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
805 1 alkane structural class of chemical compounds
homologous series
aliphatic hydrocarbon
saturated compound
acyclic compound
Sunney Chan ๐„›
806 1 immunohistochemistry medical test type staining
laboratory technique
Biological sample staining method
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
807 1 chemotaxis biological process taxis Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
808 1 cyber-physical system cyber-entispheral system
Interspheral System
Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
809 1 biomimetics biology
bionics Sunney Chan ๐„›
810 1 comparative genomics branch of science genomics Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
811 1 drug discovery pharmacology
drug development
Arthur Furst ๐„›
812 1 environmental justice justice Stephen Zavestoski ๐„›
813 1 sensor grid Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
814 1 particle swarm optimization optimization Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
815 1 aerospace engineering branch of engineering
academic discipline
engineering Abdul Hanan Abdullah ๐„›
816 1 cell morphology attribute entity
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
817 1 host microbial interaction microbiological phenomena
host-pathogen interaction
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
818 1 myeloid leukemia disease (class) leukemia
disease (individual)
Arthur Furst ๐„›
819 1 transcriptomics branch of biology genetics
computational biology
RNA analysis
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai ๐„›
820 1 mouse leukemia mouse disease
cancer in animals
Arthur Furst ๐„›
821 1 electricity physical phenomenon energy
energy source
electromagnetic interaction Thomas F. Cargill ๐„›
822 1 armadillo taxon Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
823 1 antibody family of protein complexes immunoglobulin Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
824 1 immunology medical specialty
branch of biology
academic discipline
biology Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
825 1 biofuel biocombustible
motor fuel
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
826 1 sustainable development change
Taryn Vian ๐„›
827 1 isoprene chemical compound
synthetic rubber
biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
828 1 graphene allotrope of carbon
Single layer materials
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
829 1 management system type of system system Taryn Vian ๐„›
830 1 gene duplication mutation Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
831 1 ethyl tert-butyl ether chemical compound
male reproductive toxicant
developmental toxicant
biogenic acyclic ether
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
832 1 RSV Wikimedia disambiguation page Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
833 1 Coxsackievirus organisms known by a particular common name Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
834 1 motivational interviewing directive counseling David A Martinez ๐„›
835 1 cytomegaloviral disease disease Herpesviridae infectious disease Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
836 1 community ownership Taryn Vian ๐„›
837 1 botulinum toxin type A medication
botulinum toxin group Rishi Gupta ๐„›
838 1 Sustainable Development Goals plan
Taryn Vian ๐„›
839 1 2-ethylfuran chemical compound Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
840 1 cognitive dysfunction disease psychopathological symptom
cognitive distortion
cognitive disorder
Rafael D Romo ๐„›
841 1 rotamer stereoisomer molecular biology
Giovanni Meloni ๐„›
842 1 Switzerland sovereign state
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
843 1 HCMV Wikimedia disambiguation page Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
844 1 nickel chemical element
flammable solid
occupational carcinogen
Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
