Wikidata:WikidataCon 2017/Notes/wikidata-cli demo: read and write Wikidata from the command-line!

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Title: wikidata-cli demo: read and write Wikidata from the command-line!


Name or username: Maxime Lathuilière (User:Maxlath)

Useful links:


Introduction to wikidata-cli, the command-line interface (Q189053) for Wikidata. This demo is for you if:

  • you don't know all the Q ids by heart yet, and need a quick way to know what an id stands for.

demo of wikidata-cli 'wd summary' command

  • you don't know all the properties by heart yet, and would enjoy having the list at hand in the terminal to grep on it, or whatever
  • you like the idea of setting labels, adding claims, or running SPARQL queries from the terminal. More generally, you take for obvious that the command-line interfaces are in many cases way more efficient than graphic interfaces
  • you do not, but want to learn

Collaborative notes of the session[edit]

based on two libraries (both based on JavaScript) (for reading) (for editing, needs login)

by default

Example queries

wd search

   search for text, e.g. wd search wikidatacon
   specifiy language with parameter "-l <XX>", e.g. wd search wikidatacon -l fr

wd label

   show label of item 
   e.g. wd label Q42

wd claims Q1 #show claims about Universe

wd claims Q1 P18 #show images about the Universe

output also possible as JSon with parameter -j