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description: modular space station in low Earth orbit
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🏢 Generic queries for organizations 🏢

This section is generated using {{TP organization}}

See also

Splitting the data in "has part" into segments


Hi, I edit some items in WIkidata mostly as part of my work in Commons. When I started to edit this item to add Nauka and Prichal modules, I found that the data in "has part" is overloaded with numerous components of the ISS. Should we split the data into US Orbital Segment and Russian Orbital Segment and list only the two segments in "has part"? --Soumya-8974 (he) (talkcontribs) 18:42, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Located in the administrative territory


@Rémih, there's something of a snag for the "no territory" statement you're trying to make. The ISS is indeed located in administrative territories: plural. Please see this article, which describes the framework whereby the Space Partners extend their jurisdictions and territories in a very real way to the parts of ISS which they operate. So this would be a multiple statement, though I'm loath to go down that road: 'the European Partner' would probably necessitate a novel item altogether. Elizium23 (talk) 19:59, 26 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]