845 1 biochemistry interdisciplinary science
branch of chemistry
branch of biology
academic discipline
organic chemistry
Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
846 1 education branch of science
academic discipline
Herbert Kohl ๐„›
847 1 Hurricane Katrina category 5 hurricane Alison Cohen ๐„›
848 1 electrocardiography medical test type medical test
diagnostic test in cardiology
Richard Cheng ๐„›
849 1 adenosine triphosphate medication
purine ribonucleoside 5'-triphosphate
Richard Cheng ๐„›
850 1 Holothuroidea taxon Francis P. Filice ๐„›
851 1 Huntington's disease designated intractable/rare diseases
rare disease
disease (class)
Huntington disease and related disorders
eye degenerative disease
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
trinucleotide repeat disorder
disease (individual)
Richard Cheng ๐„›
852 1 coronary artery bypass surgery surgical procedure vascular bypass
bypass surgery
Richard Cheng ๐„›
853 1 archaeological artifact cultural artifact
archaeological find
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
854 1 catheter ablation medical procedure type medical procedure Richard Cheng ๐„›
855 1 cardiac arrest thoracic disease
cause of death
disease (class)
congestive heart failure
disease (individual)
Richard Cheng ๐„›
856 1 bradycardia medical finding heart arrhythmia
finding of heart rate
Richard Cheng ๐„›
857 1 atrial fibrillation rare disease
disease (class)
heart conduction disease
cardiac fibrillation
disease (individual)
Richard Cheng ๐„›
858 1 corpus striatum brain region striatum of neuraxis
set of neuraxis structures
Ermanda Siregar ๐„›
859 1 archaeological science archaeological sub-discipline Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
860 1 assisted suicide manner of death
assisted dying
suicide Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
861 1 coronary angiography medical imaging
coronary catheterization
invasive examination
Richard Cheng ๐„›
862 1 catheterization medical procedure Richard Cheng ๐„›
863 1 health policy academic discipline
field of study
type of policy
public policy Alison Cohen ๐„›
864 1 intravascular ultrasound medical ultrasonography Richard Cheng ๐„›
865 1 birth weight biomedical measurand type weight
human body weight
Alison Cohen ๐„›
866 1 photoacoustic imaging medical imaging Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
867 1 Kลฏlna Cave cave Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
868 1 metabolomics branch of science
academic discipline
computational biology
Jennifer Tripp ๐„›
869 1 health indicator assessment method indicator Alison Cohen ๐„›
870 1 consensual non-monogamy non-monogamy Dossie Easton ๐„›
871 1 Diverging Paths: Understanding Racial Differences in Civic Engagement Among White, African American, and Latina/o Adolescents Using Structural Equation Modeling. scholarly article Alison Cohen ๐„›
872 1 social demography academic discipline demography
Alison Cohen ๐„›
873 1 photoacoustics branch of science
branch of engineering
Michael J Stevenson ๐„›
874 1 macroinvertebrate Invertebrata Ryan Peek ๐„›
875 1 biomedical investigative technique biomedical analytical technique Alison Cohen ๐„›
876 1 community health service health service Alison Cohen ๐„›
877 1 sea level rise increase Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
878 1 1992 Landers earthquake earthquake William Bosl ๐„›
879 1 derailment disease thought disorder Saera Khan ๐„›
880 1 phantom limb perceptual disorders
Nicolas Mills ๐„›
881 1 mixed race people race
ethnic group
human Saera Khan ๐„›
882 1 consulting communication
economic activity
Desiree Zerquera ๐„›
883 1 fear of crime specific phobia Saera Khan ๐„›
884 1 Lattice Boltzmann methods computational approach William Bosl ๐„›
885 1 City College of San Francisco community college
public educational institution of the United States
Desiree Zerquera ๐„›
886 1 informatics academic discipline
academic major
William Bosl ๐„›

