Wikidata:WikidataCon 2017/Notes/Combining Wikidata with other linked databases

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Title: Combining Wikidata with other linked databases


Name or username: Andra Waagmeester, Dragan Espenschied


We would like to propose a workshop on how Wikidata and related products such as Wikibase and the WDQS can be applied in a broader context. We can demonstrate the approaches we have followed to integrate Wikidata with other linked data resources. These are

  1. Using Federated queries from the WDQS (WIkipathways) Wikidata supports federated queries now. We can demonstrate how federated queries run at the WDQS can be used to integrate remote data with data in Wikidata.
  2. Querying Wikidata from remote endpoints through SPARQL (Uniprot) If a remote SPARQL endpoint is not yet supported in Wikidata, federated queries can still be applied if the remote endpoint supports SPARQL queries.
  3. Querying Wikidata from locally installed SPARQL endpoints (Zika data) If data is not yet available as linked data we demonstrate how, after conversion and loading in a custom SPARQL endpoint, data can be integrating with Wikidata. We can demonstrate this based on an exercise we ran on Zika data:
  4. Linking Wikidata with custom Wikibase instances. (Rhizome) Rhizome runs on a custom Wikibase instance. We have written conversion scripts that converts the Wikibase API output to RDF. This is subsequently loaded into the Rhizomes SPARQL endpoint.

The workshop should be a platform to evaluate these four approaches and improve. The conversion scripts are custom made for their respective tasks. If possible it would be interesting to learn during the workshop how Wikidata content is converted to RDF and subsequently utilized in the WDQS. Also, we are eager to learn if we can utilize WDQS on locally installed Wikibase or Blazegraph instances.

Collaborative notes of the session[edit]

To translate Labels
  • Docker up
  • Wikibase
  • Query
  • Query UI
  • Services enabled

Overview of the session[edit]

External links[edit]