Pálido fuego (Q1229792)

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novela escrita por Vladímir Nabokov
  • Pale Fire
  • Palido fuego
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Pálido fuego
novela escrita por Vladímir Nabokov
  • Pale Fire
  • Palido fuego
Pale Fire
novel, in the form of a commentary on a poem, by Vladimir Nabokov


    Pale Fire (inglés)
    0 referencias
    青白い炎 (japonés)
    2 referencias
    青白い炎 (ちくま文庫) (japonés)
    淡い焰 (japonés)
    淡い焰 / 訳者あとがき p.i (p.1) / p.xii (p.12) ご存じの読書も [...]、富士川義之 氏による『青白い炎』という定訳がある。 / ... / むしろ、 [...] シェイクスピア の文脈では月光を表し、また異界からの光といった趣もある "pale fire" の訳としては、「青白い炎」は うってつけではないか と思わされた。それでもあえて [...] よりニュートラルというのか、文字通りにも連想の面でも「色」のついていない「淡い」のほうが気に入ったからだ。 (japonés)
    淡い焰 / 訳者あとがき p.i (p.1) / p.ix (p.9) / 本書は [...] 翻訳にあたり、テクスト には 普及版 である Vintage の ペーパーバック を用いたが、誤植等のチェックのため、ブライアン・ボイド が編集した Library of America 版 作品集、 Vladmir Nabokov: Novels 1955-1962 所収のテクストも適宜参照した。 (japonés)
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    John Shade inglés
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    pheasant (Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto One / (L24)) (inglés)
    Toothwort White (Pieris virginiensis, West Virginia white)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Two / (L315)) (inglés)
    bobolink (Bobolink)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Three / L813 / Some kind of link-and-bobolink,) (inglés)
    Vanessa butterfly, Red Admirable, Red Admiral (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 270: My dark Vanessa / As to the Vanessa butterfly, [...] / Shade used to say that its Old English name was The Red Admirable, later degraded to The Red Admiral.)(Vanessa atalanta) (inglés)
    Baltimore, oriole (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 691: the attack / John Shade's [...] in America [...] near Baltimore whose oriole is not an oriole.)(Baltimore Oriole) (inglés)
    1 referencia
    Introduction / The centre of distribution of pheasants was originally from China to Malaysia. (inglés)
    L'if, lifeless tree, Yewshade (Yew, Taxus baccata, if(French))(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Three / L501 / L'if, lifeless tree! / L509 / To Yewshade, (inglés)
    brown ament (ament, catkin)((Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Four / L965 / And a brown ament,) (inglés)
    elfinwood (elfin forest, Krummholz)(Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 149: one foot upon a mountain / He sank down on the grass near a patch of matted elfinwood and inhaled the bright air.) (inglés)
    flowers-of-the-gods (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Lines 433-434: To the . . . sea Which we had visited in thirty-three / Eventually he [...] / ... / She was [...] flowers-of-the-gods)(disa uniflora) (inglés)
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    Triassic (Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto One / (L153)) (inglés)
    Upper Pleistocene (Late Pleistocene) (Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto One / (L154)) (inglés)
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    swarming in the eyes (floater)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Two / (L215)) (inglés)
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    青白い炎 / 「青白い炎」詩章への訳註 p.166 / 215行 / たぶん「飛蚊症」を指すのであろう。「電灯を消した後まぶたに残っている色点、つまり残像現象のようなもの」と『記憶よ、語れ』第2章にある。 (japonés)
    Wop inglés
    red wop (wop)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Two / (L348)) (inglés)
    0 referencias
    A male hand traced from Florida to Maine (weather forecasting)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Two / (L408)) (inglés)
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    L’if, lifeless tree! Your great Maybe, Rabelais (death poem, François Rabelais)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Three / L501) (inglés)
    Marat bleed (Jean-Paul Marat, death)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Four / L894) (inglés)
    Je m'en vais chercher un grand peut-être (Pale Fire / Contents / Line 502: The grand potato / An execrable [...] / I remember [...] Rabelais' *soi-disant* "last words" [...] Je m'en vais chercher un grand peut-être) (inglés)
    2 referencias
    Assassination / On July 13, [...] she stabbed him to death in his bath [...] (inglés)
    Je m'en vais chercher un grand peut-être; tirez le rideau, la farce est jouée. (francés)
    I am going to seek a grand perhaps; draw the curtain, the farce is played. (inglés)
    "to lecture on the Worm," (Symbols of death, cultural depictions of worms)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Three / L505) (inglés)
    0 referencias
