Viaje al centro de la Tierra español (Q219457)

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novela de Julio Verne español
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Viaje al centro de la Tierra
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    A Journey to the Center of the Earth
    1864 science fiction novel by Jules Verne
    • A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
    • A Journey to the Interior of the Earth
    • Journey to the Center of the Earth
    • Voyage to the Centre of the Earth


    Jules verne cryptogramme.png
    640 × 266; 104 kB
    cryptogram appearing in the novel A Journey to the Center of the Earth by J. Verne (inglés)
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    Voyage au centre de la Terre (francés)
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    1 referencia
    ... at last, we set our feet in Copenhagen; the luggage was put upon a carriage and taken with ourselves to the Phoenix Hotel in Breda Gate. This took half an hour, for the station is out of the town. Then my uncle, after a hasty toilet, dragged me after him. The porter at the hotel could speak German and English; but the Professor, as a polyglot, questioned him in good Danish, ... (inglés)
    Kongens Nytorv español
    1 referencia
    We went first to Kongens-nye-Torw, an irregular square in which are two innocent-looking guns, which need not alarm any one. Close by, at No. 5, there was a French "restaurant," kept by a cook of the name of Vincent, where we had an ample breakfast for four marks each (2s. 4d.). (inglés)
    1 referencia
    ...we arrived at the Vor Frelsers Kirk. There was nothing remarkable about the church; but there was a reason why its tall spire had attracted the Professor's attention. Starting from the top of the tower, an external staircase wound around the spire, the spirals circling up into the sky. "Let us get to the top," said my uncle. "I shall be dizzy," I said. (inglés)
    1 referencia
    Then I took a childish pleasure in exploring the city; my uncle let me take him with me, but he took notice of nothing, neither ... nor in a fine park the toylike chateau of Rosenberg, ... (inglés)
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    Hans Bjelke inglés
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    Le 24 mai 1863, un dimanche, mon oncle, le professeur Lidenbrock, revint précipitamment vers sa petite maison située au numéro 19 de Königstrasse, l’une des plus anciennes rues du vieux quartier de Hambourg. (francés)
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    À partir de ce jour, mon oncle fut le plus heureux des savants, et moi le plus heureux des hommes, car ma jolie Virlandaise, abdiquant sa position de pupille, prit rang dans la maison de König‐strasse en la double qualité de nièce et d’épouse. Inutile d’ajouter que son oncle fut l’illustre professeur Otto Lidenbrock, membre correspondant de toutes les Sociétés scientifiques, géographiques et minéralogiques des cinq parties du monde..... (francés)
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    Journey to the Center of the Earth


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    A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
    Cathy Lowne
    Pat Bauer
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    WikiKids ID español