algorithme A* (Q277680)

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Algorithme de recherche de chemin
Langue Libellé Description Également connu comme
algorithme A*
Algorithme de recherche de chemin
    A* search algorithm
    algorithm used for pathfinding and graph traversal
    • A star search algorithm
    • A-star algorithm
    • A star
    • A*
    • A-star search algorithm
    • A* algorithm
    • A* search
    • A-star


    1 référence
    27 septembre 2024
    A* is a best-first search algorithm that relies on an open list and a closed list to find a path that is both optimal and complete towards the goal. (anglais)
    1 référence
    27 septembre 2024
    The A* algorithm is a well-known example of heuristic-based algorithms that is guaranteed to find the least-cost path to a goal state if the heuristic used is admissible, which means that it never overestimates the real cost from the current state to the goal. (anglais)
    Pathfinding A Star.svg
    430 × 310 ; 31 kio
    0 référence
    Astar progress animation.gif
    210 × 210 ; 50 kio
    Illustration d'une recherche A* pour trouver le chemin le plus court entre 2 nœuds (français)
    Illustration of an A* search to find the shortest path between 2 nodes (anglais)
    0 référence
    0 référence
    0 référence
    0 référence
    optimal anglais
    1 référence
    27 septembre 2024
    A* is complete and optimal on graphs that are locally finite where the heuristics are admissible and monotonic. (anglais)
    valeur inconnue
    locally finite
    1 référence
    27 septembre 2024
    A* must be locally finite, because if there exist an infinite amount of nodes where the estimated path cost, f(n), is less than the actual goal path cost then the algorithm could continue to explore these nodes without end, and it will be neither complete nor optimal. (anglais)
    valeur inconnue
    1 référence
    27 septembre 2024
    How does monotocity affect A*'s completeness? Because A* is monotonic, the path cost increases as the node gets further from the root. Contours can be drawn to show areas where the estimated path cost, the f(n), for the nodes inside the areas are lower than or equal to the path cost for the outer bounds of the contours. These contours can be drawn as larger and larger areas that increase outwards as the f(n) for the outer bound of these contours increases. The first solution found is optimal since it is the first band where the f(n) for the contour is equal to the path cost for the goal. All the contours outside of this solution will have a higher f cost. (anglais)
    A* Algorithm
    0 référence
    A* search algorithm
    0 référence