    My knight is pinned (chess, tactic, pin)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Three / L661) (inglés)
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    Old Faithful (Yellowstone National Park)((Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Three / L744) (inglés)
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    wonderful machine, Shaved (shaving, razor)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Four / L839, L889) (inglés)
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    anti-Karlist (Tsar, form of state)(Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 12 / Alas, he [...] anti-Karlist) (inglés)
    Charles II, another Charles (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Lines 597-608: the thoughts we should roll-call, etc. / Had he not fled, our Charles II [...] / ... / (I am thinking of yet another Charles, another long dark man above two yards high.)(Charles II of England) (inglés)
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    chtonic (chthonic gods, Greek mythology)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Two / (L370)) (inglés)
    Echo’s fey child (Echo, Greek mythology)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Four / L968) (inglés)
    Roman goddess of corpses and tombs (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 408: A male hand / From his [...] / ... / This device, [...] the Roman goddess of corpses and tombs.)(Libitina) (inglés)
    0 referencias
    The Hally Vally (Kalevala)(Pale Fire / Contents / Foreword / Oh, there [...] ; and a [...] "The Hally Vally" (as she put it, confusing Odin's Hall with the title of a Finnish epic) (inglés)
    Odin's Hall (Valhalla)(Pale Fire / Contents / Foreword / Oh, there [...] ; and a [...] "The Hally Vally" (as she put it, confusing Odin's Hall with the title of a Finnish epic) (inglés)
    Ohthere (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 238: empty emerald case / During our [...] / ... / And thus it came to pass, my dears, that a fabulous exile, a God-inspired northern bard, is known today to English schoolboys by the trivial nickname: Ohthere. (inglés)
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    big G (names of God in Christianity)((Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Three / L549 / While snubbing gods, including the big G) (inglés)
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    consonne D'appui (literary consonance)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Four / L967-L968 Maybe my sensual love for the consonne D'appui / L964-L965 / [...] I meant / [...] the cement) (inglés)
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    (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 27: Sherlock Holmes / [...] Case of the Reversed Footprints. (inglés)
    1 referencia
    “I stood [...] I might, it is true, have reversed my boots, as I have done on similar occasions, but the sight of three sets of tracks in one direction would certainly have suggested a deception. (inglés)
    Hanes Fig Leaf Brief
    Nothing beats a fig leaf (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Lines 91: trivia / Among these [...] / ... / Both stemmed from the same family magazine *Life*, [...] / ... / *Nothing beats a fig leaf*. (inglés)
    Shade (English), Ombre (Shade in French), Hombre (Man in Spanish)(Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Lines 275: We have been married forty years / I like my name: Shade, Ombre, almost “man” In Spanish . . .) (inglés)
    0 referencias
    Will (William Shakespeare)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Four / L962) (inglés)
    only begetter (Shakespeare's sonnets, dedication, onlie begetter)(Pale Fire / Contents / Foreword / Immediately after [...] only begetter) (inglés)
    Donne, Holy Sonnet X (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 678: into French / In her version of Donne’s famous Holy Sonnet X)(John Donne, Death Be Not Proud) (inglés)
    16. siglo
    3 referencias
    Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Two / (L368) grimpen / (L372) sempiternal (inglés)
    Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 678: into French / In her version of Donne’s famous Holy Sonnet X composed in his widowery: / Death be not proud, though some have calléd thee Mighty and dreadful, for, thou art not so (inglés)
    See the blind beggar dance, the cripple sing (Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Two / L419) (inglés)
    curious Germans (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 347: old barn / This barn, [...] a throwback to the “curious Germans” who three centuries ago had been the fathers of the first great naturalists.)(Phryne by Alexander Pope / So have I known those Insects fair (Which curious Germans hold so rare))(Alexander Pope) (inglés)
