Wikidata:Wikidata for Education/Timeline

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Project update

Consultation and Research Stage

The Wikidata For Education project is in the early phases of its development. In October 2020, a consultation group was set up on telegram to explore the topic: Wikidata for Education - Aligning the sum of all knowledge with school curricula. The result from the consultation can be found in this document. This served as the foundation for the current development in the project.

The core team of the project consisting of the Wikimedian In Residence, Curriculum Advisor, Technical Advisor, Project Manager and project advisors embarked on another research from October to January 2021 to align previous consultation learnings with changes in the education ecosystem to ensure that the project's relevance was current.

Data Modelling

The consultation birthed the idea of a model based on which the whole project could be implemented. The Technical advisor in consultation with other stakeholders developed a model to give a projection or prototype to the work output of the project in connection with the key learnings. The data model contains links of our uploaded data will look like from the Test Wikidata platform and also provided a diagrammatic approach to illustrate the sequence of data flow, the relations and the dependencies of each item. You can read more at data modelling.

Test Wikidata Update

We created all the missing properties to give an example on how the data can be uploaded to Wikidata. You’ll find below the link of each item created separately, but feel free to click on each statement and explore the hyperlinks too. We hope that with all these examples in hand, you can grasp the model’s details and how it can be used to upload curriculum data.

  1. Item 1: National Curriculum of Ghana (Q213631)
  2. Item 2: National Curriculum of Ghana for High School (Q224504)
  3. Item 3: National Curriculum of Ghana for High School Stage 10 (Q224506)
  4. Item 4: Mathematic Curriculum for Stage 10 (Q223773)
  5. Item 5: Local education level (Q224561)
  6. Item 6: ISCED education level (Q224201)
  7. Item 7: Local subject field (Q224560)
  8. Item 8: ISCED field (Q224206)
  9. Item 9: Sets and Operations on set (Q223778)

Property Request

For us to better model the data from our Data model, there was the need to request for some properties. We identified 13 properties in all and requested them. After the advisory committee was constituted, suggestions were made with regards to existing properties that could serve the same purpose and some with fused which reduced the total number of properties under request to 6 out of the original 13 properties. You can find the properties here at the bottom right.

Data Clean up & Packaging

We use Google sheets to collect the data on Basic 7 Social Studies, packaged it for clean up with OpenRefine tools to clean up the data. The cleaned up data was exported as V1 codes.

Pilot Batch Upload for B7 Social Studies

The cleaned data for the B7 Social Studies was uploaded via Quickstatement.

Advisory Council

An Advisory Council was constituted to study the about the whole project, advised and worked synchronously and asynchronously with the project. There was a presentation on the uploaded data, the property request and how these data was uploaded unto Wikidata.

Batch Upload for B7 Science and Mathematics

We use Google sheets to collect the data on Basic 7 Social Studies, packaged it for clean up with OpenRefine tools to clean up the data. The cleaned up data was exported as V1 codes. These codes were uploaded to Wikidata using Quickstatement.

Aligning with Data Model

We mirrored the uploaded data against the data model and the Curriculum document and aligned the items and properties.


Key activities Timeline
Property request September
Advisory council feedback September
Data uploaded for all 3 subjects September
Properties requested Approved and created October
Aligning uploaded data to the data model October
Campaign 1 October
Campaign 2 November
Campaign 3 December
Hackathon January 2023
Teacher Trainng/advocacy N/A
Whitepaper January/February 2023