Wikidata:Relation between properties in RDF and in Wikidata

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The Wikidata data model is at the simplest level well-matched to RDF, as most data is encoded via an item (rdf:subject), a property (rdf:predicate) and a value for that property (rdf:object). The following table notes some of the standard properties in wikidata that match standard RDF and RDFS predicates.

Wikidata labels and descriptions are however handled separately from properties; in the RDF dump they are translated into rdfs, skos, and schema predicates directly. In particular, a Wikidata label in a given language becomes an rdfs:label, skos:prefLabel, and schema:name in the dump. An alias (alternate label) becomes a skos:altLabel. The description strings become schema:description triples.

RDF Property name RDF comment RDF domain RDF range WD property (primary) WD property (domain specific)
rdf:type The subject is an instance of a class. rdfs:Resource rdfs:Class instance of (P31) vessel class (P289)
rdfs:subClassOf The subject is a subclass of a class. rdfs:Class rdfs:Class subclass of (P279) parent taxon (P171)
rdfs:subPropertyOf The subject is a subproperty of a property. rdf:Property rdf:Property subproperty of (P1647)
rdfs:domain A domain of the subject property. rdf:Property rdfs:Class expressed via property constraint (P2302)
rdfs:range A range of the subject property. rdf:Property rdfs:Class expressed via property constraint (P2302)
rdfs:label A human-readable name for the subject. rdfs:Resource rdfs:Literal all labels become rdfs:labels directly
rdfs:comment A description of the subject resource. rdfs:Resource rdfs:Literal descriptions are represented via schema:description predicates
rdfs:member A member of the subject resource. rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource part of (P361) transport network (P16), connecting line (P81), located in the administrative territorial entity (P131), part of the series (P179) ...
rdf:first The first item in the subject RDF list. rdf:List rdfs:Resource expressed via series ordinal (P1545)
rdf:rest The rest of the subject RDF list after the first item. rdf:List rdf:List expressed via series ordinal (P1545)
rdfs:seeAlso Further information about the subject resource. rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource related property (P1659)
rdfs:isDefinedBy The definition of the subject resource. rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource described at URL (P973) - but this is also represented by sitelinks and external id properties
rdf:value Idiomatic property used for structured values. rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource
rdf:subject The subject of the subject RDF statement. rdf:Statement rdfs:Resource
rdf:predicate The predicate of the subject RDF statement. rdf:Statement rdfs:Resource
rdf:object The object of the subject RDF statement. rdf:Statement rdfs:Resource