Swedish barbecue areas (E408)

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enSwedish barbecue areasedit
svSvenska GrillplatserFörsök att samla data om Svenska Grillplatseredit
# https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_Svenska_Grillplatser
# https://github.com/dpriskorn/svenska-grillplatser/issues/3

PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
PREFIX pq: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>

# Example SPARQL query: 
# SELECT ?g WHERE { ?g wdt:P31 wd:Q119621476; wdt:P17 wd:Q34} limit 5

start = @<grillplats>

<grillplats>  EXTRA wdt:P31 {
 wdt:P31 [ wd:Q119621476 ] ; # instance of "grillplats"
 wdt:P17   [ wd:Q34 ]  ; # country Sweden
 wdt:P131  .          + ; # located in the administrative territorial entity              
 wdt:P625  .          + ; # coordinates              
 wdt:P276  .          * ; # location              
 wdt:P856  .          + ; # official website   
 wdt:P706  .          * ; # located on terrain feature            
 wdt:P206  .          * ; # located in or next to body of water              
 wdt:P973  .          * ; # described by source              
 wdt:P4173  .          * ; # Instagram location id              
 wdt:P1997  .          * ; # Facebook location id              
 wdt:P2572  .          * ; # hashtag              
 wdt:P6375  .          * ; # street address
 wdt:P2789  .          * ; # connects with
 wdt:P3134  .          * ; # Trip Advisory id
 wdt:P4238  .          * ; # webcam page URL
 wdt:P3018  .          * ; # located in protected area
 wdt:P10467          .*; # Naturkartan
 wdt:P10689           .*; #Open Street Map way
 wdt:P11693           .*; # Open Street Map node
 wdt:P3749             .*; # Google Map id

 wdt:P912              .*; # has facility
 wdt:P1401         .+; # issue tracker URL
 wdt:P3171         .*; # offers view on
 wdt:P2846         .+; # wheelchair accessibility

 wdt:P9660 .*; # not found in - indicate that a site we expect should have this item dont have it
 wdt:P1889 .* ; # different from - indicate when we have a name conflict or twp objects are next to each other
 wdt:P2789 .* ; # connect with - indicate 2 objects are next to each other

 wdt:P6104  [wd:Q121313211 wd:Q118372392] } # part om Wikiproject Svenska Grillplatser