place of death (P20)

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most specific known (e.g. city instead of country, or hospital instead of city) death location of a person, animal or fictional character
  • deathplace
  • died in
  • death place
  • POD
  • location of death
  • death location
  • killed in
  • died
Language Label Description Also known as
place of death
most specific known (e.g. city instead of country, or hospital instead of city) death location of a person, animal or fictional character
  • deathplace
  • died in
  • death place
  • POD
  • location of death
  • death location
  • killed in
  • died

Data type



no value
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가장 구체적인 장소만 값으로 기재합니다. 즉, 사망한 도시만 알려졌으면 해당 도시 항목을 입력하지만, 사망한 병원이나 장소도 알려졌으면 도시 대신 해당 병원/장소 항목을 값으로 입력합니다. (Korean)
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Només es mostren els llocs més específics. En altres paraules, si només es coneix la ciutat morta, ingressa a l'entrada de la ciutat, però si es coneix l'hospital o lloc de mort, introduïu l'entrada corresponent hospital / lloc com a valor en lloc de ciutat. (Catalan)
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Indícase o lugar máis específico coñecido. Se só se coñece a cidade ou vila, ponse esta. Pero se se sabe o hospital, por exemplo, ponse o hospital no canto da cidade. (Galician)
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Ange församling/distrikt om möjligt där personen dör eller finns i kyrkböckerna. (Swedish)
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Use the most specific location known. Use the city instead of country, or hospital instead of the city. (English)
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