User:GeneaBot/Code/module person

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# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
import pywikibot
from object_display import *
from object_source  import *
from object_human   import *


# Fonction PersonUpdate
def PersonUpdate(curRequest, Reference):"A", "PersonUpdate", 1, "curRequest=" + curRequest + ", Reference=" + repr(Reference) )
    DisplayLog.AppendRequest( curRequest )

    ident = ""
    father = ""
    mother = ""
    spouse = ""
    page   = ""
    Params = dict()
    Family = []
    defHumanClaims = Human.defaultClaims

    # Process request PersonUpdate
    curRequest = curRequest[:len(curRequest)-2]  # suppress '}}' at the end request
    listArgs = curRequest.split("|")
    iArg = 1
    while iArg < len(listArgs):
        Statement = listArgs[iArg].split("=")
        Property = Statement[0].strip()
        try :
            Value = Statement[1].strip()
        except IndexError:
            DisplayMessages.warning("A", "PersonUpdate", "parameter '" + Property + "' without argument")
            iArg += 1
        DisplayMessages.debug("A", "PersonUpdate", 4, "Property= " + Property + ", Value= " + Value )
        if not Value == "":
            if Property == 'item':
                ident = Value
            elif Property == 'sex':
                if Value == "F"  or Value == "f" :
                    AddStatementTo(Params, 'P21', "Q6581072")
                elif Value == "M"  or Value == "m" :
                    AddStatementTo(Params, 'P21', "Q6581097")
                elif Value == "H"  or Value == "h" :
                    AddStatementTo(Params, 'P21', "Q6581097")
            elif Property == 'occupation':
                AddStatementTo(Params, 'P106', Value)
            elif Property == 'given name':
                AddStatementTo(Params, 'P735', Value)
            elif Property == 'noble family':
                AddStatementTo(Params, 'P53', Value)
            elif Property == 'date of birth':
                AddStatementTo(Params, 'P569', Value)
            elif Property == 'date of death':
                AddStatementTo(Params, 'P570', Value)
            elif Property == 'place of birth':
                AddStatementTo(Params, 'P19', Value)
            elif Property == 'place of death':
                AddStatementTo(Params, 'P20', Value)
            elif Property == 'blason':
                AddStatementTo(Params, 'P94', Value)
            elif Property == 'father':
                father = Value
            elif Property == 'mother':
                mother = Value
            elif Property == 'spouse':
                spouse = Value
            elif Property == 'page':
                page = Value
                DisplayMessages.warning("A", "PersonUpdate", "unknown parameter '" + Property + " = " + Value + "'")
        iArg += 1

    for Property in defHumanClaims:
        if not Property in Params:
            AddStatementTo(Params, Property, defHumanClaims[Property][0])
            DisplayMessages.debug("A", "PersonUpdate", 4, "adding default : '" + Property + " = " + defHumanClaims[Property][0] + "'" )

    #for Property in Human.optionalClaims:
    #    if not Property in Params:
    #        AddStatementTo(Params, Property, Human.optionalClaims[Property])
    #        DisplayMessages.debug("A", "PersonUpdate", 4, "adding default : '" + Property + " = " + Human.optionalClaims[Property] + "'" )
    if page == "":
        Ref = Reference
        RefPage = Source()
        RefPage.AddReference('P304', page, True)
        Ref = Reference + RefPage
    DisplayMessages.debug("A", "PersonUpdate", 4, "parameter = " + str(Params) )
    if not ident == "":
        Person = Human.Get(ident, Params, Ref)
        DisplayMessages.debug("A", "PersonUpdate", 9, "Person = " + Person.display("short") )
        if not father == "":
            Father = Human.Get(father, defHumanClaims, Ref)
            Person.SetParent('H', Father, Ref)
            DisplayMessages.debug("A", "PersonUpdate", 9, "Father = " + Father.display("short") )
        if not mother == "":
            Mother = Human.Get(mother, defHumanClaims, Ref)
            Person.SetParent('F', Mother, Ref)
            DisplayMessages.debug("A", "PersonUpdate", 9, "Mother = " + Mother.display("short") )
        if not spouse == "":
            Spouse = Human.Get(spouse, defHumanClaims, Ref)
            Person.SetSpouse(Spouse, Ref)
            DisplayMessages.debug("A", "PersonUpdate", 9, "Spouse = " + Spouse.display("short") )

        siblings = Person.GetSibling()
        for key in siblings:
            DisplayMessages.debug("A", "PersonUpdate", 9, "Siblings = " + siblings[key].display("short") )
    return Family


def AddStatementTo(Param, Prop, Value):"A", "AddStatementTo", 4, "Param, Prop=" + Prop + ", Value=" + Value )
    if not Prop in Param:
        Param[Prop] = []

def TestPersonUpdate(NumCase, curRequest, Reference, Format, Run):
    print( "" )
    print( "---------------------------" )
    print( "test "+ str(NumCase) )
    print( "Format=" + str(Format) + ", Run=" + str(Run) ) 
    print( "PersonUpdate(curRequest=" + curRequest + ", Reference)" )
    print( "" )
    family = PersonUpdate(curRequest, Reference)
    for member in family:
        print( "" )
        print( member.display(Format, Run) )

def mainTestPersonUpdate(*args):
    param = CallParameter(*args)
    NumCase   = param.GetValue('case', 0)

    ListDisplay = Display.split(':')
    Format = ListDisplay[0]
    if len(ListDisplay) >= 2:
        Run = ListDisplay[1]
        Run = 'simu'

    source = Source()
    source.AddReference('P248', 'Q13419312', True)
    source.AddReference('P854', '', True)
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 1:
        sourceSV = Source()
        sourceSV.AddReference('P248', 'Q13419312', True)
        sourceSV.AddReference('P854', '', True)
        request = '{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q312636 | given name=Q482154 |father= |mother=Q735117 }}'
        TestPersonUpdate(1, request, sourceSV, Format, Run)
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 2:
        sourceSV = Source()
        sourceSV.AddReference('P248', 'Q13419312', True)
        sourceSV.AddReference('P854', '', True)
        request = '{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q312636 | given name=Q482154 |father=Q451998 |mother=Q735117 |spouse=Q740325 }}'
        TestPersonUpdate(2, request, sourceSV, Format, Run)
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 3:
        request = '{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q2557324}}'
        TestPersonUpdate(3, request, source, Format, Run)
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 4:
        request = '{{/PersonUpdate|item= Q1286227 |date of birth=before 950}}'
        TestPersonUpdate(4, request, source, Format, Run)

if __name__ == "__main__":