Wikidata:WikiProject Calendar Dates/lists/days/2019/periodic events

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day point in time day of week ?periodic_events public holiday
January 1, 2019 2019-01-01 Tuesday first day of the year
Venice New Year's Concert
Public Domain Day
Dutch New Year
Novy God
Polar bear plunge
World Day of Peace
Feast of the Circumcision of Christ
Новый год в Финляндии
Neujahrsmarathon Zürich
New Year's address to the nation
Japanese New Year
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Vienna New Year's Concert
leap year starting on Sunday and ending on Monday
leap year starting on Friday and ending on Saturday
leap year starting on Tuesday and ending on Wednesday
leap year starting on Monday and ending on Tuesday
leap year starting on Saturday and ending on Sunday
leap year starting on Thursday and ending on Friday
leap year starting on Wednesday and ending on Thursday
President of the Republic's New Year's Speech
Field Day
Mummers Parade
Triumph of the Revolution
Universal Brotherhood Day
first sunrise
Nanori, Shimenawa-kiri, and Fire Festival
Speech at the opening of the Folketing by the Prime Minister of Denmark
Restoration Day of the Independent Czech State
Basil Day
First Day Hikes
Stepan Bandera's Birthday
Founding of the Republic of China Day
Day of the Establishment of the Slovak Republic
Independence Day
New Year's Day🇪🇸
New Year
January 2, 2019 2019-01-02 Wednesday Novy God
Hakone Ekiden
Kaapse Klopse
National Science Fiction Day
Dainichido Bugaku
Игнатов день
Saint Sylvester's Day
Ancestry Day
Basil the Great and Gregory of Nazianzus
New Year Holiday
New Year's Holidays
Winter solstice
January 3, 2019 2019-01-03 Thursday Novy God
Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus
Hakone Ekiden
New Year's Holidays
Revolution Day
January 4, 2019 2019-01-04 Friday Novy God
Independence Day
World Braille Day
New Year's Holidays
Martyrs' Day
Day of King Amador
National Ribbon Skirt Day
January 5, 2019 2019-01-05 Saturday Novy God
Cavalcade of Magi
Shinnen Enkai
Noche de Reyes
Kreschensky Vecher
Cavalcade of Magi in Igualada
Cabalgata de Reyes de Castanedo, Carriazo y Galizano
New Year's Holidays
January 6, 2019 2019-01-06 Sunday Vodokres
Sorteo Extraordinario del Niño
Novy God
Christmas in Ukraine
Día de Reyes
World Day for War Orphans
Army Day
January 7, 2019 2019-01-07 Monday Tricolour Day
Synaxis of John the Baptist
Christmas in Ukraine
Christmas in Russia
Constitution Day
Sunday after Epiphany
Victory over Genocide Day
January 8, 2019 2019-01-08 Tuesday Babinden
Novy God
Emilian Day
Typing Day
The Eighth
Ascanio Day
Sunday after Epiphany
January 9, 2019 2019-01-09 Wednesday Day of Republic Srpska
Festival Toka Ebisu
Sunday after Epiphany
January 10, 2019 2019-01-10 Thursday Babinden
Fête du Vodoun
Working Journalists Day
Категория:События 10 января
Festival Toka Ebisu
Sunday after Epiphany
Majority Rule Day
January 11, 2019 2019-01-11 Friday День заповедников и национальных парков
Kagami biraki
Wikimedia-Stammtisch München
Festival Toka Ebisu
Prithvi Jayanti
Sunday after Epiphany
Proclamation of Independence Day
Accession Day
National Day of Acullico
Kosrae Constitution Day
January 12, 2019 2019-01-12 Saturday День работника прокуратуры (Россия)
National Youth Day
Youth Day
Amazigh New Year
Sunday after Epiphany
Zanzibar Revolution Day
January 13, 2019 2019-01-13 Sunday Christmas Peace
St. Knut's Day
Rite of the Kalyady Tsars
Old New Year
Stephen Foster Memorial Day
Knut's party
Sunday after Epiphany
Democracy Day
National Rubber Ducky Day
January 14, 2019 2019-01-14 Monday first day of the year
Feast of the Ass
Coming of Age Day
Ratification Day
Senkaku Islands Pioneering Day
Basil Day
Defender of the Motherland Day
Sendai hadaka-mairi
World Logic Day
Day of the Divine Shepherdess
Revolution and Youth Day
January 15, 2019 2019-01-15 Tuesday Carmentalia
Hangul Day
Coming of Age Day
Wikipedia Day
Toga Hatsuuma Festival
Suneka of Yoshihama
Day of Interlingua
Сильвестров день
Wikipedia birthday
John Chilembwe Day
George Price Day
January 16, 2019 2019-01-16 Wednesday National Religious Freedom Day
Teachers' Day
National Nothing Day
cossiers d'Algaida
Heroes' Day
January 17, 2019 2019-01-17 Thursday Антон Перезимник
Fête de Saint-Antoine
Vueltas de San Antón
Marienbild von Absam
St Anthony's Day celebrations in Flanders
Sant Feliu de Codines
January 18, 2019 2019-01-18 Friday atanasov den
Day of the founding of the German Empire
Kreschensky Vecher
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2021 in Texas
Operation Dogo
January 19, 2019 2019-01-19 Saturday Vodokres
Confederate Memorial Day
Baptism of the Lord
Festa dos Fachós
Lee's Birthday
Exodus Day
Alardo de São Sebastião
January 20, 2019 2019-01-20 Sunday Sinulog festival
Synaxis of John the Baptist
Fiesta del 20 de enero
Heroes' Day
Día de San Sebastián, Reinosa
Día del Roto Chileno
Armed Forces Day
Day of National Mourning
Alardo de São Sebastião
Día Nacional de la Consciencia Indígena
January 21, 2019 2019-01-21 Monday National Hug Day
Lunar/Lunisolar New Year
Blue Monday
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Emilian Day
Día de la Altagracia
Errol Barrow Day
Feast of Saint Agnes
January 22, 2019 2019-01-22 Tuesday Day of Unity of Ukraine
Hungarian culture day
День соборности и свободы Украины
journée franco-allemande
Fest of the Fourth Universal
День провозглашения независимости Украины
Plurinational State of Bolivia Anniversary
January 23, 2019 2019-01-23 Wednesday Bounty Day
World Freedom Day
National Pie Day
Festa do Senhor dos Passos
January 24, 2019 2019-01-24 Thursday Sementivae
National Girl Child Day
International Day of Education
Uttar Pradesh Day
Day of the Unification of the Romanian Principalities
Day of Interpunct
January 25, 2019 2019-01-25 Friday National Voters' Day
National Police Day
Tatiana Day
Burns supper
conversion of Paul the Apostle
Ptashkowa swajdzba
День штурмана ВМФ РФ
Magnus Manske Day
January 25 Revolution Day
G.F. Betico Croes Day
Founding of São Paulo
January 26, 2019 2019-01-26 Saturday Sementivae
Republic Day
Bunkazai Bōka Day
Australia Day
International Customs Day
Atagosya no Hi Matsuri
Day of the Catalan Soldier
Foguerons de Sant Antoni de sa Pobla a Gràcia
World Environmental Education Day
Hong Kong Foundation Day
Timothy and Titus
NRM Liberation Day
Duarte's Birthday
International Day of Clean Energy
January 27, 2019 2019-01-27 Sunday World Leprosy Day
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
United Nations Holocaust Memorial
Day of Remembrance for Victims of Nazim
Holocaust Memorial Day
Saint Dévote's Day
Saint Sava Day
January 28, 2019 2019-01-28 Monday Army Day
Data Privacy Day
National Heroes' Day
Día del Bibliobús
January 29, 2019 2019-01-29 Tuesday Giorni della merla
National Transgender Day of Visibility
January 30, 2019 2019-01-30 Wednesday Антон Перезимник
Giorni della merla
Martyrs' Day
Teachers' Day
Fred Korematsu Day
World NTD Day
Martyrs' Day
Estonian Literature Day
January 31, 2019 2019-01-31 Thursday Giorni della merla
atanasov den
День рождения русской водки
Festa do Senhor dos Passos
Independence Day
February 1, 2019 2019-02-01 Friday Imbolc
Federal Territory Day
National Freedom Day
World Hijab Day
No Hijab Day
National Heroes' Day
Abolition of Slavery
Days of the Kragujevac book
February 2, 2019 2019-02-02 Saturday National Youth Day
Festes Decennals de la Mare de Déu de la Candela
World Wetlands Day
Groundhog Day
Gŵyl Fair y Canhwyllau
Iemanjá Day
Ice Cream for Breakfast Day
Feast of the presentation of Jesus at the Temple
Meeting of the Lord
Festa de Iemanjá Rio Vermelho
Wikimedia-Stammtisch München
world day for consecrated life
Festa do Senhor dos Passos
Slavic Candlemas
February 3, 2019 2019-02-03 Sunday Blessing of the Throats
Saint Blaise's feast day
Tres de Febrero
Festivities of San Blas, Ateca
Festa do Senhor dos Passos
Martyrs' Day
Heroes' Day
National Women Physicians Day
Otafuku (Kushida-jinja)
February 4, 2019 2019-02-04 Monday World Cancer Day
Independence Day
International Day of Human Fraternity
Day of the Beginning of the National Liberation Armed Struggle
February 5, 2019 2019-02-05 Tuesday Runeberg Day
Day of the Constitution
Runeberg Prize
Kashmir Solidarity Day
National Weatherperson's Day
Santíssim Misteri de Cervera
Feast of Saint Agatha
Агафья Коровница
Completes de Cervera
flag day in Finland
Unity Day
February 6, 2019 2019-02-06 Wednesday Muay Thai day
International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation
Saami National day
Waitangi Day
Международный день бармена
Ronald Reagan Day
Otō Matsuri
Santíssim Misteri de Cervera
Saami flag days
Bob Marley Day
February 7, 2019 2019-02-07 Thursday National Prayer Breakfast
Northern Territories Day
Independence Day
February 8, 2019 2019-02-08 Friday Prešeren Day
Alpha Centaurids
Propose Day
Military Foundation Day
February 9, 2019 2019-02-09 Saturday Oku-noto no Aenokoto
Odate Amekko-ichi
Mishima's Kasedori Festival
National Ethnography, Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Day
St. Maroun's Day
February 10, 2019 2019-02-10 Sunday День дипломатического работника
National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe
Synaxis of the Hierarchs of Novgorod
Autism Sunday
World Pulses Day
Toba Fire Festival
Feast of Saint Paul's Shipwreck
International Day of the Arabian Leopard
February 11, 2019 2019-02-11 Monday День отрядов милиции специального назначения
European 112 Day
National Foundation Day
Youth Day
World Day of the Sick
Saint Blaise's feast day
Собор Екатеринбургских святых
День «номера службы спасения 112»
Evelio Javier Day
Royal Hobart Regatta
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Armed Forces Day
Youth Day
February 12, 2019 2019-02-12 Tuesday Red Hand Day
Darwin Day
Youth Day
День сотрудника органа по контролю наркотиков в Киргизии
Georgia Day
Lincoln's Birthday
National Freedom to Marry Day
Safer Internet Day
National Sports Day
Union Day
International Day for the Prevention of Violent Extremism as and when Conducive to Terrorism
February 13, 2019 2019-02-13 Wednesday World Radio Day
Galentine's Day
Palentine's day
February 14, 2019 2019-02-14 Thursday День науки на Украине
Parents' Worship Day
Gero Ta-no-Kami Festival
Hiburi Kamakura
Sundarbans Day
Rafik Hariri Memorial Day
I love Free Software Day
Valentine's Day
February 15, 2019 2019-02-15 Friday National Flag of Canada Day
Statehood Day
Susan B. Anthony Day
Japanese Red Cross Academy
День памяти воинов-интернационалистов
International Children's Cancer Day
International Visegrad Day
Liberation Day
Slavic Candlemas
February 16, 2019 2019-02-16 Saturday Saidai-ji Eyo matsuri
National Sweater Day
Day of the Shining Star
Archbishop Janani Luwum Day
Act of Independence of Lithuania
Day of Restoration of the State of Lithuania
February 17, 2019 2019-02-17 Sunday Q2508693
Random Acts of Kindness Day
Independence Day
February 17th Revolution Day
Global Tourism Resilience Day
Global Tourism Resilience Day
February 18, 2019 2019-02-18 Monday Washington's Birthday
День транспортной милиции России
Family Day
Агафья Коровница
National Day for Asperger Syndrome
Independence Day
Armed Forces Day
Winter Midterm Bank Holiday
Louis Riel Day
February 19, 2019 2019-02-19 Tuesday Day of Remembrance
Shiv Jayanti
International Day Against Homophobia in Football
February 20, 2019 2019-02-20 Wednesday Allergy day
World Day of Social Justice
Lunar/Lunisolar New Year
День яблока (США)
Promised Reformer Day
Trans Man and Transmasculine Day
February 21, 2019 2019-02-21 Thursday National Braille Day
Language Movement Day
Manresa Festival of Light
Robert Gabriel Mugabe National Youth Day
Birthday of King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck
National Youth Day
Father Lini Day
Biike Burning
International Mother Language Day
February 22, 2019 2019-02-22 Friday Cat Day
World Thinking Day
Takeshima Day
Day of the Argentine Antarctic
Chair of Saint Peter
World Encephalitis Day
Día de la Fraternidad
Founding Day
