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This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?item wdt:P39 wd:Q76460000. SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }


Name image occupation position held item
Albert F. Trivelli
President of the University of San Francisco Q108119875
Albert R. Jonsen Catholic priest
President of the University of San Francisco Q4711063
Aloysius Masnata Catholic priest President of the University of San Francisco
President of Santa Clara University
Anthony Maraschi priest President of the University of San Francisco Q4773007
Burchard Villiger
Catholic priest
academic administrator
President of Saint Joseph's University
President of Santa Clara University
President of the University of San Francisco
President of Gonzaga College High School
provincial superior
Rector of Woodstock College
Charles W. Dullea President of the University of San Francisco Q108120995
Edward J. Whelan President of the University of San Francisco
President of Loyola Marymount University
Edward P. Allen President of the University of San Francisco Q107977786
Harold E. Ring President of the University of San Francisco Q108120005
Henry Imoda President of the University of San Francisco Q107977693
John F.X. Connolly President of the University of San Francisco Q108120906
John Lo Schiavo academic President of the University of San Francisco Q6245078
John P. Frieden President of the University of San Francisco Q107977803
John P. Schlegel Catholic priest President of the University of San Francisco
President of Creighton University
John Pinasco Catholic priest President of the University of San Francisco
President of Santa Clara University
Joseph Bayma
President of the University of San Francisco Q10985758
Joseph Casimir Sasia President of the University of San Francisco Q93270110
Nicholas Congiato Catholic priest President of the University of San Francisco
President of Santa Clara University
Patrick J. Foote President of the University of San Francisco Q108119895
Paul J. Fitzgerald
academic President of the University of San Francisco Q19865569
Pius L. Moore President of the University of San Francisco Q108119924
Robert E. Kenna
Catholic priest President of the University of San Francisco
President of Santa Clara University
Stephen Privett academic President of the University of San Francisco Q7610289
William C. McInnes military personnel President of Fairfield University
President of the University of San Francisco
William I. Lonergan President of the University of San Francisco Q108119959
William J. Dunne President of the University of San Francisco Q108120022

∑ 26 items.

End of automatically generated list.