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Classification of the class prefect of Brindisi (Q108574762)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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Parent classes (classes of items which contain this one item)
Subclasses (classes which contain special kinds of items of this class)
prefect of Brindisi⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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See also

WikiProject Italy

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Michela Savina La Iacona (Q126305114) 2023-01-09 – 2024-04-07  Missing field [1]
Giuseppe Amoroso (Q112132462) 2001-12-03 – 2003-06-08  Missing fields [2]
Stefano Narduzzi (Q112132427) 1998-10-26 – 2001-12-02  Missing fields [3]
Paolo Strano (Q105306735) 1947-06-01 – 1948-08-10  Missing field [4]
Position created:  Missing field [5]