Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Catalog/Carvaggio Bernini

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instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & catalog code (P528) -> # -> catalog (P972) -> Caravaggio and Bernini (Q71268092).

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?catcode WHERE { ?item p:P528 [ pq:P972 wd:Q71268092 ; ps:P528 ?catcode]. }
image label description catalog code creator inception collection inventory number
Madonna of the Rosary painting by Caravaggio 28 Caravaggio 1607 Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_147
Narcissuss painting by Caravaggio 1 Caravaggio 1600 Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica
Saint Francis in Meditation painting by Caravaggio in the Museo Civico, Cremona 23 Caravaggio 1606 Museo Civico Ala Ponzone
Massacre of the Innocents Religious painting by Guido Reni 10 Guido Reni 1611 Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna 439
Saint Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy painting by Caravaggio 21 Caravaggio 1594 Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art 1943-222
David with the Head of Goliath painting by Caravaggio (Caravaggio, Vienna) 4 Caravaggio 1607 Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_125
Young Saint John the Baptist with ram painting by Caravaggio, Capitoline Museums 11
Caravaggio 1602 Capitoline Museums PC 239
Saint John the Baptist painting by Caravaggio, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome (Roma, 1604) 20 Caravaggio 160s Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica 433
Medusa sculpture by Gianlorenzo Bernini 2 Gian Lorenzo Bernini 160s Capitoline Museums
The Incredulity of Thomas painting by Hendrick ter Brugghen 656A3
Hendrick ter Brugghen 1622 Rijksmuseum SK-A-3908
The return of the prodigal son painting by Guercino in Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna 55
Guercino 1619 Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_253
The Divine Eros Defeats the Earthly Eros painting by Giovanni Baglione 12 Giovanni Baglione 1602 Gemäldegalerie, Berlin
The Ecstasy of Saint Francis painting by Giovanni Baglione (LACMA, M.2002.218) 22 Giovanni Baglione 1601 Los Angeles County Museum of Art M.2002.218
David With the Head of Goliath and two Soldiers painting by Valentin de Boulogne 6 Valentin de Boulogne 160s Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 415 (1930.119)
Judith with the head of Holofernes painting by Carlo Saraceni (Vienna) 39
Carlo Saraceni 160s Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_41
Mary Magdalene in Ecstasy painting by Artemisia Gentileschi 24
Artemisia Gentileschi 1623 No/unknown value
Judith and her maidservant with the head of Holofernes painting by Orazio Gentileschi 13
Orazio Gentileschi 1608 National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design NG.M.02073
Eros and Anteros sculptures by Alessandro Algardi 13 Alessandro Algardi 1630 Liechtenstein Museum SK1481
Sacred and Profane Love Seventeenth-century artwork 15 Guido Reni
Daedlus and Icarus Seventeenth-century artwork 17 Andrea Sacchi
The Incredulity of St Thomas Painting by Matti Preti 30 Mattia Preti Kunsthistorisches Museum
End of automatically generated list.