Birthday of King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck
Independence Day
February 23, 2019 2019-02-23 Saturday World Islam Day
Defender of the Fatherland Day
The Emperor's Birthday
Katsuyama Sagichō
National Day
День Советской Армии и Военно-морского флота
Birthday of King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck
February 24, 2019 2019-02-24 Sunday Independence Day
Teachers' Day
Saint Blaise's feast day
Flag Day in Mexico
Sweden Finns' Day
Katsuyama Sagichō
National Woman's Day
National Remembrance Day
February 25, 2019 2019-02-25 Monday Día de Conmemoración de las Víctimas de las Dictaduras Comunistas
Soviet Occupation Day
National Day
Commemoration of the February strike
EDSA Revolution Anniversary
Revolution Day
February 26, 2019 2019-02-26 Tuesday Liberation of Kuwait
Day of Resistance to Occupation of Crimea and Sevastopol
February 27, 2019 2019-02-27 Wednesday Majuba Day
International Polar Bear Day
World NGO Day
Anosmia Awareness Day
Independence Day
February 28, 2019 2019-02-28 Thursday Kalevala Day
National Science Day
Andalusia Day
leap year starting on Sunday and ending on Monday
leap year starting on Friday and ending on Saturday
leap year starting on Tuesday and ending on Wednesday
leap year starting on Monday and ending on Tuesday
leap year starting on Saturday and ending on Sunday
leap year starting on Thursday and ending on Friday
leap year starting on Wednesday and ending on Thursday
Teachers' Day
Peace Memorial Day
Día del Bailarín
Global Scouse Day
last day of February
flag day in Finland
National Rare Disease Day
World Day of Action on Global Warming
March 1, 2019 2019-03-01 Friday National Day of Cursed Soldiers
Авдотья Весновка
Day of the Balearic Islands
Saint David's Day
World Day of Prayer
Baba Marta Day
leap year starting on Sunday and ending on Monday
leap year starting on Friday and ending on Saturday
leap year starting on Tuesday and ending on Wednesday
leap year starting on Monday and ending on Tuesday
leap year starting on Saturday and ending on Sunday
leap year starting on Thursday and ending on Friday
leap year starting on Wednesday and ending on Thursday
Национальный день цветных женщин
Independence Day (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Remembrance Day
Self-injury Awareness Day
World Civil Defence Day
Zero Discrimination Day
Beer Day
Yap Day
flag day in Finland
National Insurance Day (Bangladesh)
Disability Day of Mourning
National Heroes Day
World Seagrass Day
March 2, 2019 2019-03-02 Saturday Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race
Texas Independence Day
Peasants' Day
Susan Butcher Day
International Open Data Day
Tree Planting Day
Saami flag days
World Teen Mental Wellness Day
American Citizenship Day
James Ronald Webster Day
Jamahiriya Day
March 3, 2019 2019-03-03 Sunday Hinamatsuri
Day of Judaism
World Hearing Day
Festa de Sant Medir
Liberation Day
Taxpayer's Day
World Wildlife Day
Kagoshima Marathon
Wikimedia-Stammtisch München
World Hearing Day
World Day of Birth Defects
Veterans Day
Martyrs' Day
March Bank Holiday
Africa Environment Day/Wangari Maathai Day
Day of C-cedilla
Mother's Day
March 4, 2019 2019-03-04 Monday Day of the Police of Belarus
Casimir Pulaski Day
Guam Discovery Day
National Grammar Day
World Obesity Day
UNESCO World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development
March 5, 2019 2019-03-05 Tuesday Navigium Isidis
St Piran's Day
Missionary Day
Massacre Day
St. Pat's for All
Custom Chief's Day
International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness
March 6, 2019 2019-03-06 Wednesday European Day of the Righteous
Independence Day
Norfolk Island Foundation Day
March 7, 2019 2019-03-07 Thursday Teachers' Day
World Book Day
Lesbian Visibility Day in Argentina
Día Nacional del Fútbol Femenino
Lavity Stoutt's Birthday
March 8, 2019 2019-03-08 Friday International Women's Collaboration Brew Day
Revolution Day
International Women's Day
Mother's Day
March 9, 2019 2019-03-09 Saturday National Heroes & Benefactors Day
March 10, 2019 2019-03-10 Sunday Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy i slava, i volia
Yokohama Three Towers
Harriet Tubman Day
Székely Freedom Day
International Day of Women Judges
MAR10 Day
March 11, 2019 2019-03-11 Monday Canberra Day
Commonwealth Day
Youth Day
Days of the Croatian Language
Labour Day
Lithuania Independence Restoration Day
Eight Hours Day
Día europeo de las víctimas del terrorismo
March Public Holiday
Moshoeshoe's Day
Saudi Flag Day
King Moshoeshoe I's Anniversary
Taranaki Provincial Anniversary Day
March 12, 2019 2019-03-12 Tuesday Youth Day
Aztec New Year
Days of the Croatian Language
World Glaucoma Day
Detrans Awareness Day
National Day
Youth Day
March 13, 2019 2019-03-13 Wednesday Tredesin de Mars
Gamma Normids
Kasyan Day
Days of the Croatian Language
National Elephant Day
National Day of Freedom of the Internet
Decoration Day
March 14, 2019 2019-03-14 Thursday Авдотья Весновка
World Kidney Day
Mother Language Day
White Day
Pi Day
Международный день действий против плотин
Days of the Croatian Language
Doctor's Day (Turkey)
Dita e Verës
Taiwan Day Against Invasion
Constitution Day
Steak and Blowjob Day
International Day of Mathematics
National Heroes Day
March 15, 2019 2019-03-15 Friday Parinirvana Day
1848 Revolution Memorial Day
State Youth Award
World Consumer Rights Day
Kossuth Prize
Days of the Croatian Language
World Contact Day
Hōnen Matsuri
World Speech Day
International Day To Combat Islamophobia
National Day
J.J. Roberts' Birthday
International Long COVID Awareness Day
March 16, 2019 2019-03-16 Saturday Remembrance Day of the Latvian Legionnaires
Stille Omgang
День республиканской гвардии Казахстана
Days of the Croatian Language
Sunshine Week
Izushi Hatsuuma Taisai
Kven National Day
March 17, 2019 2019-03-17 Sunday Anniversary of the Unification of Italy
Evacuation Day
Saint Patrick's Day
Days of the Croatian Language
Global greening
Mujib's Birthday
Día del Cómic y del Tebeo
March 18, 2019 2019-03-18 Monday Panay Liberation Day
Remembrance Day of martyrs in Gallipoli Campaign
Transit Driver Appreciation Day
Sheelah’s Day
Mens' and Soldiers' Day
Jour de la Commune de Paris
National Anthem and Flag Day
National Awkward Moments Day
Digital Cleanup Day
La Luminaria, La Torre, Ávila
March 19, 2019 2019-03-19 Tuesday День моряка-подводника
Minna Canth day
Saint Joseph's Day
Father's Day
Fallas de Benicarló
flag day in Finland
Fallas de Alboraya
March 20, 2019 2019-03-20 Wednesday International Astrology Day
International Francophonie Day
Vernal Equinox Day
International Day of Happiness
World Sparrow Day
UN French Language Day
World Storytelling Day
Commerce Day
World Oral Health Day
Independence Day
Happiness Week
World Frog Day
March 21, 2019 2019-03-21 Thursday Benito Juárez's birthday
Mathematical Kangaroo
Vernal Equinox Day
World Poetry Day
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
World Down Syndrome Day
World Puppetry Day
International Day of Nowruz
International Colour Day
Forest Week
Novruz in Azerbaijan
International Day of Forests
Goran's wreath
Жыл аджратты
Education Freedom Day
Human Rights Day (South Africa)
Independence Day
International Family Economy Day
Mother's Day
March 22, 2019 2019-03-22 Friday Soroki
Easter Sunday
World Water Day
Easter + 1 day
World Mime Day
West Sea Defense Day
date of Easter
Hundred Days
Emancipation Day
March 23, 2019 2019-03-23 Saturday Día del Mar
Pakistan Day
World Meteorological Day
Promised Messiah Day
Nordens dag
Nochi Spring Festival
День сотрудников органов национальной безопасности Азербайджана
Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day
Day of Southern Africa Liberation
March 24, 2019 2019-03-24 Sunday Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice
World Tuberculosis Day
International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims
March 25, 2019 2019-03-25 Monday Celebration of the Greek Revolution
Feast of the Annunciation
Tolkien Reading Day
Maryland Day
Freedom Day
International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Waffle Day
Pisan calendar
International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Staff Members
International Day of the Unborn Child
Anniversary of the Arengo
Lady Day
János Sziveri award
Bengali Genocide Remembrance Day
Medal of Honor Day
Greek Independence Day
Saami flag days
English legal calendar
Pisan New Year
Gondorian New Year
Mother's Day
March 26, 2019 2019-03-26 Tuesday День внутренних войск МВД Украины
Independence Day of Bangladesh
Kirkovo Municipality
Purple Day
Forest Week
Prince Kūhiō Day
День Национальной гвардии Украины
Martyrs' Day
March 27, 2019 2019-03-27 Wednesday День внутренних войск МВД России
World Theatre Day
Document Freedom Day
Ferenc Kallai Life Achievement Award
National Guard Day (Russia)
Muslim Women's Day
Višnja Machiedo Award
Armed Forces Day
International Day of Multilingualism
March 28, 2019 2019-03-28 Thursday Serfs Emancipation Day
Teachers' Day
Evacuation Day
March 29, 2019 2019-03-29 Friday Day of the Young Combatant
Youth Day
National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Martyrs' Day
Boganda day
March 30, 2019 2019-03-30 Saturday Land Day
Spiritual Baptist/Shouter Liberation Day
Feast of the Visitation
World Bipolar Day
International Day of Zero Waste
International Day of Zero Waste
March 31, 2019 2019-03-31 Sunday Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis
Cesar Chavez Day
Freedom Day
International Transgender Day of Visibility
Culture Day
World Backup Day
International Hug a Medievalist Day
April 1, 2019 2019-04-01 Monday Kha b-Nisan
Odisha Day
Installation ceremony of the Captains Regent
April Fools' Day
International Bird Day
Fossil Fools Day
Hash Bash
Празднование 1 апреля 2019 года в Википедии на русском языке
Cyprus National Day
Annual Accounts Closing
Prix de Joke
Celebration of the New Year of the Assyrians
1 Aprilviering
April 2, 2019 2019-04-02 Tuesday День единения народов
Day of the Veterans and Fallen of the Falklands War
International Children's Book Day
World Autism Awareness Day
April 3, 2019 2019-04-03 Wednesday Emperor Jinmu Festival
Día de la Memoria y Protección del Patrimonio Arquitectónico e Histórico de Reconquista
April 4, 2019 2019-04-04 Thursday World Internet Day
Liberation Day (Hungary)
International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action
Qingming Festival
Cold Food Festival
Chichibu Shrine Otauesai
Goō Shrine
Wikimedia-Stammtisch München
Children's Day
International Carrot Day
Day of Peace and Reconciliation
Independence Day
Independence Day
April 5, 2019 2019-04-05 Friday First Contact Day
Qingming Festival
New Beer's Eve
International Day of Conscience
First Contact Day
Babu Jagjivan Ram's Birthday
April 6, 2019 2019-04-06 Saturday День работника следственных органов
Founders Day
Tartan Day
Conference for Digital Data Transmission in Amateur Radio
Inuyama Festival
International Day of Sport for Development and Peace
Chakri Memorial Day
Tree Planting Day
International Asexuality Day
President Ntaryamira Day
April 7, 2019 2019-04-07 Sunday Feast of the Annunciation
International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Rwanda Genocide
Kanamara Matsuri
World Health Day
Inuyama Festival
Freedom of Speech Day
Day of the People's April Revolution
daylight saving time in New South Wales
Newspaper Day
Genocide Memorial Day
Karume Day
National Health Day
daylight saving time in Victoria
Mother's Day
April 8, 2019 2019-04-08 Monday International Romani Day
Hana matsuri
April 9, 2019 2019-04-09 Tuesday Bataan Day
Nuclear Technology Day
Vimy Ridge Day
Mikael Agricolan päivä
Day of National Unity of Georgia
World Konkani Day
flag day in Finland
Día de la Unidad Nacional (Georgia)
Constitution Day
Martyrs' Day
April 10, 2019 2019-04-10 Wednesday День строителя (Азербайджан)
Siblings Day
Genderfluid Pride Day
April 11, 2019 2019-04-11 Thursday Q468980
International Day of the liberation of Nazi concentration camps
Anniversary of the establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea
World Parkinson's Disease Day
National nuclear technology day
Juan Santamaría Day
Chhenapoda Dibasa
April 12, 2019 2019-04-12 Friday Day of Silence
Yuri's Night
Cosmonautics Day
International Day of Human Space Flight
Global Day of Action on Military Spending
Fast and Prayer Day
Primary Care Day
April 13, 2019 2019-04-13 Saturday International Kissing Day
Jefferson's Birthday
Tejikara Fire Festival
Kumano Hongū Taisha Reitaisha
World Rock and Roll Day
April 14, 2019 2019-04-14 Sunday Sinhalese New Year
Youth Day
Black Day
Ambedkar Jayanti
Pan American Day
Takayama Festival
Yasurai Matsuri
Kumano Hongū Taisha Reitaisha
Shōju Raigō Neri-Kuyō Eshiki
Hiyoshi Sannō-sai
Suga Shrine Taisai
World Chagas Disease Day
Cake and Cunnilingus Day
World Quantum Day
Americas Day
April 15, 2019 2019-04-15 Monday День Любви (Грузия)
Day of the Sun
Jackie Robinson Day
Takayama Festival
Kumano Hongū Taisha Reitaisha
World Art Day
Universal Day of Culture
National Security Education Day
April 16, 2019 2019-04-16 Tuesday День работника полиции Армении
World Voice Day
Erzya Language Day
DC Emancipation Day
Saint Magnus Day
April 17, 2019 2019-04-17 Wednesday Evacuation Day
World Day against Child Slavery
Malbec World Day
World Hemophilia Day
international circus day
Flag Day
April 18, 2019 2019-04-18 Thursday World Amateur Radio Day
International Day For Monuments and Sites
Islamic Republic of Iran Army Day
Independence Day
April 19, 2019 2019-04-19 Friday Primrose Day
American Aboriginal Day
Landing of the 33 Patriots Day
Memorial Day of the April Revolution
Bicycle Day
Independence Manifesto Day
King's Birthday
Limburg Day
April 20, 2019 2019-04-20 Saturday 420
UN Chinese Language Day
Furukawa Festival
Wikipedia:Justin Knapp Day
Hillbilly Days
April 21, 2019 2019-04-21 Sunday Easter Sunday
Grounation Day
Moors and Christians of Alcoy
San Jacinto Day
Tiradentes Day
Science Day
municipal elections in Finland
county elections
British National Tea Day
World Creativity and Innovation Day
Internationale Musische Werkstatt
April 22, 2019 2019-04-22 Monday Lyrids
Earth Day
Moors and Christians of Alcoy
International Mother Earth Day
April 23, 2019 2019-04-23 Tuesday National Day of Aragon
Castile and León Day
World Book Capital
Pi Puppids
Saint George Day
World Book Day
Moors and Christians of Alcoy
St George's Day in England
UN English Language Day
UN Spanish Language Day
National Sovereignty and Children's Day
Diada de Sant Jordi
April 24, 2019 2019-04-24 Wednesday World Day for Laboratory Animals
Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day
Concord Day
St Mark's Eve
Евсеев день
International Noise Awareness Day
National Panchayati Raj Day
International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace
National Rape Day
Día Internacional del Multilateralismo y la Diplomacia para la Paz
April 25, 2019 2019-04-25 Thursday Anniversary of the liberation of Italy
Feast of Saint Mark
World Malaria Day
Easter Sunday
Rogation days
Anzac Day
Kawaguchi no Chigomai
Easter + 1 day
Diada del 25 d'abril
National Flag Day
International Girls in ICT Day
Madonna di Pietraquaria
date of Easter
International Delegate’s Day
Freedom Day
День чувашского языка
April 26, 2019 2019-04-26 Friday World Intellectual Property Day
National Lesbian Day of Visibility
Madonna di Pietraquaria
International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day
Hausa day
Union Day
April 27, 2019 2019-04-27 Saturday International Design Day
Freedom Day
King's Day
День российского парламентаризма
National Prize for Medicine (Chile)
National veterans' day
Day of the Uprising Against Occupation
Madonna di Pietraquaria
Independence Day
flag day in Finland
Independence Day
Maryland Day
April 28, 2019 2019-04-28 Sunday Workers' Memorial Day
Mujahideen Victory Day
Dubravko Horvatić Award
Ljubica Štefan Award
Turkmen Horse Day
Ed Balls day
World Day for Safety and Health at Work
National Heroes' Day
Kenneth Kaunda Day
April 29, 2019 2019-04-29 Monday Shōwa Day
Golden Week
International Dance Day
Praia City Day
Veterans Day (România)
April 30, 2019 2019-04-30 Tuesday Day of liberating the South for national reunification
International Jazz Day
Golden Week
Walpurgis Night
Foreign Legion
Día del trabajador rural
День пограничника Украины
Maria Omgang 's-Hertogenbosch
Feast of Saint James
May 1, 2019 2019-05-01 Wednesday Vappu
May Day in Kreuzberg
Golden Week
May Day
Walpurgis Night
Kazakhstan People's Unity Day
Calan Mai
Global Love Day
Fiesta de Santiago el Verde
Takaoka Mikurumayama Festival
Loyalty Day
Maharashtra Day
Labour Day
Law Day, U.S.A.
Labour Day
Gujarat Day
Labour and Solidarity Day
Staffordshire Day
Labor Day in Spain
flag day in Finland
1 May Day
Lyme Disease Awareness Day
Saint Joseph the Worker
Joseph the Worker
Constitution Day
Day of International Solidarity of Workers
International Workers´ Day in Peru 2023
Saint-Evermarus celebration Rutten
первомайские демонстрации в Берлине
National Labour Day
State Holiday
International Workers' Day🇪🇸
May 2, 2019 2019-05-02 Thursday English in Use/Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections
Golden Week
Teachers' Day
National Day of Reason
National Day of Prayer
Day of the Community of Madrid
Polish National Flag Day
Chiryū Festival
Feria internacional del mole
World Tuna Day
День учителя в Иране
Women's Suffrage Day
Day of International Solidarity of Workers
May 3, 2019 2019-05-03 Friday May 3rd Constitution Day
Hiroshima Flower Festival
Finding of the True Cross
Constitution Memorial Day
Golden Week
World Press Freedom Day
Flying Pig Marathon
Marugame Castle Festival
Kamezaki Shiohi Festival
Hakata Dontaku
Hakata Matsubayashi
Hamamatsu Kite Festival
Chiryū Festival
Zagłebie Critical Mass
Fiesta de los Árboles
Turkism Day
Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles
Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Buen Viaje de Noveleta
May 4, 2019 2019-05-04 Saturday Hiroshima Flower Festival
International Firefighters' Day
World Naked Gardening Day
Star Wars Day
Remembrance of the Dead
Free Comic Book Day
Saint Florian's day
Greenery Day
Bird Day
Golden Week
Youth Day
Cassinga Day
Tado Festival
Day of the Restoration of Latvian Independence
День работников гражданской авиации Туркмении
Coronation Day
Youth Day
Marugame Castle Festival
Kamezaki Shiohi Festival
Hakata Dontaku
Hakata Matsubayashi
Hamamatsu Kite Festival
Theater Na de Dam
Национальный день памяти на Дамбе
Feast of the Holy Thorn
Lustleigh May Day
Birthday of Crown Prince George Tupou V
May 5, 2019 2019-05-05 Sunday Hiroshima Flower Festival
Children's day
5th of may parade
Children's Day
International Midwives' Day
Golden Week
Cinco de Mayo
Tado Festival
Martyrs' Day
Liberation Day
Kurayami Matsuri
Johana Hikiyama Festival
Suitengū Spring Festival
Hamamatsu Kite Festival
Indian Arrival Day
Dragon Boat Festival
Día Mundial de la Higiene de las Manos
Tango no sekku
Wikimedia-Stammtisch München
Journée de l'Europe
African World Heritage Day
National Astronaut Day
World Portuguese Language Day
Day of Charity
Patriots Victory Day
Constitution Day
Tatar Language Day in Romania
Quirinus procession Loenhout
Senior Citizens Day
Mother's Day
May 6, 2019 2019-05-06 Monday Martyrs' Day
Day of courage and the Bulgarian Army
International No Diet Day
May Day
Eta Aquariids
Pontifical Swiss Guard
Labour Day
Met Gala
День пехоты Украины
Discovery Day
Emancipation Day
May 7, 2019 2019-05-07 Tuesday Radio Day
Defender of the Fatherland Day
National Masturbation Day
World Asthma Day
Евсеев день
World Wide Day of Genital Autonomy
International Day of Vesak
Rabindranath Tagore Day
May 8, 2019 2019-05-08 Wednesday World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day
Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the Second World War
Victory in Europe Day
Parents' Day
Royal Hungarian Army
White Lotus Day
jour des gardiens de la terre
Truman Day
Veterans Day
Iris Festival
Liberation Day in Norway
Voto de San Miguel
Journée nationale de la Mémoire
Waiting for the tram in Beroun
8 May
May 9, 2019 2019-05-09 Thursday Giorno della memoria dedicato alle vittime del terrorismo
Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the Second World War
Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra to Bari
Victory Day
Europe Day
Liberation Day
Victory Day over Nazism in World War II
Nicola spring
flag day in Finland
День Победы
Day of Remembrance and Honour
May 10, 2019 2019-05-10 Friday Journée commémorative du souvenir de l'esclavage et de son abolition
Afro-Venezuelan Day
International Day of Argania
Birds and Trees Day
Constitution Day
Mother's Day
May 11, 2019 2019-05-11 Saturday Ice Saints
Fira Medieval
Bird Day
Ede Reményi Music Prize
May 12, 2019 2019-05-12 Sunday The Finnish Identity Day
International Nurses Day
Zinneke Parade
Ice Saints
Father's Day
International Day of Fibromyalgia
Saint Andrew the First-Called Day
flag day in Finland
Maria Omgang 's-Hertogenbosch
International Sisters Day
International Day of Plant Health
Día Internacional de la Sanidad Vegetal
Saint Andrew the First-Called Day
Mother's Day
May 13, 2019 2019-05-13 Monday Ice Saints
День охранно-конвойной службы
Rotuma Day
Miyazu Matsuri
Abbotsbury Garland Day
Flower Day
El Firó
World Cocktail Day
Francophone Asexuality Day
Bembé do Mercado
День Черноморского флота
World Falun Dafa Day
Gospel Day
May 14, 2019 2019-05-14 Tuesday festa della Madonna del Monte
Ice Saints
Rose Day
Miyazu Matsuri
President Kamuzu Banda's Birthday
King's Birthday
National Unification Day
Independence Day
Girmit Day
May 15, 2019 2019-05-15 Wednesday Mercuralia
Aoi Matsuri
Okinawa Prefecture
Nakba Day
Ice Saints
International Day of Families
Teachers' Day
International Conscientious Objectors' Day
Fiesta de Santiago el Verde
Romería of Montalbán de Córdoba
Peace Officers Memorial Day
Ōgaki Festival
Miyazu Matsuri
Soil Exploration Day
Biennial of children's artistic expression
San Isidro Day
Day of Customs and Traditions
Mother's Day
May 16, 2019 2019-05-16 Thursday Teachers' Day
Vyshivanka Day
Malaysia Teachers' Day
International Day of Light
International Day of Living Together in Peace
May 17, 2019 2019-05-17 Friday World Internet Day
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day
Galician Literature Day
Norwegian Constitution Day
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
Sanja Matsuri
World Hypertension Day
Romería de San Pascual
Liberation Day
National Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Communist Violence
Constitution Day
May 18, 2019 2019-05-18 Saturday International Museum Day
Sanja Matsuri
Operation Rheinübung
State Flag and Constitution Day
Day of Revival, Unity, and the Poetry of Magtymguly
Somaliland Independence Day
Fushiki Hikiyama Festival
Cant al Ras
May 18th Democracy Movement Memorial Day
Mullivaikkal Remembrance Day
Battle of Las Piedras Day
Remembrance Day
Day of Remembrance for the victims of the Crimean Tatar genocide
День работников гражданской авиации Азербайджана
День Балтийского флота
Flag and University Day
Fascination of Plants Day
May 19, 2019 2019-05-19 Sunday Take Back the Night
Youth Day
Sanja Matsuri
День пионерии
Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day
Malcolm X Day
Open Discussion Day
Mikuni Matsuri
19 May Dzhebel's Day
Hepatitis Testing Day
flag day in Finland
Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions
Praia Municipal Day
World Family Doctor Day
May 20, 2019 2019-05-20 Monday World Metrology Day
День банковских работников Украины
Day of Remembrance
National Day
Mikuni Matsuri
Coming-of-Age Day
World Bee Day
Discovery Day
Independence Restoration Day
May 21, 2019 2019-05-21 Tuesday World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
International Tea Day
Afro-Colombian Day
Navy Day
День украинских миротворцев
Mikuni Matsuri
Elena day
The Holy Emperors Constantine and Helena
World Fish Migration Day
День Тихоокеанского флота
Christophorus Magallanes and companions
Independence Day
