Wikidata:WikiProject Names/Disambiguation

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A disambiguation item is not a name item. They should never be merged. Names items should be linked to the corresponding disambiguation page by using different from (P1889) (with the qualifier criterion used (P1013) with given name has to use a different item than disambiguation pages (Q23765057), family name has to use a different item than disambiguation page (Q27924673), etc.).

It may sometimes be difficult to know what a wikipedia article is about but it's not for Wikidatians to decide but for each Wikipedia.

When in doubt, it's usually best if assumed that any article with a disambiguation category is a disambiguation article (as several Wikipedias will add not only the disambiguation category but also all categories relevant to any item of the disambiguation list). In this perspective, only articles without disambiguation templates/categories and with categories like Category:Surname (Q9740709) would be considered as names.

Cleaning items can mean moving sitelinks to one item to another. Keep in mind that each string should have a distinct item; the most important property is native label (P1705). You may have to create several new given name, surname or name items.