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This page is a translated version of the page Help:P3096 and the translation is 17% complete.
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Help page for KML file (P3096) View with SQID. This help page will be included in Property talk:P3096. Please be careful editing it not to break the included page.


See also Meta:KML files.

Currently, Keyhole Markup Language (Q79587) files cannot be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (Q565), or any other wiki (see Phab:T28059). As a work-around, the contents of KML file are stored as wikitext on a subpage of template Template:Attached KML (Q6690822). That template is used to generate links in an article to download the file, or view on a web-based mapping provider, using the raw version of the subpage containing the KML.


Through this property, Template:Attached KML (Q6690822), and Module:Attached KML (Q26689774), any wiki can access the article's KML file, regardless of which wiki it is on, through the following sequence:

  • Article item → KML file (P3096) → KML file item → sitelink to KML file (can get the URL to the raw KML file from the sitelink)

Example: Great Eastern Highway (Q1544264)KML file (P3096)Template:Attached KML/Great Eastern Highway (Q26267859)→sitelink: enwikiTemplate:Attached KML/Great Eastern Highway, thus the raw kml file is at