May 22, 2019 2019-05-22 Wednesday Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra to Bari
International Day for Biological Diversity
World Goth Day
National Maritime Day
Harvey Milk Day
Unity Day
Nicola spring
May 23, 2019 2019-05-23 Thursday World Turtle Day
International Day to End Obstetric Fistula
Heroes Day
Lena Nyman Prize
International Women's Association Football Day
May 24, 2019 2019-05-24 Friday Last bell
Aldersgate Day
Independence Day
World Fish Migration Day
Day of Pan-Slavic Educators
Pansexual Visibility Day
European Day of Parks
Day of Slavic writing & culture
International Women's Day for Peace and Disarmament
Saints Cyril and Methodius Day in Russia
Saints Cyril and Methodius Day
The Battle of Pichincha
May 25, 2019 2019-05-25 Saturday African Liberation Day
Last bell
Saint Urban's Day
Youth Day
Geek Pride Day
International Missing Children's Day
Africa Day
Towel Day
День нерпёнка
Day of First National Government
Liberation Day
Иван — Медвяные росы
cossiers de Manacor
Independence Day
Wild Horse Capture
Full Moon Day of Kason
Liberation Day (Lebanon)
May 26, 2019 2019-05-26 Sunday palio of Legnano
National Day of Healing
Operation Rheinübung
National Paper Airplane Day
Independence Day of Georgia
National Book Day
Independence Day
Turkmen Carpet Day
May 27, 2019 2019-05-27 Monday Memorial Day
Khilafat Day
Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day
National Heroes' Day
Spring Bank Holiday
Memorial Day in Flandres
Mother's Day
May 28, 2019 2019-05-28 Tuesday Manhattanhenge
Border Guards Day
Republic Day
Republic Day
Menstrual Hygiene Day
International Day of Action for Women's Health
Republic Day
Derg Downfall Day
Día Internacional de la Hamburguesa
World Vegan Burger Day
Downfall of the Derg
May 29, 2019 2019-05-29 Wednesday International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers
День военного автомобилиста
World Digestive Health Day
Oak Apple Day
Veterans Day (Sweden)
Lombardy Day
Inauguration Day
May 30, 2019 2019-05-30 Thursday Statehood Day
Día Mundial de la Esclerosis Múltiple
Day of the Canary Islands
Anguilla Day
World Multiple Sclerosis Day
International Day of Potato
International Day of Potato
Mother's Day
May 31, 2019 2019-05-31 Friday World No Tobacco Day
День специалиста юридической службы
Bermuda Day
Day of Castile-La Mancha
Sannō Matsuri
White Armband Day
World No Tobacco Day Award
Unity Day
Feast of the Visitation
World Foster Day
Armed Forces Day
World Parrot Day
Virgen del Recuerdo
Republic Day
Día Nacional de Lucha contra la Violencia y Crímenes de Odio hacia Lesbianas, Trans, Gays y Bisexuales
June 1, 2019 2019-06-01 Saturday World Milk Day
Neighbours' Day
Children's Day
Gawai Dayak
International Children's Day
Global Day of Parents
Madaraka Day
Ise Lobster Festival
Ferris Jogakuin
Niigata Junior High School attached to Niigata University
Hamakita Hiryū festival
Wikipedia:Brooke Vibber Day
Children's Day
Sannō Matsuri
Carrick Carnival
Pancasila Day
Youth Day
Independence Day
Mother's Day
June 2, 2019 2019-06-02 Sunday Mibu no Hana Taue
International Whores' Day
Festa della Repubblica
Hamakita Hiryū festival
Sannō Matsuri
Telangana Formation Day
Coronation Day of Fourth Druk Gyalpo
June 3, 2019 2019-06-03 Monday King's Official Birthday
Western Australia Day
Feast of Fishermen
Собор Карельских святых
Elena day
World Bicycle Day
June Holiday
Queen Suthida's Birthday
Martyrs' Day
King's Birthday
Spring Bank Holiday
June 4, 2019 2019-06-04 Tuesday International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
Flag Day of the Finnish Defence Forces
Memorials for the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
Estonian Flag Day
flag day in Finland
Emancipation Day
Kala Ka Anubhav
Fête des mères en côte d'ivoire
Our Lady of Maulawin
June 5, 2019 2019-06-05 Wednesday Poplifugia
Constitution Day
Naksa Day
World Environment Day
День эколога
Agata Matsuri
Josef Vavroušek award
International Day for the Fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
President's Day
Prawas Din
June 6, 2019 2019-06-06 Thursday Queensland Day
National Day of Sweden
Memorial Day
Royal Hungarian Army
Day of the journalist of Ukraine
UN Russian Language Day
Brooklyn-Queens Day
Wikimedia-Stammtisch München
Spring Bank Holiday
2024 European Parliament election in the Netherlands
Normandy landings
June 7, 2019 2019-06-07 Friday Sette Giugno
Chilean Army
Ludi Piscatorii
Union Dissolution Day
Иван — Медвяные росы
Flag Day
World Food Safety Day
World Swift Day
National Gun Violence Awareness Day
June 8, 2019 2019-06-08 Saturday World Oceans Day
Chagu Chagu Umakko
Bounty Day
Global Wellness Day
June 9, 2019 2019-06-09 Sunday Vestalia
Father's Day
Международный день аккредитации
Día de La Rioja
Día de la Región de Murcia
Åland's Autonomy Day
Mt. Fuji Hill Climb
International Archives Day
Coral Triangle Day
National Heroes Day
Archives International Week
June 10, 2019 2019-06-10 Monday King's Official Birthday
Portugal Day
Toki no Kinenbi
International Heraldry Day
World Handicrafts Day
World Art Nouveau Day
Reconciliation Day
June 11, 2019 2019-06-11 Tuesday King Kamehameha I Day
William Davis Miners' Memorial Day
June 12, 2019 2019-06-12 Wednesday Helsinki Day
Russia Day
World Day Against Child Labour
Democracy Day
Independence Day
Loving Day
Women Veterans Day
Chaco Armistice Day
June 13, 2019 2019-06-13 Thursday Fiesta de San Antonio
Verbena de San Antonio de la Florida
International Albinism Awareness Day
Saint Anthony's Day
National Pigeon Day
June 14, 2019 2019-06-14 Friday Senior TT
Flag Day
World Blood Donor Day
День работников миграционной службы
Baltic Freedom Day
kiss day
Otaue Shinto Service
Liberation Day
Senior Race Day
Women strikes in Switzerland
Freedom Day
June 15, 2019 2019-06-15 Saturday Vidovdan
Chiba Prefecture
National Salvation Day of Azerbaijanis
Day of Valdemar
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Chiba Prefectural Citizens' Day
Día del Libro
Tochigi Prefecture
June 16, 2019 2019-06-16 Sunday Youth Day
Youth Day
International Day of the African Child
Салауат йыйыны
International Day of Solidarity with the Fighting People of South Africa
Sussex Day
Summer solstice fire festivals in the Pyrenees
International Day of Family Remittances
International Day of Family Remittances
Captain Picard Day
June 17, 2019 2019-06-17 Monday World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
Icelandic National Day
Medical Worker Day
Occupation of the Latvian Republic Day
Hèsta d'Aran
Falles de La Pobla de Segur
Anniversary of the Passing of General Martín Miguel de Güemes
National Heroes Day
June 18, 2019 2019-06-18 Tuesday Autistic Pride Day
Waterloo Day
Kyoto University
День прав человека (Азербайджан)
Waterloo ceremony
Sustainable Gastronomy Day
Constitution Day
International Day for Countering Hate Speech
June 19, 2019 2019-06-19 Wednesday Juneteenth
International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict
New Church Day
Birthday of José Gervasio Artigas
Labour Day
June 20, 2019 2019-06-20 Thursday Elephantidae in zoos
Flag Day
World Refugee Day
West Virginia Day
day of the cleaner
Martyrs' Day
National Day of the Silesian Uprisings
West Bengal Day
June 21, 2019 2019-06-21 Friday Midwinter
World Humanist Day
Music Day
Go Skateboarding Day
Atheist Solidarity Day
National Aboriginal Day
World Hydrography Day
Kupala Night
International Garden Gnome Day
Greenlandic National Day
International Yoga Day
Día Internacional de la Celebración del Solsticio
International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice
Martyrs' Day
Wagyu Day
June 22, 2019 2019-06-22 Saturday Anti-Fascist Struggle Day
Navy Day
Himeji Yukata Matsuri
Windrush Day
Sts. John Fischer and Thomas More
June 23, 2019 2019-06-23 Sunday Kupalnitsa
International Widows Day
Grand Duke's Official Birthday
Okinawa Memorial Day
Bonfires of Saint John in Alicante
Okinawa Prefecture
Festa de São João do Porto
UN Public Service Day
St John's Eve
Himeji Yukata Matsuri
Falles d'Isil
International Women in Engineering Day
June 24, 2019 2019-06-24 Monday Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day
Яновская кавалькада
National Day of the Indigenous Peoples in Chile
Himeji Yukata Matsuri
Isobe no Omita
National Day of Thailand
St John's Day
Summer solstice fire festivals in the Pyrenees
Sant Joan Pelós
Fiestas de San Juan Bautista
Wattah Wattah Festival
Marienbild von Absam
Battle of Carabobo Day
June 25, 2019 2019-06-25 Tuesday Statehood Day
Statehood Day
Peter and Fevronia Day
Day of the Seafarer
National Catfish Day
World Vitiligo Day
Global Beatles Day
Students' Day
Independence Day
June 26, 2019 2019-06-26 Wednesday Day of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
Ratcatcher's Day
Independence Day
Independence Day
World Refrigeration Day
Independence Day
June 27, 2019 2019-06-27 Thursday June Bootids
Seven Sleepers Day
Youth Day in Russia
Mixed Race Day
National Unity Day
Independence Day
Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day
National Unity Day
Earth Constitution Day
June 28, 2019 2019-06-28 Friday Constitution Day of Ukraine
Национальный день памяти Познанского июня 1956 года
International LGBT Pride Day
Día Nacional del Ceviche
June 29, 2019 2019-06-29 Saturday Boat of Saint Peter
Armed Forces Day
Haro Wine Festival
Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
Peter Day (Slavic festival)
International Day of the Tropics
Premio San Pedro - Clásica de Irún
Danube Day
cossiers de Pollença
Independence Day
St Peter's Day
National Statistics Day
June 30, 2019 2019-06-30 Sunday Philippine–Spanish Friendship Day
Navy Day
Asteroid Day
The National Honours and Awards
International Day of Parliamentarism
Independence Day
Army Day
Mid-Year Bank Holiday
30 June Day
July 1, 2019 2019-07-01 Monday Madeira Day
Canada Day
Пришествие Святого семейства в Египет
Memorial Day
Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party
Hong Kong 1 July marches
Aizen Festival
Sveti Vrach (holiday)
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day
Independence Day
Cabotage Day
SAF Day Parade
Independence Day
Sir Seretse Khama Day
Republic Day
Independence Day
Emancipation Day
Heroes Day
King Tupou VI's Birthday
Territory Day
July Bank Holiday
Day of the Bank Worker
July Holiday
July 2, 2019 2019-07-02 Tuesday Madonna della Bruna
World UFO Day
Festa de Independência da Bahia
National Flag and Anthem Day
Constitution Day
processione della Madonna della Visitazione
Krus di Mérito Kòrsou
July 3, 2019 2019-07-03 Wednesday Independence Day
Emancipation Day
July 4, 2019 2019-07-04 Thursday Republic Day (Philippines)
Independence Day
Liberation Day
Macy’s Fourth of July
Great Immigrants Award
July 5, 2019 2019-07-05 Friday Saints Cyril and Methodius Day
Tynwald Day
Tin Ujević Award
Capital City Day
Independence Day
Independence Day
Ульянин день
Independence Day
Action Mesothelioma Day
Fifth of July
Ra o te Ui Ariki
Fishermen's Day
Constitution Day
July 6, 2019 2019-07-06 Saturday Kupalnitsa
International Co-operative Day
International Kissing Day
Budapest Pride
Statehood Day
Eino Leino Day
Singing of Havaneres in Calella de Palafrugell
Jan Hus Day
National Fried Chicken Day
flag day in Finland
Indpendence Day
Independence Day
July 7, 2019 2019-07-07 Sunday World Chocolate Day
San Fermín
Saba Saba Day
Kupala Night
Wikimedia-Stammtisch München
Kiswahili Language Day
World Kiswahili Language Day
UN Swahili Language Day
July 8, 2019 2019-07-08 Monday Peter and Fevronia Day
World Outcast Day
processione del Miracolo di San Nicolò
July 9, 2019 2019-07-09 Tuesday День сотрудников органов дипломатической службы Азербайджана
Nunavut Day
Independence Day
Constitutionalist Revolution
July 10, 2019 2019-07-10 Wednesday Beatles Day
Silence Day
Independence Day
Placing of the Honorable Robe of the Lord at Moscow
July 11, 2019 2019-07-11 Thursday World Population Day
Day of the Flemish Community
Day of the bandoneon
July 12, 2019 2019-07-12 Friday The Twelfth
Ikutama Matsuri
Peter Day (Slavic festival)
Independence Day
Independence Day
July 13, 2019 2019-07-13 Saturday Statehood Day
