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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Tools/Edit items and the translation is 61% complete.
項目の編集 インターフェースの改善

For userscripts to improve the editing experience on, see Wikidata:Tools/Enhance user interface#Userscripts to aid editing.


Author Disambiguator (Q76693569)
by ArthurPSmith
BnF To Wikidata (Q108311072)
フランス国立図書館(Bibliothèque nationale de France、別称BnF)からソース付きのデータを利用して、人物に関するウィキデータの項目を作成または更新します。
by Envlh
Harvest Templates (Q21914398)
by Pasleim
IdRef To Wikidata
Create or update a Wikidata item about a person, using sourced data from IdRef (delivered by the French agency Agence bibliographique de l'enseignement supérieur, also known as Abes).
by Envlh
Mix-n-match (Q28054658)
by Magnus Manske
Multi-track Drafting (Q121850118)
Multi-track Drafting
A small web app for easily editing album (Q482994) items on Wikidata by creating items for individual tracks, and then adding them as tracklist (P658) statements on the album item. (Manual)
by Nicereddy
Names As Labels (Q21640602)
by Magnus Manske
QuickStatements 2 (Q29032512)
QuickStatements 2
by Magnus Manske
WDFIST (WikiData Free Image Search Tool) (Q21283216)
項目の記事から取得した画像候補を表示し、クリックしてその画像をimage (P18)へ設定できます。特定のトピックまたはエリアに対して制限を設けることも可能です。
by Magnus Manske
Wikidata Game

Wikidata Game is a complicated website with many activities. Here, a machine finds potential actions and has buttons to accept or deny. Then the machine edits Wikidata automatically under your name. However, you are responsible for these edits. A WiDaR account is needed to access the Game.

by Magnus Manske
Wikidata Game (Distributed)

The Distributed Game is a complicated website with many activities. Here, a machine finds potential actions and has buttons to accept or deny. Then the machine edits Wikidata automatically under your name. However, you are responsible for these edits. A WiDaR account is needed to access The Distributed Game.

by Magnus Manske
Wikidata Image Positions
Wikidata Image Positions

Tool to show and add relative position within image (P2677) qualifiers on depicts (P180) statements on Wikidata items as areas on the item’s image (P18).


by Lucas Werkmeister
Wikidata Recent Changes (Q108296900)
Wikidata Recent Changes
by Pasleim
Wikidata Terminator (Q110854569)
by Magnus Manske
Wiki ShootMe! (Q26964791)
Wiki ShootMe!
by Magnus Manske
Wikidata Orcid Scraper (Q125935365)
This tool fetches DOIs from for a specific author and curate them using Scholia. It gives users an overview of which DOIs are missing and helps them easily import missing articles one by one. Wikidata Orcid Scraper Manual.
by So9q
Wikidata Topic Curator (Q124608161)
Curate topics and add them to subgraphs like scientific articles or Riksdagen documents. Wikidata Topic Curator Manual.
by So9q


Cita (Q108311142)
Adds citations metadata (i.e., what other items an item cites) support to the reference management software Zotero, using cites work (P2860) information from Wikidata, and enabling users to easily contribute missing data.
by Diegodlh
Commons Android app (Q52429227)
Commons Android app
by Misaochan
Daty (Q60949478)
Daty is a cross-platform free Wikidata editor adhering to GNOME (Q44316) Human Interface Guidelines, intended to enable a better editing workflow and faster deployment of requested user features for Wikidata.
by Ogoorcs
OpenRefine (Q5583871)
Open source data wrangling software which can be used to align datasets with Wikidata, with advanced matching on names and properties. It can then be used to import these datasets in Wikidata. See the tutorials for that.
by Pintoch
Pywikibot (Q15169668)
Powerful Python programmatic interface to update Wikidata items, and MediaWiki pages. Can be used from a Linux shell or Wikidata:PAWS. Documentation available on Manual:Pywikibot/Wikidata, examples on Wikidata:Pywikibot - Python 3 Tutorial/Labels.
Wikidata for Web (Q99894727)
Wikidata for Web
An extension for Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, that displays Data from Wikidata on various websites and also allows extraction of data from these websites.
by Shisma
Wikidata Missing Pictures (offline)
スマートフォン持参での旅行中にインターネットアクセスが無い(あるいは高額な)場合のために、あなたのオフライン地図アプリケーション内にGPXやKMLファイルを読み込んで、まだ画像(P18)の無いウィキデータ項目の写真を撮りに行きます。Wiki ShootMe! に似ていますがオフラインで使えます。
by Syced
Wiki Explorer (Q94986881)
Wiki Explorer

Find and explore objects that are close to you and described on Wikipedia & Wikidata. Enable notifications when objects are close to you. Edit items with the ease of one click. Documentation

by Wikiexplorerapp
WikibaseJS-cli (Q87194660)
A command-line interface to Wikidata or any other Wikibase (Q16354758) instance, based on wikibase-edit. It can be used from the terminal as an alternative interface to the web browser interface, or in scripts to run many edits.
by Maxlath
Wwwyzzerdd (Q108267084)
Browser extension that lets you import statements, descriptions, aliases from Wikipedia articles
by BrokenSegue
Zotero (import) (Q226915)


Check site links (Q108311130)
mw.loader.load("//"); // [[d:User:Yair rand/checksitelinks.js]]
by Yair rand (source)
