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Hi @Epìdosis: an expert is needed. Paolo Bernardi, Italian pathologist ≠

  • IdRef 172277280: Enseignant d'histoire et d'italien dans le secondaire en Italie

ICCU-CFIV238158: = empty page

Can you take a look? --Kolja21 (talk) 03:41, 1 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]

@Kolja21: of course; I dedicated the last about 2 hours to disambiguating Paolo Bernardi in SBN and WD ;-) So, first the general problem: VIAF processed still uses URLs like in order to link to SBN authority records, but unfortunately these links (with formatter$1 and the ID split by / after V) ceased to work exactly one year ago, when SBN finally switched to the Nuovo OPAC SBN and left the previous one (it happened on 28/02/2022, see my edits to P396); I have reported to ICCU a few days later this problem, but evidently ICCU somehow hasn't managed yet to have VIAF correct it. Now the specific problem: is clearly Paolo Bernardi (Q116948443): Italian school director (1961-), except for its ORCID (and related publications), which are by this pathologist, so I filed a report through Améliorer la notice (I did it some tens of times in the last two months and it usually works well). SBN is now clean, although it will take some days/weeks for it to be visible. --Epìdosis 11:44, 1 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the 2 hours work and thanks for creating Paolo Bernardi (Q116948432): Italian electronic engineer (1936-). So you filed a Améliorer la notice for IdRef 258265582? This record seems to have been created for an electronic engineer or a physicist (nanoélectronique et nanotechnologie) and later mixed with the pathologist (références liées). --Kolja21 (talk) 19:35, 1 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@Kolja21: Not exactly. This morning I reported that is a conflation of Paolo Bernardi (Q116948443): Italian school director (1961-) with ORCID of Paolo Bernardi (Q16199016): Italian pathologist (1953-); now I reported that is a conflation of Paolo Bernardi (Q16199016): Italian pathologist (1953-) with (just created) Paolo Bernardi (Q116951880): Italian computer scientist - I hadn't noticed 258265582 was a conflation too this morning. If you are interested, I found the pathologist in, while I didn't find publications by the others. --Epìdosis 20:50, 1 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]
✓ Done IdRef has created a new ID for the pathologist (IdRef 268281386). I've filed a report for the two titles which are available at the DNB. Grazie ancora --Kolja21 (talk) 09:51, 7 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]