Otebi Matsuri
Nanao Gion Matsuri
Kashmir Martyrs' Day
Gabriel Summer
World Rock Day
July 14, 2019 2019-07-14 Sunday Ōgi Matsuri
Bastille Day
Sveti Vrach (holiday)
Victoria Days
International Non-Binary People's Day
Republic Day
July 15, 2019 2019-07-15 Monday Festino di Santa Rosalia
Transvectio equitum
Marine Day
Baptism Day of Kyivan Rus — Ukraine
Presidents' Day
World Youth Skills Day
Democracy and National Unity Day
Statehood Day
Sultan of Brunei's Birthday
EU Day for the Victims of the Global Climate Crisis
July 16, 2019 2019-07-16 Tuesday День духовной любви
Fiesta de Nuestra Señora del Carmen y la Magdalena
Fiestas de Nuestra Señora del Carmen
International Drag Day
la más Virgen que mía Khalifa de la pvta de la chabelita de Paucartambo
La Paz Day
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
processione della Beata Vergine Maria di Monte Carmelo
July 17, 2019 2019-07-17 Wednesday World Day for International Justice
Constitution Day
Oynyena Maria
World Emoji Day
la más Virgen que mía Khalifa de la pvta de la chabelita de Paucartambo
July 18, 2019 2019-07-18 Thursday Mandela Day
День хозяйственной службы органов внутренних дел Российской Федерации
Constitution Day
la más Virgen que mía Khalifa de la pvta de la chabelita de Paucartambo
July 19, 2019 2019-07-19 Friday Собор Радонежских святых
Burmese Martyrs' Day
Sandinista Revolution Day
July 20, 2019 2019-07-20 Saturday Elijah's day
Friendship Day
International chess day
Rondo Days
Tsuchizaki Shinmei Shrine Festival
Chichibu Kawase Matsuri
Jindai-ji Hōzuki Festival
Declaration of Independence
Lao Women Union’s Day
International Moon Day
Bal National
July 21, 2019 2019-07-21 Sunday Belgian National Day
Racial Harmony Day
Tsuchizaki Shinmei Shrine Festival
Liberation Day
Te Deum
Resto National
drache nationale
July 22, 2019 2019-07-22 Monday International Domestic Work Day
Ratcatcher's Day
National Day of the Rebirth of Poland
National Press and Journalism Day
Sarawak Independence Day
Pi Approximation Day
King Father's Birthday
July 23, 2019 2019-07-23 Tuesday World Whale and Dolphin Day
Friendship Day
Marine Day
Revolution Day
National Remembrance Day
Renaissance Day
July 24, 2019 2019-07-24 Wednesday Sports Day
Pioneer Day
Police Day
cossiers d'Algaida
Journalist's Day (Turkey)
Children's Day
Simón Bolívar Day
July 25, 2019 2019-07-25 Thursday Furrinalia
Día Nacional de Galicia
Tenjin Matsuri
Guanacaste Day
Puerto Rico Constitution Day
cossiers d'Algaida
Cantonese Day
Black Women's Day
Tanabe Matsuri
Republic Day
Santiago Apóstol
International Afrolatina, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women's Day
World Drowning Prevention Day
Feast of Saint James
São Tiago Festival
July 26, 2019 2019-07-26 Friday Kargil Vijay Diwas
Fuji Mountain Race
Gabriel Summer
Esperanto Day
International Day of Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem
Joachim and Anne
Independence Day
Independence Day
Day of the National Rebellion
World Mangrove Day
July 27, 2019 2019-07-27 Saturday Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival
Fatherland Liberation War Day
Day of the uprising of the people of Croatia
Tobata Gion Festival
Kōda no Himatsuri
Owari Tsushima Tennō Festival
Yamaage Matsuri
Showa Kinen Park Fireworks
National Sleepy Head Day
José Celso Barbosa Day
UN Forces Day
July 27, 2015
Constitution Day
Les Santes
July 28, 2019 2019-07-28 Sunday Penitential procession of Veurne
День крещения Руси
World Hepatitis Day
Parents' Day
Fiestas Patrias
Hokkaido Belly Button Festival
Kawaguchi no Chigomai
Liberation from Fascism
Independence Day
Kibune Matsuri
Statehood Day
King's Birthday
Beselare witch procession
July 29, 2019 2019-07-29 Monday International Tiger Day
Alpha Capricornids
Piscis Austrinids
Fiestas Patrias
Great Military Parade
Hokkaido Belly Button Festival
July 30, 2019 2019-07-30 Tuesday Southern Delta Aquariids
Oynyena Maria
Friendship Day
World Day against Trafficking in Persons
Throne Day
July 30, 2015
Independence Day
Out And Proud Parents Day
July 31, 2019 2019-07-31 Wednesday National Orgasm Day
Sumiyoshi Matsuri
Namerikawa Nebuta Nagashi
Sovereignty Restoration Day
National Moth Week
Feria taurina de San Ignacio
August 1, 2019 2019-08-01 Thursday Warsaw Uprising commemoration day
Успенский пост
World Breastfeeding Week
St. Peter in Chains
People's Liberation Army Day
День тыла вооружённых сил Российской Федерации
Medoviy Spas
Emancipation Day
Minden Day
PL Art of Fireworks
Yorkshire Day
Morioka Sansa Odori
Hagi Summer Festival
День азербайджанского алфавита и языка
August 1, 2015
National Eagle Scout Day
Feria taurina de San Ignacio
Pachamama's Day
Emancipation Day
Emancipation Day
Emancipation Day
Emancipation Day
Emancipation Day
Emancipation Day
Emancipation Day
Fiesta de Santo Domingo
Emancipation Day
Independence Day
Parents' Day
Jour de l'Indépendance (Bénin)
Swiss National Day
August 2, 2019 2019-08-02 Friday Roma Holocaust Memorial Day
Elijah's day
International Beer Day
Battle of Cannae
Paratroopers' Day
International Jewish Day
Republic Day
Jantokoi Uozu Festival
Kiryū Yagibushi festival
Itako Gion Matsuri
Morioka Sansa Odori
Ritual Bonito Fishing
Hagi Summer Festival
August 2, 2015
European Day of Commemoration of the Gypsy Holocaust
Virgen de los Angeles
cossiers de Pollença
Feria taurina de San Ignacio
Día del Cajón Peruano
Feast of Our Lady of the Angels
processione della Madonna degli Angeli
August 3, 2019 2019-08-03 Saturday Akita Kantō
Independence Day
Kitakami Michinoku Traditional Dance Festival
Wasshoi Hyakuman Natsumatsuri
Fujisan Gojinka Matsuri
Morioka Sansa Odori
Issaki Hōtō Festival
Hagi Summer Festival
August 3, 2015
Freedom Day
Pidjiguiti Day
San Salvador Day
Feast of the Invention of Saint Stephen
August 4, 2019 2019-08-04 Sunday Palio di Fonni
Akita Kantō
American Family Day
Coast Guard Day
Ishidori Matsuri
Kitakami Michinoku Traditional Dance Festival
Mount Fuji Ekiden
Morioka Sansa Odori
Founder's Day
Paratroopers' Day
August 4, 2015
Barack Obama Day
Procesión de las Antorchas en honor de Nuestra Señora del Soto
Constitution Day
National Day of Mourning
Nationale Hulde aan Koning Albert I en de Helden van de IJzer
Revolution Day
August 5, 2019 2019-08-05 Monday Victory Day
Akita Kantō
Virgen Blanca Festivities
Picnic Day
Sendai Tanabata Fireworks Festival
Chikugo River Fireworks Festival
Commerce Day
Civic Holiday
Romería de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves
August Holiday
Sixtus II and companions
August Monday
Kadooment Day
Emancipation Day
Emancipation Day
Emancipation Day
Festival Monday
Emancipation Day
Farmers' Day
Independence Day
August Bank Holiday
August Bank Holiday
August Holiday
August 6, 2019 2019-08-06 Tuesday Apple Feast of the Saviour
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony
Akita Kantō
Feast of the Transfiguration
Virgen Blanca Festivities
Sendai Tanabata
A-Bomb Day
August 6, 2015
Independence Day
Independence Day
Umuganura Day
August 7, 2019 2019-08-07 Wednesday Virgen Blanca Festivities
Sendai Tanabata
Aomori Fireworks Display
Naruto Fireworks Festival
Sixtus II and companions
Battle Of Boyaca
Independence Day
suno pi toki pona
August 8, 2019 2019-08-08 Thursday Grand Peace Festival of Augsburg
Father's Day
День войск связи Украины
Virgen Blanca Festivities
Sendai Tanabata
Nane Nane Day
International Cat Day
Female orgasm day
Bangamata National Day
August 9, 2019 2019-08-09 Friday National Hug Day
International Day of the World's Indigenous People
National Women's Day
National Day Parade
Virgen Blanca Festivities
National Day
National Peacekeepers' Day
Yosakoi Matsuri
A-Bomb Day
Mibu Rokusai Nenbutsu Odori
Nagasaki Peace Memorial Ceremony
Ubagami Daijingū Togyosai
Book Lovers Day
Saami flag days
Herdenking Javaanse immigratie in Suriname
Indigenous People's Day
Finnish Art Day
August 10, 2019 2019-08-10 Saturday Bicentenario de Ecuador
Día Nacional de la Isla de los Estados
Festividad de San Lorenzo
Nehru Trophy Boat Race
Yosakoi Matsuri
Mountain Day
Ubagami Daijingū Togyosai
Auto de Floripes
Declaration of Independence of Quito
Fiesta de Santo Domingo
August 11, 2019 2019-08-11 Sunday Verfassungsfeiern in Berlin
Melon Day
Yosakoi Matsuri
Yassa Festival
Tejikara Fire Festival
Mountain Day
Mikuni Fireworks Festival
Ubagami Daijingū Togyosai
Independence Day
August 12, 2019 2019-08-12 Monday Battle of Didgori
International Youth Day
День работника уголовно-исполнительной системы Кыргызстана
Kitakami Michinoku Traditional Dance Festival
Yosakoi Matsuri
Sanuki Takamatsu Festival
World Elephant Day
Russian Air Force Day
Heroes' Day
The Queen Mother's Birthday
Mother's Day
August 13, 2019 2019-08-13 Tuesday International Lefthanders Day
Nit de l'Albà
Sanuki Takamatsu Festival
Kachimai Fireworks
National Women's Day
Pontian and Hippolyt
Independence Day
left-handed person
August 14, 2019 2019-08-14 Wednesday Mystery Play of Elche
Independence Day of Pakistan
Успенский пост
Medoviy Spas
Sanuki Takamatsu Festival
Kujirabune Festival
Tomida Ishidori Matsuri
Falklands day
Comfort Women's Day
World Lizard Day
August 15, 2019 2019-08-15 Thursday Dormition of the Mother of God
Fukagawa Matsuri
15 août en Outremeuse
Mystery Play of Elche
Victory over Japan Day
Beehives in Ukraine
cossiers de Montuïri
Armed Forces Day
National Memorial Service for War Dead
Nanbu Fire Festival
Kujirabune Festival
Tomida Ishidori Matsuri
Lake Suwa Fireworks Festival
Festa Major de Gràcia
Exposition of the Dormition of Mary
Liechtenstein State Celebration
National Mourning Day
National Relaxation Day
Fiesta de la Virgen de Agosto y San Roque, Requena
Tokuyama Bon Odori
National Remembrance 15 August 1945
Feast of the Assumption of Mary
Our Lady of Trapani procession
Saami flag days
National Day in the Republic of the Congo
Constitution Day
Founding of Asunción
Mother's Day
Independence Day
August 16, 2019 2019-08-16 Friday Festa del grano
Gozan no Okuribi
День авиации Украины
Third Spas
Hawaii Admission Day
Haji Bektash Veli memorial day
National Airborne Day
Mushono-Dainembutsu dance
Bennington Battle Day
Restoration Day
Independence Day
saut du Cépoun
Our Lady Day (Harvest)
August 17, 2019 2019-08-17 Saturday Kappa Cygnids
Henley-on-Todd Regatta
Kumano Great Fireworks Festival
Marcus Garvey Day
Independence Day of Indonesia
Festa de l'Arbre Fruiter
Candia Covo Festival
General José de San Martín Memorial Day
Rudolf Hess memorial march
August 18, 2019 2019-08-18 Sunday Medical Worker Day
Saami flag days
Candia Covo Festival
August 19, 2019 2019-08-19 Monday World Humanitarian Day
Apple Feast of the Saviour
Afghan Independence Day
National Aviation Day
National Lesbian Day of Visibility
Hanawa Bayashi
World Photography Day
Haiku Day
Chinese Doctor's Day
August 20, 2019 2019-08-20 Tuesday Saint Stephen's Day in Hungary
Debrecen Flower Carnival
Revolution of the King and the People
World Mosquito Day
Hanawa Bayashi
Day of Restoration of Independence
Natalicio del Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins
World Union Day
Day of activism for sexual diversity
August 21, 2019 2019-08-21 Wednesday Youth Day
Fukushima Prefecture
Ninoy Aquino Day
International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism
World Senior Citizen's Day
Día de la Futbolista Argentina
Gospel Day
August 22, 2019 2019-08-22 Thursday Flag Day
Madras Day
Shinomiya Matsuri
Собор Соловецких святых
International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief
August 23, 2019 2019-08-23 Friday International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism
Day of the National Flag of Ukraine
Shinomiya Matsuri
Liberation from Fascist Occupation Day
August 24, 2019 2019-08-24 Saturday Independence Day of Ukraine
Nostalgia Night
Shinjō Matsuri
cossiers de Montuïri
Parade in honor of Independence Day
Día del Lector
National Flag Day
August 25, 2019 2019-08-25 Sunday Opiconsivia
Shinjō Matsuri
Takinomiya Nenbutsu Odori
Day of Songun
Medieval show of Saint-Louis Day
Candia Covo Festival
Independence Day
Barthill's Day
International Cosplay Day
