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Help page for chromosome count (P5230) View with SQID. This help page will be included in Property talk:P5230. Please be careful editing it not to break the included page.

Typical value for this property is the most frequent chromosome count in typical body cell in normal adult individual of a species. For example at Homo sapiens (Q15978631):

chromosome count
Normal rank 46
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As exceptional cases, there are some types of variation in chromosome count. Here are instructions for that.

chromosome count
Normal rank 1
applies to part male organism
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Normal rank 2
applies to part female organism
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chromosome count
Normal rank 10? (we need example)
applies to part gametophyte
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Normal rank 20? (we need example)
applies to part sporophyte
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  • 3. Cell type difference. There are different chromosome count between cell type (Q189118). For example, red blood cell (Q37187) has 0 chromosome. cancer cell (Q4118072) has various number. For this property, use chromosome count for typical body cell (e.g. In human, use 46)
  • 4. Variations in disease or syndrome. For example, Down syndrome (Q47715) has 47 chromosomes. This kind of data is stored at disease or syndrome item page like Down syndrome#P5230, but not species page. Because there are many kind of disease or syndrome which has chromosome count variation.