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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Roadtable/sections/doc


local sections = {}

-- North American numbered routes

sections.interstates = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 4

sections.usroutes = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 4

local stateRoutes = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 3
sections.stateroutes = stateRoutes
sections.statehighways = stateRoutes
sections.stateroads = stateRoutes
sections.departmentalroutes = stateRoutes
sections.prefecturalroads = stateRoutes
sections.provincialhighways = stateRoutes
sections.provincialroutes = stateRoutes
sections.provincialroads = stateRoutes
sections.territorialhighways = stateRoutes
sections.territorialroads = stateRoutes
sections.regionalroutes = stateRoutes
sections.regionalroads = stateRoutes
sections.voivodeshiproads = stateRoutes

local countyRoutes = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2
sections.countyroutes = countyRoutes
sections.countyroads = countyRoutes

local cityRoutes = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2

sections.cityroutes = cityRoutes

sections.foresthighways = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2

sections.farmtomarket = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2

sections.nationalscenicbyways = {
	model = 'byway',
	importance = 2

sections.usbikeroutes = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2

-- Bannered and suffixed routes

sections.interstates_business = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2

local bannered = {
	model = 'bannered',
	importance = 2
sections.usroutes_bannered = bannered
sections.stateroutes_bannered = bannered
sections.statehighways_bannered = bannered
sections.stateroads_bannered = bannered

local suffixed = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2
sections.usroutes_suffixed = suffixed
sections.stateroutes_suffixed = suffixed
sections.statehighways_suffixed = suffixed
sections.stateroads_suffixed = suffixed
sections.provincialhighways_suffixed = suffixed
sections.territorialhighways_suffixed = suffixed

-- Current and former routes

local current = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 3
sections.stateroutes_current = current
sections.statehighways_current = current
sections.stateroads_current = current
sections.provincialhighways_current = current
sections.territorialhighways_current = current
sections.motorways_current = current
sections.expressways_current = current
sections.nationalroads_current = current
sections.nationalhighways_current = current

local former = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2
sections.interstates_former = former
sections.usroutes_former = former
sections.nationalroutes_former = former
sections.stateroutes_former = former
sections.statehighways_former = former
sections.stateroads_former = former
sections.provincialhighways_former = former
sections.territorialhighways_former = former
sections.regionalroads_former = former
sections.motorways_former = former
sections.highways_former = former
sections.expressways_former = former
sections.nationalroads_former = former
sections.nationalhighways_former = former

local future = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2
sections.interstates_future = future
sections.usroutes_future = future
sections.stateroutes_future = future
sections.statehighways_future = future
sections.stateroads_future = future
sections.provincialhighways_future = future
sections.territorialhighways_future = future
sections.motorways_future = future

local underconstruction = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2

sections.motorways_underconstruction = underconstruction

-- Primary, secondary, and tertiary routes

local statePrimary = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 3
sections.stateroutes_primary = statePrimary
sections.statehighways_primary = statePrimary
sections.stateroads_primary = statePrimary
sections.provincialhighways_primary = statePrimary
sections.territorialhighways_primary = statePrimary
sections.nationalroads_primary = statePrimary
sections.nationalroutes_primary = statePrimary

local stateSecondary = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2
sections.stateroutes_secondary = stateSecondary
sections.statehighways_secondary = stateSecondary
sections.stateroads_secondary = stateSecondary
sections.provincialhighways_secondary = stateSecondary
sections.territorialhighways_secondary = stateSecondary
sections.nationalroads_secondary = stateSecondary
sections.nationalroutes_secondary = stateSecondary
sections.loops = stateSecondary
sections.spurs = stateSecondary

local stateTertiary = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2
sections.stateroutes_tertiary = stateTertiary
sections.statehighways_tertiary = stateTertiary
sections.stateroads_tertiary = stateTertiary
sections.provincialhighways_tertiary = stateTertiary
sections.territorialhighways_tertiary = stateTertiary

-- International routes

-- -- Generic

sections.motorways = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 4

sections.expressways = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 3

sections.highways = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 3

local nationalRoutes = {
	model = 'national-route',
	importance = 3

sections.nationalroutes = nationalRoutes
sections.nationalhighways = nationalRoutes
sections.nationalroads = nationalRoutes
sections.federalroutes = nationalRoutes
sections.federalhighways = nationalRoutes
sections.federalroads = nationalRoutes

-- -- Europe

sections.eroads = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 4

sections.eroads_classa = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 4
sections.eroads_classb = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 4

sections['eroads+minor'] = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2

-- -- Europe

sections.aroads = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 3

sections.broads = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2

sections.firstclass = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2

sections.secondclass = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2

sections.thirdclass = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2

-- Other routes

sections.named = {
	model = 'named',
	importance = 2

sections.named_proposed = {
	model = 'named',
	importance = 2

sections.numbered = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 3

sections.parkways = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 3

sections.ringroads = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2

sections.turnpikes = {
	model = 'turnpike',
	importance = 3

sections.turnpikes_old = {
	model = 'pre-signed',
	importance = 2

sections.trails = {
	model = 'route',
	importance = 2

-- Infrastructure

sections.infrastructure = {
	model = 'infrastructure',
	importance = 2

sections.infrastructure_bridges = {
	model = 'bridge',
	importance = 1

sections.infrastructure_etc = {
	model = 'etc',
	importance = 1

sections.infrastructure_interchanges = {
	model = 'interchange',
	importance = 2

sections.infrastructure_projects = {
	model = 'project',
	importance = 1

sections.infrastructure_tunnels = {
	model = 'tunnel',
	importance = 1

-- System

sections.lists = {
	model = 'list',
	importance = 1

sections.lists_rcs = {
	model = 'rcs',
	importance = 1

sections.lists_county = {
	model = 'list',
	importance = 1

sections.agencies = {
	model = 'agency',
	importance = 1

sections.agencies_toll = {
	model = 'agency',
	importance = 1

sections.system = {
	model = 'system',
	importance = 2

sections.misc = {
	model = 'basic',
	importance = 1

-- Subdivisions

sections.countries = {
	model = 'full',
	importance = 4

sections.states = {
	model = 'full',
	importance = 3

sections.provinces = {
	model = 'full',
	importance = 3

sections.territories = {
	model = 'full',
	importance = 2

sections.counties = {
	model = 'full',
	importance = 2

return sections