Property talk:P5125

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Wikimedia outline
item about an outline of the topic at Wikimedia sites
[create Create a translatable help page (preferably in English) for this property to be included here]
Value type “Wikimedia outline article (Q26884324): This property should use items as value that contain property “instance of (P31)”. On these, the value for instance of (P31) should be an item that uses subclass of (P279) with value Wikimedia outline article (Q26884324) (or a subclass thereof). (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303).
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P5125#Value type Q26884324, SPARQL
Single value: this property generally contains a single value. (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303).
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P5125#Single value, SPARQL
Distinct values: this property likely contains a value that is different from all other items. (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303).
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P5125#Unique value, SPARQL (every item), SPARQL (by value)
Item “topic's main category (P910): Items with this property should also have “topic's main category (P910)”. (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303).
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P5125#Item P910, search, SPARQL
Scope is as main value (Q54828448): the property must be used by specified way only (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303).
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P5125#Scope, SPARQL
Qualifiers “reason for deprecated rank (P2241), reason for preferred rank (P7452): this property should be used only with the listed qualifiers. (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303).
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P5125#allowed qualifiers, SPARQL
English labels should start with "outline of " (Help)
Violations query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?outline ?l { ?item wdt:P5125 ?outline . ?outline rdfs:label ?l . FILTER ( lang(?l) = "en" && !strstarts(str(?l), "outline of ") ) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
List of this constraint violations: Database reports/Complex constraint violations/P5125#Label
Outlines should be linked with this property
Outlines not used as value of this property (Help)
Violations query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q26884324 . FILTER NOT EXISTS { [] wdt:P5125 ?item } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" } }
List of this constraint violations: Database reports/Complex constraint violations/P5125#Outlines should be linked with this property