Sophie Küppers (Q1592391)

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historiadora da arte alemá
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Sophie Küppers
historiadora da arte alemá
    Sophie Lissitzky-Küppers
    German art historian (1891-1978)
    • Sophie Schneider
    • Sophie Küppers
    • Sophie Lissitsky


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    collection Sophie Küppers, Hannoverconsigned to Küppers1925 -art dealer Kunstausstellung Kühl, DresdenProvenance in Welsh/Joosten 1998: ‘given by Sophie Küppers to Kunstausstellung Kühl, Dresden’. However, in a letter by Sophie Lissitzky-Küppers to G.F. Hartlaub, 7 April 1927, she states that the consignment of these works had been handed over by her (based on the phrase ‘kunsthändlerischen Vertretung übergeben’) to Heinrich Kühl. This letter was not known to Welsh/Joosten and is kept at Stadtarchiv Mannheim (Bestand Kunsthalle, Ordner “Wege und Richtungen der abstrakten Malerei in Europa, H-Z” = 2012, folder 94, p. 110 f).1927 -art dealer Valentine Gallery, New York City(1942) - 1946private collection Valentine Dudensing, New York City(1942) - 1946The Phillips Collection, Washington (D.C.) , inv./ 13761946 - (inglés británico)
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    It took 26 years, but the legal battle over the ownership of Paul Klee’s Swamp Legend (1919), seized by Nazis as “degenerate” art in the 1930s, has reached a settlement. The city of Munich, where the work is on view at the Lenbachhaus museum, will keep the painting, but the heirs of the original owner will be reimbursed for the value of the masterpiece, estimated between €2–4 million ($2.33–4.65 million).“We are are satisfied that we now found an agreement, but the whole case and the need to start a litigation was frustrating,” lawyer Gunnar Schnabel, who represents the heirs of art historian Sophie Lissitzky-Küppers, told artnet News. “One of the grandchildren died two years ago. During the whole time, our clients are dying. Twenty-six years is too long!” (inglés)
    Sophie Schneider portugués
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    Lissitzky-Küppers, Sophie
    13 maio 2024
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