August 26, 2019 2019-08-26 Monday Women's Equality Day
Heroes' Day
National Grandparents Day
Battle of Manzikert
Repentance Day
Shinjō Matsuri
Yoshida Fire Festival
Наталья Овсяница
National Day of Fight against Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa
Ecstasy of St Theresa
Saami flag days
National Heroes' Day
Late Summer Bank Holiday
August Bank Holiday
International Dog Day
Our Lady of Balintawak
August 27, 2019 2019-08-27 Tuesday Успенский пост
Independence Day
Lyndon Baines Johnson Day
Yoshida Fire Festival
Raoul Wallenberg's day
August 28, 2019 2019-08-28 Wednesday Tomatina
Alfombras del Santísimo Misterio, Aguaviva
August 29, 2019 2019-08-29 Thursday Decollation of John the Baptist
Third Spas
International Day against Nuclear Tests
National Lesbian Day of Visibility
Telugu Language Day
Defenders' of Ukraine Remembrance Day
Slovak National Uprising Anniversary
Baltic Sea Day
Día Nacional de la Visibilidad Lésbica de Brasil
August 30, 2019 2019-08-30 Friday International Day of the Disappeared
Constitution Day
Victory Day
Sant Fèlix casteller day
Festa Major de Vilafranca del Penedès
Wear it Purple Day
Día de la Enfermería Peruana
Tat Cult Fest
Santa Rosa de Lima
Popular Consultation Day
August 31, 2019 2019-08-31 Saturday Limba noastră
День Солидарности и Свободы
Romanian Language Day
North Borneo Self-government Day
Hari Merdeka
Independence Day
Dia del Negro
International Overdose Awareness Day
International Day for People of African Descent
Candia Covo Festival
Independence Day
September 1, 2019 2019-09-01 Sunday first day of the year
Novy God
Kaze no bon
Knowledge Day
Father's Day
Disaster Prevention Day
World Day of Prayer for Creation
Independence Day
Международный юношеский день
International Primate Day
Day of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic
Revolution Day
Day of the Migrants
festa del mare
Fjärestad autumn market
September 2, 2019 2019-09-02 Monday National Day
Kaze no bon
Labor Day
Día de la Unidad Nacional (Chile)
Labour Day
World Coconut day
Independence Day of Transnistria
Día de Ceuta
Labour Day
September 3, 2019 2019-09-03 Tuesday Kaze no bon
Feast of San Marino and the Republic
День солидарности в борьбе с терроризмом
Australian National Flag Day
День победы СССР над милитаристской Японией
September 4, 2019 2019-09-04 Wednesday Toothfish Day
September 5, 2019 2019-09-05 Thursday Chilean Army
Teachers' Day
Flag Day
International Day of Charity
Día Internacional de la Mujer Indígena
Mother Teresa Day
September 6, 2019 2019-09-06 Friday Abfraßtag
Teachers' Day
Unification Day
Defence Day
Wikipedian meetups in Zürich
World Shorebirds Day
Labor Day
Armed Forces Day
Independence Day
Fight Procrastination Day
September 7, 2019 2019-09-07 Saturday Festivity of ‘la Mare de Déu de la Salut’ of Algemesí
Independence Day
Air Force Day
Kakunodate Festival
Cry of the Excluded
International Day of Clean Air for blue skies
International Day of Clean Air for blue skies
Antica fiera dei mussi
International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies
Constitution Day
Victory Day
Festa de la Fil·loxera
La Fiesta de la Filoxera
Grandma Moses Day
September 8, 2019 2019-09-08 Sunday Diotto
Festivity of ‘la Mare de Déu de la Salut’ of Algemesí
International Literacy Day
Nativity of Mary
День освобождения Донбасса
Día de Extremadura
Día de Asturias
Independence Day
Kakunodate Festival
Victory Day
Diada de Meritxell
Festes del Tura
Traca quilomètrica
Meritxell Day
Наталья Овсяница
Hyōge Matsuri
Rosario de los Faroles
Corteggio storico
cossiers de Son Sardina
Procession of the Crystal Rosary, Calatayud
Procession of the Crystal Rosary, Ateca
National Day
Festa dels Masos de Torroella de Montgrí i l'Estartit
Star Trek Day
Homestead Festival
Festa de la Fil·loxera
La Fiesta de la Filoxera
Liberation Day
September 9, 2019 2019-09-09 Monday Q1816459
Independence Day
California Admission Day
Toro de fuego (Ayerbe)
Kakunodate Festival
Day of the Foundation of the Republic
Wikimedia-Stammtisch München
Independence Day
Emergency Services Day
International Day to Protect Education from Attack
Teddy Bear Day
Zarauzko euskal jaiak
Day of the People's Uprising of 9 September
September 10, 2019 2019-09-10 Tuesday Gibraltar National Day
Teachers' Day
Saint George's Caye Day
World Suicide Prevention Day
September 11, 2019 2019-09-11 Wednesday Decollation of John the Baptist
Tribute in Light
Patriot Day
Teachers' Day
National Day of Catalonia
Institutional event of the National Day of Catalonia
September 11 National Day of Service
Fiesta del Charco
Festa per la Llibertat
Pohnpei Liberation Day
September 12, 2019 2019-09-12 Thursday Holy Name of Mary
Tottori Prefecture
International Day for South-South Cooperation
Day of conception
Defenders Day
National Day of Encouragement
National Video Game Day
National Video Games Day
Крестный ход по Невскому проспекту
September 13, 2019 2019-09-13 Friday Epulum Jovis
Día mundial de la sepsis
September 14, 2019 2019-09-14 Saturday first day of the year
feast of the Cross
День работников СИЗО и тюрем
September 1
Feast of the Cross
Elevation of the Holy Cross
Hindi Divas
Fiesta de la Cruz, Potes
Toro de Soga de Rubielos de Mora
Mykolaiv City Day
San Jacinto Day
Mol Light procession
Homestead Festival
Latin American Day of the Image of Women in the Media
September 15, 2019 2019-09-15 Sunday International Day of Democracy
Respect for the Aged Day
Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer
Running of the bulls in Novallas
Independence Day
Independence Day
Independence Day
Independence Day
Independence Day
Day of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows
Día Mundial del Reggaeton
September 16, 2019 2019-09-16 Monday Malaysia Day
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
Respect for the Aged Day
Boshita Festival
National Heroes Day
Owain Glyndŵr Day
Cornelius and Cyprian
Independence Day
Martyrs' Day
Official Birthday of the Yang di-Pertua Negeri of Sabah
Keretapi Sarong
September 17, 2019 2019-09-17 Tuesday Australian Citizenship Day
Constitution Day (United States)
Marathwada Liberation Day
World Patient Safety Day
National Unity Day
National Heroes' Day
Birthday of Crown Prince Tupoutoʻa ʻUlukalala
September 18, 2019 2019-09-18 Wednesday Independence Day
Menkake Gyōretsu
International Cartoon Day
International Equal Pay Day
Hong Kong Sign Language Day
September 19, 2019 2019-09-19 Thursday Army Day
Михайлово чудо
Saamaka Daka
Constitution Day
Independence Day
Pirate Bash
International Talk Like a Pirate Day
September 20, 2019 2019-09-20 Friday Youth Day
День нефтяников Азербайджана
Unification Day
International University Sports Day
Independence Day
Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang and companions
World Paella Day
Okuma Kabuto Festival
September 21, 2019 2019-09-21 Saturday World Alzheimer Day
Software Freedom Day
International Day of Peace
Independence Day
Independence Day
Premio Hugo Chávez a la Paz y la Soberanía de los Pueblos
Tag des Friedhofs
Batman Day
Independence Day
Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day
Dag van Nationale Verbroedering en Eenheid
September 22, 2019 2019-09-22 Sunday Car-Free
One Web Day
Day of Partisan Glory
American Business Women's Day
Derviza (festival)
Tajima Beef Festival
Baltic Unity Day
Rudaki's day
World Mime Day
Собор Глинских святых
Drageman Dey
Independence Day
Independence Day
Mali Independence Day
jour de l'Indépendance du Mali
September 23, 2019 2019-09-23 Monday Celebrate Bisexuality Day
День образования информационных подразделений МВД России
Saudi National Day
International Day Against Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking in Persons
International Day of Sign Languages
Slovenian Sports Day
European Day of Sustainable Communities 2023
European Week of Sport
Canterbury Provincial Anniversary Day
September 24, 2019 2019-09-24 Tuesday La Mercè
Heritage Day
Hitotsubashi University
National Punctuation Day
Sada Shin Noh
Feast of Our Lady of Mercy
National Day
Constitution Day
Republic Day
September 25, 2019 2019-09-25 Wednesday World School Milk Day
Sada Shin Noh
Armed Forces Day
Sir Hammer DeRoburt Day
September 26, 2019 2019-09-26 Thursday European Day of Languages
International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
Commemoration of the Battle of Warns
World Maritime Day
Revolution Day
September 27, 2019 2019-09-27 Friday Battle of Preveza
World Tourism Day
French Community Holiday
День Польского подпольного государства
Independence Day
Native American Day
Feast of the Cross
National Environmental Awareness Day
Manit Day
National Youth Day
Daytime Sextantids
September 28, 2019 2019-09-28 Saturday Delta Aurigids
Saint Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia
Teachers' Day
День подразделений собственной безопасности органов внутренних дел Российской Федерации
Ask a Stupid Question Day
Czech Statehood Day
Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion
Access to Information Day
International Safe Abortion Day
Thai National Flag Day
Lorenzo Ruiz and companions
Mol Light procession
September 29, 2019 2019-09-29 Sunday Michaelmas
World Heart Day
International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste
International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction
Feast of Michael, Gabriel and Raphaels
Battle of Boquerón Day
Commemoration of the Battles of September 1830
September 30, 2019 2019-09-30 Monday World Internet Day
International Translation Day
Blasphemy Day
Recovery Day
Montbau's patronal festival
Independence Day
Orange Shirt Day
Independence Day
Martyrs’ Day
Agricultural Reform Day
October 1, 2019 2019-10-01 Tuesday Installation ceremony of the Captains Regent
World Vegetarian Day
Pokrov day
National Day of the People's Republic of China
International Day of Older Persons
Russian Ground Forces
Teachers' Day
Russian Ground Forces Day
Международный день музыки
Independence Day
International Coffee Day
Unification Day
Armed Forces Day
Miare Festival
Nara Prefectural Koriyama Senior High School
Tokyo Citizen's Day
День украинского казачества
День российского джаза
International Music Day
World Sake Day
Defenders of Ukraine Day
Yahagi Shrine Autumn Grand Festival
Independence Day
Tampere Day
Contract Day
Teacher's Day
Chuuk Constitution Day
October 2, 2019 2019-10-02 Wednesday International Day of Non-Violence
Gandhi Jayanti
Feast of the Guardian Angels
Senior Citizen's Day
Yahagi Shrine Autumn Grand Festival
Independence Day
Soldier's Day
Morazán's week
International Walk to School Day
International Social Educators Day
October 3, 2019 2019-10-03 Thursday Gaecheonjeol
German Unity Day
3 oktoberfeest
Pilgrim's Day
National Day
Iraqi National Day
October 4, 2019 2019-10-04 Friday Cinnamon Roll Day
World Space Week
World Animal Day
Synaxis of the Hierarchs of Novgorod
Ieiunium Cereris
Independence Day
Day of Peace and Reconciliation
October 5, 2019 2019-10-05 Saturday Nihonmatsu Lantern Festival
Republic Day
World Teachers' Day
Teachers' Day
World Korean day
Weaver's Day
International Day of No Prostitution
День сил охраны правопорядка в Иране
Día de la Medicina Peruana
Constitution Day
Official Birthday of the Yang di-Pertua Negeri of Sabah
October 6, 2019 2019-10-06 Sunday Всемирный день охраны мест обитаний
German-American Day
Teachers' Day
Day of Commemoration and National Mourning
Armed Forces Day
Owari Tsushima Autumn Festival
daylight saving time in New South Wales
Tishren Liberation Day
Día del Cine Español
daylight saving time in Victoria
October 7, 2019 2019-10-07 Monday Republic Day
World Habitat Day
Nagasaki Kunchi
Child Health Day
Day of Revenge
Artillery Day of the Yugoslav People's Army
world day for decent work
Newspaper Carrier Day
День Конституции СССР
Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
Día Nacional del Hábitat
BOL Foundation Day
World Cotton Day
October 8, 2019 2019-10-08 Tuesday Independence Day
Nagasaki Kunchi
National Lesbian Day of Visibility
Okina-mai of Naratsuhiko-jinja
Veterans Day
Day of the Croatian Parliament
