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This page is a translated version of the page Help:TABernacle and the translation is 9% complete.

This is a help page for the TABernacle tool. This tool requires OAUTH login to edit.

TABernacle takes a list of items, through one of the following methods:

  • SPARQL query
  • PagePile list
  • Manual item list (items separated by newline, comma, or "|")

It then shows a tabular view, with one item per row, and the item label/ID in the first column. More columns can be added by the user, specifically:

  • Labels, descriptions, or aliases, either
    • all of them, or
    • in specific languages. Missing languages will be shown as a red box
  • Properties

The user can perform drag-and-drop operations

  • on labels, descriptions, and aliases
    • onto any of these, existing or not (red box, see "missing languages" above), to replace the text for the language of the drop target
    • onto a label/description/alias table cell, to add the text in the language of the dropped entry
  • on statements, onto table cells for properties of the same type, to add a new statement to the target item/property. This works across properties of the same type.

The user can edit

  • labels/descriptions/aliases via a double click
  • statements
    • via a double click
    • via a click on the "edit" hover button of the statement

The user can remove

  • labels/descriptions/aliases, by editing them and removing the text
  • statements via a click on the "remove" hover button of the statement

The user can add new labels, descriptions, aliases, or statements

  • by double-clicking into the respective table cell
  • by clicking the "add" hover button in the lower-left corner of the table cell

Any edit through the tool will cause the item row to go black for the duration of the edit. Other items can be edited in the meantime.