    Supremely Blest (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 384: book on Pope / The title of this work which can be found in any college library is Supremely Blest, a phrase borrowed from a Popian line,)(Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man) (inglés)
    sot (inebriate, drunkard) (inglés)
    Hudibrastic (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 629: The fate of beasts / I am [...] the whole passage about the activities of the IPH would be quite Hudibrastic had its pedestrian verse been one foot shorter.)(Samuel Butler, Hudibras) (inglés)
    Andrew Marvell (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 678: into French / he other poem, Andrew Marvell’s "The Nymph on the Death of her Fawn,") (inglés)
    Kings do not die—they only disappear (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 894: a king / Shade [smiling and massaging my knee]: “Kings do not die—they only disappear, eh, Charles?”)(Thomas Flatman, Kings should disdain to die, and only disappear. ) (inglés)
    prevails, fails, Pope (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 895-899 / In nature's strife when fortitude prevails The victim falters and the victor fails.)(Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism, Thus in the Soul while Memory prevails, The solid Pow'r of Understanding fails;) (inglés)
    17. siglo
    3 referencias
    An Essay on Man / Epistle II / p.21 / Whate'er the [...] / L267 / See the blind beggar dance, the cripple sing, The sot a hero, lunatic a king; (inglés)
    An Essay on Man / Epistle II / p.21 / Whate'er the [...] / L269 / The starving chemist in his golden views Supremely blest, the poet in his muse. (inglés)
    Nabokov's Pale Fire and Alexandar Pope / p.103 / While Shade [...] There is [...] as well as a quotation from the Essay on Man in line 419. (inglés)
    Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 678: into French / he other poem, Andrew Marvell’s "The Nymph on the Death of her Fawn, [...] / And, quite regardless of my smart, Left me his fawn but took his heart (inglés)
    one of Swift’s poems (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 270: My dark Vanessa / It is [...] one of Swift’s poems)(Jonathan Swift, Cadenus and Vanessa) (inglés)
    I too am a desponder in my nature (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 270: My dark Vanessa / I notice a whiff of Swift in some of my notes. I too am a desponder in my nature, [...]) (A Proposal For Giving Badges to the Beggars / I had [...] But as I am a desponder in my nature, [...])(Beggars Badges) (inglés)
    17. siglo
    L'if, lifeless tree, Yewshade (William Wordsworth, If thou indeed derive thy light from Heaven) (inglés)
    Southey, rat, Bishop (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Lines 376-377: was said in English Litt to be / "Legal action," [...] Southey liked a roasted rat for supper—which is especially comic in view of the rats that devoured his Bishop.)(Bishop Hatto) (inglés)
    18. siglo
    2 referencias
    If thou indeed derive thy light from Heaven
    The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 7 (of 8) / Part III. From the Restoration to the Present Times / 1827 / "If thou indeed derive thy light from Heaven" (inglés)
    stillicide (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Lines 34-35: Stilettos of a frozen stillicide / [...] poem by Thomas Hardy. (inglés)
    Here Papa pisses (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 347: old barn / Now he [...] / ... / [...] remarked informa- tively: "Here Papa pisses.")(Robert Browning, Pippa Passes) (inglés)
    garland, briefer than a girl's (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Lines 385-386: Jane Dean, Pete Dean)(Alfred Edward Housman, A Shropshire Lad, To an Athlete Dying Young, The garland briefer than a girl's.) (inglés)
    Browning's My Last Duchess (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Lines 671-672: +The Untamed Seahorse / See Browning’s My Last Duchess.)(My Last Duchess / Taming a sea-horse) (inglés)
    Still clutching the inviolable shade (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Lines 1000)(Matthew Arnold, The Scholar-Gypsy) (inglés)
    19. siglo
    6 referencias
    The Four Quartets / East Coker / II / grimpen (inglés)
    The Four Quartets / Little Gidding / I / sempiternal (inglés)
    Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Two / (L368) grimpen / (L372) sempiternal (inglés)
    Friends Beyond / They've a [...] lone cave's stillicide: (inglés)
    Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Lines 385-386: Jane Dean, Pete Dean / The transparent [...] / I visited Jane Provost [...] / She told me [...] that Peter Provost [...] he had to keep a promise made to one of his dearest fraternity friends, a glorious young athlete whose "garland" will not, one hopes, be "briefer than a girl’s." (inglés)
    My Last Duchess (in Bells and Pomegranates, First Series) / Taming a sea-horse, thought a rarity, Which Claus of Innsbruck cast in bronze for me. (inglés)
    Frost (Robert Frost)(Pale Fire / Contents / Pale Fire / Canto Two / (L426)) (inglés)
    two closing lines identical in every syllable (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 426: Just behind (one oozy footstep) Frost / Frost is [...] two closing lines identical in every syllable, but one personal and physical, and the other metaphysical and universal.)(Robert Frost, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening) (inglés)
    19. siglo
    1 referencia
    The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. (inglés)
    18. siglo
    Goethe, erlking (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 662: Who rides so late in the night and the wind / This line, [...] well-known poem by Goethe about the erlking)(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Der Erlkönig) (inglés)
    1 referencia
    (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 662: Who rides so late in the night and the wind / This line, and indeed the whole passage (lines 653-664), allude to the well-known poem by Goethe about the erlking, hoary enchanter of the elf-haunted alderwood, who falls in love with the delicate little boy of a belated traveler. (inglés)
    Phrynia, Timandra (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Lines 433-434: To the . . . sea Which we had visited in thirty-three / The gist, [...] / ... / What carnal [...] prickly-chinned Phrynia, pretty Timandra with that boom under her apron) (inglés)
    botkin (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 493: She took her poor young life / I am [...] There are [...] or a bare botkin (note the correct spelling),)(bodkin, William Shakespeare, Hamlet) (inglés)
    Comus-mask ((Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 949)(John Milton, masque, Comus) (inglés)
    3 referencias
    The Life of Tymon of Athens, Act IV: Scene III. / Enter Alcibiades with Drumme and Fife in warlike manner, and Phrynia and Timandra. (inglés)
    Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 493: She took her poor young life / I am [...] There are purists who maintain that a gentleman should use a brace of pistols, one for each temple, or a bare botkin (note the correct spelling), (inglés)
    The Tragedy of Hamlet / Act III / Scene One / Enter Hamlet. / Ham. To be, or not to be: [...] / ... / There's the [...] When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? (inglés)
    20. siglo
    Edsel Ford (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 603: Listen to distant cocks crow / One will recall the admirable image in a recent poem by Edsel Ford: / And often when the cock crew, shaking fire Out of the morning and the misty mow) (inglés)
    2 referencias
    A thicket of sky / The Image of Desire / We never [...] And often when the cock crew, shaking fire Out of the morning and the misty mow, (inglés)
    NABOKV-L post 0013842, Wed, 1 Nov 2006 04:12:50 EST / Subject Re: Edsel Ford poem: FOUND! (inglés)
    Colonel Starbottle (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 627: The great Starover Blue / This name, [...] / ... / The writer [...] amiable old freak, adored by everybody on the campus and nicknamed by the students Colonel Starbottle, evidently because of his exceptionally convivial habits.)(Bret Harte, Colonel Starbottle) (inglés)
    0 referencias
    Russian *chanson de geste* (Pale Fire / Contents / Commentary / Line 681: gloomy Russians spied / When I [...] famous old Russian *chanson de geste*, generally attributed to an anonymous bard of the twelfth century.)(East Slavic literature, The Tale of Igor's Campaign) (inglés)
    0 referencias
    Pale Fire, a poem in heroic couplets, of nine hundred ninety-nine lines, divided into four cantos, was composed by John Francis Shade (born July 5, 1898, died July 21, 1959) during the last twenty days of his life, at his residence in New Wye, Appalachia, U.S.A. (inglés)
    0 referencias
    Zembla, a distant northern land. (inglés)
    0 referencias
    This reminds me of the ludicrous account he gave Mr. Langton, of the despicable state of a young gentleman of good family. “Sir, when I heard of him last, he was running about town shooting cats.” And then in a sort of kindly reverie, he bethought himself of his own favorite cat, and said, “But Hodge shan’t be shot: no, no, Hodge shall not be shot.” (inglés)
    James Boswell, Life of Samuel Johnson

