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Autodescription — eclipse (Q141022)

description: astronomical event where one body hides another
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Classification of the class eclipse (Q141022)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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eclipse⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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See also



There was no German language link on the English page en:Eclipse. I tried inserting links to de:Sonnenfinsternis and de:Okkulation but Q141022 told me that both were already linked to en:solar eclipse and en:occultation. So I resorted to link the English page Eclipse to the German page de:Eklipse but that page was already link to an obscure disambiguation page without title: Q1323219 therefore I deleted the link to de:Eklipse on Q1323219 and inserted it here on Q141022. --Rougieux (talk) 10:34, 20 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

But User:Pasleim reverted my edits. I am discussing this missing language link on his user page. Please tell me how to add a german language link to the eclipse page. It's a nice functionality to be able to find the translation of an important concept such as an Eclipse in German.

On Wikidata, we only link pages together which are about the same concept. de:Sonnenfinsternis fits to en:Solar eclipse, de:Okkultation to en:Occultation and de:Eklipse is a disambiguation page which treats not only solar and lunar eclipse but also other articles with the title "Eklipse". As there is not yet a German article about the same topic as en:Eclipse there is no possiblity to do the linking on Wikidata. However, in such cases it is still possible to add the sitelink in the old way by adding [[de:Sonnenfinsternis]] to the English article. --Pasleim (talk) 10:42, 22 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the information, I added the German link the old way on en:Eclipse.--Rougieux (talk) 15:42, 31 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]