User:Jc3s5h/Reverse engineer date-time precision

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The mediawikiwiki:Wikibase/DataModel/JSON#timedata model states the date-time datatype has a year field that is always signed and has between 4 and 16 digits.

So a full date-time example that has all possible digits (even though many of them are not implemented is


Note the time zone is currently unsupported but the data model calls for it to be stored in a separate field, so the Z at the end is meaningless

Numbering the digits, with blank colummns inserted for readability:

Example   +1234 56789 01234 56-01 -01T0 1:02: 03Z
digit     00000|00000|11111|11111|22222|33333|444
numbers   01234|56789|01234|56789|01234|56789|123
precision                       1|  1  | 1  1| 1
                  012|34567|89  0|  1  | 2  3| 4