Our Lady of Hungary
National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day
Battle of Angamos
International Lesbian Day
World Octopus Day
October 9, 2019 2019-10-09 Wednesday World Post Day
Condecoraciones de la Generalidad Valenciana
Hangul Day
Leif Erikson Day
Nagasaki Kunchi
National Day of Commemorating the Holocaust
Takayama Festival
Day of Valencian Community
Semana Cervantina de Alcalá de Henares
Independence Day (Uganda)
Saami flag days
Day of National Dignity
St Denis and companions
Independence of Guayaquil
Mercado Cervantino de Alcalá de Henares
October 10, 2019 2019-10-10 Thursday World Sight Day
Party Foundation Day
Day of the Maroons
World Mental Health Day
Sports Day
National Day
Day of Finnish literature
Fiji Week
Moi Day
Takayama Festival
World Day Against the Death Penalty
Heroes' Day
Wikimedia-Stammtisch München
flag day in Finland
Utamaduni Day
Fiji Day
Day of the Maroons
Curaçao Day
Huduma Day
Mazingira Day
October 11, 2019 2019-10-11 Friday Day of the Macedonian Uprising
International Day of the Girl Child
National Coming Out Day
Day of Solidarity with the Political Prisoners of South Africa
General Pulaski Memorial Day
National Day of Patagonia
Teachers' Appreciation Day
October 12, 2019 2019-10-12 Saturday Augustalia
Sake Matsuri
Hermosa Festival
Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity
Flowers Offering to the Virgen del Pilar
Indigenous resistance Day
Bird Day
Fira del Bolet de Llagostera
World Arthritis Day
Solemn Mass for Infants
National Museum Day
Our Lady of Aparecida
Independence Day
National Cultures Day
Spanish national day🇪🇸
October 13, 2019 2019-10-13 Sunday Barcolana regatta
День национального кино Азербайджана
Day of the railway worker in Azerbaijan
Fruit Offering to Our Lady of the Pillar
Procession of the Crystal Rosary
Toyohama Chōsa Festival
National No Bra Day
Ōgaki Jūmangoku Matsuri
Dogwalk Sint-Baafs-Vijve
International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction
День военного моряка-гидрографа
Navamindra Maharaj Day
Prince Rwagasore Day
Nawamintha Maharaj Day
October 14, 2019 2019-10-14 Monday Thanksgiving
World Standards Day
Sports Day
Pokrov day
Railway Workers' Day
Columbus Day
Teachers' Day
Indigenous People's Day
Native American Day
Kinomoto Matsuri
Nada no kenka matsuri
День украинского казачества
National Heroes' Day
Discovery Day
National Heritage Day
Chișinău Day
Nyerere Day
Liberation Day
Constitution Day
Mother's Day
October 15, 2019 2019-10-15 Tuesday White Cane Safety Day
October Horse
Global Handwashing Day
Teachers' Day
International Day of Rural Women
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day
Nada no kenka matsuri
Kumano Hayatama Matsuri
Evacuation Day
Sports Day
National Latino AIDS Awareness Day
World Students' Day
Shwmae Sumae Day
Day of the lost child
Commemoration Day of King Father
Remembrance Day
October 16, 2019 2019-10-16 Wednesday World Food Day
Pope John Paul II Day
Missouri Day
Kumano Hayatama Matsuri
World Anaesthesia Day
International Pronouns Day
Día Nacional de la Alimentación
World Bread Day
October 17, 2019 2019-10-17 Thursday Spirit Day
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
National Edge Day
Anniversary of the Death of Dessalines
World Trauma Day
Spreadsheet Day
October 18, 2019 2019-10-18 Friday ε-Geminids
Alaska Day
Day of Restoration of Independence
Kotohiki Hachimangū Taisai
Fiera di San Luca
National Day of Prayer, Fasting, Repentance and Reconciliation
International Day of Women's Happiness
Sheikh Russel Day
October 19, 2019 2019-10-19 Saturday Armilustrium
International Day for Disaster Reduction
Bridge Day
El Desarme
Third Saturday in October
Katsuyama Matsuri
Oxfordshire Day
World Values Day
International Repair Day
journée internationale du cancer sein
Isaac Jogues and companions
Constitution Day
Mother Teresa Day
Tohoku Institute of Technology (educational corporation)
October 20, 2019 2019-10-20 Sunday World Statistics Day
World Osteoporosis Day
Kawagoe Hikawa Festival
Katsuyama Matsuri
Dedicazione del duomo di Milano
Mashujaa Day
Revolution Day
Mother's Day
October 21, 2019 2019-10-21 Monday Trafalgar Day
Apple Day
Ndadaye Day
Police Day
National Heroes' Day
Heroes and Forefathers Day
World Men's Day against gender-based violence
Saint Ursula's Day
October 22, 2019 2019-10-22 Tuesday Jidai Matsuri
Kurama Himatsuri
Казанская осенняя
Día Nacional por el Derecho a la Identidad
October 23, 2019 2019-10-23 Wednesday Feast of the Revolution
Mole Day
Hakata Okunchi
Day of the Macedonian Revolutionary Struggle (Holiday)
King Chulalongkorn Day
World Day of Action for Child Survival
Akita Prefectural Noshiro High School of Science and Technology
National Day
Liberation Day
European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Totalitarian Regimes
October 24, 2019 2019-10-24 Thursday World Development Information Day
Leonis Minorids
United Nations Day
Azad Kashmir Day
Hakata Okunchi
World Polio Day
World Fish Migration Day
Library Day
flag day in Finland
Independence Day
José Gregorio Hernández Day
October 25, 2019 2019-10-25 Friday Retrocession Day
Teachers' Day
Day of Euskadi
День таможенника Российской Федерации
Saint Crispin's Day
Ueno Tenjin Festival
Republic Day
Sovereignty Day
Galdan Namchot
Dia Mundial de la Ópera
Día Mundial de la Pasta
World Pasta Day
International Artist Day
Our Lady of Philerme
October 26, 2019 2019-10-26 Saturday Dmitriev Day
National Holiday
Angam Day
Accession Day
Intersex Awareness Day
Miyazaki Shrine Grand Festival
primary school
Gospel Day
October 27, 2019 2019-10-27 Sunday World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language
Independence Day
October 28, 2019 2019-10-28 Monday Gudari Eguna
International Animation Day
Ohi Day
Republic Day
Gunma Prefecture
Independence Day
Liberation Day
Día de las Instituciones de Cantabria
Labour Day
Independent Czechoslovak State Day
Yokohama Eiwa Gakuin Educational Association
October Holiday
Параскевы Льняницы
Gunma Citizens' Day
festival of the Señor de los Milagros
Day of the Car
Feast of Saints Simon and Jude
День создания армейской авиации России
October 29, 2019 2019-10-29 Tuesday Cat Day
Republic Day
День вневедомственной охраны
World Stroke Day
World Psoriasis Day
Local Autonomy Day
Wikidata Day
Coronation Day of King Sihamoni
100th Anniversary of the Republic of Turkey
October 30, 2019 2019-10-30 Wednesday Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions
Thevar Jayanthi
День инженера-механика
October 31, 2019 2019-10-31 Thursday Q1797519
Village Halloween Parade
World Savings Day
Reformation Day
National Day of Evangelical and Protestant Churches
Dia de la Canción Criolla
Rashtriya Ekta Diwas
World Cities Day
Spooky Day
Martyrs' Day
King's Birthday
November 1, 2019 2019-11-01 Friday Karnataka Rajyotsava
Day of the People's Awakeners
Day of the Dead in Slovenia
Mystery Play of Elche
Day of the Dead
World Vegan Day
Calan Gaeaf
All Saints' Day
Classics Day
Braille Day
Japan Self-Defence Force Day
Magazine Day
President's Trophy Boat Race
Kuzminki autumn
National Brush Day
Don Juan en Alcalá
Andhra Pradesh Day
Kerala Piravi
Field of Crosses
Independence Day
Revolution Day
Liberty Day
Coronation Day of Fifth Druk Gyalpo
All Saints' Day
November 2, 2019 2019-11-02 Saturday All Souls' Day of deahts
Karatsu Kunchi
International Day to End Impunity
International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists
Balfour Day
November 3, 2019 2019-11-03 Sunday Culture Day
Karatsu Kunchi
Student Day
Fujinomiya Festival
Kukur Tihar
Flag Day
National Sandwich Day
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Fête de la Saint-Hubert
Día do Lector e da Lectora
Independence of Cuenca
Independence Day
Independence Day
Victory Day
Separation Day
Community Service Day
November 4, 2019 2019-11-04 Monday National Unity and Armed Forces Day
Unity Day
Karatsu Kunchi
Random Acts of Kindness Day
Recreation Day holiday
Fujinomiya Festival
Jamnalal Bajaj Award
Казанская осенняя
День Государственности Удмуртской Республики
November 4, 1943
Death to America Day
Flag Day
Tonga National Day
November 5, 2019 2019-11-05 Tuesday Family Day
Guy Fawkes Night
Lewes Bonfire
Fujinomiya Festival
World Day of Romani Language
World Tsunami Awareness Day
Pope Night
Melbourne Cup Day
Colón Day
November 6, 2019 2019-11-06 Wednesday Obama Day
Gustav Adolfsdagen
Finnish Swedish Heritage Day
International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
Constitution Day
Malaria Day in the Americas
flag day in Finland
Dia Nacional do Amigo da Marinha
Day of the Bank Worker
November 7, 2019 2019-11-07 Thursday October Revolution Day
Diada de la Catalunya Nord
World Digital Preservation Day
Thanksgiving Day
Days of History and Memory
годовщина Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции
November 8, 2019 2019-11-08 Friday International Day of Radiology
Dmitriev Day
Club of the Funny and Inventive People
Festividad de las ñatitas
Intersex Day of Remembrance
World Day Without Wifi
National Indigenous Veteran’s Day
Cleaning Lady Day
World Radiography Day
Victory Day
Pohnpei Constitution Day
Days of History and Memory
годовщина Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции
November 9, 2019 2019-11-09 Saturday Всеукраинский день работников культуры и аматоров народного искусства
Inventors' Day
Carl Sagan day
World Freedom Day
Taimatsu Akashi
Fire Service Day
World Urdu Day
Independence Day of Cambodia
Saami flag days
Feast of the Virgin of Almudena
International Day against Fascism and Antisemitism
State Flag Day of the Azerbaijan Republic
November 10, 2019 2019-11-10 Sunday Heroes Day
World Science Day for Peace and Development
Father's Day
Police and Internal Affairs Servicemen's Day
Día de la Tradición
Noor Hossain Day
10th November Atatürk Remembrance Day
United States Marine Corps birthday
flag day in Finland
World Keratoconus Day
Maputo Day
Los Santos Uprising Day
November 11, 2019 2019-11-11 Monday Laternelaufen
National Independence Day
Veterans Day
Pepero Day
Kansai Gaidai University
Singles' Day
Armistice Day
Farmers' Day
National Education Day
Pocky & Pretz Day
saint martin's (Netherlands feast)
Wikimedia-Stammtisch München
Annual fair of Houtem
Nakumbuka Day
День перемирия в Первой мировой войне
Elfter im Elften
Independence of Cartagena
Independence Day
Birthday of the 4th Druk Gyalpo
Republic Day
Remembrance Day
Black-necked Crane Festival
Remembrance Day
St. Martin's Day
November 12, 2019 2019-11-12 Tuesday Constitution Day (Azerbaijan)
Seoul Car-Free Day
National Day of the Volunteer Blood Donor
Annual fair of Houtem
National Youth Day
Giornata del ricordo dei Caduti Militari e Civili nelle missioni internazionali per la pace
Doctors' Day (Taiwan)
World Pneumonia Day
November 13, 2019 2019-11-13 Wednesday Epulum Jovis
World Kindness Day
Colston Day
November 14, 2019 2019-11-14 Thursday Куделица
World Quality Day
Kukur Tihar
Kuzminki autumn
Bal Diwas
Saitama Residents' Day
Independence of Cartagena
The Coventry International Prize for Peace and Reconciliation
Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Buen Viaje de Noveleta
World Diabetes Day
November 15, 2019 2019-11-15 Friday Всероссийский день призывника
King's Feast
Day of the German-speaking Community of Belgium
Day of the Imprisoned Writer
Día de la provincia de Almería
Republic Day
Romería de San Eugenio
Independence Day
National Philanthropy Day
Saami flag days
Steve Irwin Day
Republic Proclamation Day
National Peace Day
November 16, 2019 2019-11-16 Saturday International Day for Tolerance
Icelandic Language Day
Flamenco world day
November 17, 2019 2019-11-17 Sunday International Students’ Day
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
Day of National Revival in Azerbaijan
День участковых уполномоченных полиции
Queene's Day
World Prematurity Day
Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day
Korean day of martyrdom
Presidents' Day
November 18, 2019 2019-11-18 Monday Leonids
Proclamation Day of the Republic of Latvia
Dedication of Saint Peter and Paul
