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This page is a translated version of the page Help:P9905 and the translation is 11% complete.

Help page for relevant date for copyright (P9905) View with SQID. This help page will be included in Property talk:P9905. Please be careful editing it not to break the included page.

This property is used as a qualifier on a copyright status (P6216) statement to show the date used to determine the copyright status by the determination method (P459) qualifier.

Note that this means the statement should have both relevant date for copyright (P9905) and copyright status (P6216) to be complete.

Other qualifiers

Usually, this property is used along with all the following other properties qualifying the same items:

The following query shows items where relevant date for copyright (P9905) is used, but at least one of determination method (P459), applies to jurisdiction (P1001) or public domain date (P3893) is not given:

# Editions with a copyright status that has a relevant date but not a determination method or other qualifiers
SELECT DISTINCT ?work ?workLabel ?statusLabel ?methodLabel ?whereLabel ?relevantDate ?pdDate WHERE {
  ?work wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q3331189 .
  hint:Prior hint:gearing "forward".

  ?work p:P6216 ?statusStatement .
  ?work wdt:P6216 ?status .
  ?statusStatement pq:P9905 ?relevantDate.
    ?statusStatement pq:P459 ?method .
    ?statusStatement pq:P1001 ?where .
    ?statusStatement pq:P3893 ?pdDate.
    ?statusStatement pq:P459 ?where .
    ?statusStatement pq:P1001 ?method .
    ?statusStatement pq:P3893 ?pdDate .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
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You can set no value when the determination method doesn't depend on any date:

# Items where a "relevant copyright date" qualifier (P9905) of a "copyright status" (P6216) claim is set to "no value"
SELECT DISTINCT ?work ?statusLabel ?workLabel WHERE {

  ?work p:P6216 [
     a wdno:P9905
  ?work wdt:P6216 ?status .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
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