∑ 886 items. |sparql=PREFIX target: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?item #?sl (COUNT(DISTINCT ?work) AS ?count) (SAMPLE(?a) AS ?author)

     ENCODE_FOR_URI(REPLACE(STR(?item), ".*Q", "Q")), " ๐„›]") AS ?publist)


 { ?a ?property target:. }
   ?a ?property2 _:b9.
   _:b9 wdt:P361 target: .
 ?work wdt:P50 ?a ; wdt:P921 ?item .
  1. ?item wikibase:sitelinks ?sl.
 ?item rdfs:label ?item_label.
 FILTER((LANG(?item_label)) = "en")

} GROUP BY ?item #?sl ?count ?author ?publist ORDER BY DESC(?count) #DESC(?sl) LIMIT 3000 |section= |columns= number:#, ?count:Work count, ?item:Topic, P31:Type of topic, P279:Superclass of topic, P2579, ?author:Sample affiliated person having published on the topic, ?publist:List of recent publications on the topic with affiliated co-authors |thumb=64 |min_section=1 |wdedit = yes |summary=itemnumber }}

# Work count Topic Type of topic Superclass of topic studied by Sample affiliated person having published on the topic List of recent publications on the topic with affiliated co-authors
1 46 Diptera taxon Carl G. Kadner ๐„›
2 43 teenager demographic profile human
population group
adolescent medicine Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
3 26 prevention of HIV/AIDS preventive medicine prevention of sexually transmitted diseases J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
4 24 homelessness houselessness
social issue
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
5 22 HIV organisms known by a particular common name J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
6 22 mental health health psychology
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
7 21 phylogenetics branch of science systematics Annette K. Regan ๐„›
8 20 COVID-19 emerging communicable disease
atypical pneumonia
atypical pneumonia
coronavirus disease
viral pneumonia
Alison Cohen ๐„›
9 20 hospitalization medical procedure
inpatient care
Richard Cheng ๐„›
10 20 South Africa sovereign state
Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
11 17 medical ethics bioethics
philosophy of medicine
research ethics
Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
12 16 Kenya sovereign state
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
13 16 sexually transmitted infection Transmission (medicine) infectious disease Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
14 15 California U.S. state Ryan Peek ๐„›
15 14 human pregnancy physiological condition pregnancy Annette K. Regan ๐„›
16 14 pregnant woman state woman Annette K. Regan ๐„›
17 12 vocal folds larynx
subdivision of larynx
Julina Ongkasuwan ๐„›
18 11 United States of America sovereign state
constitutional republic
democratic republic
federal republic
historical unrecognized state
American studies Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
19 11 Australia Commonwealth realm
dominion of the British Empire
sovereign state
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
20 11 urbanization trend Alison Cohen ๐„›
21 11 HIV transmission pathogen transmission Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
22 11 Cambodia sovereign state
constitutional monarchy
Marie-Claude Couture ๐„›
23 11 research ethics scientific ethics Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
24 10 obesity health risk overnutrition Alison Cohen ๐„›
25 10 public health science
academic discipline
health science health economics Alison Cohen ๐„›
26 10 nurse education medical education
educational institution
Lillian Bargagliotti ๐„›
27 10 sexual transmission pathogen transmission Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
28 9 machine learning academic discipline computer science
artificial intelligence
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
29 9 community health academic discipline health care Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
30 9 Cytomegalovirus taxon neurotropic virus Juliet V Spencer ๐„›
31 8 queer reappropriation
umbrella term
J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
32 8 men who have sex with men group of humans man J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
33 8 There There novel Christina Garcia Lopez ๐„›
34 8 biogeography branch of geography
academic major
branch of biology
physical geography
Theodore Papenfuss ๐„›
35 8 climate change meteorological phenomenon academic discipline climatology Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
36 8 m-health e-health Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
37 7 People's Republic of China sovereign state
socialist state
secular state
constitutional republic
people's republic
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
38 7 type 2 diabetes diabetes Genevieve Leung ๐„›
39 7 decision making mental process
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
40 7 anti-retroviral agent antiviral agent Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
41 7 social media economic activity
communication medium
virtual place
media studies
interaction science
mรญdias digitais
Brandi Lawless ๐„›
42 7 urban studies academic discipline Tanu Sankalia ๐„›
43 7 metabolic syndrome syndrome
disease mongering
rare disease
abdominal obesity-metabolic syndrome Sarah M Camhi ๐„›
44 6 patient state human
sick person
Richard Cheng ๐„›
45 6 biomarker indicator
chemical compound
Sean Judge ๐„›
46 6 San Francisco consolidated city-county
city of the United States
sanctuary city
big city
charter city
Billy Riggs ๐„›
47 6 substance P tachykinins
protein fragment
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
48 6 maternal health health Annette K. Regan ๐„›
49 6 feces biogenic substance type portion of solid body substance
Lauren M Sassoubre ๐„›
50 6 Hymenoptera taxon hymenopterology Matthew L. Forister ๐„›
51 6 modeling and simulation use Susan K Prion ๐„›
52 6 alcohol consumption drinking
ethanol exposure
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
53 6 immigrant migrant Joyce P Yang ๐„›
54 6 bioethics academic discipline
field of work
ethics Albert R. Jonsen ๐„›
55 5 stereotype generalization
cognitive bias
J. Garrett-Walker ๐„›
56 5 collaboration activity Alison Cohen ๐„›
57 5 governance authority management cybernetics
academic discipline
Lillian Bargagliotti ๐„›
58 5 storytelling oral media
Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
59 5 attention mental process
Diane C. Hatton ๐„›
60 5 digital storytelling storytelling Alice Fiddian-Green ๐„›
61 5 Thailand constitutional monarchy
sovereign state
Thai studies Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
62 5 stillbirth cause of death
health problem
pregnancy outcome
reproductive system symptom
Annette K. Regan ๐„›
63 5 diagnosis document
problem solving
Samuel F. Posner ๐„›
64 5 Tanzania republic
sovereign state
Kelly L'Engle ๐„›
65 5 insecticide phytopharmaceuticals
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
66 5 organophosphate structural class of chemical compounds organophosphorus ester
phosphate ester
Janice Elaine Chambers ๐„›
67 5 behavioral intervention treatment Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus ๐„›
68 5 quality of life quality Joyce P Yang ๐„›
69 5 herbivory feeding behavior Matthew L. Forister [