National Orgasm Day
Revolution Day
National Day of Oman
Independence Day
Remembrance Day
Battle of Vertières Day
European Day for the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse
World Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Violence
November 19, 2019 2019-11-19 Tuesday World Toilet Day
Our Lady of Divine Providence
Day of Missile Forces and Artillery
Garifuna Settlement Day
International Men's Day
Gran Premio Joaquín V. González
National Day of Monaco
Discovery of Puerto Rico
November 20, 2019 2019-11-20 Wednesday Saint Verhaegen
Universal Children's Day
Black Awareness Day
Teachers' Day
Africa Industrialization Day
National Sovereignty Day
Dia de les lletres valencianes
flag day in Finland
Fest of the Third Universal
Last Sunday in ordinary time
National Absurdity Day
Encontro dos Tambores
Transgender Day of Remembrance
November 21, 2019 2019-11-21 Thursday Vvedenie
World Hello Day
World Television Day
World Philosophy Day
presentation of Mary
Alpha Monocerotids
College Scholastic Ability Test
День работника налоговых органов Российской Федерации
Armed Forces Day
No Music Day
День достоинства и свободы
Last Sunday in ordinary time
Día de la Enfermera
General Framework Agreement Day
November 22, 2019 2019-11-22 Friday Buy Nothing Day
Black Friday
Liberty Day in Ukraine
Lebanese Independence Day
Good Spouses Day
Last Sunday in ordinary time
National Day of Thanksgiving
Yatsushiro Myōken Festival
Feast of Saint Cecilia
November 23, 2019 2019-11-23 Saturday Buy Nothing Day
Holodomor Memorial Day
Labor Thanksgiving Day
Repudiation Day
Saint Clement's Day
Mita festival
Last Sunday in ordinary time
Presidents Day
Yatsushiro Myōken Festival
Doctor Who
November 24, 2019 2019-11-24 Sunday Vietnamese Martyrs
Teachers' Day
St. Catherine's Day
Croatian Theatre Award
State Flag Day
Evolution Day
Last Sunday in ordinary time
Journée de l'Artisan
November 25, 2019 2019-11-25 Monday Evacuation Day
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Teachers' Day
International Meatless Day
Statehood Day
Ronde des Catherinettes
Srefidensi Dey
Last Sunday in ordinary time
Independence Day
The 1949 Great March and Restoration Day
November 26, 2019 2019-11-26 Tuesday Emergency Rescuer's Day
George's Day in Autumn
Anti Obesity Day
Constitution Day of Republic of India
World Olive Day
Last Sunday in ordinary time
World Sustainable Transport Day
November 27, 2019 2019-11-27 Wednesday Куделица
Teachers' Day
Marines' Day
Blackout Wednesday
Maaveerar Day
Red Wednesday
November 28, 2019 2019-11-28 Thursday Thanksgiving
Albanian independence day
Feast of the Holy Sovereigns
November 28
World Compassion Day
November 28, Albanian Flag Day
Anglo-Franco Proclamation
Mediterranean Day
Proclamation of Independence Day
Republic Day
Independence Day
Independence Day
November 29, 2019 2019-11-29 Friday International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
Liberation Day
Sint Pannekoek
International Defence of Human Rights Day
International Jaguar Day
Saami flag days
День мостов
Unity Day
William Tubman's Birthday
November 30, 2019 2019-11-30 Saturday Cities for Life Day
Saint Andrew's Day
Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare
Small Business Saturday
Computer Security Day
Evacuation Day
Dia do Município das Ilhas
Martyrs' Day
Día Nacional del Mate
Bonifacio Day
Blue Beanie Day
Independence Day
Devonport Show Day
December 1, 2019 2019-12-01 Sunday Sveriges Television's Christmas calendar
Great Union Day
Day of the Restoration of Independence
World AIDS Day
День работников прокуратуры (Украина)
Freedom and Democracy Day
NAHA Marathon
Nordic Christmas calendar of DR
First President Day
Martyrs' Day
SumBingTik Festival
рождественский календарь норвежского телевиденя
Antarctica Day
Republic Day
Army Abolition Day
December 2, 2019 2019-12-02 Monday National Day
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
Parents' Day
Constitution Day
National Day
European Day for the Abolition of the Slave Trade
International Model Railroading Day
December 3, 2019 2019-12-03 Tuesday United Nations' International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Día de Navarra
Día Nacional del Candombe
Chichibu Night Festival
International Day of the Basque Language
This Merry Day of Culture
Doctors' Day
Giornata europea delle persone con disabilità
Malaysia Batik Day
December 4, 2019 2019-12-04 Wednesday Vvedenie
National Hug Day
St. Barbara Day
Festa de Santa Bárbara
National Constitution Day
Navy Day
anteprima giovani
International Day of Banks
Feast of Saint Barbara
King Tupou I Day
December 5, 2019 2019-12-05 Thursday World Soil Day
Oku-noto no Aenokoto
International Volunteer Day
women's suffrage in Turkey
Trade Day
National Day of Thailand
King Bhumibol Adulyadej's Birthday
World Turkish Coffee Day
December 6, 2019 2019-12-06 Friday National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
National Day of Gaucho
Saint Nicholas Day
Independence Day Reception
Independence Day
Turkish Art Music Day
Finnish Independence Day students' torchlight procession
Saint Nicholas and Saint Martin customs
Independence day parade
flag day in Finland
Quito Day
Gospel Day
Farmers' Day
Saba Flag Day
Spanish Day of the Constitution🇪🇸
December 7, 2019 2019-12-07 Saturday Armed Forces Flag Day
International Civil Aviation Day
Day of the Little Candles
St. Catherine's Day
Quema del diablo
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
Small Business Saturday UK
Mill Road Winter Fair
season premiere at La Scala
Category:Ukrainian Headscarf Day
Quema de las Gamonitas
Día del Orgullo Barroco
Memorial Day
National Heroes' Day
December 8, 2019 2019-12-08 Sunday Feast of the Immaculate Conception
День студента Болгарии
Bodhi Day
Jean Sibelius Day
flag day in Finland
Constitution Day
Taguig Holiday
Saint Clement of Ohrid Day
National Youth Day
Our Lady of Camarin Day
Pansexual Pride Day
International Artist Day
Festival of Lights
Immaculate Conception of Mary🇪🇸
Mother's Day
December 9, 2019 2019-12-09 Monday Анна тёмная
International Anti-Corruption Day
День Героев Отечества
George's Day in Autumn
Feast day of Saint Anne
International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime
День ведомственной (военизированной) охраны железнодорожного транспорта
national holiday in Peru due to the Battle of Ayacucho
National Heroes Day
Independence Day
December 10, 2019 2019-12-10 Tuesday Human Rights Day
Constitution Day (Thailand)
Human Rights and Peace Day
Nobel Prize
December 11, 2019 2019-12-11 Wednesday Mountain Day
Human Rights Day
Capitol Steps
День землеустроителя Украины
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Día en Recuerdo de los que Murieron en Argel
Indiana Day
National Day of Tango
Day of the Health Service
Proclamation of Independence Day
December 12, 2019 2019-12-12 Thursday Kanji of the year
Jamhuri Day
Constitution Day
Day of Neutrality
Kanji Day
Universal Health Coverage Day
Wikimedia-Stammtisch München
International Day of Neutrality
Spiridon day
December 13, 2019 2019-12-13 Friday Saint Lucy's Day
Saint Andrew's Day
Republic Day
Misa por la prosperidad de Francia
National Day
December 14, 2019 2019-12-14 Saturday Geminids
День чествования участников ликвидации последствий аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС
Alabama Day
Martyred Intellectuals Day
Monkey Day
Akō Gishi Festival
День башкирского языка
December 15, 2019 2019-12-15 Sunday Naturalisatiedag
Zamenhof Day
Kingdom Day
Remembrance Day of Journalists Killed in the Line of Duty
Ifta World Day
December 16, 2019 2019-12-16 Monday Day of the Vow
Victory Day
Kazakhstan Independence Day
National Day
Day of Reconciliation
Vijay Dibos
December 17, 2019 2019-12-17 Tuesday Kazakhstan Independence Day
St. Barbara Day
International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers
Pan American Aviation Day
Wright Brothers Day
Kasuga Wakamiya On-Matsuri Festival
Kurdish flag day
National School Shooting Day
Revolution and Youth Day
National Day
December 18, 2019 2019-12-18 Wednesday International Migrants Day
UN Arabic Language Day
Virgin of Hope Macarena
Qatar National Day
Republic Day
Lopez Jaena Day
December 19, 2019 2019-12-19 Thursday Saint Nicholas Day
Advocacy Day
Goa Liberation Day
National Heroes and Heroines Day
National Day Against Femicide
December 20, 2019 2019-12-20 Friday Yaldā
Security Agency Worker's Day (Russia)
International Human Solidarity Day
Игнатов день
Macau Special Administrative Region Establishment Day
St Thomas Eve
Day of National Mourning
December 21, 2019 2019-12-21 Saturday Christmas Peace
St. Thomas's Day
San Tomas jaia
São Tomé Day
National Flashlight Day
Pheran Day
December 22, 2019 2019-12-22 Sunday Анна тёмная
Spanish Christmas Lottery
День работников дипломатической службы Украины
Electrician Day
Yugoslav People's Army Day
National Unity Day
Mother's Day
December 23, 2019 2019-12-23 Monday Larentalia
День дальней авиации ВВС Российской Федерации
Tibb's Eve
night of the market
December 24, 2019 2019-12-24 Tuesday Sveriges Television's Christmas calendar
Christmas Eve National Speech
Christmas Eve
День работников архивных учреждений Украины
Radiopasión española
Nordic Christmas calendar of DR
Joulupukin Kuuma linja
Ankos Festival
Pase del Niño Viajero
рождественский календарь норвежского телевиденя
declaration of Christmas Peace in Turku
Independence Day
End of Year Days
Yap Constitution Day
December 25, 2019 2019-12-25 Wednesday Christmas Day
Top 2000
Christmas in Japan
Christmas in Hungary
Christmas in Iceland
Christmas in Romania
Christmas in Ukraine
Christmas in Finland
Christmas in the Netherlands
Emperor Taishō Festival
Copa Nadal de natació
Christmas in Greece
Sveriges Radio's Christmas Morning Church Service Broadcasting
Sveriges Television's Christmas Morning Church Service Broadcasting
Christmas in Canada
Christmas in France
Christmas in Brazil
Good Governance Day
Astronomical clock in Krásný Les
Tulsi Pujan Diwas
Christmas in Jamaica
Spiridon day
Christmas in Iran
Christmas in Jordan
Category:Christmas in Belarus
Jinnah's Birthday
Christmas in China
End of Year Days
Christmas in Poland
December 26, 2019 2019-12-26 Thursday Independence and Unity Day
Saint Stephen's Day
Family Day
Boxing Day
Día del Pendón de Almería
Proclamation Day
Day of Goodwill
Second Day of Christmas
season premiere at La Scala
Sunday in Christmas Octave
Utamaduni Day
End of Year Days
December 27, 2019 2019-12-27 Friday Saint Stephen's Day
Great Atatürk Race
Third Day of Christmas
Socialist Constitution Day
International Day of Epidemic Preparedness
Sunday in Christmas Octave
End of Year Days
December 28, 2019 2019-12-28 Saturday Babinden
Day of the Holy Innocents
День памяти жертв депортации калмыцкого народа
Международный день кино
Собор Кольских святых
Els Enfarinats
Proclamation Day
Sunday in Christmas Octave
End of Year Days
December 29, 2019 2019-12-29 Sunday Kwanzaa
Independence Day
Sunday in Christmas Octave
Ede-Aroh festival
End of Year Days
December 30, 2019 2019-12-30 Monday Kwanzaa
Rizal Day
All-Japan Collegiate Women's Invitational Ekiden
Festa del Pi de Centelles
Sunday in Christmas Octave
End of Year Days
December 31, 2019 2019-12-31 Tuesday Twelve Grapes
Old year
First Night
Day of National Solidarity of Azerbaijanis
Festa de l'Estendard
Kōhaku Uta Gassen
leap year starting on Sunday and ending on Monday
leap year starting on Friday and ending on Saturday
leap year starting on Tuesday and ending on Wednesday
leap year starting on Monday and ending on Tuesday
leap year starting on Saturday and ending on Sunday
leap year starting on Thursday and ending on Friday
leap year starting on Wednesday and ending on Thursday
Cursa dels Nassos
Radiopasión española
Nanori, Shimenawa-kiri, and Fire Festival
Saint Sylvester's Day
End of the year chimes on television
Momoiro Uta Gassen
Al Sur del Cielo
Universal Hour of Peace
Sunday in Christmas Octave
New Year's Eve party
National Heroes' Day
End of Year Days
Biggar Bonfire
New Year's Eve
End of automatically generated list.